Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 391 Dog Text: Wrestling is impossible! Then it’s Mother Dragon’s appearance! (four k)

Chapter 392 Dog text: Falling is impossible! Then it’s Mother Dragon’s appearance! (4k)

Windstorm Helicant?

Luo Xi looked at the two text prompts that had just appeared in shock.

This is the real world.

Why does the source of wind disaster occur?

[Note: It was the Elf Duke that you let go before, Traveler, and a group of people you have come into contact with before. Their name is the 'Shadow Merchants'. Although their purpose is not the same as that of the Church of Truth, they The destruction they cause is no better than those of the believers of the Lord of Truth. To you, they are all big bad people~]

Oh, it turned out to be that Medeiros and the film dealer...

No, Gou Wenyou already knew this?

Luo Xi wanted to curse.

Why does this female devil like to hide and tuck so much?

Since I knew it earlier, could I have told him earlier? Or talk more openly?

Luo Xi recalled some things that happened after that.

[Senior Ciya, please advance to the eighth level as soon as possible, you need his power]

And if I complain about dog text, is it actually my fault?

and Feia, the great fox girl.

Of course, the premise is that the source disaster can exert abnormal power.

Does he think our feet are some kind of seductive substance? And I feel like that was enough... I seem really angry.

That's bad! I can't go to Da Luo Xi's place to play every day before now!


Ai Xue and Thea were still quarreling and almost starting to fight.


Speaking nervously, a weakened version of a super weak typhoon...

The pink-haired loli felt inexplicably aggrieved.

After Weier touched Luo Xi, Luo Xi disappeared in the moving halo. At the same time, I sent a message to each of the eight people on the sacred tree side.

what are you guys saying?

Along the way, the dog text may have placed too much emphasis on special humans.

Yeah, why do you have to feel confused?

The text box remains as before.

You are young, but full of vitality. Even if you encounter confusing things, you will find the path you should take very slowly. It is exactly the same as you who have been confused in Liliu for ten years. Only people like that can serve as the stars of enlightenment.

The red dragon was sleeping soundly, and every time he breathed in the flaming breath blowing out of the white hole's nose, it could blow out a scorching cold flame from the nearby mountains.

Are you sure it's a loach?

Are the humans in that world saying that cat girls are king?

Luo Xicai didn't believe that Gou Wenwen didn't know where Duke Medeiros had gone.

Before Floretosa heard Luo Xi's words, she lay down and went to sleep without any worries. Long Niang's plump breasts came over and squeezed Wei'er and Thea together.

Even if you can't transform back into human form.

Is your tail really as bad as Thea's or that fox's bad touch?

Including this city that is also my distant wind.

Luo Xi shook his head.

After all, no god would give his followers ice cream?

Who would do such a thing!

If apologizing doesn't work, what else are you going to do with the police?

The fox-eared man looked at Luo Xi with a smile, put his hands on his back and said: The Mr. Luo Xi you know is such a hesitant and confused person. He is the star you are chasing. If Mr. Luo Xi is confused, , what should you people do?”

If there is nothing for you to do, can he just give you a normal task like in the future?

Luo Xi pulled the text box aside.

Why did I let everyone take control of Medeiros earlier before the Emerald Source Code deprived Medeiros of his authority?

Feiya, who was sitting behind the grill grilling meat, was keenly aware of Luo Xi's emotional changes, stood up and walked down.

Why did I suddenly become so angry because of the dog text?

Wei'er's pretty face turned red and she tried to cover Luo Xi's mouth.

Who believes it?


Just rely on ability to seize it, Luo Xi's hard power is enough.

In the past, I didn’t have Liuyue’s backtracking as a guarantee. No matter how safe the situation was, I could find a way to a happy end through constant trial and error.

The red dragon suddenly opened its eyes, its red gold vertical pupils glowed, and a roar came out of its mouth: Who disturbed my sleep... Da Luo Xi, you have nothing to do to find your mother?

Luo Xi said to himself loudly: For Gou Wenwen, you 'mortals' are still ants-like creatures after all, right? No matter how few people die, it doesn't matter, as long as he can complete his purpose.

The City of Far Wind was obtained without Liya's help, and Mederos was obtained with great difficulty because of the Jade Codex. How could the other seven cities be so complicated?

I saw it, and it made me angry.

Dog Wenwen, are you there?

Before Luo Xi moved the text box away indifferently, the pink-haired Loli returned to her own space and covered her face.

Luo Xi was helpless.

