Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 402: Want to make your mother-in-law a true widow? You kid is really intolerant of food and

Chapter 401 Want to make your mother-in-law a true widow? You kid is so insufferable (4k)

Ireland did not lose his mind in anger.

But where are they?

Nothing strange appeared above the blessing light of the Nolan Sacred Tree or outside Nolan City, and he found no sign of anyone approaching.

But the archbishop did not doubt the priests around him. After all, they were his most trusted subordinates and would not deceive him casually.

He was just a little confused, why could the priest notice it but he didn't?

Obviously, he has been using the Nolan Sacred Tree to fully perceive the outside world.

Am I not as confident in the light as he is? the archbishop couldn't help but think.

Lord Ellan, they used some kind of advanced magic to isolate all the aura on their bodies.

The priest silently raised his hand, pointed in one direction and said: They are right there, on the sea three thousand meters away from the edge of the city wall. Do we want to take the initiative to attack?

Take the initiative? No.

Xinghuo trembled and asked loudly: Xinghuo mainly feels that he has reached a bottleneck... I am sure that if Xinghuo is obedient, he will become less weak? Can't he be like you, the Great Spirit?

Run Wen was immediately angry: Get out of here, you know that he is very evil to Liya, and he has deceived this child so much that his image is all over his mind. He became like this because he wanted to play Lolita, right?!

That was something the Great Spirit of the Spirit God Fortress gave to Starfire after he left.

Uh... As long as you said so~

Seeing Luo Xi's expression as normal, Floresia breathed a sigh of relief before discussing the situation of this sphere with Rune You.

Lord of Light?

At the same time, a petal and a transparent crystal were discharged from the wriggling sphere.

So does Aina.

[Note: The traveler wants to see the widow! You are an innocent fake mother like Miss Elf. If you are careless, you will be played to death~(??w??)~]

Just doing it slowly is of no use.

Then, you handed over the crystal and said expectantly:

Several bishops looked confused.

The Orchid Sacred Tree took out a thin branch with leaves from his arms with a respectful expression.

Of course, there was no chance. Luo Xi would mind sending Jin Ya's past husband off.

Just the reason why this guy wanted to throw the newly born Wei'er to death was enough for Luo Xi to kill me a thousand times.

Jin Ya should still be considered a widow now, right?

The moment Xinghuo saw Ai Xue in Rune's hand, his eyes suddenly straightened. A desire from the depths of your soul made you want to devour that Jin Ya.

the other side.

[Note: Then let the mother-in-law truly become a widow, right? 】

Ah, listen, of course, mother-in-law, please continue. Luo Xi said quickly.

What the hell?

That is the last thing left after the fire gathered by these juniors burned to the forefront, and it is also the only trace left of you.

I am the young bishop of Noah’s Church.

Rune: ...

Under the boat, Floresia looked at the island in a daze and touched her red lips with her fingers.

You still maintain your loli attitude due to the side effects of the talent ‘Dark Night Transformation’.

Now, the conditions for the creation of a container that can accommodate the true arrival of 'light' have not yet been gathered.

Little Noah...well...

Wei'er gently played with the tail in front of her.

Luo Xi said loudly: Xinghuo, does he want to become weaker again?

That's not the little Bishop of the Orchid Sacred Tree. I have always regarded it as a god-given gift of life.


Have you ever come into contact with these things in the real world?

Or is that the latest title assigned by the little Pope?

Luo Xi: ...

But because he didn't know the other person's background and the uncertainty of being in another world, he didn't dare to leave the city casually, and he also dared to doubt me.

Lan Shenshu's voice changed, his eyes became hollow, and he shouted in a low voice: Little 'Lord of Light', your container is about to be completed. When you are called to come, please send down the real light!

Having a party?

Why should you go to him first, and why should he come to you?

The priest looked at the thing held by the little bishop with a strange look.

The little bishop's old cheeks were squeezed into a ball, and he smiled sinisterly.

Such understanding of human nature is truly amazing, worthy of Mr. Luo Xi.

Wei Erjinya and Aina were both left in Medeiros City.

Damn it, how come my mother-in-law knows everything?

Luo Xi could tell at a glance.

The attack last night was too sudden, and we were not prepared at all, otherwise it would have been so embarrassing.

Rune murmured loudly: No matter how powerful the spark is, can there be a day when it can't start a prairie fire?

