Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 408: Rank 3 and 6, not only ice cream but also wrestling this time!


The six-winged goddess was cut into two pieces by Luo Xi's sword, and the rest of her body was like overheated glass, with constant cracking sounds.

Nearby, a giant black and red dragon stood in the sky, spitting out scorching flames from its nostrils, staring at the broken goddess as if facing a formidable enemy.

Below, the residents of Nolan City walked out of their houses as if they were possessed, and knelt down towards the center of the city with feverish eyes.

At the same time, countless light points floated out from their bodies and merged into the body of the six-winged goddess.

Including the imprisoned players, many lost their minds and knelt down in the direction of the six-winged goddess in the prison.

【Ding! Because your intelligence is below 8000, you are not immune? ? ? Have you been affected by it? ? ? The compulsory degree of belief]

[Note: Let’s go and calm them down for a while]

【Ding! Emergency protection measures are activated, and forced fainting is activated according to Article 3 of the agreement you signed]

Under the deliberate manipulation of a certain female imp GM in the background, those players who tried to kneel down fainted in an instant and stopped the process of being controlled by the statue.

[Note: Traveler, you can rush duck now! 】

You don’t need to say it.

Luo Xi also knew that now was not the time to wait for the transformation to end and let the enemy stand opposite him intact and in the strongest posture. Every point he could weaken would be a point.

He waved his dragon claws forward and threw out the holy sword in his claws.

However, it is conceivable that ordinary attacks will not be effective. He only speeds up the process of shell shattering.

The all-out blow just now cannot be unleashed again in a short period of time, and Luo Xi's physical condition is not very good now.

Luo Xi shook his head and flapped his wings in mid-air, trying his best to keep his brain that was about to explode calm.

After completely transforming into a dragon, he felt that there was a different voice in his brain, making him involuntarily want to vent his desire to destroy everything.

Is this the 'animal nature' that emerges after transforming into a dragon?

Or is it similar to Floresia's state last night when she lost control and wanted to rep him?

Luo Xi is not sure.

But he knew that he couldn't stay rational for too long. Even if he could wake up later, he would lose consciousness soon, and he didn't know what would happen to him in the future.

This guy Gou Wen is also a trap.

Didn't he say that there would be no changes if he completely transformed into a dragon?

[Note: No matter how special you are, Traveler Chip, you are essentially just a mortal spirit. After transforming into a dragon queen, isn’t it normal for you to be affected by the sudden increase in animal nature? It will naturally subside after a period of time, and we are not a trap! We are here to assist you, the miscellaneous fish traveler! 】

Okay, okay, okay.

Luo Xi didn't want to have a quarrel with Gou Wenwen at this time.

Even if he dies, he must die more valuable this time, at least to get more relevant information.

Fortunately, after transforming into a dragon, his recovery speed was ridiculously fast.

He was vomiting a large amount of source elements around him. In addition to the source marrow crystals in his luggage, as well as advanced recovery items such as world tree leaves, his strength was rapidly increasing every second.

Crunch - crunch -

Within a minute, the goddess statue stopped shattering.

coming soon.

Luo Xi stopped breathing and held his breath.

In an instant, endless light was released from the statue. The warm spring-like light made Luo Xi's entire dragon body feel as warm as if it were soaked in magma.

Compared with the blue goddess statue, a golden seraph with a sense of holiness that cannot be described in any language and is closer to human characteristics stands at the center of Nolan's fracture.

About three hundred meters high, it looks like an angel descending from Western mythology, bringing hope and salvation to the world.

[Note: What a sinister and hateful guy! After analyzing the thinking of humans in this world, did you deliberately create this appearance? Wait, what are they doing? We have to knock out another group of people! Damn it! It’s hopeless, you humans are all fools! No wonder those evil gods like your kind of mortal race the most! 】

Luo Xi: What happened?

Feeling offended.

No, he is not a human now. What does the dog text scolding humans have to do with him?

The city of distant wind.

After Kobayashi Yuanye's live broadcast came out of the six-winged statue, he had been facing the city of Nolan without daring to turn his head. For him, this was all a bargaining chip to increase his work results and prevent him from being bombarded with gold coins when he returned.

From the strangeness last night, to the sudden break of the sacred tree that appeared this morning, and the blue goddess that appeared later, he told everyone.

[Angel, the angel has arrived! ]

[Oh, God! Are you here to save us? ]

From the outside world, most of the comments and comments on the live broadcast are like this.

The blue goddess was okay at first, and not many people would regard her as their side. But when the holy winged angel came out, everyone watching the live broadcast, especially the players in the Western countries, were completely excited.

A large number of Western players claim that God has sent angels to save them and save their poor people whose lives have been disrupted by Dawn.

Of course, in addition to this group of people who are easily confused, there are also some relatively rational high-level players. Because the 'Mythical Level' mission is still there, they are highly vigilant about the winged angel and scold them as idiots in the private group.

