Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 433: Weier: Don’t want me to call you daddy! I won’t give my mother to you (four k)

Starry Sky Tea Restaurant.

The two of them entered the private room under the guidance of the waiter.

Luo Xi stopped and glanced at the open-air private room where they were the only two people at the moment.

It was already dark, and on the tallest building visible in the surrounding area, the stars in the sky seemed to be within reach. Various tea sets were neatly placed, and there was a floor-to-ceiling soft bed in the corner.

Both of you, please enjoy your precious viewing time. The equipment here is very complete. It's quite good to go to bed after admiring the stars and the moon.

The waiter smiled ambiguously and turned around to retreat.


Luo Xi looked at the girl aside and asked with some pain, Have you been preparing for a long time?

This girl won't be greedy for his body again, right?


Feiya smiled slightly and did not deny it: Originally, this kind of thing should not be my turn. Who asked Miss Wei'er to send you out, Mr. Luo Xi? Although I don't really want to be Miss Aina. I talk about being a vixen and a mistress, but if you just watch this rare opportunity pass by, you will definitely regret it in retrospect, you have to fight for it.

Luo Xi raised an eyebrow: Do you... know something?

In this world, what is the actual relationship between this girl who is his childhood sweetheart and him?

Does she know something?

It's not very clear, but you are right, Brother Luo Xi. We are all people around you. Well, the title of brother is indeed more cordial than sir. I even envy Aina. .”

Feiya was talking to herself, saying words that Luo Xi couldn't quite understand, but Luo Xi could see from the girl's eyes staring at him, which were eyes called longing and love.

What happened to Aina? he asked, changing the subject.

Aina, that kid... is so mobile.

Feiya sighed in praise. When she thought of the wolf-eared lolita, she felt defeated.

If the competitor were Aina, there would be no need to take action. Fortunately, Mr. Luo Xi here excluded Aina directly because of moral issues.

Otherwise, Aina will be the only one, and everyone else will have to step aside.

But speaking of it this way, the real Mr. Luo Xi is a man with no morals who would fool even a girl like Aina...it's rude and disrespectful.

Mr. Luo Xi, let's look at the stars first.

We've all come here, no matter what the outcome is, we have to go through the motions.

Even if everything here is not real, she still wants to try it.


Feiya stretched out her hand to turn off the light. In an instant, the room was completely dark. Only the bright starlight entered the room, and the stars in the sky were twinkling slightly.

The two of them sat on the sofa in silence, just looking up at the sky. Luo Xi didn't know what to say, but he felt that this atmosphere seemed quite good.

Feiya is not like Aina, who is a little 'tiger' loli who will trick him into a hotel to cook rice or something. This kind of relationship feels like a real date in a love game. .

I like you, Mr. Luo Xi.

Feiya said suddenly.

[Fiya makes her final confession to you]

[1 promise (Fiya’s favorability +100, you can immediately enter the ‘Green Plum’ line, and there is a certain chance of unlocking the gift line—she will be the best wife and mother)]

[2 Rejection (I gave you so much for free, and I can’t even get enough of it. Are you male ketone?)]

Luo Xi's body stiffened.

come yet?

Speaking of which, among all the 'female protagonists' who have appeared so far and can enter the independent line, this one is actually a good choice.

Maybe we can also take down the big sister (cross this one out).

Luo Xi took a serious look at the girl Feiya for the first time.

With her long white pointed ears, delicate and pretty face, emerald eyes, and light golden hair, she seemed like an elf girl who had stepped out of another world.

Maybe she is an elf?

Such an idea suddenly appeared in Luo Xi's mind.

Then he laughed to himself.

How can it be.

That's just something in fantasy novels.

It is in such a dream-like world that so many settings that do not exist in reality appear... right?

Aina's wolf ears, Floresia's dragon horns, and Feiya's pointed ears. Luo Xi was not surprised if fox ears appeared the next moment.

Isn't it easy to answer?

Feiya on the other side sighed quietly.

Only then did Luo Xi realize that he had been thinking for too long.

When a girl expresses her feelings to you, it is very rude to be distracted.

So, do you want to agree?

Luo Xi hesitated.