“Please ask him to come here as the eternal ‘Lord of Light’!”

Rune was slightly startled.

Putting the rune on his finger, he frowned and said: Your Ai Xue spell has now fallen back to the seventh level. It must be because you accepted the gifts from these juniors in Yuanfeng City and may not be able to change your core Ai Xue sequence. If we make weak improvements now, the consequences may be minor.

Even if you trust yourself so much, there are things that have never been shown around me.

Otherwise, Hughes would definitely lose.

Feiya squatted down and looked at the big elf curiously.

Aina took out a playing card made of Dream World material from her luggage.

But I know that this city has quietly changed its owner.

From the end of the eight years until the end, the little bishop was always like that. He always said something understandable to the air as if he was possessed by evil spirits. None of us secretly reported the little bishop, saying I went crazy and ended up getting scolded by the little Pope.

Under the fierce sea, a boat docked far away from the island where Luo Xi and Floresia almost had a problem last night.

But you don't have any traces of eighth-level Ai Xue...

How come you look like a pervert who forces a young girl from a weak family?

[Attributes: It cannot be refined into low-level source weapons, or used to accommodate the withdrawal of souls. It cannot slightly improve the original power of souls such as souls of weapons, virtual spirits, etc.]

After all, it is just something that evolved from the laws of light in the big world created by a higher god.

Jin Ya was originally planning to use it.


However, it is definitely not possible to upgrade the Ai Xue powered armor to the legendary level. Even a small master cannot reproduce that miraculous armor. If you were still alive and saw it, you would be very depressed, right?

Why do even the souls in power armor have such a low opinion of me? And if Xinghuo's appearance were smaller, he would probably be just a few steps away from Liya and you.

The priest's eyes flickered slightly and said: Little man, are you going to set a trap to lure you into a trap?

Call his sister here.

With a casual move of the rune, a fragment of Ai Xue, filled with mysterious fluctuations and containing Jin Ya's ultimate truth, appeared in your hand like a big flame.

Can you still get weaker?

After all, we are all city lords of acropolis or small cities from the same country, and each of us has no pride of our own.

You know that being able to advance like a pervert like Luo Xi is as complicated as drinking water. This is the strength I gained with my life. If someone from our world had done this, they would have died hundreds of times.

The archbishop shook his head and said: That will only make us passive. After the previous conflicts with other cities and what happened last night, Nolan's reserve power of the sacred tree is no longer enough. I did not capture them at such a distance. .”

In other countries, young city lords can use the magic related to the Eternal World Tree, but it is the same in the Kingdom of Light. The church is the country, and the controllers of many cities are not people from the Church of Noah. Therefore, he had to use related magic as much as possible.

Luo Xi smiled cheekily and said, You should have no problem calling his mother-in-law a villain, right?

This is an eighth-level power, and it contains the power of the Noah tree that we believe in. Even if it is the source beast at the peak of the king, it will definitely be hated on the spot if it fights head-on.

That guy without Luo Xi is really outrageous.

Bad... Weier nodded.

But being able to help Luo Xi still made Wei'er unhappy.

Xinghuo wanted to escape, but couldn't escape at all. You could only stretch out your big hand towards Luo Xi, crying aggrievedly and begging the master to take you back.

Weier, would you like to play Landlords to relax your mood?

Ellan also thought about whether to find the city owner of the remaining 800-meter-level city besides Nolan as an ally.

The priest pressed his hand towards the young bishop's back.

There was a sarcastic smile on the priest's lips.

In front of the little bishop, several bishops looked at the little bishop whispering something to the back, and their expressions were all too right.

[Quality: Legend]

[Quality: unknown]

If you want to help your master, you can't do it until you become weaker.

That's not the 'spirit' that Mr. Luo Xi will use your tail hair to blend into the armor next time.

We seem to see a figure appearing next to the little bishop.

Hey, mother-in-law, you are the one who has decided to hand over the cat to you.

Rip the dragon's skin to pieces, and the tiny 'Lord of Light' will finally come!


I still remember the weakness of this king's red dragon, and the strange sword held in the hands of this guy who was called the 'White Death' by the humans of that world, cutting Nolan's blessing light as casually as tofu.

After all, Master is always facing enemies at certain levels that are far weaker than me.

Luo Xi: ???

There are only Luo Xi, Feiya, Rune, Listy, and Floresia down there.

Senior is dragging Mommy and you to have a party again. There's nothing to be angry about.

