Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 386: GM and I are related to each other by tasting ice cream, mortal beings outside the worl

Chapter 387 My relationship with Gm is just like tasting ice cream, mortal beings outside the world (4.4k)

After some simple inquiries, Luo Xi roughly understood the current situation.

The city lord here turned a blind eye to these ‘visitors’ from another world. He neither let them in nor drove them away, and allowed the players to gather and camp at the gate of the city.

The city lord himself did not show up, and the main one was pretending to be deaf and dumb.

Mr. Luo, I heard your name spread in the city before.

Qingyuan asked in a low voice: That voice said it left something to you and asked the elves to support you unconditionally. Is this true?

My name? Unconditional support?

Luo Xi was stunned for a moment, and then thought of Kureya.

Although there seemed to be some other reasons, the elf emperor had always been quite good to him, and it was expected that he could issue such a decree.

What's more, Kureia is already suspicious of Duke Medeiros.

For Luo Xi, there is no doubt that since Gouben has brought these cities over as the beginning of the Dawn 3.0 version, then these cities must have fewer problems.

Suddenly, no one shouted: Luo Xi of Xia Kingdom, he has betrayed mankind!

As soon as these words came out, not only the Xia State, but also the United States, which had been eavesdropping for the first time, couldn't help but look over.

Something's wrong.

After a while, the waiter's men showed signs of double pupils. You put the back of your hand to your mouth and said, Qian Tong reported that Luo Xi, the suspected core figure in this incident, has not yet arrived in the city. Please ask for instructions from your superiors. .”

I am the earth emperor.

Duke Cooleas, open the door! You are here to pick up the goods.

Of course, he also had the Elf Emperor's token, which was the insurance given to him by Kureya.

I just took my sword and poked at the city gate a few times.

But, the rules of the world...

Luo Xi raised his hand to indicate that Qingyuan wanted to speak.

No matter what he says, he will let things go out, right?

The strength of the kilometer-level sacred tree controller is not on the same level as that of the Yuanfeng City Lord.

I don't care at all when I think of Luo Xi's bad appearance.

At that time, no one raised their hands and shouted: Brother Luo Xi, can you go back alive?

Listy was very happy.

If he could get what Kureya gave him without a fight, then Luo Xi wouldn't want to have a direct conflict with the city lord here. At least, he would have to wait until his side had sufficient strength before he could break up with him.

Suddenly, a violent roar sounded from the small door.

Where do you start talking about this? I asked.

Listy looked at me with squinted eyes and said, Okay, you have to take out the things His Majesty gave you and he will hand them over.

Before the man's cry could be heard, a depressing mood spread in the temporary camp, and no one stood up to wipe away tears.


I yelled angrily: Listy, what is he doing?

For example, it can bring people who have not yet dreamed of the world into reality.

These humans are so boring, you want to take them to see them.

Ah? The man's proud smile faded and he was stunned.

Is he going to obey His Majesty's will?

What did that guy say?

In the oath of the source code, there is indeed no regulation - 'When nobles below the level of marquis feel that the elf emperor's decree will harm the interests of the people, they cannot retreat and resist it'.

Are you done? Luo Xi said.

Luo Xi squeezed Maomao's soft big hand, and the joy in her heart disappeared a little.

Luo Xi thought for a moment and smiled: Then I'll knock on the door and try.

I haven't seen these strange places in my face.

The two looked at each other in astonishment.

Kureas shook his head: That's even better! I'm a human, or a mutant! Your Majesty may have been deceived by humans, and that's why you made such a ridiculous decision. As the young prince of the royal court, you can watch your Majesty make mistakes all the time. !”

Ah? How about it, of course... The man's words got stuck in his mouth.

Although there was no intention to provoke, people from the United States did ask these questions that many people had been thinking about or had no idea about.

So what! As the Duke, that is your responsibility!

He is paying attention to me. He has no other mission. In the neighboring city of Youxia, he found Luvia Sisiwai'an who escaped with the 'key' during the 'Reverse Shang' incident. You are looking for your The location means we can spare a few manpower.

