Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 445: Wei'er's return, Aina grows up, gathering prayers (4k)

Outside the world that mortal spirits can recognize is the endless void. Except for true god-level beings and some mortal races that rely on various methods to transcend, only void creatures that exist in the void can roam in it.

However, even a god, once he loses his way in the void and falls into a low-level mezzanine dimension, and his divine power is downgraded and limited, he may not be able to get out for tens of thousands of years.

Not to mention looking for specific things that are lost in a certain dimension.

Although to the gods, tens of thousands of years are just a blink of an eye.

But for those mortals.

One day in heaven is one year on earth.

This is not simply an old saying hidden in mythology.

A long time is an unbridgeable life span gap.

Finally we found it.

In the deep dark sky, a pink-haired little loli walked with her bare slender feet, guided by the stars, walking in the light. She looked at the battleship not far away, and felt a variety of emotions in her heart.


A tangible cognitive barrier was imposed on the area where the two of them were.

The pink-haired loli thought happily, and quietly floated into the battleship in the projected starlight, then sneaked in and retreated.

The endless longing turned into those few shouts.

No seventh-level transcendent wants to resist.

Tianyou said that in the fusion of the underlying rules of the two worlds, the people in Tianyou and the people in the dream world are catalysts of Tianyou level, so Luo Xitian has the oldest super enemy to low catalyst.

Of course, you also know that it is possible to let the donkey run and feed the donkey at the same time.

I am dead.

A white wolf shadow rises in front of your back, and the golden light repels the human players behind you to both sides.

You have observed these players who are in the bottom ten of the combat power rankings.

They are my stars. At this moment when all the stars gather together, such gathered prayers will bring about a miracle.

What are you thinking? We are smelling my traces under him!

Aina looked at the half-left meal under the table and silently stood up to clean it up.

The regression that occurred in two and a half years was much greater than the one month before Luo Xi joined.

Liya didn't move slower than you. You ran out like a wolf, and some of the obstacles behind you shrank to the size of a toy with a finger of your hand.

I didn’t even remember it, but God did it.

Don't take you with me if you want to die.

Then, the less dazzling starlight retreated into Weier's eyes.

How bad.

Never mind me, just grab it and that's it.

Now that Sister Weier you are all back.

Weier? Weier?

What? We are a female ghost and we claim to be gods. We are not real gods!

Sister Wei'er, he smells bad.

If there are any seventh-level transcendent beings out there, they will just die.

The pink-haired loli moved directly towards the direction where the connection was weakest.

After all the players left, Aina and Fei Ming hurriedly walked towards the back.

Damn it, our traveler, the UR card is still alive!

The pink-haired loli clapped her hands and said proudly: It's us, we know! But send them back first. Maomao will go and call all the travelers from the front palace.

By the time you arrived at the location, there were not many human players gathered on the landed battleship. They were all travelers from other worlds.

Ah? Weier was stunned.

Xing Ling suddenly approached Weier, leaned her rough pretty face close to her, wrinkled her nose and smelled the scent of Weier's body.

Until Wei'er looked at the cat in front of her and the fur on her tail exploded.

Weier looked up and down with a lonely expression.

I know... I have lived. If we can, I will be by your side.

Luo Xi...

So, where was I?

Liya didn't take action yet.

Snapped! —

It's just that you haven't found it before, and Xiaohanhan can just leave it alone, so you can only bite the bullet and continue to open Dawn, allowing fewer humans to use the dream world as a catalyst, and at the same time opening it up. Some cities have permanently integrated the two worlds.

Hearing the mutterings of the servants inside, Aina held the bowl in her arms and walked out to look at the sky in confusion. Then she saw a huge fireball wrapped in flames falling from the sky.


Liya turned around and went downstairs again.

This is this lost battleship!

Speaking of which, you didn't seem to have seen Luo Xi leave with your own eyes. It was just because you found me that you thought Luo Xi was not dead yet.


100 million people combined are less than half of me.

Losing what you love and being trapped in a place where birds poop,

Fuck, this is the current city lord of Twilight City, right? Bad and pretty, bad little...

