Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 448 Dog text: How about transforming into a cute little loli! (four k)

Miss Feiya, the scheduled time is coming.

After Listy went out, the elf maid Nunnally said softly from the side.


Feiya took a deep breath.

When she thought about having to face so many people from the Emerald City later, she wanted to turn around and run away.

This may be what Mr. Luo Xi calls social fear in his world.

However, some things still need to be faced after all.

Escape is not an option.

Feiya stood up slowly, walked out of the plainly decorated wooden house, and came to a high platform where she could see the scene below at a glance.

Here is a height of more than ten meters from the bottom of the emerald mother tree, a garden platform generated independently by the mother tree. On the side is the spiritual god fortress. Below, there are elves and humans that can't be seen at a glance, extending densely to the entrance of Wangting Street. at.

There are many humans with alienated characteristics, such as cats, dogs, rabbits, deer... and even the most unstable dragon species, but they are arranged in a separate area.

Over the past two years, Aunt Kulea and her mother have made great efforts to change the perceptions of some people in the Emerald City.

But it's not enough.

Today is her birthday, and it is also the day when her identity is completely revealed to the public.

Before this, news had actually been released, which was considered a warm-up.

The royal family can also be infected with alienation syndrome. This news must cause an uproar, right?

This is to completely correct the belief that 'alien equals evil', which is engraved deep in the souls of the people of the Emerald Forest.

Feiya knew there would be a lot of resistance.

Just now, she knew that there were several big factions in the Emerald City who were making small moves all day long, encouraging the elven civilians to go out for demonstrations and secretly putting pressure on Kureya.

Also, the senior officials of the Heresy Trial are also ready to take action.

Judging from the known information, they have even won over a few Dukes from the City of David outside. Although those Dukes are quite outrageous, have they completely forgotten what happened to those rebellious Dukes two years ago?

Is it because the liberation of alien species involves the most fundamental interests of these nobles, so even if they know that they will be liquidated if they fail, they still want to take a chance?

In short, no matter what, she is standing here today.

It's time to start.

There was originally a lot of noise below, but when Feiya came out and revealed her beautiful face, the group of people gradually became quiet.

The elf girl on the high platform is definitely a woman who can be praised with any of the most beautiful words. She has a calm and elegant temperament, her long pale golden hair swaying with the wind, and her body is glowing with a light green glow, which seems to be the same as the mother tree. Against the backdrop of the light, those emerald green eyes could illustrate her noble status.

However, the fox ears on the head of this elf girl and the big tails on the back made some elf nobles frown.

This rumored princess is actually a patient with alienation syndrome.

Feiya said calmly: I am Elisafiya Silamare, and Her Majesty Kulea is my aunt. I think all of you who are here should know my identity. Today is my birthday. I'm sorry to ask you to go all this way for me, but I'm here today to tell you something.

Everyone, times are changing. The era when aliens were oppressed and humiliated will never return. From now on, except for those who have been completely alienated, everyone can enter and leave the Emerald City at will, regardless of human beings. Still an elf.”

As soon as this was said, most people thought that they had heard it wrong.

They know that the Emerald City, under the vigorous promotion of the current Elf Emperor, is correcting the people's concept of alien species.

But isn’t the step taken today a bit too big?

Moreover, the Elf Emperor does not appear now.

Do you want to put all the pressure of public opinion on Elisafiya?

Your Highness, I have a question to ask you. A loud voice sounded from the front.

This is an intermediate presiding judge of the Elven Heretic Tribunal.

What the Inquisition once loved most was to capture alien elves for trial, and alien humans were also under their jurisdiction. How could they accept that their power was greatly reduced.

Feiya looked towards him, waiting for his question.

Under Feiya's gaze, the presiding judge gritted his teeth and said: Your Highness, you have already said that you are a patient with alienation syndrome. As we all know, aliens may lose their minds at any time due to factor erosion and become monsters. Otherwise, they will become monsters. The Origin Beast has lost its humanity. I want to know, how can someone like you assume the role of the only princess of the Emerald City? You don’t want to become the next Elf Emperor, right?

