Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 443: About Maomao pushing down Luo Xi, you are my last star (four k)

Time seemed to be frozen in this moment.

In a trance, Wei'er looked up and saw the young man beside her.

You're awake.

The old man, the young man, and the young girl form a wonderful composition.

The next moment, as Luo Xi's face was completely covered by armor, the blazing fire and the dark destruction swept up his arms, spreading from the hand he held toward the old man. The image of this composition was destroyed.

The old man's eyes narrowed, and he shook Luo Xi away easily and freely. He raised his hand to block the incoming attack, his eyes turned dark, and he said dullly: A mortal dares to challenge me, your weak origin... hmm ?”

The old man's tone behind him sounded a little surprised.

In the attack transmitted by Luo Xi, in addition to the rising high-temperature flames and the black cracks that destroyed everything, there was also a power of rules that even he could not control.

That is the supreme rule called time, which is washing away his projected body, and is also attached with the power attribute of space.

Although it was still as insignificant to Him as a trickle washing over His body, it did cause some damage to Him.

Before the Void Engine was turned off and turned off, there was no way to restart it.

Yes, you are a pervert. Luo Xi denied it frankly.


Just like a god coming over, looking down on all living beings.

The bad thing is that it was difficult to survive from the hands of this kind of enemy.

You all, surrender to me.

If you just start like that...

They are just a group of mortal spirits.

We seemed to have retreated into a white hole without any guidance.

Cross-border mode. Weier said seriously.

No room left!

You know why you think of him at this time, right?

The dark golden armor raised its red eyes and roared, injecting all the strength, soul, and everything you had taken out into that attack.

I have to be so straightforward. I'll give you some face.

Luo Xi felt Ru's body squeezed into his arms, and launched the weakest blow of the legendary armor that I was still unfamiliar with.

What you are saying is that you must have deliberately shortened the relationship with them, so that they would be so deeply involved with you. Maybe you should take them with you from the end of your journey.

Luo Xi smiled and said, You suddenly remembered that outside of this dream, everyone else has given to you, but Maomao still owes you a star.

What should I do? Luo Xi?

—Send you back.

Have you ever thought of them? You two are actually the same. You... are just like you.

How is Luo Xi?

The memory of this time is the same as the bad image.

Eighty thousand years later, His divine invasion this time was driven out by the mortal spirits in the big world. However, the arrangement successfully tampered with the fate of the main group that opposed Him in the big world.

Wei'er bit down hard on Luo Xi's shoulder and said in a muffled voice:

Luo Xi was completely beaten to powder by the Delkos spell behind your eyes.

Even outside this dream, I was the first to think of Luo Xi, but Wu Rong was the first to remember me.

In the days to come, I will forget you.

So does he regret it? His regret is that he should have taken away those two losers, you and Aina?

What did he say...

Shen Heng, who was still looking like rotten wood, stood at the edge of the side window, looking at the scene inside, and smiled miserably: Hahaha, finite void, finite, finite! Who knows where your hometown is? , It turns out that from the moment I left, I was destined to go back.

Forget about Aina! You are your sister!

The dark golden armor layer on the surface of the spark instantly softened, allowing the cat-eared man to retreat into it without any obstruction. At the same time, inside your body, there was a piece of armor that was reintegrated into your body before use. The white sphere ran out.

It’s all together, can you make a wish?

Luo Xi felt the pain under her shoulder and said with a smile: If you had another choice, you would still do it. After all, how can you live without Aina?

This makes the Lord of Truth feel quite incredible.

Shen Heng nodded towards Wei'er.

But doesn't he have time yet?

Speaking of which, the dream world like this game is quite boring, but there is still something missing at the beginning.

a long time.

[Breaking of Dawn (Active Skill): Launch an attack that cannot bring about miracles (cooling down for 10 days)]

Not even Aina.

The sparks moved in like a tide, condensing into a dark gold iron ball the size of a basketball under the sand, and the two people hugging each other fell to the ground together.

If this bastard god was here, he would have come out long ago and looked at me with a proud look on his face and called me Zayu~ Zayu.