The city at dusk is doing business, and the idle people are waiting to disperse.


Yes, if these old guys have a past, you should be able to have a new future, right?

Xing Ling has never been less confident in a mortal.

[Heavenly Mission: Gathering Prayers]

In this way, I am not completely dead.

The bowl in his hand fell to the ground and broke into two pieces.


Damn, that speed!

The pink-haired Loli said in a gentle tone: What are you talking about? If the Miscellaneous Fish Traveler is still out there, this guy is very tough. Even if they die, I will die!

What is the source of the factors in the child's body?

Why is there still a departure mission? Is that an ordinary mission?

After solving the biggest hidden danger of the film dealer that time, it should have been able to close perfectly.

Lords draw boundaries.

You have to find a way to get it back for me.

Who knows, MMP's Lord of Truth intervened and almost came. She was ready to fight the evil god desperately, but fortunately, the void battleship destroyed the coordinate guide created by the Lord of Truth.

But after a while you give up.

Huh, before you take that guy back that time, you must let me do some work for you to make up for the two and a half years of missing progress.

Wei'er blinked in confusion, her cat ears twitching slightly, while the men on the side looked like they heard everything.

Sister, sister, sister, sister!

The battleship's hatch opened hurriedly.

Those players ran away decisively before weighing the pros and cons.

As the words fell, Wei'er's hands trembled.

Luvia looked at those people in the same frame with an envious expression.

Lea...I'm sorry.

Wei'er held Xinghuo in her arms, lowered her eyes, and said solemnly: He came too late. Before he was transported here, some evil gods attacked you. I burned everything I had to protect you.

Aina laughed again, and the white runes on her feet flickered. You directly lifted Liya on the way and moved several times towards the crash site of the battleship.

But she didn't know whether it was actually good or bad. She was depressed for a long time after losing Luo Xi.

Moreover, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

Wei'er listened to that 'god''s determined tone, and your withered heart, which had long since lost any hope, gradually recovered.

Weier said solemnly: You will get me back.



The pink-haired loli put her hands on her hips and pouted, Where's Luo Xi? Call me out quickly.

The two held their breath.

Although it is true that some of us are not strong enough and we are lucky, for example, if we get the protagonist's script, we can write a book based on our experience, but after all, we are ordinary people who may not be comparable to Luo Xi.

Traveller, it's only been two and a half years, only one Kun year. He will probably starve to death.

Fei Ming came down quietly and hugged Fei Ming, Chensha and Qia who were in front of him.

He heard what we said.

Aina looked at it in surprise and determination.

However, the expected traveler did not appear.

Only seven men sat on the ground with dull eyes, staring at the scratches on the ground in a daze.

[Description: It’s decided that it’s him, Cat! 】

[Punishment: One miscellaneous fish traveler~]

...Where did Luo Xi go?

Weier stroked the head of her sister who was not even lower than you in her arms, and her eyes were constantly shedding tears.

Where is our UR card?

... Wei'er was suddenly moved.

Weier wiped her dirty face. In fact, several times Melissa asked her to clean your body with magic, but you never agreed.

It's a pity that Xiao Hanhan woke up and asked Xiao Hanhan to find the location of Yuandian by relying on the connection with the God of Creation. It should be very convenient.

At some point, Xing Ling realized that he had not left Luo Xi yet. At least in that world, before losing this guy, did you have any confidence that you could not complete the world fusion plan in an unlimited time and put Xiaohan into the world? Free the fool.

In this regard, you haven't done anything wrong yet and punished Luo Xi with ice cream several times.


Aina raised her staff and threw it at us with just one spell, knocking us away, and then shouted:

Just, just a month...

You looked at the text that appeared behind your eyes, your eyes twinkling.

Although your body has grown smaller in the past two years, Liya's alienation ability is getting weaker and weaker. It has not yet reached the peak level of the eighth level. Aina is still worried that you will become an origin beast or lose your mind due to excessive alienation. Monster, but the factors in Liya's body have always been stable.

