Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 409: The wrestling reward of the female imp and god (four k)

Some people say that death is nothing more than deep sleep.

Anyway, it's just a matter of opening and closing your eyes, not much different.

If we want to continue to pursue it, we will have to involve deeper soul issues.

If the death of the body is only the first death, the death of the soul is the second death.

Then the third level is the demise of all traces left by a person.

At that time, a person is truly dead, just like those people who died of starvation on the roadside in ancient times. After thousands of years, who can still remember the traces of their existence.

But this is still just a superficial explanation of death.

Going deeper, for example.

Who was I before I was born?

Who will I be after I die?

These questions lingered in Luo Xi's vague consciousness.

The more I think about it, the more fear comes from my heart. Human beings' shallow wisdom cannot come up with a definite answer even if they think about it to the end of the universe, right?

While thinking, he seemed to have fallen into a deep and dark sea, falling continuously. He couldn't even feel or control his breathing, and he didn't know when he would fall.

But it seems quite easy to live like this.

If you just keep falling like this, thinking about the truth of life, you don't have to do anything, and you don't have to think about whether you can see the sun tomorrow.

That's pretty good, isn't it?

He already felt physically and mentally exhausted.

It's rare to have half a day's leisure in a floating life.

No one can disturb his rest.

Great, really great.

Wake up, stop sleeping, Traveler, you super lazy dog, get out to work soon.


He clearly didn't open his eyes, but he saw what seemed to be a cute pink-haired lolita fanning his face with her hands and talking to him with a disdainful expression.

Oh, it's you again

(ー`′ー)? I'm so tired now. Can you, you little bitch, please stop disturbing me?

Can't you just let me take a break?

Aren't you very capable and claim to be an omnipotent god? Then just do it yourself. What's the use of me?

Luo Xi impatiently blocked out these noisy sounds and let himself sink deeper.

Such boring things should not prevent him from thinking about the ultimate meaning of life!

-found it.

Suddenly, a slender hand reached into the deep darkness and grabbed the little Luo Xi.

! ! !

For a moment, all philosophical thoughts in Luo Xi's consciousness came to a standstill.


It’s a pinch!

What did you catch?

Luo Xi struggled hard subconsciously.

But that little hand was like a crocodile biting its prey. Not only did it not let go, but it pulled it up hard, like pulling out a carrot.

And the guy was still saying in a disgusting tone: Traveler Fish, you are indeed a fish, a small, thin and soft fish.

Luo Xi finally couldn't stand it anymore, and he shouted loudly: Who do you think is soft and who is too small and thin? If you have the ability, come up and try it yourself!

Hey, a trash fish is a trash fish. You can break your defense just by talking about it~ How did you come to such a deep place in the collective subconscious sea? I almost couldn't catch you.

Amidst the sarcastic and cute laughter, light entered Luo Xi's eyes.

As soon as all the force pulling him downwards was released, the little hand holding him pulled him upwards without any resistance, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Let me go, let me go!

It's about to break!

In the silent shouting, Luo Xi woke up from his confusion. When his vision returned to clear vision, he saw a pink-haired lolita rubbing his hands with a look of disgust.

It's so dirty, but it seems the effect is quite good. I've been telling you for a long time and you didn't respond. When I told you that you were useless, you immediately wanted to come out and refute us. Do you care so much about this problem of yours?

Luo Xi's face darkened.

Good guy, is this the reason why you slander me?

It is unbearable!

But before breaking up with the dog text, you should first see how your little one is doing. If it is damaged by this female brat, you have to let her make some compensation.

He glanced down.

Then he was stunned.

What the hell?

At this moment, he was sitting on the head of a giant dragon. His body was almost completely transparent, and he could see the scales of the dragon underneath him.

He also saw the great-grandmother of the Maomao family, Sia, and a beautiful black-haired woman he had never seen before. The two were standing in front of the dragon at his feet, discussing something, but he could not hear any sound.

The pink-haired loli wiped her hands on her clothes again and said with a smile: Don't worry, we are only dragging your soul. You are encountering some problems with your body now. The transformation brought about by dragon transformation is too rough. In addition, the pressure brought by the evil god has suppressed your original consciousness, so you just can't wake up yet.