You could hear his tone trembling, but those behind him really wanted to ask this question, so he had to risk his own death to ask.

Among a group of aliens, someone also shouted loudly with the help of a loudspeaker: Your Highness, we also have a problem. Can what you say really be realized? We don't have a noble status like you, we are just ordinary aliens. Syndrome patient, you have such a good background, of course you can stand and talk without backache, but how can we believe you?

That's it.

Feiya's voice seemed to have magic power, calming down the boiling square.

Some people think that the pair of fox ears on my head make me unworthy of standing here, right?

Feiya said softly: Life is bright and beautiful, and the world is grand and magnificent. We frogs at the bottom of the well have never known how big the world is, how wide the ocean is, but we also know how blue the sky is.

This is the story left by the heroes in those epics, many of them so-called alien species. They are in that fortress, and those are traces that cannot be erased.

Do you really think that you are worthless? So what about heterogeneous species? Can't heterogeneous species live in this world? Taking a step back, even if the blood of alienation patients is dirty, so what? Do you feel that you are really Are they dirty? Are those who are not infected by the alienation factor pure and innocent?

Feiya's eyes swept toward the senior officials of the Tribunal hidden in the crowd.

The presiding judges lowered their heads in fear and did not dare to look at each other.

Whether they are aliens or not, elves or humans, as long as they are creatures, they cannot be pure white and flawless. Life is like a tree. If you want to grow, you cannot grow up just by bathing in the sun. The more they yearn for the brighter The more the sky and the sun shine, the more the roots will extend into the dark underground. This is an inevitable fact.”

Yes, I am what you call an alienated patient.

Thirty thousand years ago, extraordinary beings of the alienation and sublimation systems together blocked the large-scale invasion of evil gods and saved the world.

Today, the poor people of our time have been blinded by the evil god and have forgotten the true history and the immortal legends and poems of heroes engraved in the depths of history. I do not expect you to sing It’s a credit to them, but I hope that one day people with alienation will be able to hold their heads high and speak out about their identity, without others looking at them through colored glasses.”

Those with vested interests, you should also think about the consequences of going against the trend of the times.


Man can be as humble as dust, but he cannot be twisted like maggots.

Lying, she is lying, she wants to change our perception! She is controlled by the evil god!

In the silent field, several elves suddenly shouted at the top of their lungs.

The surrounding elves and humans looked away from these elves as if they were looking at the god of plague.

This Elisafiya is the niece of the Elf Emperor. Even if you think there is a problem, you can just talk behind your back. If you shout it out so bluntly, in this situation, are you looking for death?

Her Royal Highness Princess Elisabeth said so well!

Long live the little fox-eared lolita!

Long live the big fluffy tail!

Long live the beast-eared girl!

These people making noises are basically real players who are joining in the fun.

For them, the combination of various two-dimensional settings such as elves + loli + animal ears are simply characters that can only appear in the second game.

In other words, those who don’t like Miss Feiya must have iron male ketone!

By the way, is Her Royal Highness the Princess looking for a consort?

Take a pee and look at your face, then think about whether you are worthy of it.

Why are you so aggressive?

Everyone, please be quiet.

Feiya raised her hand to hold her hair. The coolness of tonight's style, mixed with the fragrance of flowers and plants, made her feel less nervous than at first.

From today on, the Emerald City calls on the entire continent to enter a new era. Today, the Emerald City celebrates together!

A text prompt appeared in front of all players.

—[Traveller, you have witnessed the arrival of a new era]



Feiya returned to the cabin clutching her pounding heart.

She didn't know how she said those words.

Then she saw Wei'er, Ainaai and Xue sitting in the house.

Miss Feiya, you are so eloquent.

Hmph, you're a pretty good vixen.

It's a pity that in the human country, there may not be as enlightened as you elves.

Are you... all here?

Feiya scanned the wooden house and didn't find that figure.

Is Mr. Luo Xi not back yet?

Wei'er handed her hand over and said with a smile: Well, but with you Feiya, there is more hope for him to come back.

Aina too. Aina quickly put her hand on Weier's hand.