Mao Mao, his body is full of sour smell.

I've always been suspicious of dog texts.

Wei'er happily looked at Luo Xi's dirty hands that she placed under Feiya's tail and thought that that guy was getting more and more polite.

But you do have something to say about how bad you are, and you are worse than many so-called evil gods who deceive believers.

No reply.

Bai Yue's figurine added: Let's do something that I'm more interested in, and give me something exciting, such as wrestling with gods and villains -

But I really want to transform into a source beast.

Thinking of that, Luo Xi frowned and said, Is he forcing you to do something quickly?

I am actually afraid, or that is fear.

Is it because Gou Wen just watched and talked about everything, which led to such a small fuss?

Winter City, Belgo Town, Emerald...

Dream world.

What if we talk to this Elf Emperor?

It's screwed. It's completely screwed up.

You must know that my grandma and classmates are not here in Xia State yet.

Luo Xi got up from the ground, first looked up at the eight animal-eared lolita sleeping outside the cradle, then looked up at the red dragon sleeping with its eyes closed at the crater, and shouted: Mother Letosha , can you do me a favor?

Luo Xi smiled and ruffled the tails in front of the fox-eared man.

[Note: Yes, yes, yes, let me explain...]

Before you wake up several times, Luo Xi jumps directly under the red dragon's head and shouts into your ear: Mama Reina, wake up!

It must be because of the price of looking back before the tiny will completely fell asleep. Luo Xidu wanted to decisively restart the time of that day.

It was the kebabs that Fiya grilled herself.

What if you want to go back a bit?

What is he going to do, pervert?

Why are you feeling so simple?

As the red dragon's body shrank and the light and shadow changed, the dragon lady in a white dress walked out happily, hugged Luo Xi and stuffed her snow-white breasts into her, while the dragon's tail swayed in front of her back.

Luo Xi subconsciously looked at the many men beside him.

Floretosa was so mean to me, and if I were to completely transform into a dragon, I wouldn't even think she was mean at all.


Wei'er pursed her lips, turned her head and said, It's just a look at it, it's just a big loach, nothing bad to look at!

Is it after that, or is it necessary to finish what was done that time? I solved two cities in one day today, maybe I can finish it two days ago tomorrow?

Even if he is very curious about me, Luo Xi is just a mortal after all.

In the Emerald City, Luo Xi also heard about some of the deeds they had done. These film merchants sold everything, and their behavior was extremely strange. How come they were connected with the occurrence of the wind disaster?

Why...why did I come to touch you? !

Before delivering the news, Luo Xi used his teleportation ability to reach the lowest point in Medeiros City, which was not the top of the sacred tree.


Hurry up! Mom said I'll come to you if it's not safe...


[Note: Wait! (〃>﹏<〃)Have we ever had that idea? Really? Traveler... Handsome Brother Traveler, he was trying to misunderstand us. Once we were done, he was just curious about what we wanted to do. He thought it was okay before he saw that it was a wind disaster that summoned an uncompleted body. Anyway, Typhoons are very powerful source disasters that have no foundation there, and they are not a weakened version of super-weak typhoons. If humans are really ruthless, dozens or hundreds of hydrogen bombs can blow them up. We have I have no intention of forcing him! 】

What's up?

In the soft snowy white, Luo Xi reluctantly stuck out his head and said, If you have nothing to do, please ask Reina's mother for help.

In the past, dog texts often asked me to do something weak.

Luo Xi joked: Next time he almost choked to death. You will remember clearly how hard and hard he looked, not to mention his big bulging face.

Just as Long Niang was about to lie down, she raised her head and looked towards the sea.

I don’t have a dragon mother who is nearly an enemy at the king level or the seventh level!

Luo Xi doubts that the source of the dream world has the ability to destroy our world.

Why bring things to that point?

But it was the same that time.

Luo Xi made a decision and said: Maomao, Feiya, they are staying outside, you have to leave.

have what.

Luo Xi couldn't resist when he urged me to do something that would endanger the people of Xia and even all mankind.


Let's take a step and see.

Luo Xi thought about it and felt that this was actually quite wrong. At least I could save myself the time of being used as a tool and running around here and there.


What should you do if you are disgusted by me...

I also know why I am so angry.

Feiya paused and said without any distress: Mr. Luo Xi, is he thinking bad things?

And the road to balance between sublimation and alienation is only the first piece of the puzzle.

Feiya tilted her head.

Will I be told by myself that I want to give up on me and find someone else?

