Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 450 Welcome back ~ Aina’s plan (4k)

Luo Xi felt as if he had been wandering in a certain place for a long time.

In a gray world without any color, he kept walking and walking alone, wandering aimlessly, trying to find his way back but finding no way.

Until, suddenly, a light appeared and shone on him.

So, he woke up.

The consciousness rising from the darkness, with a tenacious soul, returned to where he should go.

The first thing I felt was a warm feeling, like when I was a child, being held in the arms of my mother who had not yet left.

Then, the soul that returned to the world from the unknown realm, before it understood what happened to itself, felt that the sounds outside seemed a bit noisy.

No, is this really Luo Xi? Isn't this a six or seven-year-old child?

Well, although the smell has changed slightly, it should be the same. Aina is 100% sure that this is Brother Luo Xi!

Well, I have a question, why did Mr. Luo Xi become a child?

Perhaps it's because... there's one person missing?

Hey hey, such a cute senior, I really want to hold him in my arms rua~

Hey, Ai Xue, don't touch his body!

Aina, the same goes for you...can you touch this?

It's okay again, Aina has grown up, and is so small and so cute~

Yes, yes, the little senior is really cute.


Luo Xi was a little confused as to what they were talking about.

These sounds are all familiar.

Weier, Aina, Aixue, Feiya...

Their looks and voices matched one by one in Luo Xi's mind.

Some scenes from the past also emerged into his memories.

It was the scene where he was holding the cat-eared girl in his arms, staring at the stars in the dark, quietly waiting for death to come.

Has he returned from the other side of death?

So, Luo Xi opened his eyes with a happy mood.

What he saw was a group of beast-eared girls surrounding the bedside looking at him with eager eyes.

Luo Xi was a little moved.

Is there anything more touching than waking up and seeing the girls you like next to you?

[Note: Traveler, are you awake? After a little surprise, the operation was successful. You are already a cute girl~φ(≧w≦*)?]


Before Luo Xi could react, what was this text saying?

The girls surrounding him all cheered.

It's okay to wake up!

Senior, how are you?

The one who came up was Ai Xue. She was in daytime state now. When she lowered her head, she could see the proud whiteness of the snow.

Don't press so deep!

A wolf-eared loli pulled Ai Xue back displeasedly and took her place. She also came up and asked excitedly: Brother, brother Luo Xi, do you know who I am?

Luo Xi blinked in confusion.

Why did Aina ask him this question?

Do you think he will forget her name?

Also, Aina looks a little bigger than before.

You are Aina. He replied tentatively.

Aina immediately put her arms on her hips with joy: Brother Luo Xi really remembers Aina. He is the first one to remember Aina! Aina is the first one!

Luo Xi: ...

Not to mention Aina who reacted strangely, he noticed that his voice seemed a little strange.

Somewhat immature.

Mr. Luo Xi, do you feel uncomfortable? This is a leaf from a mother tree. Chew two pieces?

A girl with blond hair and green eyes and fox ears walked up from the side and asked him with concern, while handing over a branch dotted with green leaves.

Luo Xi raised her hand, wanting to take the branch full of life from the fox-eared girl's hand.

Then, he finally saw the slender, white hands that were not at all consistent with the solid and powerful arms in his impression.

【Ding! Your doubt value +99]

He thought of the passage that the dog text showed him when he first woke up.

【Ding! Your fear value +999]

No, it can't be?

He did not pick up Feiya's leaves, but looked down on them with a desperate look on his face and groped down with trembling hands.

It wasn't until I touched something that the despair in my heart receded like a tide, and I breathed a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately it didn't disappear.

[Note: We are just scaring you~?]

Shut up, you are so scary!

People can scare people to death. No, gods can scare people to death!

Luo Xi noticed that everyone looked at him as if they were snickering.

The hand he placed there suddenly froze.

Finally, including Liya and Listy, they retreated, leaving only a cat-eared girl with snow-white hair, looking at him softly with light red eyes.

For others, Luo Xi has really been away for two years. No matter how much they like and miss her, there is always something strange about her.

But for Wei'er, who had been sitting in the darkness for two years, supported only by some memories, and Luo Xi, who had just returned from death, everything that happened in the battleship seemed to be still vivid in their minds.

The two looked at each other for a long time, their eyes filled with water, and the distance became closer and closer.

Ai Xue saw that something was wrong.

She coughed lightly: Well, let me tell you, why don't you let the senior get dressed first?

Aina nodded and said: Yeah, although my brother is very cute when he is small, it is still not good. It doesn't matter if he is seen by Aina and my sister, but it is not good if he is seen by others.

What do you mean it doesn't matter if you see her? Upon hearing this, Liya grabbed one of Aina's wolf ears angrily.

It hurts! Aina wants to protest!

It's so small, it's really cute. Listy also secretly watched from the side.

Does mom like Mr. Luo Xi very much? Feiya suddenly asked.

Yes, no, I just like children, not him...

Amidst the playful chatter of a group of people, Luo Xi and Wei'er laughed together. He got up from the bed and turned to look at the morning light coming through the window.

Welcome back, Luo Xi.

I'm back.



