Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 430: It’s not bad to like big sister, gradually awakening (4k)

Luo Xi never thought of herself as a person with much luck with women.

Otherwise, why hasn't he had any close female friends since he was a child?

In his limited memory, he could not even list the name of a female friend.

There are reasons for this due to his own personality and family background.

However, at this moment, listening to the voices calling him, Luo Xi was completely at a loss.

Among this group of pretty girls let you choose one.

What a difficult choice this is.

How should he choose?

Luo Xi glanced at the girls in the living room calmly.

The two sisters look about the same age, but are about three years apart in age. The younger sister, Aina, has already completed the prerequisites for entering the line and only needs his nod to enter her personal line.

But this will get into trouble, so pass.

There is also the giant red-haired lolita who calls herself his mother. Her petite and tender body and face are matched with her plump white skin. The combination of purity and desire makes people want to act coquettishly in her arms.

But this is a mess, so pass2.

The pink-haired girl who looked at him with contempt and called him a bastard should be interesting to stir up the female brat, but for the same reason as above, continue to pass.

The cute neighbor Qingmei with blond hair and pointed ears outside the door is also small, but she can choose.

And, the beautiful girl classmate who is going upstairs is more in line with the requirements.

That’s probably all there is, right?

Luo Xi is back? Do you want to come over for dinner?

At this time, next to Feiya outside the door, another beautiful blond sister appeared, looking eagerly at Luo Xi in the room.

Two text prompts appeared in front of Luo Xi's eyes.

[The conditions have been met, you can choose to enter the ‘Qingmei’s Mom Line’ (this line is a gift line)]

[Prerequisite for entry: Secretly confess your love to Feiya's mother without others knowing. She will agree to you while hesitating and shy, and will actively ask you not to expose her relationship with you, and will not stop her. You attack the behavior of other characters (please note that this operation of the time management master will be dangerous if they catch it)]

Luo Xi: ...

Almost done!

Why are there more and more characters?

It's so troublesome, if I could have them all... cough.

Luo Xi brushed aside this unrealistic thought.

If this world is really a galgame, and they are all the heroines in the game, then Luo Xi might really have an idea to try a perfect harem route.

But looking at it now, this world is not just for him to fall in love with girls. There are more important things that he needs to do.

Previously at Wei'er's house, two of her elders were taken away by the knight group, and they didn't know what happened to them.

The so-called Knight Group must have a purpose in arresting them, otherwise there would be no need to make such a big fuss, and the main mission is also related to them.

No matter what, Luo Xi will definitely have to go to the area shrouded in black in the center of the city. If he has time to attack these little girls here, he might as well think about his future plans.

Yes, these girls are all little girls in Luo Xi's eyes.

Don’t think that just because you put up a sign that you are over 18 years old, you can do whatever you want!

Luo Xi secretly glanced at Liya who was placed on the sofa.

The woman closed her eyes tightly, her blue dress dyed red with blood, her cheeks full of dirt, and her long messy hair could not hide her mature temperament, which was like a peach that could seep through water. This was the beauty of the green plum outside the door. Not even my mother has.

how to say?

Although he has no interest in being a thief, Wei'er's mother is more in line with his aesthetics. Of course, her daughters are also very beautiful and cute, but they are all too young.

Luo Xi had quite some reason to suspect that the world wanted to turn him into a 'loli control'. Otherwise, why would so many 'heroines' have loli body shapes?

Walking out of the room, the pink-haired Lolita noticed something was wrong with her. She originally wanted to watch a show, but she saw Luo Xi's eyes kept turning towards Liya, which made her wonder whether this was what she had in mind. That guy?

Doesn’t he like little lolita, ice cream and animal ears the most?

No, she has to correct him. If his xp changes, then she also has to... No, this guy's xp has nothing to do with her!

Well, she knows, it must be because her current role is Luo Xi's sister, so she cares about him very much.

Yes, that's it.

Wei'er also noticed Luo Xi's gaze and was a little annoyed, so she cautiously poked his arm.

