Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 381: How old is the old Loli woman and she still pretends to be young? Rich woman and little

Chapter 382: How old is the old Loli lady and she still pretends to be young? Rich woman and little fox girl (4k)

Mom, what did you call her?

Hearing Liya's name to Qia, the lolita, Weier and Aina's brains suddenly shut down.

No matter how you look at it, this girl is only about ten years old.

How could it be my mother’s grandmother?

She is indeed an old loli lady...

Luo Xi was fine.

He originally thought that this white-haired lolita might be a hidden old lolita woman.

I didn't expect it to be true.

After all, there is already a dragon lady loli who is eight or nine thousand years old, and a forty-year-old elf fox-eared loli at home, so he is not used to this kind of thing.

She is indeed my mother's grandmother and the patriarch of the previous generation.

Okay, just a few top branches of the Eternal World Tree, tens of thousands of top leaves, and the materials under the body of the abyss-level source beast. Blood or body fluids are best.

Weier nodded and explained helpfully: Mom, that was Aina when she was the oldest. You have always been that big.

[Paths that can be given: Caster of Far Wind\\/Knight\\/Warrior\\/Magician (Level 0-Level 7)]

How old are you and still pretending to be young?

It's okay for you to pluck some tail hair, but you know what he wants to do, and everyone is like Mr. Luo Xi.

After saying that, Aixue Loli glanced towards Feiya, her purple eyes contained some deep meaning.

Little aunt?



So with the power of the sacred tree...if the conflict between several cities happens again, the Far Wind City will probably be able to survive.

Before being shocked, Ciya shook her head and said: It's a pity that the leaves are enough, and you can also use the scales. What you want can only be obtained in the royal city where the Eternal Divine Tree is located.

Only Bai Mao knew what his grandmother had discovered.

Xia shook her head and smiled: Are you there? I'm just very interested in his tail. Miss, can I give you some hair from the tail? Hair? Mr. Luo Xi... what should I do?

Liya said cheerfully on the side: It's wrong or wrong. Brother Luo Xi just needs to take action against Liya and sister. All other men are vixens.

What do you want? Luo Xi asked.

The sacred tree mastered by Yuanfeng City Master must be at the kilometer level. Even if Fang Song relied on this rune that time, without the old man's sneak attack and help, he could only run out of the city in embarrassment.

He took it out.

Is this because the woman experiences the same feelings?

Liya chuckled and said, My mother and your grandmother were washed away by the waves when they came out of the city. I didn't expect to meet you. She was also a great beauty, but she became like this because of some circumstances.

Then why are there fewer and fewer boys around Luo Xi?

Weier said from the side: Feiya's mother is the sister of the Elf Emperor, although quite a few things happened...

Now that I have found another boy among your boys, Bai Mao will be very disappointed in me, right?

Luo Xi nodded and used the power of movement to move everything in the warehouse to our current location.

Feiya suggested loudly: If you go to this elven city to visit, maybe you can contact my aunt and ask you to send something over?

Does grandma think Feiya is ordinary?

This is a true eighth-level power, equivalent to an abyss-level source beast. It cannot even exist at the same level as one against eight in the city.

Luo Xi was not surprised either, so he asked on your behalf: Senior Qiya, what does he want Feiya's hair for?

The big fox girl nodded her head in confusion and said: Elissaphia Silamaier...

You and Luo Xi look like girlfriends, but more like father and son, so when you said those words, Luo Xi felt that Bai Mao looked at me with even colder eyes.

Aixue Loli also smiled and said: Yes, that girl still has an abnormal body shape after that. I guess she encountered a similar situation to you, right?

Before hearing about Silamaier, Siya's eyes lit up and she said with satisfaction: It's very bad. I asked him to get along well with Wei'er and Liya before. Although you have just met you, Ya'er's All men are very good.

Look, is that what a person who has no great-grandson should say?

Fox-eared Duonan turned to look at Luo Xi in begging for help.


Luo Xi stepped heavily on her feet, and a circle appeared, immediately bringing the lost Aina over.

Aina pretended to think: You are the senior's boyfriend, who are you?


Aina blinked and tilted her head to look at Bai Mao.

Liya was naturally very happy about Xia's return.

Luo Xi was helpless.

Also known as the Fox of Destiny, it has no power to change destiny.

Fang Song said solemnly: You asked him not to attack Fang Song, but you told him to attack an underage human boy. Besides, Wei'er hasn't grown up yet?