Don't forget me. Ai Xue also handed over her hand.

Feiya smiled, finally put her hand up and said, Are we going to find Miss Red Dragon next?

Well, after we find her, there should be only the last two left...Aunt Listy?

Weier looked towards the door.

Seeing that she had been discovered, Listy opened the door and came in. She smiled gently and said, You lovely little girls, long time no see.

Ah, he's a big vixen who has thoughts about his brother! Aina suddenly whispered.

Listy suddenly froze and her face quickly turned red.

After two years of not seeing each other, this little wolf girl is still so sharp with her words.

Aina, you're rude, please apologize.

Wei'er tapped her sister's forehead.

No, no need. It's a mess outside now. I have to deal with it. You guys can talk first.

Listy ran away from here as if running for her life.

Wei'er hesitated for a moment, then asked: Feiya, we need to find the seven people who gathered around Luo Xi in the dream and had a great influence on him. I don't know if your mother counts...

My mother probably isn't. Even if she is, she's probably with me.

Ah? Weier was stunned.


Feiya said softly: Among the seven, there is one that we don't need to find, right? Including Miss Floresia, there are six. The last one is either my mother or yours. .....I think it is more likely to be the latter, Mr. Luo Xi in the dream seems to prefer real mature women.

Weier: ...

She remembered it too.

Luo Xi in that dream said many times that she liked her mother better.

Bah, wife accuser, scumbag Luo Xi.

Maomao spat at Luo Xi a few times in his mind, thinking that when he came back, he would have to completely change his mind. Aina would let it go, but what kind of perversion would it be if mother and daughter didn't want to let go and pack up and go home? Behavior.

This is just because!

By the way, as for Miss Red Dragon... If we go over now, we may miss her. Something seems wrong with her. Feiya said softly as she discerned the thread of fate.

Ah? What happened to her? Weier was a little nervous.

Ai Xue suggested: Let's go there first and have a look. Is there a hollow flower leading to the Chiyan Mountains?

Yes, it's in the basement of No. 88 Wangting, Wei'er, you know.

After a few people left, Listy came in again, looked at the little girl's back, and sighed.

She couldn't do this with so many little girls and her own daughter competing for a man.

Maybe, I can only do this for the rest of my life.

Well, that's pretty good.



The internal buildings and roads of this city built by players are already more advanced than many big cities.

On the way, some players who had just come in were talking.

Does anyone know who the lord of this city is?

It seems to be Luo Xi, the black god of death from Xia Kingdom?

Luo Xi? Didn't he die in the version 3.0 update incident a long time ago? He is still the city lord, so funny.

What are you mocking? If it hadn't been for him, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net would you still be talking nonsense here?

Haha, you let him jump out of the grave and hit me, hit me~


A passing girl with wolf ears punched the rude person in the air with a cold face, beating the rude person into a ball of compressed flesh, scaring a bunch of people and running away.

Wei'er said helplessly: Aina, don't be so violent. You will not be able to get married in the future.

It seems that her sister's fighting ability is already surpassing hers.

Aina turned her head indifferently: Huh, Aina just needs to marry her brother anyway.

Hey...where did sister Lecia go? Weier sighed.

The red dragon lady could not be found on the other side of the volcano, no matter how they called, so they came to Luo Xi's city.

Fiya? Have you found her?

No, she's not here...

Feiya raised her hand, with the 'Chendian Dawn' floating in her hand.

This city is now under her control, but she usually doesn't come here, leaving it up to the players to do their own thing.


The pink-haired loli looked up at the sky in confusion.

Where did that dragon lady go?

Since she had been thinking of ways to lure people away during this period and hadn't paid attention to the situation here, she didn't know what happened to Floresia, so she had to go find it.

Although it's not impossible, it can be made up later, but the resurrected Luo Xi may have some shortcomings.

How about simply transforming into a little lolita?


But forget it, Traveler has lost that thing, and there are so many beautiful beast-eared girls at home who can only look at them but not eat them, so they can’t go crazy and fight for their lives.

She didn't want to be dragged away from mugwort every day.

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