That's not why you dragged me there!

You think we want it!

The pink-haired loli looked at Luo Xi with disdain and said: It's okay, don't be ashamed, just like what you said to Maomao, small ones are also very cute~ If you can make it smaller, you might as well not have it at all. It would be great to turn into a cute little loli, and it would be fine if I feed you ice cream every day~


Luo Xi reached out her hand angrily, trying to catch the pink-haired female devil and let her know who was the little one.

However, she appeared behind Luo Xi in a flash.

I almost forgot, I don't have time to talk to you too much.

The pink-haired loli raised her hand and placed it on Luo Xi's back. The two of them turned into a stream of light and instantly arrived in the outer space of the real world.

Here, there is still an extremely violent and hot atmosphere, and countless remaining high-temperature substances are releasing terrifying heat wantonly in the cold cosmic space where there is no gas.

Stop time first.


Without asking why, Luo Xi followed the pink-haired lolita's instructions and used Liuyue·Zhi.

In an instant, the world was dyed gray in front of his eyes, including the distant sun, which also turned into a gray ball of light.

At the same time, the bright starlight descended.

The body of the pink-haired loli next to him was surrounded by starlight, like a princess blessed by the stars, filled with a mysterious and beautiful aura.


After coming back to this world where Gou Wenwen was stagnant for the second time, in the depths of Luo Xi's memory, those memory areas that would be dusted by some unspeakable force after leaving, but had gradually appeared gaps, finally no longer exist. Uncontrollably bursting open.

Once, twice, three times.

Only then did Luo Xi completely recall that he had seen Gou Wenwen in his human form so many times, and this guy actually kept his word and gave him an ice cream just once.

He looked towards the figure shrouded in starlight.

Star bell?

That may not be her true divine name, but it should be her self-proclaimed name.

Sensing Luo Xi's gaze, the petite figure in the starlight shrank her feet, and then she raised her hand to disperse the starlight, with a look of displeasure on her delicate face.

What are you thinking about? There will be a reward for you later. We are not Gods who don't keep their word. Let's get the business done first and then talk about it, okay? Thinking about the jailer's ice cream will only harm you.

Luo Xi: emmm

He looked around as if nothing had happened.

Who's thinking about ice cream? !

This is another naked slander!

Snapped! —

Come here.

The pink-haired loli snorted softly. She waved her hand, and from all directions, countless tiny light spots hidden in the vacuum quickly gathered in the pink-haired loli's hand.

Soon, a ball of light with dual qualities of 'cold' and 'warm' fell into her hands.

Still want to pretend to be dead? We are not that fool like Dahanhan. Once in our hands, no matter whether you are a clone or a real person, you will never get ahead again.

Hum! —

In the piercing buzzing, the light group distorted, and the beautiful appearance of the winged angel appeared. He wanted to break free from the shackles of the pink-haired lolita's small hand, but he was shrunk by the surrounding starlight.

That little hand is like a steel frame. Once it grabs the prey, it's impossible to let go.

Luo Xi felt an inexplicable chill.

The pink-haired loli held the ball of light and chuckled: This time, you mortals relied on your own efforts to truly hunt an evil god, even though it was just a clone of the evil god that had just awakened.

Luo Xi shook his head and said, I didn't do anything.

His eyes stared at the tiny fragment of dragon horn in the distant space.

He had already guessed what was going on here.

Even though Floresia has similar characteristics to him in the game, and death does not mean the death of the body, Luo Xi feels very uncomfortable when he thinks of that scene.

You should be happy for that dragon.

After taking in the ball of light transformed by Hel Akti, the pink-haired Lolita was in a good mood now. Seeing Luo Xi fall into silence, she came over and said with a smile: This time she successfully found the place where she stepped into the abyss. It has been verified that it is a feasible path. As long as she can find enough radioactive elements there, you will be able to embrace a thicker thigh that will give you an unconditional support.

Luo Xi looked at this lolita and raised her eyebrows.

What kind of thighs are as big as yours?

You're thinking of something weird again.

