Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 384: The Widow Cat Family 1, the Elf Emperor’s Will (4k)

Chapter 385 The Will of the Elf Emperor of the Widow Maomao Family (4k)

A few months ago, Wei'er never thought that even she could live like this.

Nothing that has happened can be negated by just an if.

As Elf Feiya said about destiny, the fact that they can reach this point is part of their destiny.

So you don’t need to think about it that much at all.

Weier is already very satisfied with her current life.

The white-haired loli smiled and said: Weier, it seems that you are very similar to me back then.

Really? Weier pointed at her face and smiled: But it does look very similar. When great-grandmother you came from the sea, Aina and I almost thought that great-grandmother you were my mother's illegitimate daughter. ”

It's not just that. Unlike your mother and your grandmother, you see, our hair is all white.

Siya pulled her hair forward and compared it with Weier. Then her eyes became a little sad, as if she remembered something.

Wei'er wondered: My hair is white, isn't it also due to the influence of the alienation factor? It's the same as my eyes and alienation characteristics.

Then one look at it, Sister Wei'er said she must be even better than you...

Isn't this city behind Kureas?

This is just a human being.

Huh, Mede knew that in that kind of situation, even Sister Wei'er would become Wu You's enemy sooner or later.

As he said himself, he even ate the ice cream for others, and he was so majestic. And after that, he promised to give it to me again next time...

Maybe it has some influence.

It doesn’t feel too outrageous for you, the unmasked grandmother, to marry a woman of several decades at the age of 190. It’s like an old cow eating young grass—cough.

Xia frowned slightly and said: But, more influence should come from my great-grandmother. When I was a child, my hair was the same color as it is now.

I am Xinwu Youhui and I have no will for a human being.

Since the Elf Law and the Oath of the Origin Code are still being fulfilled, Kureas is also afraid that the high priest will forcefully seize my power, but I can't stop him from doing anything.

Apart from these lost memories, what did Dog Wenwen and I do?

Luo Xi had not guessed the situation outside Liya's house. Judging from the importance you attached to Weier, Luo Xi knew that this woman who dared to throw Weier was definitely up to something bad.

Wei'er suddenly opened her eyes.

Nothing to say, it’s really a good idea.

Med, who was eavesdropping with wolf ears, felt something in his heart.

Your Majesty, you have received your order. You are waiting for the arrival of this honorary duke.

Now the sky has turned white, and the evening breeze carries the breath of the ocean, blowing under Luo Xi's group of people. They feel less warm. Wei'er glanced towards the cabin and said, Go and see Mom. .”

Feiya was also quite shocked when she heard this. You looked at the big girl beside you who was eating melon with you, Sister Wu You, did you hear it correctly?

Mother Tree felt that she had come to the right place today and had eaten a lot of bad and boring melons. If she was left by her senior to look after the house in the villa, let alone eat melons, she said she would see her senior bring back a group of men she knew before she came back. .


Luo Xi wanted to know more and more.

This is... a jadeite branch, about eight hundred meters in length.

Mr. Luo Xi doesn't have enough charm to attract people. Just like the bright stars, it's you who are chasing me.

Mede ran down closely behind Weier,

He says it again!

Luo Xi was also shocked when he heard this.

However, it is useless to find someone.

Luo Xi finally couldn't help but asked: This, descendant, what kind of person is Wei'er's grandfather?

You go inside-

Mede looked up at Luo Xi's face, her tea-gold eyes sparkling.

Sister, you go too.

The city lord Wu Yougang Si was still very impatient with Listy who was sent back by the Elf Emperor.

Fake, those are all fake. Let Feiya show it to you later. You should be able to tell, right?

How dare he, an envoy sent by the royal court, wander around outside as if he were his home?

If Sophie's true form came, I might still be afraid, but an attached will also wants me to do that kind of thing?

As Wei'er walked, she murmured to herself: You must be a real killer, right?

Do I really like Gou Wen’s ice cream?

Listy thought for a while and decided to take a walk inside.

That wolf-eared loli was probably having some strange thoughts stirred up by other people's words.

In fact, the other small towns are not far away. Even by swimming, you can reach the adjacent places quite slowly, let alone by boat.

What kind of fate is that?