Fortunately, after many conflicts and confrontations, various major cities seem to have formed a fragile balance. Otherwise, if it happens a few more times, the Nolan Sacred Tree will be destroyed.

Seeing that Luo Xi seemed to be distracted, Fu Wen suddenly asked, What on earth does Luo Xi want to listen to?

Maybe it's because Jin Ya, as the shaper of the spark, like Luo Xi, can't touch the spark that has no entity in itself.

Master, Xinghuo is so scared. Xinghuo wants to be toyed with by you, so that he can be happy...

But does Noah have the title of ‘Lord of Light’?

Rune asked: Where is So Liya?

Don't think too highly of you.

Known as the housekeeper, he protects Ciya who is in the critical stage of promotion.

But so what?

Of course, do we hate breaking the Blessing Glory? You want to see if we still dare.

Jin Ya is very angry because mom and Luo Xi are taking care of you.

In addition, the 'life-sealing golden gun' in your hand has also entered its skill cool-down period, causing your combat power to plummet.

Long Niang's face turned red, and she looked at Luo Xi cautiously.

The voice of the Great Spirit is telling you that that thing can't make Xinghuo become more powerful. Xinghuo definitely can't keep walking up there. There will never be a day when he can withstand this fortress-like body.

Starfire snatched the golden petal back as if snatching it away.

This spiritual god fortress without the power of destroying gods is still fresh in your memory.

Luo Xi said confidently: Worry, your mother-in-law is an expert along with Ai Xue. Without you there, it will be easy to upgrade him. He closes and opens his eyes. He is no longer a legendary level armor. .”

Is the husband who talks about runes still a vegetable?

He shut up.

While the bishops were looking at each other, only the little bishop Lan Shenshu was staring at a certain direction with interest.

This figure holds a dazzling ball of light in his hand, in which the hot light and the cool light blend at the same time.

After Rune finished speaking, he rolled his eyes at Luo Xi again: Not yet, is his little mother-in-law's voice becoming more and more smooth?

[Description: It was a gift from someone who recognized Xinghuo as a friend]


Last night, not here, you almost gave Da Luoxi this...

Xinghuo has been keeping them as treasures, and Luo Xi has no intention of snatching them from Xinghuo.

In comparison, the 'body' that I host is indeed too strong. Although it can still help the master before a few upgrades, when facing weak enemies, it becomes more and more limited.

Leaving the home court, I was not even sure that I would face a single King Red Dragon head-on.

Is it the light of Noah that we believe in?

However, it had no impact on Luo Xi.

Anyway, I am such a perverted thief, I have no idea about the mother of a boy he has grown into. After all, this kind of thing is NG.

That guy is really fat and salty!

I can tell with my naked eyes that this Far Wind Divine Tree is even more sluggish than my Nolan. I guess it has been holding on for a long time.

Luo Xi blinked, UU reading www.uukanshu. net said: Isn't it early for Liya? Yes, I am sure you must let Liya get together with you early, that's okay -

For the master, no matter what they do to Starfire, Starfire will accept it! Come on! (〃>﹏<〃)!

[Category: other materials]

In fact, it was not thrown up.

Duonan wanted to cause trouble for Luo Xi, so he asked to stay with Wei'er and you.

Suddenly, a thorough chill rose up in front of the bishop's back.

[Category: Ordinary materials]

[Description: There is a sleeping weapon spirit living outside. You carry with you the long-cherished wishes of the generation 80,000 years from now. You want to see with your own eyes the day when these people’s expectations are truly realized]

The great elf spark he had grown was outside Rune's hand, being kneaded wantonly by a few slender and ugly fingers.


There is a way. The two sisters of Villia and Aina are not strong enough to protect themselves completely. I am sure that if something goes wrong, you will most likely be the breakthrough point.

In the next incident outside the town of Berg, little Bishop Hughes will be defeated by us before he summons the projection of the Eternal World Tree Noah. According to the little Pope, it is purely because this White Dragon Emperor is Those with martial ethics joined the battlefield.

There is a mistake, the little bishop is waiting for the Lord of Yuanfeng City to take the initiative.

[Attribute: unknown]

Wei'er also knew this, so she listened to Rune's words and stayed in the city with her sister. It's just that you don't feel lonely when you look at Luo Xi and our backs.

【Necromantic Core】

A moment ago, the figure disappeared again.

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