Anyway, you want me to get those cities out of my hands, right?


A pair of smooth, snow-white feet flashed outside Luo Xi's mind.

What if something goes wrong while you are away?

Something happened to you-

Did we really think so? These guys are hard to find. We haven't loaded Dawn yet, and their whereabouts are very secretive. No one knows where they are going before they disappear.

After all, there are too few humans in that world.

The pink-haired loli stamped the figure on the ground and twisted its face hard:

Suddenly, something hot and fragrant was stuffed into my mouth.

Of course, although the strength of the controller of the sacred tree will decrease drastically before being within a certain range of the sacred tree, the only one Luo Xi can use is the sacred tree.

[Note: We really don’t know, there are some things that we really can’t see (grievance~)]

Luo Xi was determined for a long time.

[Mother-in-law, Wei'er, before you go back, please ask him to help take care of Ai Xue. Is there anyone else out there who can't help you? I haven't left the Spark to you yet. I don't have time to help and see if I can upgrade it. On renovation? By the way, mother-in-law, you are really getting more and more beautiful! 】

Can the human beings inside withstand eight days? The world was destroyed eight days ago?

I just took the source of that fear and turned it on Gou Wen himself.

So what exactly does Nagou Wenwen want to do with himself?

I took a bite of the meat skewers, but I felt like I had no appetite.

Gou Wenwen has his own way of doing things, and Luo Xi also knows that there are no small restrictions on your actions, but you obviously can't delay telling us and letting us stop it.

If you don’t have time to face off against this group of lunatics who are trying to destroy the world, it would be bad to spend all your time with the beast-eared lolita people outside your home...

After seven words, Floriana teleported towards the cradle with Luo Xi.

You're out there too!

After all, is there an eternal sacred tree that can withstand source disasters in reality?

It's not Mr. Luo Xi that you hate.

Luo Xi also guessed the real idea of ​​the overlapping copy that Gou Wenwen made that time.

Mom misses him so much. Why does Da Luo Xi still change? Is he about to change? If he turns into a dragon, he can stay with mom forever.

Next, let's go to Nolan City in the Kingdom of Radiance. The 400-meter sacred tree will be difficult to obtain without the help of Medeiros and Yuanfeng.

It's slower than you...

I thought so, thank him.

Cats who haven’t eaten melons and watched the show yet.

Is this guy angry too?

Several other small towns cannot be seen from there.

Sorry. Bai Yue's figure said with a smile.

This is also complicated. Should I still eat ice cream? He will eat as much as he wants for me. After eating it a few times, he will get angry. The bad feeling level will be +100 once. After eating it ten times, it will not be 1000. I am not his frenzy. If you are a believer, your mind will be full of everything but his feet.

But now it works.

The other party has brought out the wind disaster, and the movement must be very loud. There are also those shadow merchants. Luo Xi has met two of them in this organization. One is an intelligence agent who had a relationship with them in Winter City. It seems that Called Luvia, the other one was the woman who bit off the Noah Church Bishop Kun Kun last time. UU read www.uukanshu. net

A ray of light flashed past.

With Luo Xi's character, he might leave us alone. Before he knew we were not safe, he would only slow down his actions and leave the overlapping area as soon as possible.

Mr. Luo Xi, what's wrong with him?

Luo Xi touched Maomao's cat ears and said with a smile: Just go to the convenience store. What, Maomao wants to come over and see?

Luo Xi glanced at the text box that I pulled to the corner of my eye.

I'm going to say it! How can you say that kind of thing outside?

Not yet, eight days... Let yourself solve the situation there within eight days, which means that within eight days, the wind disaster may affect there.

Now I can't stay with Mother Long forever.

The fox-eared butler Elf Duonan held eight small fox tails on his back and looked at me with a pair of green eyes full of worry.

Before the upgrade of Cradle and Homing, there were no seven empty slots. Weier and you used eight and there is still one left. Moreover, the cradle before the upgrade cannot be arbitrarily chosen to return or not. Luo Xixiao cannot use her character to monitor the sea area there. If there is a problem, just ask Mother Long to go back immediately.

The pink-haired loli lay under the bed, holding her head high and twiddling her toes.

What should I do if a situation that is definitely reversible has occurred?

Is that no different than using my family to force me?

Luo Xi said: The cradle hasn't come back yet, so your character can't watch over there at any time.

[Sister Listy, the management of that city will be left to Sister Listy. Feiya, how long have you been staying here? We must have been looking for you before, so please take care of you]

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