Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 388 Feiya: Mom, you have evil plans against Luo Xi, the catalyst of the Jade Source Code

Chapter 389 Feiya: Mom, you have evil plans against Luo Xi, the catalyst of the Jade Source Code (4.4k)

Probably not.

Liya put away this ridiculous idea.

After all, he had 'coaxed' his two daughters into his hands, and there were so many beautiful little girls around him. He should not be interested in women like himself and his grandmother.

However, seeing the change in the beautiful elf woman's demeanor just now, Liya still kept this matter in her heart.

You can test the elf a little bit later.

Her daughter Elisabeth also seems to have her whole heart attached to Luo Xi. Judging from Liya's observation and judgment, Elisabeth is already in a state where her body and mind have been completely taken down.

As a mother, Listy would not fall in love with the same man as her daughter, right?

This kind of thing is simply unheard of.

However, if her suspicion is true...what charm does Luo Xi have in him that can make the elf mother and daughter fall in love with him together?

Ya'er Ya'er, look!

Correspondingly, eighty-seven kinds of source disasters were generated, bringing a lot of suffering and hardship to the creatures underground.

Weier, Aina, they...

Then you saw yourself naked in a sea of ​​flowers...

Hey, pervert, what happened to you?

A loli-control label is not enough to give me a headache.

Today's situation doesn't seem familiar.

Mom, is something wrong with him?

Same as Yuanfeng City, even just defending can last for a long time.

Bai Mao covered Ai Xue Loli's mouth to prevent you from saying more offensive words.

Although Listy's body smelled good and felt very soft, it was unbecoming to hug the big fox girl's mother all the time.

Luo Xi called out everyone's name.

Wei'er, Aina, Gan Qiang and Feiya, each of you looked a little dazed. You leaned towards Luo Xi's body and pulled up my clothes.


Feiya was not surprised, but she felt that it was abnormal. After all, Mr. Luo Xi is the star you are chasing, and the brilliance of the stars will always attract me.

Shut up, if you don’t have the ability to text me, he will give you mugwort!

[Why... it's mating... you don't have any feelings for you? 】

The white-haired Loli pointed to the standing emerald branch with a look of surprise, took Liya's hand and shouted: That's a complete branch taken from the tree of the eternal world! It's so big and thick!



What are they doing? Ya'er, stop it, that's outside the home, it's a place for him to eat this thing! Go back and feed him, feed him until he's full!

Just act like you know what to do...

Bai Mao turned around and saw that the eyes of the two men had become less blurred. Together with Ya'er, they were walking unsteadily towards Luo Xi and Listy.

Outside the dark alley, the former Duke Medeiros opened a dangerous door there.

Do you have any memory of this just now? You know what you have done, so you can face Feiya abnormally.

Yes yes... hmm?

Feiya nodded, took the book and closed her eyes. After a while, she suddenly said: Mr. Luo Xi, you found me for some reason. I seem to have left that city.

Feiya buried her face in Luo Xi's back and said loudly: Mr. Luo Xi, those are probably made of the mother jade tree. It seems like it wants to make him miserable.

Aina, where is he smelling?

Liyin, why is he out there?

When Ciya said that, she was slightly startled.


Yes, he wants to eat.

Noah is darkness and judgment, Xi Yan is temperature and humidity, morning light is dawn and miracle, Yu Xi is creation and reshaping, and jade is life... and reproduction.

Unexpectedly, even the current Gan Qiang has been affected by that power, but you have not realized it yet, or you have controlled the influence of the sacred tree by relying on your own weak willpower.

That city of Medeiros is slowly mine too.

Ai Xue Loli suddenly thought of several records in ancient books.

Is Feiya right in front of me?

On Luo Xi's side, I took my hand back before catching Listy.


White-haired man? Mother-in-law villain?

It’s just that even if Jade does not have such authority, the elves are still so sparsely populated. It can only be said that if that race had a long lifespan and special individuals who took the extraordinary path could live a thousand years, they would have disappeared from history long ago. In the long river.

A faint coldness seemed to spread from his belly to his body and body.

Grandma, are you talking nonsense?

Aina rubbed the tip of her nose blankly.

There is also a hint of charming red under the white-haired ugly face, but his eyes are still very clear.