The pink-haired loli took two steps back, pulled her skirt down, and said with a wary look on her face: We didn't promise to give you that, so don't think too much about that kind of thing, or I'll give you the little black boy as a flannel ball. ? Or when everything is over, I’ll trick Dahanhan over to you, you know she’s very stupid.”

A figure hanging on her waist cried out in protest with its weak fists.

Is this guy really a righteous god?

He is even more evil than the evil god He is!

Luo Xi was also filled with dark clues.

He saw the dog text's lack of moral integrity once again.

Dahanhan should be talking about wind chimes, right? The great will of the dream world is also Gou Wenwen’s friend. Are there any people who deceive friends like you?

No, I want it from you.

Luo Xi touched his chin and said, How do I remember that you said you would give me the reward I want this time? Bring it to me quickly.

Until now, he still thought that Gou Wenwen just wanted to give him a simple ice cream.

The pink-haired loli's expression froze.

Did it turn out that this guy's psychological expectations were so low?

Did she give too much?

No, she is a righteous god and cannot break the agreement she made in her heart, even if Luo Xi doesn't know it.

Although she had been mentally prepared for a long time, when it came time to give out rewards to Luo Xi, she still couldn't let go of the shame in her heart.

After all, we are a true god with a dignified and upright inheritance, and we actually want to do such things for a human being.

What would the teacher think of her if she knew?

What the teacher said at the beginning was indeed correct. As long as you will come into contact with mortal spirits in the future, the psychology of mortal spirits is a required course, otherwise it will be too easy to be fooled by mortals in turn.

If she continues like this, she feels that her skills will be reduced a lot. She really doesn't know how those evil gods deceive human beings. Their ability to brainwash believers is six times better than the last.

Rewards must be given, but he must not be allowed to push further.

The pink-haired loli puffed her mouth and thought so in her heart.

But this time is definitely the last time!

Absolutely no next time!

Emmm, if the Lord of Truth is solved one day, she may be able to give Luo Xi another special 'reward', but that also means that her fate and cause and effect with Luo Xi are completely over.

This time, she didn't have to worry about anything anymore. The Evil God of Light was her biggest target.

Although the Red Dragon Lady exploded, there are still two sixth-level human experts here, so there should not be too many variables.

The last two cities, the City of Wuxia, she specially found a big city with sixth-level powerhouses to bring in. There was no problem, it was considered a protective area she had set up for the players.

Twilight City, where the little cat girl's family is, she had already figured out the situation inside clearly. It was just the shadow merchants who wanted to open the door to the abyss of the dream world.

She had also gone to see the door in the Enstein house herself.

That should be a creation from ancient times.

Even if the entrance to the abyss is opened in this world, she has a way to close it.

The pink-haired loli thought about it and realized that her time was almost up.

Traveler, come here, we will give you a reward.

Luo Xi walked over with some anticipation.

Hey, dog text’s ice cream~

Then he saw the pink-haired loli kick him to the ground.

Ah? (ΩДΩ)?

Ah, what, isn't this what you want? Come on, we have to find a place to wash up later. By the way, how about we go to the sun to soak our feet.

It hurts so much, take it back quickly! (ヾ)——

This kind of reward is good, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net But this guy doesn’t know it at all, his footwork is too jerky, is this a reward or torture?

He seemed to have had a dream before, but he didn't expect that this dream would become a reality today. Could it be that he thinks about it every day and dreams about it at night?

No, he never thought that this female imp text could do this.

The pink-haired loli shouted angrily: How dare you dislike me! We won't stop!

Luo Xi: .

It's a kind of reverse psychology.

Enduring the pain, he suggested: I'm not telling you, you have to be sincere if you want to give me a reward, okay? I don't recognize that this is a reward for me.

The pink-haired loli stopped when she heard this, and asked half-believingly, How to do it?

Come on, let me teach you. First put on the white silk stockings, and then put them both together.


Hey hey, the reward for the dog text is finally over~ and then comes the cat chapter.

There is still a chapter to be added here, but let’s leave it to tomorrow. Today is quite tiring. I will update it when I come back from get off work tomorrow, Friday, and I will update another chapter as normal later.

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