【Luo Xi】

[Race: Human\\/Dragon (can be converted at any time)]

[Level: Peak Level 4 (currently unable to break through to the King level, please find the missing parts)]

[Path of sublimation: Dragon species alienation (red dragon genus - fire flames (black dragon genus - dark bite)\\/black moon sublimation, Xiyan sublimation]

[Factor concentration: 50% (can increase the factor concentration in the body at any time without any side effects)]

[Spell resistance +200%]

[Fire power +200%]

[You have obtained new skills: Temperature and Humidity Control, Eternal Night Black Moon, Extreme Flame\\/Black Dragon King Mode, Soul Flame, Breath of Destruction]





[Description: A variety of powers are perfectly integrated in your body. You have power that is beyond the reach of countless ordinary extraordinary people. The lord rebels against the king. This is an incredible thing. Now you can easily do it]

[Warm reminder: Traveler, you have returned from the other side of the dead, but you are missing some necessary things. Therefore, your return does not really end here. Please use the 'Countdown: 30 days and 3 hours to find the final That part of the star belongs to you, otherwise you will be fixed in your current state']

In the sky, the huge shadow slowly gathered somewhere, and finally gathered into a young figure.

Luo Xi looked away from the text description.

He looked down at his child's legs, which were as slender as grasshoppers, and finally accepted the fact that he had become a child.

And it can't change its human form.

Logically speaking, he is now both a human and an origin beast of the dragon species. He possesses the power of sublimation and alienation, and is a synthesis of human and origin beast.

He can take the form of a human or a dragon.

But he had already tried.

The half-dragon or human form is fixed in this young appearance, but when transformed into a dragon, it can also expand its body to about a hundred meters.

Do you mean you are hurting me secretly? Luo Xi pointed his middle finger at Wenwen.

[Note: (〃>伜) We personally resurrected you, but we couldn’t resist transforming you into a cute little dragon girl. Traveler, how can you say that after working so hard for you for two years? Half time for us! If you don't coax us, we will be angry and never care about you again! 】

Luo Xi: ....Thank you for the hard work, I'm sorry.

It’s been two and a half years.

A long one-kun year.

He learned from Weier and the others that as soon as he woke up and opened his eyes, more than two years had passed. He almost thought he hadn't woken up yet.

Two and a half years is calculated based on real time. In the dream world, it is almost two years and two months.

Aina, who was thirteen years old at the time, is now over fifteen. In a few months, in real world time, she will be 18 years old legally.

However, Aina's growth rate seems a bit worrying.

It was so fast before, but why did she grow up so much in two years after she disappeared?

[Note: Traveler, are you so impatient to taste the soon-to-be-ripened little wolf girl? It’s a pity that you don’t have this ability now~]

Shut up.

Luo Xi rubbed her temples with a headache.

So, is it because Floresia is missing?

If she wasn't over at the Chiyan Mountains, where would she go?

Didn’t she do the task assigned to her by Bahamut, the Black Dragon?

Brother Luo Xi, how are you?

A little guy with the scent of flowers ran up behind him, hugged Luo Xi, who had just finished testing his abilities, and pressed his little head towards her chest.

It was not as good as Ai Xue during the day, but it was still about half the size. With Aina holding her so close and pressing her so hard, Luo Xi could only feel the fragrance of flowers rushing into his nose.

Hey, Aina saw that Sister Long likes to put her brother here so much. Aina has wanted to do this for a long time! So although she didn't eat much in the past two years to gain weight, she still ate papaya and drank milk for breast enlargement. The product is indeed useful~

Luo Xi didn't dare to use force casually, so he could only ask in a low voice: Then why don't you eat well?

Because Aina did it on purpose~


Yes, Aina deliberately doesn't want to grow up, just to let her brother experience the joy of growing up. Otherwise, when my brother comes back and sees Aina becoming a beautiful woman like her mother, he will definitely feel strange to Aina and alienate her. Damn it. The little wolf girl said seriously.


Luo Xi thought that only the suffering masters in ntr comics would do such a coquettish thing.

And what the hell is the happiness that is cultivated?

Is he the kind of pervert who likes to play and develop?

[Note: Yes, Zayu Traveler does hentai like this]

Shut up.

Where are your sisters and the others? Luo Xi asked.

Aina covered Luo Xi's mouth, lowered her head and whispered: They are preparing to cook to celebrate brother's return. Aina doesn't know how to cook, so she came up secretly to find brother.

Okay! Aina, you can sneak away. We agreed that we can't do anything too outrageous to the senior until he returns to normal!

Ai Xue poked her head out from the terrace door and looked at Luo Xi angrily.

As expected, I can't believe this little wolf loli. If I look away from this wolf-eared lolita, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net I am afraid that the senior will be tricked and eaten after a while.

I know, Aina didn't eat it secretly.

Aina pursed her lips, rubbed Luo Xi's head hard for the last time, made a face at Ai Xue, and jumped down from the upstairs.

Well, senior, I can do it too. Do you want to try?

No, no need.

Luo Xi immediately ran away.

It’s not that he has seen through the world of mortals, it’s that he can only see but cannot eat, so it’s better not to see.

Ai Xue's pretty face turned slightly red.

Speaking of which, the senior has become so young now. Even if he and the senior did something, he should be the one who was kidnapped, right?

No, Ai Xue, you are not a wolf like Aina! You are a human being and you have to stay rational.

~Ai Xue glanced at the little black loving tail that stretched out involuntarily behind her.

Oh, it seems she is no longer a simple human being.


At the dinner table, Weier listened to Luo Xi's words. After a long time, she frowned and asked, So, do we still have to go find Sister Lecia?

It's not that they don't want to look for it, it's mainly that they don't have any trace of the dragon, and looking for a needle in a haystack is just a waste of time.

Luo Xi said helplessly: If I can't find it, I will have to stay like this in thirty days.

Moreover, the mother dragon who has been helping him since they met is also very important to him.

Ai Xue smiled and said: Although I think it's okay for you now, senior, but it's okay for a short time, but it will be troublesome forever and you won't be able to have children.

Aina nodded nervously.

She has already prepared a series of plans.

I have even thought about when the baby will be born and what she will name it!

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