Forget it outside the home, in the small public, if something happens to Gan Qiang before he became an adult, no matter how shameless I am, I will probably consider taking a spaceship to Mars overnight to become a monk and recite sutras.

Luo Xi: ???


[Note: We also have a headache when watching Traveler. Isn’t he enjoying it yet? Moreover, the big fox girl and the elf girl are actually sisters. Another pair of sisters are considered to be thieves~φ(≧w≦*)?】

Gan Qiang Loli's eyes were red, and she ran over to Luo Xi (〃>﹏<〃) and said: Oh, the young man is such a scumbag. He even spared a body like yours and is about to die - um -

slander! That is naked slander!

Each Eternal World Tree does not have its own fundamental attributes, nor is it the power of authority held by the Eternal Divine Tree, which symbolizes their power to protect the world.

Wei'er found that she was still holding Luo Xi's arm, and you also bitten a tooth mark under Luo Xi's hand.

Gan Qiang Loli couldn't help but look at the only woman present and said, You said he was also affected by the power of the Emerald Sacred Tree to induce lust.

Following the direction of the sound, Gan Qiang saw that in the forest that was like an illusion, there were many large animals, such as rabbits and wolf dogs, that were regressing and reproducing crazily.

what are you saying?

Ya'er pointed to her big belly and said, You mean you want to eat and you're hungry.

But before I opened it, I found that there was no man standing outside. It was the valet with whom I was very close.

[Note: Traveler, as a freshman, he should be thinking about the reason now. He should get you all first and then consider these things~]

But you shouldn’t have it... To take it a step further, if you return to your youth in that body’s age range and lose the related physiological functions, you should have it. That feels right.

It’s all the smell of my brother~

A bad smell full of fragrance retreated into my nose.

I really want to be regarded as a thief who wants to play with the sex.

Speaking of which, you feel that your body has indeed become less strange since just now.

I remembered that when we first came to the Emerald Forest, a similar situation seemed to have occurred. At this time, it was Aina who was affected. Her performance was not much different from today. You said she had completely changed. A 'big pervert'.

Outside your place. Listy took out the box containing the blood of the Origin Beast.

Those of you who were completely controlled like Weier, Ainalisti, and you who retreated into the fantasy world still remember sporadic scenes.

This mother's father should be very satisfied with what you are doing, right?

After all, just thinking about it makes me want to vomit.

Feiya walked to Listy's side, helped Listy help the clothes behind her chest to become less messy, and smoothed your clothes calmly.

Gan Qiang froze on the spot.


Luo Xi was surprised to find that both Xia and Baimao seemed to be in some kind of state of trance.

【Are you depressed...? Mom’s dad can’t do less...]

Anyone without a peanut would be drunk like that.


Bai Mao had just finished nodding and catering to Xia's words, but as he got further, he found that your words were getting more and more outrageous.


You still want to fish in troubled waters...

Jade? Is it causing you trouble?

Fiya, does he know how?

Suddenly, Ai Xue Loli let out a cry, and a weak low temperature emerged in your body. Your big, young face turned bright red, and your slender calves began to rub each other consciously.

Feiya, bring this Duke back. Luo Xi said.

So, where are my two boys?

In the myths spread in that world, the Little Will planted eighty-seven saplings when the world was created, and gave them the responsibility of guarding the world. Those saplings were not the eternal sacred trees that stretched across the sky at this time.

Gan Qiang suddenly realized.

Luo Xi thought about it and realized that the problem was small.

Luo Xi was shocked.

Maomao, what's going on with his mother...Maomao?


That's one of the paths I've prepared for myself.

Apart from Luo Xi, the only other person who was not affected was you.

Otherwise, with my mother’s self-esteem, she might want to die, right?


Seeing Ya'er's charming expression made Luo Xi realize that there was something wrong with going out.

It's bad!

Luo Xi's body stiffened.

Ciya glanced at the white-haired face on the side.

Or the daydream spell.

It was Feiya who hugged me hard from the front.


Grandma, these are all hallucinations.

Xia broke free from Bai Mao's arms, took the box over, opened it, and said with joy, That's wrong, it's the blood of the abyssal beast! Now the materials are all together! You are about to complete the emblem of completing the promotion.

The valet came over, smiled, kissed my lips, and said, Young prince, you want to escape. Don't you have the best trump card yet?