What are you looking at?

Luo Xi looked normal and said, Let's see when your mother wakes up.

Oh... Weier nodded doubtfully.

Aina complained in a voice that could only be heard by herself: My sister is a big idiot, an emotional idiot, and weird.

Everyone come in, I have something to tell you.

After Ai Xue also went upstairs, Luo Xi called them all in.

They are all 'female protagonists' who have triggered prompts.

Luo Xi has received a total of three 'stars' so far, one of which is Aina, the second is Ai Xue, and the third should be from Liya.

There are seven in total, so the remaining four should also be on their bodies. I wonder what will happen if they get them all.

After closing the door to the living room, Luo Xi turned around and looked at them, her expression suddenly becoming serious.

Everyone, there is something that you may think is ridiculous, but I have to show it to you. If you are not an 'Npc', you may understand what I am saying. We may be trapped in a game or a fictional dream world. ”

Aina's wolf ears stood up slightly, and her tea-gold eyes lit up slightly.

Did your brother notice it too?

But in this case, I have no chance at all. The plan completely failed, and the idea of ​​eating my brother in advance was shattered.

Ai Xue pretended to be surprised and said, Classmate, what do you mean?

Feiya glanced at Aina, who had wolf ears, and Ai Xue, who had an exaggerated expression, with admiration in her eyes.

How did they wake up earlier than themselves?

Or did everyone else do it earlier than her?

Floresia raised her hand in confusion, touched Luo Xi's forehead, and said, You don't feel like you have a fever? Did you hit it somewhere?

Listy was hesitant, not sure whether to go up and express her concern.

Wei'er blinked: Huh? What game? What are you talking about, pervert?

Feiya: ...

The clear eyes of these people didn't look like they were just pretending.

That's okay.

However, besides them, there is also this one...

Feiya looked at the pink-haired little loli who frowned slightly.

This Luo Xi's sister has never been seen before in the part of her memory that she can recall now.

Of course, it's also possible that she simply didn't remember.

The pink-haired loli frowned and looked at Luo Xi, who was her 'brother' here with a somewhat complicated expression, and talked about why this place was a 'game'.

Did you realize so quickly that in this world built around you, you should be the hardest to wake up? Is it because of the young man who broke in? Or is it your own fault?

Logically speaking, other people would not wake up that easily, even those Shadow Clan who were automatically fed the background settings. They would not realize that something was wrong with the world unless they encountered something very important to them.

However, the beings related to Luo Xi did not abide by the established operating rules of this world, and the background set for them by the dream world was quickly rejected by their self-doubt.

Aina is because her affection for Luo Xi has reached a level beyond that of a yandere, Ai Xue is because she has an actual intimate relationship with Luo Xi in real life, and Feiya is because the power of the rules of fate in her body can weaken the dream. The impact of rules.

Xing Ling looked at the white-haired girl with a clear and silly expression.

In this true sense, Weier, who was the first to reach Luo Xi's heart, should not be so immersed in it.

Does this arrogant cat still want to act like an arrogant cat?

That doesn't work.

For Luo Xi, they are his heroines.

In turn, he is also the male protagonist they want to conquer.

In reality, they might have to consider first-come, first-served, but here they don't have to worry so much. Aina almost succeeded in 'abducting' Luo Xi. If she didn't take the initiative, maybe the little fox's mother would have Maybe he kidnapped someone.

As for herself, she was immersed in it at the beginning. After Luo Xi left, she deduced her own situation and understood why she was here after a brief review.

Damn big bastard! (≧﹏≦)!

But if Luo Xi knew that he had missed such a good opportunity to make her mugwort, and if Luo Xi tried to attack her when she was confused at the beginning, then she would definitely be confused... No , this is a good opportunity for Hammer! (≧ plate≦)!

Xingling, Xingling, you can't be affected by this miscellaneous fish anymore. If you continue, you will be doomed!

after all......

He will die eventually.

This was not the first time she had such pessimistic thoughts.