[mika: Those guys are all idiots, and God saves them. It’s funny, the text says they are evil gods. 】

[sensei: Not to mention those idiots, did you notice the dragon that fought with the goddess statue at the beginning? 】

[Bai: Is it the loli red dragon girl from the Black Death family? 】

[Joker: It doesn’t feel like it, but it’s powerful enough. It split the first-stage shell of the goddess into two pieces. Who knew there was a second-stage one?]

[sensei: Some people say that is the black god of death, Luo Xi. Go check it out online.]

【white:? 】

At some point, a large number of claims appeared on the Internet that the dragon was Luo Xi of Xia Kingdom, and under some circumstances that even the information bureaus of various countries could not understand, a large amount of relevant information leaked out to the normal online world.

There are a total of 8 billion people in reality. Anyone with access to the Internet can have unobstructed access to information that was originally only accessible to players, including some videos and photos.

—[The Evil Dragon and the Savior Angel]

—[Shocked, the evil dragon turned out to be a person from the Xia Kingdom? —Detailed information about the Dark Evil Dragon Luo Xi]

—[The editor discovered the truth. Luo Xi is the agent of the evil god behind the game Dawn. Therefore, God sent angels to help humans break free from the shackles of Dawn! 】

This was the headline that appeared on the homepages of Xia Kingdom’s major websites not long after.

In the headquarters, Zhao Mucang was furious: That's nonsense, who released all of this! Take them all down! Then hold them accountable, and kill each one who is in charge!

The person who came to report looked pale and said: Minister Zhao, our network seems to be controlled by hackers, and the Information Bureau is making every effort to regain control.

Suddenly, a line of text appeared on the computer in front of Zhao Muchang.

[Give up Luo Xi and believe in the truth. Let your 1.4 billion people believe in the Lord of Truth. The Xia Kingdom will usher in the favor of the Lord, and all dangerous existences will be eliminated, including this evil god of light]

Wishful thinking! What is it that wants to bewitch me?

Zhao Mucang smashed the computer with one fist.

Then, text appeared on his tablet.

[You will regret it in the summer]

We will never regret it!

Zhao Mucang said in a deep voice and smashed the tablet again.

At the edge of the sea in Nolan City, a man wearing a monocle pushed up his glasses, looking a little annoyed.

It is truly worthy of the Xia Kingdom to stand at the top of the East after experiencing so many hardships.

This ancient civilization with a history of 5,000 years is not easily deceived.

However, what's the use of persisting?

The people down there won't take you seriously.

Ender smiled proudly at the flying dragon.

A person fights for the whole world, but is ruthlessly accused and betrayed by the person he protects. Even the most optimistic person will despair if he knows that, right?

Having been ruined by Luo Xi's plans many times, he took advantage of this opportunity and without hesitation used the means he had accumulated over a long period of time to sway public opinion in favor of the God of Light.

As for whether this clone of the Evil God of Light will absorb too much faith and become uncontrollable.

He doesn't care.

Anyway, after the Lord comes in, no matter whether it is an evil god or something else, it will be the Lord’s nourishment.

If this evil god of light could shatter the dream world early, it would save a lot of effort. Unfortunately, he did not appear in the dream world, but appeared here.

Ender pushed up his monocle and smiled calmly: It should be the work of the being behind him, right?

But Luo Xi, you are really stupid. You turned into a dragon just like that. Aren't you afraid of completely losing your rationality?

And who created this evil god? That group of self-proclaimed shadow merchants? Wind disaster, evil god. Who are they?

While Ander was thinking, the winged angel also took action and stretched out a finger towards the dragon.

Toilet cleaner!—

A gentle drink.

An opaque holy light surrounded the area of ​​Nolan City again, blocking outside sight. At the same time, the face of the winged angel became ugly, and the ravines on its face looked like monsters.

The giant dragon that Luo Xi transformed into was frozen in the light. The white light was peeling off the scales and flesh on his body, extracting the power from his body, causing him to roar in severe pain.

[Note: Traveler, you can’t hold it any longer, why don’t you go back, or let us do it? 】

Standing firmly on the head of the giant dragon, the erratic pink-haired Lolita was already ready for this attack.

With Luo Xi's current physique, he should be able to accept her divine intervention.

Need not.

Luo Xi conveyed his thoughts.

Compared to the unknown consequences of God's descent, he would rather go back in time, no matter how high the cost.

Moreover, if Gou Wenwen takes action now, her existence will definitely be exposed and she will move from darkness to light.

After he finished conveying his thoughts, he felt his head sink, and the severe pain plunged him completely into darkness.

[Note: Then it’s up to you. Traveler, are you still conscious? 】

The pink-haired loli was startled and came to the dragon's face.

There was no trace of humanity in those red gold vertical pupils.

The beastly nature after dragon transformation dominated this dragon body. Under the peeling light of the winged angel, the giant dragon roared instinctively in pain.