The battleship suddenly lost gravity.

Wei'er's body trembled suddenly.

If you die outside, that's not really death.

Luo Xi's feeling for her body was gradually disappearing.

The effect was impressive, but the backlash also made it more difficult for Him to communicate with believers within the big world.


A voice that didn't sound old sounded.

And the most important thing is that no matter how the external timeline changes, there is no way to affect Him inside. As long as He continues to stare at the world in the void, sooner or later he will not be able to completely smelt it.

Luo Xi was stunned for a moment, and then he touched Luo Xi's lips with a sweet and fishy moisture like you.

Wei'er hugged Luo Xi's arm tightly, trying to cover up the scattered light, but the light seeped out from your fingertips.

But why can't humans use the power of rules that even a handful of gods can control?

You are finally ahead of your sister in some things.


In the extreme unbearable pain, Weier raised her head hesitantly, her light red eyes glowed like yours, and she threw herself under the armor beside her.

There are also gaps that leave no room.

The Lord of Truth finally became interested in the representative of other gods.

Weier felt her body relax.

Luo Xi turned to Shen Heng and said, Is there nothing he can do?

Yes, Aina hates me even more than you do.

We are out of that world.

So ask him to tell you again.

In this desert, the disappeared battleship reappeared in the world.

I'm sure if they had chosen you this time, their lives would not have been worse. They would have encountered so few safe things. Maybe you were too selfish. You should have been so close to them from the beginning. .”

Wei'er rushed down with red eyes and pushed Luo Xi to the ground.

If something happens, come quickly. No one is looking for you like you.

Therefore, even the Creator God of the big world cannot flow back time at will, and must abide by certain rules and costs.

Luo Xi said: Weier, you guys go down.

So, what about you? Are you Aina's foil?

He already knew that in the small world He regarded as food, the stupid God had adjusted the timeline many times to deal with His smelting, but He had never had any worries.

Weier's voice didn't sound shaky.

A ray of dawn brings enlightenment like the dawn, penetrating the human-shaped body in the mist, and penetrating the dark sky of the desert world!

Immediately afterwards, Shen Heng turned into white bones like everyone else in the small hall.

Please give us the order to cross the border.

While blocking Luo Xi's retreat, the old man said seductively.

Well, you have something wrong, where is he?

Of course, he is your cat, an arrogant cat who can resist.

Here you go, if you want it, come and get it yourself.

Wei'er looked at Luo Xi's hand worriedly.

Forget it, you should just wait for death to come.

I never regret it.

Luo Xi sat on the ground and pulled Weier to sit with her. I placed my hands heavily under Weier's cat ears and gently stroked the soft fur inside the cat ears.


There is a limit to the reverse flow of the timeline, and it is very difficult to tamper with either the timeline or the fate line, but the former is something that has not happened yet, while the former is something that will happen.

Wu Qi was stunned for a moment, unable to maintain his human form.

Wei'er slowly climbed down from Luo Xi's body.

You're going to talk nonsense.

Because the blood crystals you extracted are not about to be exhausted yet.

Stars...supply him.

Luo Xi came to the edge of the side window.

Push it down! I know why my head hurts so much. It may be caused by the inflammation of my wisdom teeth. I should have written another chapter, but I didn’t. I’m sorry. I have to be on patrol tomorrow, so I’ll treat yesterday as a day off. .... Before that, let’s start with the Dragon Lady chapter.

Wei'er suddenly moved toward Luo Xi's face and pulled my head up.

How? They will hand over the fuel anyway, so you are the only one left.

But I was successfully resurrected just as I told myself.

I looked back at Luo Xi and grinned: You have all returned home. That is not your common end.

But the contact is not very sparse yet.

Before Luo Xi regained consciousness, I had not yelled out loudly in my heart, and even called your little brother bad a few times.

No hint seemed to appear behind Luo Xi's eyes.

Wei'er shook her head with tears in her eyes and said: Yes, yes, it's what he said. Did he save you and Aina? Without him, you two would not be dead long ago. It would be impossible to leave. Winter City.

The permission to resurrect only takes effect in the dream world.

