Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 406: Alienation level 4, Luo Xi who is completely transformed into a dragon (4k)

Chapter 405 The fourth level of alienation, Luo Xi who is completely transformed into a dragon (4k)

Luo Xi looked at this young soldier who was about the same age as him and shed tears silently, and realized that something might have happened to them on the way here, otherwise they would not be so sad.

Were you in any danger? he asked.

No, we're down there. We're not in danger. I'm just so happy that I finally completed the mission.

The young soldier wiped away the tears on his face and smiled at Luo Xi: What we should do has been completed. Just ask Mr. Luo to complete your mission. However, what do you need from us for the mythical mission Mr. Luo? Really? Although my strength is average and not like theirs, I can still do my part.

His voice was trembling, and he slowly raised his head to look at the huge six-winged goddess in the center of Nolan City.

! ! ! ¥%¥……

The moment he saw the face of the six-winged goddess, the young man's spirit suffered an unimaginable impact, and his eyes suddenly became dull and dim.

A bunch of negative emotions kept emerging from my heart.

Is that a god-level existence that descends into the real world?

Is that really something humans can resist?

Minister Zhao and the others have placed all their bets on this black god of death. If he fails, will the Xia Kingdom, and even the entire world, be destroyed?

Instead of stubbornly resisting, it is better to surrender directly and fall into His arms.

Then, a gentle voice sounded softly in his ears.

-I am the Lord of Light, Herak Emperor. If you believe in me, you will reach the extreme of light-

Don't look.

Luo Xi shouted softly, took two steps forward, and interrupted the young man's direct gaze.

The goddess statue seemed to be in hibernation at this moment, its bewitching aura was restrained, and even a pair of eyes were closed, but it was still not something ordinary sublimators like young soldiers could look at. After all, there was no protection from any sacred tree here. An extraordinary person like Liya would be instantly confused, let alone him.

Thank you Mr. Luo.

After his vision was interrupted, the young man regained consciousness, and the bewitching voice in his ears disappeared. He exhaled heavily and lowered his head in fear.

Mr. Luo Xi, mom and the others are awake.

Feiya stuck her head out of the boat and shouted to Luo Xi.


Luo Xi nodded, and then said to the young man: There are dangers on the shore and in the sea. You first get out of the submarine and get on the ship. Leave here. Is there anyone else in the submarine?

Well, there are still more than a dozen people, and all the nuclear warheads are inside, but don't you need our help? the young soldier asked in a low voice.

No need, I just need you to live well.

Luo Xi patted the young man's shoulder and said with a smile: You have completed the task, haven't you? It's already very good. The next step is my business. Take a good look at it. My title of 'Black Death' is not for nothing. Come.

The young soldier was stunned and looked up at the girls who were poking their heads out of the boat one after another.

In addition to the two beautiful and graceful women with their own merits, the blond fox-eared girl and the red-haired dragon girl stuck their heads out. They all felt small and were very cute little lolita.

He remembered that this person's original title was probably the 'Black Lolita Death God', right?

Sure enough, there was no wrong title.

Soon, within a few minutes, dozens of soldiers working inside the nuclear submarine came up and climbed onto the ship.

Several people on the boat also jumped off again.

Feiya could tell that Luo Xi didn't want to leave.

Her emerald green eyes were tinted with a hint of gold.

She wanted to see what would happen to them in the future if they didn't leave.

After a moment, the fox-eared girl snorted and covered her eyes.

how come.

She could no longer discern any destiny trajectory from the future.

Is it because of the influence of the Lord of Light?

Luo Xi, listen, this is not something we can fight against.

Liya turned her back to the six-winged goddess and said seriously: We were fascinated by him in an instant. Before he takes action, we can only go back first and wait for grandma to complete her promotion before making plans.

If it were just the Archbishop of Noah's Church, their siege operation would have been successful, but who would have known that an evil god would suddenly appear.

