Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 442: Never forget every bit of memory, bewitched by the truth, the moment of awakening! (fou

Every world is a bubble floating in the infinite void.

Different bubbles have different compositions and sizes.

So no two worlds are ever exactly the same.

Maybe some worlds look similar, but they are just two similar flowers among thousands of flowers. And those gods can wander in the void and enjoy those flowers as much as they want.

Some flowers are easy to pick, and some flowers are more difficult to pick, especially some small worlds created by gods. If you want to pick them off, you are going to war with the god who created the world, and the consequences will be endless.

Although extracting is just a description, except for those ancient powerful beings, most gods cannot shake the foundation of even a small world, and may even be backlashed and cause irreparable injuries, so they can only choose to invest their will in stealing the world. The power of rules.

This is also the reason why there are so many evil god sects in some small worlds that lead the world to destruction, but there are no evil gods that directly devour the world from the outside.

Of course, some powerful evil gods also have the power to smelt an entire small world, such as the Lord of Truth. This high-level evil god has a great reputation in the first quadrant of the void and has destroyed countless high-level evil gods in the world.

The representation of the Lord of Truth in the void is a twisted, irregular human-shaped mist. The moment ordinary mortals see His representation, they will be assimilated by Him and become His fanatical believers. In their minds, there is nothing but dedicate themselves to the Lord. ', only Aba Aba is left.

At this moment, the Lord of Truth stretched out his hand made of mist towards the bubble world behind.

Do you know how to get you back?

These memories that appeared in the timeline that have not been corrected appear in your mind little by little.

So, I will die sooner or later, let him look at my face.

The old man sighed, raised his finger and put it towards Weier's forehead.

There are no things that can be erased no matter what. These things are engraved under the line of time of existence and are events of existence, so how can they be erased?

The enemies also knew where they were.

You find that all the bones in your body are broken, usually in your left arm. It is very unlikely that it is broken. The pain is so painful that you want to scream.

So, you refused.

Wei'er saw a young man in a daze, trying his best to reach out to you and put his hand under your head to comfort you.

Click! —

It seems like I really forgot something.

I saw that the expressions of the many men in the back were no longer the same, and there were some hard rocks in your memory that could not be shaken.

Well, you remember that too.

In the past, those memories seemed to be covered with a layer of veil, gradually fading away as you recalled them.

You immediately crawled over to find him, and with your extremely bad night vision, you saw a young man wearing nothing but a happy expression on his face.

The difference is less... huh?

The Lord of Truth felt a little confused for the first time.

- Is he a fool? People like you want to retreat from the city, but why don't you just take the small door? Now it's broken, hey, bad blood, he is going to die, right?

Hoarse, like a complete bellows roaring.

Wei'er couldn't stop crying.

Cough cough cough.

Luo Xi is a bad guy. He sleeps alone in such a miserable state and leaves everything to himself.

By the way, where are I?

A long time ago.

Wei'er's cat ears cocked up, and you turned around to see a kind-hearted old man looking at you a few meters away.

Is it possible for it to rot so thoroughly in a few years?

If they are definitely of high strength, they will be packed and eaten together.

You feel that you are forgetting very little.

Wei'er found that her memory of Luo Xi was disappearing rapidly.

Suddenly, the mist withdrew its outstretched hand, and the white hole dissipated and closed.

This strange old man was the worst at attacking us directly.

The whole body was wailing, protesting to you that you were about to move. You couldn't use your broken left hand, so you could only use your right hand to hold Luo Xi.

It's a small number, but it's also outrageous. Logically speaking, someone can't forcefully shut down his descending in pursuit of sacrifices, unless the other party's god level is lower than him.

As expected, it was a low-tech item that I controlled.

Are these enemies still alive?

The old man also nodded with satisfaction.

I don't care if you become an idiot.

But it’s not that troublesome for a god of that level to stop him from devouring the world. He can just come to the door and scare him in. That’s not the case between gods.

Your name is Weier.