It's a pity that you are the biggest version now.

As Luo Xi immersed his consciousness in it, I took over the position of controller of that city.

Mr. Luo Xi.

Feiya felt that she was not being understood.

No wonder Luo Xi would be with you...

Bai Mao suddenly realized that he needed to talk nonsense about the boys' feelings.

What kind of scales are those left by the origin beast? !

Why did Luo Xi own those things?

[Description: It originally belonged to [Yuandian·Yusu], but has been changed to [Yuandian·Liuyue]. At present, the power of the sacred trees in Far Wind City is too sparse, please use it with caution]

The reason why Luo Xi's mother-in-law is called so smoothly is because she feels that Fang Song has not recognized me yet.

Fang Song is still here and is looking for me.

The time is short, what's the problem temporarily.

[Category: Symbol of authority]

Wait, is the relationship between Weier and you that bad? I'll explain it to you.

Cia: !!!


A silver book appeared in my hand and I opened it hurriedly.

Feiya subconsciously held Luo Xi's hand.


Ya'er, stop pulling.

Although it would be known sooner or later, Luo Xi was still panicked. It was the same as Feiya's mother. Listy asked Feiya to follow us before she knew about my situation.

At this moment, the discussion of the incident has not gone astray, and the protagonist Luo Xi is considering packing up Xinruan and running away.

Don't worry, big girl, I just made a joke.

Luo Xi took out the hundreds of leaves from the eternal sacred tree Noah that were saved for next time from her luggage.

Do you have a bad image of white hair and want to get to the bottom of my being a playboy?

Is it possible to let the current grandmother get too close to Luo Xi?

Baimao was the one who personally entrusted the two boys to me who had just arrived and had almost nothing.

A boy who can't get smaller or bigger?

Knowing that Ai Xue Loli is at least a hundred years old, Luo Xi is not good at calling you in his own way. It is quite appropriate to call you a junior.

Being stared at like that, Fiya's eight fox tails moved. You looked back at Ciya in confusion and asked, Are you okay?

Gentleman, you may have misunderstood.

[Attribute: The essence of the Yuanfeng Divine Tree. Controlling the true scripture means controlling the Divine Tree]

Fang Song looked at Luo Xi.

How do you mean you know if you have it?

The strength of that source beast may not be as powerful as the famous Dragon Emperor of One Color, but its importance and the legend left in the world are not higher than that of Dragon Emperor of One Color.

So what do you mean-

Luo Xi: ...

Originally, you had a bad agreement with the Holy Emperor of Dawn that you would guard the Holy City for two hundred years before you advance to the next level, but as a result, something like this happened before the angel came.

Bai Mao glanced at the boys present.

Not that dragon scale yet.


Do you really have one on your watch?

The canons are all under Luo Xi's hands, indicating that the city lord will be born from this woman's son.

When Bai Mao saw Luo Xi bringing a boy younger than Liya, he wondered: Who are you?

[The power of the sacred tree:\\/]

【True Scripture·Far Wind】

Seemingly unaware of Bai Mao's thoughts, Xia smiled and said: I'm just worried that fate will be on your side that time, otherwise grandma will see you again, and everything will develop in a bad direction.

In the dog text, he thinks you died too slowly.

It’s really incredible that a human being can get a bunch of strange things out of his body and still be alive and evil.

Aixue Loli shook her head again and denied her request: The thing under him...forget it, even if it is used, it should have no effect. The big girl is still strong enough. The alienation factor is just a factor after all. That It seems that the city lord is gone, so you can go to the treasure house outside the city later and look for anything you can use.

The villain mother-in-law found out that she was a Neptune and a playboy.

Girl, can I ask what his name is? You are talking about his full name among the elves. Siya asked again.

It is basically possible to kill me.

Bai Mao and Qian Ya were not confused.

Even though she said that, Liya was still worried and didn't know what to do next.

Cia: !

Before that, I saw the Aixue Loli sliding to Feiya's side, hugging your calf, and said (???): This, this, their family still needs a male servant? Take a look. Are you okay? You are only ten years old now, you cannot work for their family for seventy years.

Grandma's current state will be affected by me... Thinking of that, Bai Mao hurried down and pulled Qian Ya over to let you get closer to Luo Xi.

You will see the terrifying power filled with destruction and white darkness.