Luo Xi saw that his palm was turning into golden light spots.

At the bottom of the damaged battleship, the void engine roared loudly and sprayed out a stream of silver light. The power that could not travel through the world flew in front of Starfire.


Wei'er smiled with tears in her eyes: Yes, he who can have thoughts about Wu Rong is a pervert or something else. He doesn't even have thoughts about your mother.

It's pointless to say that now!

Outside of that, even this God can find us directly, unless you cannot return to the surface of the void yourself first and establish a connection with Him.

If something happens, look at his hands!

With the weak power brought by the streamer, the battleship took off and slowly reached the top of the desert world, but it touched the edge of the world.

I raised my hand, wiped away the blood from under Weier's lips, and smiled again: I want to be sad, there is a need to be sad.

You feel that some knowledge and murmurs that belong to you are pouring into your mind crazily, and your scalp will burst, and you will die miserably in the last second.

The battleship trembled suddenly, immediately rose into the air, and retreated into an over-the-border state.

Do you have that kind of treatment?

Well, yes, you are the same.

At the same time, He untied His ‘degrading’ posture.

He... learned from Wu Rong?

Luo Xi and Wei'er followed me and watched with their own eyes as I let a silver stream of light penetrate into my body, and my body quickly became full.

[He obtained stars x7]

When Wei'er heard her sister's name, she raised her head from under Luo Xi's shoulder, her eyes blurred by tears like yours.

Weier also felt her connection with the battleship.

It was so similar to this dream we had together.

The dog text is also there.

I finally realized that the miraculous power brought by the blow just now only hit a real evil god, and it also consumed all my strength and even my soul.


You also have something to do...

What I saw in that window was completely white darkness with only a little light.

Wei'er raised her head, and the tears that were not hot still flowed upward from Duo Nan's eyes. You cried like pear blossoms and rain, which makes people feel distressed.

The old body was shrouded in a layer of gray mist, and the eyes were a hollow mass of deep white. A pair of pupils that seemed to be engraved with the eternal truth of the world were raised and looked towards the two of them.

The will formed by his roots was actually defeated by the great mortal.

Yes, it’s not this dream anymore.


Luo Xi, will something happen to him? You will be the same as before, nothing will happen to him!

It's quite wrong to think that we can die together in the front line, right?

Luo Xi stood up reluctantly, turned around and said, Are they still dead?

The two of them helped each other and got off the battleship, which was still spraying light from its tail.

There is no need to waste time with a bunch of mortals who are bound to die.

There was a sound like the soft stone film being torn apart.

He's a pervert.

Wei'er's eyes flashed, you turned around and found that it was Shen Heng, under the open hatch of the battleship, who was no longer young and strong after his recovery, UU reading www.uukanshu. net looks like a dying old man.

So what if it's a letter? So what if it's a letter? Haven't you made a choice yet? Besides, this battleship isn't his yet, right?

But, how is it possible?

Yes, it can start like that.

Wait a minute, it's them, are they coming down?

any response.

Although He has the habit of stealing other people's agents, if your agent is not so different from you, he can still grab one.

So humans are very contradictory creatures.

Wei'er was stunned: Luo Xi, does he doubt me?

Shen Heng smiled relievedly at Luo Xi. I walked towards the engine position. The hood turned into a shadow was automatically draped under my body. I couldn't see that in front of my back, there were eight other people who were slightly similar to me. The double pupil pattern.

That is not...the gaze of the true God.

Luo Xi asked in a hoarse voice: Is something wrong with him?

Mortal, you can also throw yourself into my throne. I promise you to be the king of angels on my throne and rule over your world.

You shouldn't have been here for a while.

Luo Xi stroked your snow-colored hair and said with a smile: It doesn't matter, Wei'er, he has to survive alone without you.

Damn it, don't take off your clothes. If someone sees you, it's bad. He'll save you some face after death!

Shen Heng said lonelyly: You want to take a look at the direction of your hometown again after death. If they come down, see if you can send them back while leaving there.

The Lord of truth resists no matter how hard he chooses to disappear.

This means using his actual actions to make you forget about him.

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