This is the smell before being touched by other gods. The smell is still as strong as usual. It feels like this god has put his body in close contact with me. Does he have the so-called tauren's bad habits, so he is not interested in being touched by other gods. Contaminated humans have no interest at all.

Wei'er turned around and saw Luo Xi, who was placed on the ground by you. Her face was pale, her lips were chapped, and she looked like she was about to die from lack of water.

Is it an illusion?

It hurts (o﹏o?).

You refuse...

Luo... Luo Xi.

He still doesn't have a bad relationship with this god's agent. The two of them would have become enemies when they met before.

He found that a slightly larger part of the root of his subordinates had been wiped off, not just a little bit of skin.

The old man loved to smile and gradually fade away in the desert.

You Yashen have the courage to touch my lips.

Knowing who made that bewitching voice just now, Guo Weier decided to go back to the battleship in front first. At most, he couldn't hide from the sun outside.

As time goes on, some past memories can be suppressed from your mind.

The root fragments he dropped seemed to have undergone some wonderful changes...

By the way, a white hole was opened, and the hand made of mist reached inside.

So thought the Lord of Truth.

However, feeling the warmth coming from the young man's body in front of her, Wei'er's eyes were still hesitant and clear. No matter how bad you are, you must send that guy out.

You don't even have the urge to die.

Starfire? Is Starfire here?

That human being, Duo Nan, miraculously survived and swallowed up this piece of his root fragment, making him feel very little interest.

The two of them rolled down into the soft sand and retreated deeply.

Wei'er gritted her teeth.

Wei'er looked around at seven places.

“I allow my agents to be intertwined with the agents of my God.”

You feel like nothing is disappearing from your mind.

Everything in the world is free of charge. As long as he gives up his memory with me, he can't take me back to where he wants to go.

The old man appeared quietly and walked to Weier's side with a kind face.

A pair of red-gold pupils opened, and two identical colors, pitch white and red, appeared in front of them.

It's possible!

An old voice sounded in Weier's ears.

Weier was looking at the old man's back. You were half-carrying Luo Xi, and you were retreating step by step in the desert under the scorching sun.

Evil God? Weier's eyes suddenly became alert.

An ancient, distant, soul-piercing trombone sounded from His mouth.

Is there any way for Him to deal with it directly? After all, He knows where this world is. The few temptations only passed the power from the believers, and then they were cleared away very slowly.

The dark gold liquid was flowing under the person who stood up. The liquid hardened rapidly, and only his face was exposed at the front.

The evil god and the righteous god are just a matter of thought. He has no potential to become an angel in your seat. As long as he agrees to a few of my requests, I will send them away immediately. The old man said with a smile.

Stay away from you!

Did that battleship crash?


You anxiously pulled Luo Xi out.

Where did this battleship go?

So, what is this?

But that time it was the same.

Wei'er's pupils suddenly became blurred.

The old man's tone was less pleasant.

Luo Xi, who had not used his armor to self-destruct and exchange injuries with North, disappeared in the fire.

Did this big guy who fought alongside you for a while respond to you?


I am also being ridiculous. You are fine, but Luo Xi may have problems.

After a while, Weier asked in a serious voice: Does he really want you to go back?

As Weier continues to walk back, you arrive at a small hall.

You, who are you?

There is endless desert and sand, and the world is a scorching sun.

Weier was filled with love, but she continued to walk back.

Moreover, I also know what happened. How long did it take before you fell?

Tens of thousands of believers collectively called for His arrival as sacrifices, allowing Him to know the location of this big world in the void. It was quite far away. If he had to go there, it would be only ten people in the big world I was smelting. Just a few years.

When you step in and retreat and see the scene behind you, you almost believe that you are still in a dream.

The bad thing was that Luo Xi's breathing was still abnormal.

That's right, you must be very strange to me. Why did you hesitate for such a moment?

The corners of Wei'er's mouth involuntarily turned up into an ugly smile.

-You will definitely save him last time.

It was Zhi Shao who left a long time ago.

What he hates most is watching that kind of drama.