Her relationship with Luo Xi is completely different from ordinary gods and agents. How can any god be so kind to the agent? He sticks to his body every day to provide guidance, and occasionally gives him ice cream.

You must know that most gods are riddlemen, and the popes under them usually receive inexplicable oracles, which require a group of bishops to use their brains to interpret. Of course, this is to ensure the mystery of gods, which is mentioned in the teacher's class .

She may also understand why Tilana, also known as Dahanhan, created the entire world and has always loved those people deeply, but she has never established a sect and has never been involved with any mortal. reason.

The teacher seems to have said in class that as one of the principles of the God of Creation, gods need to love the entire world equally. You can find your representative, but you don’t need to treat them too favorably, otherwise In the end, it’s you who feels uncomfortable.

Although she only heard the title of these classes... it seems that it was still the fault of not being good at studying.

That's what I said. This is not the real world. What do you think?

After Luo Xi finished speaking, he was keenly aware of the weird look on his little bitch sister, so she said, My dear sister, do you have any ideas?

The pink-haired loli came back to her senses and said with a smile: Dear O.N.-chan~ I don't have any ideas. Do you want to say that we have a very close relationship in another world? Then who am I to you? ?”


Listening to the long and soft sound, Luo Xi got goosebumps all over her body, her fists became hard, and she had the urge to beat this little bitch.

Then I don't know, and it's just my guess.

Luo Xi looked at the other people.

What about you? he asked.

Wei'er asked softly: Even if what you said is true, what does it mean? Did we know you there?

Luo Xi smiled and said: Not only do we know each other, maybe we have a good relationship?

Who would have a good relationship with a pervert like you—

Ouch. When Ai Xue heard this, she said angrily: Some people don't seize the opportunity when given the opportunity, so don't blame me. Student Luo Xi, how have you considered the question I asked you before?

[Ai Xue asks you to be his boyfriend - you can enter the Ai Xue line]

Aina opened her eyes wide and smelled something was wrong.

No, am I going to be robbed by this sneaky cat again?

Luo Xi hesitated.

Indeed, you have to choose anyway, so why not just choose Ai Xue, who looks the most normal, neither a wife nor a lolita.


He didn't finish his words.

Aina rushed forward and hugged him (amp;gt;﹏amp;lt;.) and said: Brother Luo Xi, we have a marriage contract, right? Is this your mother? If you don't wait until mother wakes up, we Are you going to agree on your engagement today?

Floresia: Meow?

Wei'er wanted to say to Aina, what are you trying to do, but Aina turned around and said, UU reading www. uukanshu.net He glared at her fiercely, with such a look of hatred that made Wei'er naturally close her mouth.

Ai Xue: ...

As expected of Aina, even here, she is still the one who threatens the most. If Aina's combat power is 100, her sister's combat power is probably only 10.

Stop, stop, come down first. If nothing else, let's study the 'Knight Group' first.

Luo Xi took off the wolf-eared lolita hanging on her body.

Although this child is very cute, she is too young. No moral person would treat her as a target, right? Getting married is even less possible.

In the real world, if she has a good relationship with him, then it must also be a brother-sister relationship?

He can't take the initiative to trick her into marrying him, right?

Luo Xi believes in her own morality, so this is impossible.

Xiao Luoxi, are you talking about the Knight Group?

Unable to join the conversation, Floresia bent down and took out a poster from the table beside her: They are very popular recently. I heard that a project is about to start. They have a large number of people coming to visit the work. And also join the project as an assistant.”

What do they want to do? Luo Xi asked immediately.

Dong Dong—

Suddenly, there were two knocks on the living room door.

Luo Xi went over and looked through the peephole warily, and saw a particularly beautiful gray-haired woman standing outside.

It's numb, there won't be another one?

It's so troublesome. I wonder if there are any Neptune scumbags, the kind who care about their kidneys but not their hearts... Well, I'd better forget it if I'm going to be hacked.


One more chapter tonight

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