At this time, he heard something making a noise outside the door.

What's the sound? He turned around and looked.

Maybe it's rats. There are a lot of rats now, so don't worry about it, Brother Luo Xi.

Feiya showed a sweet smile: Brother Luo Xi, I'm waiting for your answer. You haven't been in love yet, right? I just want to be with you for a while, even if you agree today, the next day It doesn’t matter if God dumps me.”

Luo Xi said with a straight face: I'm not the kind of scumbag who always gives up.

Well, the main reason is that Luo Xi is afraid of being hacked, and he doesn't want to be the next Brother Cheng, who flies in the sky and floats his head in the river, which is annoying.

So, does Brother Luo Xi want to have a serious relationship?


Feiya anxiously glanced at the still shaking door and said, If Brother Luo Xi promises me, I won't be able to introduce my mother to Brother Luo Xi...

In order to get Luo Xi to agree quickly, Feiya even used Listy. Mr. Luo Xi here seems to prefer beauties like his mother, so with his mother here, Mr. Luo Xi shouldn't refuse, right?

Ahem, what did you say?

Luo Xi almost choked on the teacup in her hand.

There was shock in his eyes.

Feiya's actions are simply more sexy than Aina's.

That tiger and wolf loli could do it on her own at most, but this one not only did it on her own, but also wanted to drag her mother into it. Doesn't this put him in an immoral position?

Mother-daughter flowers and so on...this kind of thing that goes against values, pass!

Luo Xi said firmly: No.

I am not my mother's real daughter. In a sense, she is more like my sister. My mother has not been in love with a man yet. Feiya said happily.

Luo Xi looked at the girl in confusion.

What kind of strange setting is this?

Who did the background setting of this world?

Isn’t that too outrageous?

So, I feel sorry for my mother. If you, Mr. Luo Xi, also have a crush on her, then I don't mind. I also think it's time for my mother to find someone to spend her whole life with—

boom! —

There was another vibrating sound of the door being hit.

At this moment, the thing that hit the door outside suddenly penetrated the barrier of the wall, squeezed into the inside of the wall from the outside, and then rolled several times.

Luo Xi also heard the girl's cry of pain.

The lights also turned on immediately.

Near the door, there was a white-haired girl rubbing her head and standing up aggrievedly. There was a KFC bag on the ground next to her as a hood, the kind with only two holes for the eyes.

Weier? Luo Xi called tentatively.

Wei'er's body suddenly trembled slightly, then she bent down, calmly picked up the bag that fell on the ground, and put it on her head.

Who is Weier? I don't know who you are talking about. She deliberately made her voice hoarse.

Luo Xi: ...

You think I am blind and deaf.

As if she knew she had been exposed and could no longer fool Luo Xi, Wei'er gave up after a second and tore off the bag and threw it on the ground again.

Then she looked at the blond girl with pointy ears sitting in front of Luo Xi.


The waiter hurriedly opened the door and came in and said, Sorry guest, I didn't stop her, and I don't know what happened. She bumped into her and suddenly came in from outside.

Luo Xi waved her hand and said, It's okay. You can leave first. I know this girl too.

The waiter was stunned for a moment, then breathed a sigh of relief: The guest is so happy, so we won't disturb you. There are protective supplies at the bedside. If the guest needs it, you can use it at will.


That's right. For a master like you, my guest, and such a young girl to be devoted to you, I guess it's not necessary.

The waiter smiled and retreated again. He didn't bother to investigate why Wei'er and Feiya looked so young, like little sisters compared to Luo Xi who was 1.78 meters tall.

Luo Xi's head is full of black lines.

I don’t know what indescribable things the waiter had in mind.

Luo Xi looked at Weier, who was standing uneasily, and asked, Weier, why are you here? I thought you went home.

I'm a little worried about you, so I thought I'd come over and have a look.

Wei'er explained, looking down at her own, her earlobes were tender and red. Only she knew that the toes in her shoes were rubbing uncontrollably, and she felt like she could squeeze out of three rooms and one living room.

By the way, how did you get in?

She couldn't remember either.