Luo Xi shook his head, looked at the huge statue with squinted eyes, and said with a smile: I have many people's expectations on me. I came here with confidence before, wouldn't it be a clown to run away now? You go back first, From now on, I’ll be fine alone.”

Liya's face darkened and she said angrily: Do you think you are some kind of hero? Yes, you are very powerful. In just two months, you were able to encounter so many dangers, and you passed them all safely. , but this is not our world, you don’t have infinite life, have you forgotten?”



But, who told you that I went there with the belief that I would die? Or, mother-in-law, how do you think I am alone?

? Liya looked confused.

What the hell is this guy talking about.

Luo Xi's narrowed eyes opened, and a petite pink figure seemed to be reflected in a pair of vertical red gold dragon pupils.

He seemed to see someone right next to him, looking at him with admiration, and his slightly moving lips seemed to say - As expected of the trash fish we like, well, high-end trash fish is also a trash fish, anyway. A miscellaneous fish traveler, but a miscellaneous fish traveler is also quite magnanimous. ’

‘Ah, did he see me? ’

After a moment, the petite figure disappeared, leaving behind a panicked cry.

Luo Xi smiled.

Finally, he saw the vague pink-haired figure that had been buried in the memory in his mind.

Maybe in the near future, Dog Wenwen will no longer be able to peek into his private life, right?

[Note: Traveler, what are you talking about, we don’t know, meow? |ω`)~】

Liya frowned and said: Then what are you going to do? Let's say it first, I have no choice. Even if I have obtained the realm of Grand Master experience before, I can't be the opponent of that thing.

But Feiya took a step forward and said, Mr. Luo Xi, I'm here to help you. Just give your orders.

The little fox girl's eyes were firm. No matter what she would face in the future, she would follow Luo Xi.

With her here, the chaotic fate can be more chaotic and turned towards luck, right?

Same goes for mom.

Floresia said without hesitation.

Floresia, who believed that she had done something unforgivable, even though she was forgiven and comforted by Luo Xi, she still would not forgive herself for last night.

And she here is just a temporary body.

So what if it's gone?

Luo Xi, I will also help you. Listy said quickly.

Liya: .

These guys made her 'mother-in-law' look like a coward who wanted to run away.

Luo Xi laughed and said: No, I know it well, so you don't need to get involved, just watch.

However, Mother Lecia, I do have something to ask of you.

Floresia nodded: Xiao Luoxi, you say, even if you let mother and I die.

It's not that serious, just borrow some ambergris.

Luo Xi suddenly turned around, biting Floresia's lip under her stunned eyes.

Dragon Lady's eyes suddenly opened wide, and the red dragon tail behind her suddenly became stiff.

Liya: ?

Feiya puffed up her face.

Is this an advantage of coming earlier?

Listy looked away with envy.

Xiao Luoxi doesn't want it!

Floresia pushed Luo Xi who was holding him down.

She felt the drastic changes taking place in Luo Xi's body.

That is the fundamental transformation from human beings to dragon-born beasts.

If it were the original time, Floresia would definitely be very happy, which means that Luo Xi will finally become a dragon. The lifespan of the dragon seed beast is very long, at least for thousands of years, she will not have to worry about it. Someone is with her.

But now Luo Xi has transformed.

Will he still be him?

Many humans have lost their humanity after becoming a source beast and turned into a complete dragon, forgetting all the memories of their time as humans.

Will he still remember himself?

Floresia has never worried about this in the past, but now she wants Luo Xi to remain the same Luo Xi as she is now, rather than turning Luo Xi into a dragon.

So Mother Lecia, I'm not angry after I said that, but I'm very happy.

Luo Xi licked her lips with some unfinished thoughts, and her vertical pupils became even more dazzling and translucent.

What are you doing?

Liya was a little annoyed, and she also saw what Luo Xi was thinking.

This guy wants to break the rules and completely transform into a dragon seed source beast.

But after alienation, you can’t come back!

How do I explain it to my two daughters?

Tell them that the man you like turned into a dragon?