Since you can retreat, you have no choice but to leave, right?

At that time, Weier heard a happy whine.

The creation god's operation of this bubble world has blocked the detection of all internal information, forming a kind of white box, allowing him to only communicate intermittently with his followers inside, and unable to know the inside. Case.

In shock, one of the old man's hands was held tightly by a dark golden arm.

In the future, there are no memories of this guy and you working so hard to get out of this city, walking hand in hand in your mother's workshop, holding hands in the dungeon. Although it is very safe now when you think about it, you feel Very sweet.

We gods never make false promises.

Wei'er looked at the miserable corpses in silence.


This, who are you?

Wei'er let go of Luo Xi's hand and squatted on the ground holding her head, her face full of hesitation.

Luo Xi? Can you hear me? Weier shouted immediately.

When it was over, I thought that guy was a complete idiot.

As for the female human on the other side... I can only say that the smell is audible.


Wei'er suddenly stopped.

Who would believe in such an evil god?

Before passing through the iron wall, Weier discovered that the original back room of the engine room had become very old and accumulated dust, as if... tens of thousands of years had passed.

Everything that is lost will eventually pass away, but the truth will last forever.


Countless white skeletons covered the small hall.

Wei'er used her right hand that could still move to pull Luo Xi up, activated her own abilities, and led I Am Love through the barrier.

I still don’t have my great-grandmother’s mother-in-law on my watch.

Luo Xi, wait a minute, then take him out.

He has not set his sights on that big world for hundreds of thousands of years. After years of guiding and even destroying the destiny of the world, the Creator God in the big world has not lost the ability to resist and can only survive.

Why is that pervert so heavy?


Do you want to find the eternal truth? Come to you.

You still need to work harder.

In the pleasant feeling of weightlessness, you and Luo Xi fell heavily upward together.

Are those the people brought down by the film dealers?

Not yet, surprised.

Weier coughed several times before spitting out all the sand.

Old thing!

Why did those people turn into corpses?

Weier looked at the young man who had his chin resting on her shoulder.

Little by little, little by little, I forget.

This is something that has never happened, but it is indeed something that has happened.

Did we fall into some desert?

But after the passage, through the death of these sacrifices, He could not yet send down some of his power to test this god first.

Yes, yes.

However, when Weier turned around, she found that everything was gone.

In your eighteen years of life, you have had many good and bad memories, but the few good and bad memories you have only had before Aina came.

Weier suddenly woke up from her coma.

I am eternity, the truth incarnation of change.

It's a pity that no new world has established a connection with that world recently, giving this creation god a chance to fight back before his death.

This is the first encounter between the two.

As long as they walk out of that desert, they can naturally go back.

That way, He is in another world, reading a book www. uukanshu.net has no official representative.

You supported Luo Xi and walked towards the place where the sound came from. Your body passed through the steel walls. At the front, you stepped out and missed.

One step, two steps.

The first thing I felt was a burning sting. The pain spread all over my body. Before there was a strong smell of blood outside my mouth, my internal organs must have been damaged.

I also know what's going on inside.

Before putting Luo Xi on her back, Wei'er noticed that Luo Xi's body was really heavy. Without the bonus of Xinghuo, how did you feel holding that guy? Now it's like you are carrying a whole body on your back. A giant dragon.

I can't give him anything else. I want to take away your memory.

Are you looking for a way to get back?

Those are all living people. You wanted to save us, but you didn't do anything in the first place.

High above, let go of your guard, I will give you the identity of my agent.

What's that, stomachache?

Until you can recognize the face of the young man next to you again.

Luo Xi, how is Luo Xi?

You confirmed your name.

A dirty cat head suddenly emerged from the sand.

Wei'er couldn't help but smile bitterly.

So, who am I?

It occurred to me that he was someone from another world.

So they are waiting for the arrival of death there. There is a deep gap world formed by my root fragments and your world. Only I can rely on the connection of the roots to explore and retreat, and there is no other existence, haha.

The person who appeared in that situation was as weird as A Piao who appeared in the evening.

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