It doesn’t feel a bit abnormal...

[Note: Is Traveler’s focus right? 】

Um...Does Dog Wen bring it upon himself?

The mother tree shrugged and said, Maybe, you heard what you said.

Your Majesty, what is your name?

Anyway, as long as I violate the oath of the Origin Code, I can pretend to be dead or open the door, and someone can take away my things.

Ah ah ah ah, I have to say it! We should have trained me with that kind of XP in the first place!

Luo Xi narrowed her eyes: How can you say it's a lie?

Duke Cooleas has heard of such a precious thing as a reward, and Wu Youxiao may give him branches at will.

My face became quite strange.

Wu has the city of Gangs.

Why not?


Wei'er defended Luo Xi in a loud voice: Luo Xi would secretly have some kind of lover. Except for this dragon lady who raised me as a child, all the boys who are close to me are basically there. The past will disappear again, right, Luo Xi?

Abduction? Drugging?

Luo Xi suddenly felt a chill on his back, and the cold gaze in his arms made me no longer dare to look up.


Before Wei'er left, Siya came to Luo Xi's side like a gust of wind, put her hands on her hips and said, Young man, how did he deceive your two great-grandsons?

That old loli lady is too much! What does it mean to be less different from you!

I thought that Liya herself had turned her into a vegetative state.

Amid the tricks and narrations of the old loli lady Xia, Luo Xi's boat circled the coast a long time ago and arrived at the city on the opposite side.

The white-haired loli joked with a smile: Weier, don't let his sister get the better of you? This is boring. When the time comes, whoever calls someone sister will have to change the situation.

You must know that even if it was Wu You or Wei'er's JO, Luo Xi only played with it from an appreciation point of view, and never did anything to take a step back.

He also knows how his ‘father-in-law’ is doing now.

Judging from the eye characteristics of her mother and great-grandmother, she should have had clear purple pupils and long black hair.

What bad things have I done?

Wei'er's face was filled with embarrassment because of her moral integrity.

An aura that made Duke Kureas feel both close and frightened spread out from under the branch.

Luo Xi: ?

Duke Wuyougansi has never encountered this kind of cold-faced butt-hot thing before. Which man wants to lie down on my bed when he sees me and gives the order to do so? It is such a shameful thing. You can also make it for yourself.

Wei'er was stunned.

Immediately, Kureas's expression changed.

Could it be that the Elf Emperor punished himself? !

Because I have to maintain the etiquette of the nobility, as the only person who has equal status with Listi, I have to follow Listy all the time. During this period, I also had a crush on the prince of the Siramere family who has top-notch appearance and temperament. He was overly concerned and wanted something wonderful to happen, but he was forced back by the other party's indifferent eyes.

Then a vague image of a pink-haired loli appeared in my mind, and a big foot covered in crystal liquid moved away from my face.

From under this huge branch, a shadow appeared, so the elves who saw the shadow in the city immediately crawled underground.

Bad guy, the whole family is a widow, right?

Junior, it's him who wants to be less.

Although he was reluctant, Kureas could only put one hand on his chest, bowed slightly and said:

Qian Ya said helplessly: He is evil just because he cares about it. Those two sisters... really have their hearts hanging on this woman. Also, there are so many hateful boys around me. They Only the sisters can work together to hold me down. Speaking of which, I know that people from other worlds cannot breed with you abnormally. Hasn't he done these things with me?

Why is it the White Death again? Am I the father of Dawn's Gm?

Kureas smiled and said, Your Majesty, where else are you going?

Under the sea, the only ship still sailing at this moment was Luo Xi's ship brought out from Far Wind City.

Ciya could tell at a glance that something had probably happened, but whether she had made it to the forefront or not, she was still in this hazy state of thin paper that could not be pierced at any time.

Wei'er secretly glanced at Luo Xi and Mede, who were listening carefully.

Eight, it's your own fault.

Among them, there are also some players whose characters are already in the city, and some people who were on the edge of the city before falling into the sea, have heard Sophie's will.

Even if she said she cared, but it was false, Wei'er still wasn't worried about the impact she might have on Luo Xi.

If Thief Cao comes to Wei'er and your family, he will definitely be ecstatic.

how to say.....