As for the eight fox tails in front of you, as far as we know from the known records, there are no fox origin beasts with fox tails, except for the four-tailed one that only appeared in ancient times and brought people luck and hope. The fox.

Luo Xi: ...


What the hell is mom talking about.

While Fiya was taking you with her to the city lord's mansion, you secretly explored the elf fox-eared girl.

Feiya was vague about what that person was thinking.

That Elisabeth is actually quite petite, but Fang Song knows that the lifespan of the elves is very long, so your real age must be very young.

Pure emerald green eyes, according to the classics, are the most noble symbol outside the elven royal family in the emerald forest to the west of the Lost Mountains.

Not the current Elf Emperor.

Loli Fangsong smiled and said: Want to make a scarf? I was wrapped by your tail just now. It felt soft and comfortable. It would be even worse if it could be made into a scarf. It would be warm in winter.

That person’s origins are unclear.

You know your grandmother's character. She will ask people for things for a reason, unless the thing is very important to you, but your grandmother will also give you a corresponding or less reward.

That Luo Xi is very satisfying.

Qian Ya said patiently: The old woman is over 800 years old. How could I be interested in you, old woman? The situation is very tense now. Luo Xi took out all the precious materials in that city after seeing if they were empty.

[Note: Traveler, why are you panicking? Just say it directly - Mother-in-law, you also want your men to become widows before, right? 】

What you need is the Eternal World Tree, or the materials under these abyssal beasts, but the possibility of breaking through to the eighth level is still far away.

Fang Songsi stood firm and asked, Grandma, could it be that the things under that big girl's body helped him advance to the next level?

Wei'er wanted to say that her great-grandmother knew that Luo Xi was not even several thousand years old and had brought her here.

When Luo Xi panicked and didn't know how to answer, Fang Song put the gun he had been holding on the ground and said seriously: Although senior is a lolicon, I am a pervert. You are not an adult yet. How old are your boys? They become like that because of the effect of one of your exclusive skills and talents. I trust him and ask your boys.

Those leaves that exude a faint light are obviously not the leaves of the Eternal World Tree. Although they belong to the Divine Tree of Dawn, they are still extremely precious.

Judging from what happened to the Lord of Yuanfeng City, even Andres would be hard-pressed to take the final blow of the famous gun head-on without being prepared. At least he would feel some pressure?

But is the most common one among them Luo Xi?

Bai Mao seemed to be thinking nothing.

All players and residents have been swept away by my will.

Anyone who asks to be put under his body will feel that he is lying to Gill.

It was even hotter than when Liya said she wanted to give birth to a baby for me.

With so few boys gathering around Luo Xi, you must be willing, so what can you say?

As for getting along badly with Weier and your sisters, Feiya is working very hard to do that. It’s not that Liya is too close to her, but Weier still treats people very badly.

Weier: Meow meow meow?


Before you experienced the feeling of being controlled by this evil god and losing yourself, you had no psychological repulsion towards such undemanding intentions.

If there is no item needed by the descendant in the Elf King's Court. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

You're wrong. Feiya looks very ordinary at first glance. She is a long-eared elf and a fox species. She still appeared in Winter City. She must have met Luo Xi and Wei'er during your previous travels, right? Then became partners.

Ciya said: Let's talk first. Since the city lord is not dead yet, who was the last city lord? My direct bloodline?

They look alike. Is that Weier and Liya’s mother?

However, now she has a 'famous gun' in her hand.

Ciya glanced at it casually and said in despair: Are you there? Take it back.

Ah! Senior?

But before knowing that it was what Ciya needed before advancing to the eighth level, Luo Xi felt that it was still abnormal.

Bai Mao pulled Ai Xue Loli back.

Why did I suddenly get close to you?

Weier and Liya also looked on with bewildered expressions as their great-grandmother and Feiya got close immediately.

Their grandmother is their only hope to re-enter the Twilight City and rescue their trapped mother. Unfortunately, there is only a trace left of the Grand Master Rune that they obtained, and they can no longer exert the same level of power.

The main reason is that the eighth-level power provided by the kilometer-level sacred tree is still too difficult to resist.

And this dragon scale given to me by Bahamut, the White Dragon.

Luo Xi raised his hand and said, Wait a moment.

Just a glance.

[Quality: Purple (Epic+++)]

Aina screamed and was relieved when she saw that the person coming was Luo Xiqian. She quickly ran to me and held my hand.

And each one is bigger than the other.

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