The Winged Angel seemed to be aware of the two objects of authority in Luo Xi's body, and was exploring everywhere in his body without directly killing him.

The pink-haired loli patted Luo Xi's head and eyelids.

Traveler, wake up. Even if you have to go back in time, if you are not conscious, the Source Code Liuyue will not take effect automatically!

But no matter how she shouted, even using her connection with Luo Xi, Luo Xi could not respond to her at this time.

Just like a newly born dragon, it only has two desires: 'eat' and 'destroy'.

Time passed by minute by second, and the pink-haired loli was not in a hurry at first. Anyway, it would be fine if Luo Xi could wake up before night came.

However, it was half a day soon, and the gloomy sky became darker.

The winged angel, whose appearance had become ugly, also seemed to be getting a little impatient.

He didn't find anything in Luo Xi's body that attracted him.

Wake up, you don't want to know what the reward is. This time we will not only give you ice cream, but also give you a wrestling match!

The pink-haired loli went all out and shouted in Luo Xi's ear.

Damn it, Luo Xi, you have today too.

At the edge of Nolan City, Ender laughed unbridled.

Although this evil god was not summoned by Ender, he felt relieved from the bottom of his heart when he saw Luo Xi being treated like this.

This time, it was finally proven that human power was extremely insignificant in front of gods. Ander thought so.

There is nothing wrong with the path he chose. Only by surrendering to the true God can he gain the power to go to the void and step onto a higher level.

No need to look any further, the outcome has been decided.

Ender pushed up his monocle and smiled confidently.

Unless the being behind Luo Xi takes action, it is impossible to escape from the evil god of light.

But that being who could take action should have taken action long ago, right? And even if he takes action, it will be exactly what he wants.

The great master behind him has long wanted to have contact with this 'god' who intervened in the affairs of the dream world.

Suddenly, three terrifying auras, two coming from the west and the other coming from the east, converged towards this location very quickly.

Ender: ?

A bad premonition arises spontaneously.

Each of these breaths is above the fifth level.

Put it on the pan-continent of the dream world, there are five big countries with eternal world trees. Each country has at most 0-2 sixth-level extraordinary beings. For example, there are none in the Emerald Forest. Those elves are very close to Yuan Su. And, the lifespan is also long, but the promotion speed of ordinary class is too slow.

There are so many powerful people who are so rare at one time. Who would believe it if the god behind Dawn didn't deliberately guide them?

The light that blocked the city shattered.

A beautiful black-haired woman kicked the Winged Angel in the face and kicked her out of the Nolan Tree.

There was also a little loli with an ugly expression and white hair. She used magic to summon two big hands to hold down the angel's body.

In addition, a girl with long flaming hair and dragon horns fell from the sky with an extremely angry expression. The moment she approached the angel, her body instantly expanded into a dragon shape of about a kilometer, and a dragon fist hit the angel's head.

boom! —

A huge mushroom cloud like a nuclear explosion suddenly rose, and all the impact was limited to a small area in the air and did not spread out.

Immediately the huge dragon shape disappeared, and the dragon-horned girl flew eagerly towards the falling black and red dragon, lifted him up and placed him on the ground before flying again.

The pink-haired loli breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, okay, I caught up.

Having said it all, we are still very powerful.

The original sixth level of the Great Yan Empire - Donghuang Luoshuang.

Cia is on the verge of advancement in Twilight City.

At the peak of the king, the Black Abyss Flame Dragon can eat radioactive elements.

This is the best lineup she has prepared this time, which is enough to face any crisis except the direct arrival of the true god. Even if the Lord of Light, Hel'Akti, comes in a clone, under the suppression and active degradation of the world's rules, he has to Drinking hate on the spot.

Over there, the Winged Angels were attacked by three sixth-level warriors, and were quickly defeated.

This made Herakdi extremely furious. UU read books www.uukanshu.net

He had just recovered and had not had time to absorb more faith, otherwise these three mortal spirits would be nothing more than his food.

If you dare to hurt my child, you must pay the price! Get out of the way!

In the roar of the giant dragon, it unfolded its dragon body. The thousand-meter-long red dragon grabbed the winged angel and moved upward at a very fast speed. It easily broke through the overlapping area, as well as the external wind disaster, and flew towards the high altitude of this world. Ten thousand meters, twenty thousand meters, forty thousand meters

Until the universe.

Floresia looked back at the blazing sun.

Are they real stars?

Then, without hesitation, she completely released the uncontrollable energy in her body.

An indescribable explosion lit up outer space, as if a second sun appeared. The light even penetrated the thick clouds formed by the wind disaster and reached the ground.

The pink-haired loli sighed softly, lowered her head and kicked Luo Xi's dog's head, shouting:

Lazy dog ​​Luo Xi, if you haven't woken up yet, your mother dragon exploded. Now it's your turn to stop time!

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