It's just that Fiya's voice talking to Luo Xi over there, she more or less heard it when she was leaning against the door. When she heard Fiya's words becoming more and more outrageous, she became more and more energetic after that. The solid wood door frame, which was more than ten centimeters thick, was originally unshakable, but she went right through it.

Does this incredible power also exist in her?

So what kind of person are you?

Weier wants to find the answer.

In fact, it wasn't just for answers. When she saw Luo Xi getting along so well with others, the sadness in her heart made her realize that what Luo Xi said was not wrong.

Aina was not wrong either.

She was like a little fool who couldn't think of anything.

Fiya hugged her chest, crossed her calves and said, Aren't you worried about Brother Luo Xi? I think you are worried about me, right? You barged in without permission, did you take Brother Luo Xi and me into consideration? In your eyes?

Feiya's words were quite harsh and she directly slapped Weier on her. In fact, she was also quite angry. Who knows about this kind of thing? It was a critical moment, but she didn't expect to be messed up again.

Even if it's just a dream, can't it make me a good person?

Wei'er blushed slightly and whispered: I really don't trust you. Don't think that I didn't hear what you just said outside the door. You can just be alone. Why do you need your mother? Come to confuse...don't you feel ashamed anyway?!

When she heard that Feiya wanted to use her mother to trick Luo Xi into agreeing to her, Wei'er was almost stunned. How could there be such a daughter in the world who used her mother as a tool?

Feiya spread her hands and said nonchalantly: You can come together as sisters, and so can I. If you have the ability, you can also bring your mother along, and then I'll be willing to be the loser.

It was a headwind situation, and the lion fought against the rabbit with all her strength. She wanted to stand out among so many girls next to Mr. Luo Xi, so she had to resort to small tricks.

Anyway, my mother already had thoughts about Mr. Luo Xi.

She is not selling her mother either.

Weier: ...

Look, is this human language?

Feiya's voice suddenly became cold.

Miss Wei'er, no matter what you think, I am inviting Brother Luo Xi now, please don't hinder me, can you? If you have any matters, can you wait for me to finish them? Then it will be your turn, first come, first served. Don’t you understand this?”

Weier wanted to refuse.

When you finish here, don't I have to watch this guy being deceived by you using his own mother? !

But he found that he had no position to refuse on behalf of Luo Xi.

First of all, who is she to Luo Xi?

She did not help Luo Xi, but Luo Xi saved them.

Secondly, it is normal for a man to marry a woman and love her. Even if Feiya really went to bed with her mother and the two of them abducted Luo Xi together, she would at most be morally condemned.

In the end, Feiya was right. She and Luo Xi were having a good conversation. It was indeed rude to barge in like this.

Weier lowered her head, unable to respond to Feiya's words. Her rosy cheeks became a little pale, and she stood uneasily looking at her calves.

Luo Xi couldn't stand it and said, Why don't you come over and sit down for a while?

I'm waiting for you to finish. I'm sorry for disturbing you.

With a pale face, Weier exited the private room and closed the door.

Brother Luo Xi, what's the answer?

Feiya leaned forward and read a book www.uukanshu.net staring at Luo Xi with her emerald green eyes.

Luo Xi was silent for a moment and said, Sorry.

Feiya blinked and leaned back on the sofa.

For some reason, Luo Xi saw a look of relief on her face.

Why? Mr. Luo Xi, don't you like my mother?

Who doesn't like a beautiful big sister?

Then why?

Luo Xi thought for a while and said, Because I think there is a fool who needs me more.

Feiya nodded, stood up and walked towards the door.

This is the star I have been chasing. I hope that one day, I can have one that belongs only to me and Mr. Luo Xi.


Wei'er asked nervously: You... agreed?



Wei'er looked at Luo Xi in disbelief.

Feiya put her super-beautiful mother over her, and she even said she didn't care.

How could this guy refuse? Doesn't he like mature women? These girls are all children who have not grown up in his eyes.

Or... he still has thoughts about his mother? !

No, I won't let mom be with you, then shouldn't I call you dad? That kind of thing is too, too ridiculous!

Luo Xi: ...

What is this silly girl thinking?


I have a headache, the disciplinary inspection is coming, and there are escorts and security for the Asian Games. Everything will happen in the second half of the year.

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