You wanted to reach out and hold you two, but as soon as you took a step forward, what you saw immediately changed.

Luo Xi secretly expressed indignation at Gou Wenwen's slander, then looked at the branches of the emerald god's tree, then turned back and shouted:

Will Yaer be able to escape from the control of Jade Source Code?

As a result, I heard my mother say such a heavy thing.

Knowing what the two of them were talking about, Luo Xi scratched his head and said, Senior Qian Ya, what you wanted at that time, by the way, didn't even have blood?

At this time, it is because we have just arrived and were affected by the power of the Emerald Sacred Tree floating in the Emerald Forest. Pay attention to being able to block that inducement beforehand.

The authority of life and reproduction can be summed up in one sentence - spring is here, and it is the season when all things are in heat.

Luo Xi's face turned pale.

Are you ready to tell your mother about it?

Cat, don't bite your hand!

But when you looked at Luo Xi, your face didn't look natural, and your rough cheeks became rosy to the naked eye.

Brother Luo Xi, what did Aina just do?

Listy shook her head and said, What's wrong with you, Sasha, what did you just do?

Yes, what are they doing?

You are definitely your rightful person. No one can take away your status as a duke.

In an instant, everyone including Bai Mao and Siya who were lost here, as well as Weier Aina Yaerishi over there, all shook violently, and their eyes regained their luster.

It's for sure, it can be as short as one day, or as short as half a month and a year.

Look at how complete it is. There are so many leaves attached to it, at least hundreds of thousands of them, right? And the aura full of vitality, it must have been just picked, it's much more than what the Emperor of the Dawn promised to me. , just feeling its power here, I feel that the desire to reproduce is born in my body...Long live the rich lady spirit, you used to warm your bed!

I believe that some kind of hallucinogenic spell was suddenly cast on me.


The mother I hate the most has no idea about Mr. Luo Xi.

You are actually here, you are actually with...

Let’s catch this guy who ran away first.

Luo Xi forcefully pushed Listy away from me, and then immediately looked at the separate source book she was holding.

You're saying you want to reproduce...

Before Luo Xi could finish asking, the heavyweight behind him came to greet him.

An endless forest stretches behind.

I heard Listy say: Luo Xi, Shasha, you are here, you can't be outside...

? ? ?

Stop, stop, stop, grandma, what is he talking about?!

It was a feeling that I had occasionally experienced with Mother Long, but it was not the same feeling.

In front of Luo Xi, Feiya, who was holding my waist, puffed up her face.

It’s because of Listy’s expression that you have so little association. It seems that it’s also the reason why you reacted so little before grandma finished what she just said.

Two double-pupil lines appear in your eyes.

The origin disaster is considered to be a test of your will on the mortals on the land.

Liya, have you noticed that you are also missing something?

Bai Mao was startled: What?

It is a cold feeling that comes from human nature before it is stimulated.


What existence is controlling that illusion? UU Reading www.uukanshu.net can't pull you back, a person whose realm has reached the lowest level of rune magic?

Medeiros showed a crazy look and said: Yes, you don't have the trump card yet. You are going to invite the wind of destruction and destroy everything. Let us return the title of Duke to you!

Bai Mao's eyes changed: Lust?

Bad guy, he really did it.

The difference is small, slow down and release it! If you go up again, you have to tell his mother!

Wei'er and Aina first said, Ya'er wanted to pull down my pants as soon as she got up, but because of my short sight, I quickly held down your hand, and then my pants were about to be taken off.

Junior Ciya, take a moment and see if that is what he wants? He quickly took it away to complete his promotion.

Ya'er blinked and said, Senior, do you want to eat-

Before hearing Luo Xi's words, Jade Source Code flashed, as if he was frightened, and disappeared from Luo Xi's hands, returning to Feiya.

I thought my mother would really...

Luo Xi is embarrassed by your behavior.

As a result, someone answered.

Mr. Luo Xi...when you...

Ever since you were completely disappointed in this woman, you have never had that kind of desire again.

Today is much worse than the next time.

Fiya pursed her lips and said, Have you done anything? Mom, he will be bad if something happens.

How long will it take?

Hey hey hey-

In the corner where Bai Mao could see, a translucent book let out a crisp laugh, jumping for joy as if the prank had succeeded.

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