It must be that without you, great-grandmother Ciya and Melissa Riva, Weier probably wouldn't have been able to hold on until now. It is certain that you would have chosen to start your own life.

hold on.

Before reaching the seventh level of alienation, the wolf-eared loli lost the seventh-level domain ability.

Liya... also knows how you are.

Xing Ling said categorically, and there was a trace of relief on your big face that you even noticed.

When the petite cat-eared Doon appeared at the cabin door, Liya could no longer hold back the joy in her heart, ran towards the back, and was the first to throw herself into Doon's arms.

It's just that my intuition tells you that Luo Xi might have died like this.

Of course, if I had it, we would have given me so many ice creams for free, and I haven't fallen over yet! (〃>眜)!

But that's not true.

Wei'er was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said, You know what he is talking about.

So, it’s time for brother Luo Xi to come back, right?

He is... Luo Xi's ghost sister, yes, this is the one who claims to be a god...

However, without Luo Xi’s super useless trash fish (crossed out), in front of the tool man, you find that the integration of the two worlds is regressing too quickly and too little.

Luo Xi, Luo Xi, how can we live without you~╥﹏╥

What's more, this guy also brought out two source codes from the dream world. Due to the ordinary nature of time and space, even if the source codes disappear, something will happen in a short time, but it will be quite troublesome if they are found.

You want to tell Brother Luo Xi that you are too late to reach adulthood at the age of eighteen. In my brother's world, you are eleven years old. As long as you pass your birthday this year, you will be legal!

Traveler, Reiner! Does he miss us?

So, what about the source code? What about these two books that are the same?

Fei Ming frowned and raised his hand, wanting to use rune magic to drive those people away.

Nothing in the world has fallen down?


Why does the update to version 4.0 take a month?

Divine magic, star movement.

Although this guy Luo Xi always teases you and contradicts you, does he have any respect for you? He also makes you do so few humiliating things, and even made your feet sticky several times. ,but......

Where's brother Luo Xi?

You thought that your eldest son might have been corroded by a powerful wolf-type beast, which is why the alienation factor was so stable. When you thought about the speed at which the child weakened before Wei'er and Luo Xi disappeared, you didn't feel a little scared. .

Star Bell comes to the side of Mao Erduo Nan and calls you heavily in your ear.

After your review over the past two years, it must be said that Wei'er and you went missing somewhere. No matter how you think about it, that's just not possible.

It's not because you spent all that month looking for Luo Xi and us who knew where we were being dragged.

Yes, grab it!

After all, I only have one share of this mortal soul.

The pink-haired loli covered her big nose and said disgustedly: It's been too long since I've had a bath, so I'd better pay attention to hygiene. His cat is so smelly, so I can have it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

Liya, who was in Wei'er's arms, suddenly said in a low voice.

Slip away, Twilight City is the only city in the Kingdom of Dawn that does not overlap with our world, but you dare to provoke it.

But this guy is a UR-level color card! ! !

Xing Ling stared at Weier for a long time.

Liya, are you finished eating?

Fei Ming's tea-gold eyes looked in front of Weier.

Wei'er furrowed her slender eyelashes and finally saw who the person calling you was, and some of the blocked memories emerged.

A tall figure floats past you.

[Mission brief description: Luo Xi, who has not yet ‘dead’, is not really dead. Please gather these stars that I identify]

How long has passed since Luo Xi died?

This is......

What about the dead souls Weiner, Bailong Geer, Gatling Bodhisattva in the south...

Wei'er is also outside, but the cat-eared girl seems to have lost her good health. You are curled up, holding a dark golden ball in your arms, and your dirty white hair is originally snow white. Yes, a pair of red eyes are dull and bright.

If I had known earlier, I would have gotten Luo Xi and the others out first.

Wei'er immediately raised her hand to push the strange-behaving god away: Yes, why is he like a dog like your sister!

The chasm of the gods still exists between you. As long as you want to be seen and known, no one can see you.

It's not possible that he was expelled and went to some hellish place.

As for finding another agent.

Star Bell also tried it.


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