Isn't it right that my daughters will also become widows? It shouldn't count if they are not married now.

Mother-in-law, let's go.

Luo Xi said while looking at his text.

The prerequisites for advancement through alienation have been completed.

【Ding! Traveler, you have ingested fresh ambergris]

[Your factor concentration has shifted]

【Ding! Traveler, you have entered the fourth level of alienation, and your factor concentration has increased significantly]

[Current factor concentration: 29.88%]

【Ding! Traveler, you have met the advancement conditions and will be forced to start the advancement transformation]

【Ding! Your strength +2500, constitution +2500, agility +1500, intelligence +350, and the power of your fire skills +200%]

【Ding! All your normal skill levels have been upgraded]

[Your skill: Dragon Transformation MAX→Human Transformation]

[Humanization: When you become a dragon, you can transform into the human form you want (it will change according to the appearance you most want for the first time, and cannot be changed at will. The power and ability of the human form will change. Partially reduced)]

[Description: It was originally a skill unique to the origin beasts above the king level. Because the source of your alienation factor is the Black Abyss Flame Dragon at the peak of the king, and a very small part comes from the black dragon Bahamut, it has been opened in advance]

【Ding! You have obtained exclusive skills: Domain]

[Domain: An ability possessed by extraordinary individuals above level 4. In your domain world, you have great suppression power over the enemy. You can build your own domain world according to your preferences (the initial form of the domain world will be Related to the traveler’s extraordinary ability attributes)]

Severe pain spread from the limbs and bones, and the muscles began to spasm, dissolve, and then regenerate.

Mr. Luo Xi!

Feiya wanted to support Luo Xi worriedly.

It's okay, let's go.

Luo Xi smiled reluctantly at the people in front of him, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Space control.

In an instant, together with the ship and the submarine, Liya and others disappeared directly.

All abilities were greatly enhanced the moment he entered the fourth level.

Including his ability to control the two source codes in his body.

Under the effect of the [Controlled Shaping] talent related to 'Yuandian Kong', they were sent directly back to Mederos by Luo Xi. They were all attempts to die anyway, and he didn't want others to follow them.

Then, next, we have to 'fight alone'.

Luo Xi turned around, enduring the pain of drastic changes inside her body, and walked towards the huge blue six-winged goddess.

[Note: Traveler, you have forgotten what you said. You are not alone! (〃> dishes<)! 】

Yes, with you by my side, I am never alone at any time.

Luo Xi said softly.

At some point, this guy who always liked to make fun of, tease, and complain about him became an indispensable part of him.

Even if no one else knows she exists.

But with her by his side, he can always feel more at ease when doing things.

[Note: Why, why did you suddenly say such sensational words (〃>朜)! Don't try to deceive us, we won't be moved by you just because of these words! By the way, you, the miscellaneous fish traveler, are about to turn into a dragon. How about changing your human form into a lolita? A cute red dragon in the form of a little loli should suit you very well~】

Luo Xi's mouth twitched.

It’s already this time, why is UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Dog Text still trying to trick him?

I've turned into a dragon. I should still be able to remember my own affairs, right? I won't lose myself?

[Note: Maybe it’s not a big problem? Maybe you will be a little confused at first, but you are a special individual whose memory cannot be covered up by looking back in time. You can transform into a dragon or something like that~ And it’s not like you can’t try to sublimate in the future. These two powers are inherently stupid. Among the two parallel lines in the extraordinary rules of the world set by Han, some people can only walk on one, but some people can slide on both tracks. You have seen it~]

Luo Xi laughed.

In the back figure of the person walking forward alone, there is the back figure of a pink-haired girl with bare feet.

His legs suddenly kicked up, and in the sky, his figure twisted into a black and red dragon shape more than ten meters long.

A pair of red gold dragon pupils are exceptionally bright.

Fourth-level lord, red dragon genus, black abyss flame dragon - Luo Xi.

Come on!


There is another chapter in the evening, and it is estimated that it will take a few chapters for the dog text to be rewarded.

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