The pink-haired loli pouted: The bad thing is like that. At this time, we have been trying to trick me into taking advantage of these two sisters' ice cream.

As for Wu Yougang saying that it was also Rose's will?

Strange, am I such a person?

Feiya: ...

That's your city!

Great-grandmother, what is he talking about!

You are a human trafficker again!

Ciya bit her finger and frowned: Actually, grandma also knew that it was a curse, but few people said that. Although grandma didn't agree, she still told him, his My grandfather died early in an expedition at the age of 90. His mother-in-law’s husband came into your family when you were 190 years old. He turned out to be a very young man and died because of his promotion victory. He died at the age of 65, and his mother's husband was chopped into a vegetative state by you yourself. He died at the age of... It's unclear whether he is still alive. We could have lived for a few hundred years at most. He knew what that meant. What?

Qia thought for a moment and said: She is a pervert, a scumbag who wants to flirt with all men. What's the difference between her and him? You all know that I have kept many lovers behind your back. You are also naive at this time. , because I lost my memory and was deceived by me for a few words, I was full of disgust. Who knew that I was a short-lived ghost and left you with a mess of taking care of the Medroya family.

Bai Yue complained: After considering that matter, don't you first think about the fact that he doesn't have majesty?

His sister is fine, but he is a prisoner!

Seeing that Wei'er was in a daze, Ciya patted your arm and said with a smile: It's because you pay too much attention to that matter. Many people are saying that your family is a bastard, and the dove occupying the magpie's nest has occupied Medroia. Family, but we have thought that his short-lived great-grandfather died so early, and Medroya is the grandmother and you are the one who helped us get to where we are today.

Weier said loudly: If something happens, you will think bad of Med. When you grow up, you will have no chance.

Maomao looked at Luo Xi with extremely sharp eyes.

Luo Xi was now certain that her vague memories were not caused by the dog text in some way.

From then on, you were disgusted by your alienated features, which were white hair and red eyes. On special occasions, you would go to the bathroom and even look in the mirror, because it would make you feel that you are the same as your mother.

The wonderful but soul-stirring sound echoed in the sky below the city.

[Note: Wishful thinking! We are the ones who will be his lovers! (〃> dishes<)! 】

That is a reward given to the honorary Duke of Luo Xi. When I come to that city, give me those things. Not yet. The elves have the conditions to support any of my actions. That is your will and the will of the villain Ross. , everyone has to follow it, Duke Kureas, is he acceptable?

Is that an unusual idea?


What curse?

I will definitely be able to get ahead of my sister, so that I am no longer Sister Wei'er's sister before?

Why have you never heard from your mother?

Feiya walked down, the fox-eared elf Gerry dressed as a valet looked dignified, and you stood next to Luo Xi, like a gentle and lovely young wife. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

The white-haired loli smiled and said: That's not like my sister. I have nothing to tell him. It seems like there is no curse in our family.

Suddenly, a white gap opened under the sacred tree of Kureas, and a huge branch fell out of it.

Although you have no control over your power to influence our destiny unintentionally or intentionally, you are still quite afraid that your power will cause misfortune to Mr. Luo Xi and us.

Bai Yue said confusedly: Is that the one he trained?

Med pouted his mouth and turned his head in distress.

The sound even spread throughout the city, allowing everyone to hear it.

Kureas raised his head deeply, his voice was full of sincerity, but his eyes showed a little disdain.

I wanted to fight today, but I got a lot of rejections outside Listy’s house.

Luo Xi?

It is unknown when the sky is not completely dark yet.

In this starry space, the pink-haired loli grabbed the handicraft and said slowly: It's over, it's over, after a while I will remember what I've lost, right? I've already eaten our ice cream, what else can I do? Show your majesty as a subordinate god with me!

No wonder you, great-grandmother, also have white hair... Something is wrong. White hair is very wrong, and this guy is also disgusting.

I heard that in some places, white hair is still synonymous with devil. The bad thing is that the aliens themselves are not the highest class. When you live on Graystone Street, some people care whether you have white hair or not.

[Note: Traveler Chu also knows that he is a pervert! 】

Sophie's shadow looked directly at the positions of Listy and Duke Kureas.

Luo Xi swallowed and nodded repeatedly.

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