Luo Xi: Huh?

Death, this is not really death.

Suddenly, Kureas's face changed slightly.

How can it be!

Before the waiter stopped talking, in the tea room, a pink-haired loli with bare feet stared at the waiter thoughtfully.

Outside of that alien world, I did not close the city to protect the residents from danger. I pretended to hear everything else.

Forget it, you are too good at talking...

Kureas stroked the waiter's smooth chin and said with a smile: No matter how strong they are, they are all quite powerful outside the nest. This one

【Note: (〃> dishes<)! ! ! What is the relationship between tasting ice cream! It should be the relationship between the god villain and the miscellaneous fish traveler! 】

Seeing Luo Xi taking out his weapon, everyone here turned pale and continued to move forward.

When they really try it one day, they will know what despair is.

Many players from Shaoxia Kingdom were sitting or lying in the distance.

The whole place was silent.

What's your mission?

Kureas sneered and said: What's wrong with you? Your city is only going out or retreating. If you want to go out, don't even think about retreating. You have no legitimate reason anyway.

Like the players whose game characters are still in the city, we are exploring the city of the dream world with our real bodies.

Looking along the direction from which the voice came, Luo Xi saw that the speaker was the one led by the United States. Seeing Luo Xi looking over, the person who was leading the conversation flinched and was pushed down by the person in front of him.

Luo Xi took out the Holy Spirit Sword from his bag.

I wanted Luo Xi to say something to encourage morale, but I thought the morale would be even higher.

Luo Xi looked indifferent.

Luo Xi looked around.

The original plan for that day was just to search for available resource points in the sea area. Previously, people would be sent one by one to retreat into the overlapping area to explore. I thought that after coming for a while, everyone was completely pulled into the area and retreated. Lost the boat on successive small waves.

What are they doing?

Yes, you want to break through the barriers of the world from that world?

There was no curiosity, no fear, no confusion in the eyes we looked at.

I moved away directly, leaving the waiter alone in the tea room with a pair of light green eyes.

The only possibility is that he is not related to the person behind the scenes of the game Dawn! Or he was not introduced by the person behind the scenes! But there is no way to explain why he did not have that kind of strength in a short period of time. Even among these top players in the internal beta, we were all pulled a little further by him!

Those questions were carefully selected by our countermeasures team, not to arouse the trust of Luo Xi, the White God of Death, not only in the Xia Kingdom but also in the world.

Although you are an extraordinary person at the peak of the eighth level, your strength has been developed outside the game and you have only been able to fight in actual combat a few times.

How could it be...he is obviously so powerful.

His next task is to ask Han Hongzhensi to summon the original disaster outside. As the messenger of the wind disaster, I want to know whether I can stir up the wind of the original disaster in that alien land. You are very bad. That's strange. point.

It doesn't matter, the world hasn't merged yet. There's nothing in this world, it's bad. But is that world still okay? Thanks to the God of Ming who made it happen, you can escape from this prison. Cage, the day of returning to my hometown is finally approaching.

Luo Xi also wanted to know why he betrayed humanity.

It's possible!

Qingyuan said in a deep voice: Mr. Luo, he is worried that you can do something about it in the United States, but you will mistreat us among your own people.

A man next to this man suddenly had a nervous breakdown.

Yes, little Ou Heng.

Shh, stop talking. At most, you have to support me now and expect me to take you out.

Weier held my hand tightly and looked at me worriedly.

It's useful. There are no words that can only stop. You care.

As soon as he finished speaking, the man regretted it even more.

Qingyuan and other leaders of Xia Guo's exploration team looked at this woman like she was an idiot.

Am I really launched by Dawn Gm? What is our purpose?

Kureas moved over and called to Listy who was asking someone to open the city gate.

Qingyuan said: After this, how about asking Mr. Luo to give a message to your companions? Once our morale is weakened, not many people think that we might go back that time.

Kureas smiled and said: Silamel's family has only two or eight big shrimps, and the seven little princes of the royal court have gone to the seventh one. This position, it is said that you can lie down and sit down before. Certainly?

In this case, let the honorary Duke Luo Xi withdraw.

The servant said solemnly: Young prince, you still have to look down on me. I heard that the Dukes of the Emerald City will rebel and succeed. This human has made a small contribution.

No matter what, we did get part of it right.

I said angrily: You should have said that he can't go out directly, but he can open the city gate! That's for the sake of the lives of millions of people. Even if His Majesty's decree comes, you will still open the city gate. Who knows what's inside? There’s no risk! That’s another world!”

It's boring. The human race can always show you the despicable places. Even humans from other worlds are the same.

But insurance is also certain insurance.

A few minutes later, inside Kureas City.

Qingyuan said angrily: Do you want to cause a conflict?

Even an extraordinary person with a military background would feel comfortable with this. After all, Xia Country has not been at war for a long time, and everyone will want to die as long as they are alive.

Luo Xi was silent for a while, and then said: You can make a guarantee that they are definitely trying to be dangerous. You suggest that they go wherever the worst is, and just stay there.

Han Hongzhen's will is also useful.

Qingyuan was also helpless.

Who knows if it was a smoke bomb thrown by Han Hongzhen.

But Luo Xi didn't pay any attention to us.

When he reached the front, the man's voice became softer and softer, and he became more confident.

That's right, that young man Luo Xi, judging from my experiences, it feels like he's cheating.

Little Duke, does he care about Listy? You seem to want to leave.

Why couldn't Luo Xi become so weak in a short period of time?

Some people in Xia State started talking loudly, but they were quickly stopped and stopped.

Worry, that's what I do naturally when I'm pushed to my limit, and why should I go back?

I will do that...this will give the Elf Emperor a clue, unless he goes back forever.

He can also get along with those big beast-eared lolita from the dream world, and bring us to your world to play with us. His privileges are something that no player can claim! The White God of Death Luo Xi , let him explain! Is he raped?

I saw a crack in the steel city gate shrouded in the blessing light of the sacred tree, and the tip of a golden sword poked out.


Those guys are not the local mortals in the dream world, but a race of mortals who have broken through this world and cannot sail in the void, right? Xiaohanhan, this idiot, when he was first created, he was really capable of all sorts of things. Come back, the current situation in the dream world is so good, it is probably the little fool who brought it to his own fault without the help of those guys.

That mission didn't have a low reward, and your job was just to explore and record. That was the reason why you chose to participate in the operation. You didn't expect that you almost drowned because the boat capsized. The bad thing was that no one would do it. You who were swimming were brought out from the bottom of the sea.


The 'Honorary Duke' seems to be the same. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net A person who can control that kind of thing is still an alienation patient. You really understand what Metro is thinking.

Listy, what is he doing?!

Kureas raised his brows and raised his sharp ears and said: Such a precious thing, if he takes it out of the palace, it will only cause others to covet it. There are not eight cities at the same level as yours, and these city lords may be eyeing it. Get off him!

After all, the prerequisite for the existence of the so-called insurance is that the other party is a Duke of the Elf clan. There must be someone like Duke Mel who believes in source disasters, or the Lord of Yuanfeng City who believes in evil gods. Those kind of people will take the words of the Elf Emperor into their ears. .

The Gm behind Dawn has a relationship with me who has tasted ice cream. That is something that special players cannot imagine.

These words were so awe-inspiring that even Listy could not refute them.

The man said bravely: There is nothing suspicious about him, so why did he get so few bad things? I heard that he was a player in a small closed beta in April, but the players in the same batch as him are now A very small minority are still wandering around the seventh level, at least the eighth level. It is simply possible that he can obtain so few low-level items in such a short period of time and improve his strength so quickly!

A woman with badges all over her military uniform walked out in front of me and said with a look of ecstasy: Did he deny it? Did Xia Guo hear it? Or should they impose sanctions on me and imprison me! Let the Global Dream Council impose on me the kind of The act of committing adultery is regressive and judgmental!”

Luo Xi faced this person and wrote in a nonchalant way: As they said, you are the spokesperson of the existence behind the dawn. What can they do to you?

Damn it, pissed off the other person.

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