Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 370: Liya, did you know that your daughter was kidnapped? ! The Dragon Lady’s Responsibiliti

Deck of the aft section of the destroyer.

Luo Xi quickly walked to the top, looked at the heads everywhere in the sea, and asked with a slight movement, Are there any Xia people in there?

This time, Xia State sent a total of three extraordinary teams, and he only led one of them. The other two were led by two other extraordinary people who had reached the fourth level.

Although Zhao Mucang said that everyone would be handed over to him, Luo Xi refused.

Everyone knows that eggs cannot be put in one basket.

So Zhao Mucang didn't force it later.

They seemed to have been blown to other directions by the waves.

The secretary said from the side: The people below are all extraordinary people from the United States, Japan, and India. They said that if we don't agree with them coming up, they will attack together and sink our ships.

Luo Xi sneered and said: You are already a drowned rat, and you still dare to threaten me like this.

It seemed like I was afraid that I hadn't given them a fight last time.

An extraordinary person with a military background said passionately to Luo Xi: Mr. Luo, please give the order, we are not afraid of any threats!

You don't need to take action, just get out of the way.

As everyone retreated, Luo Xi moved his body, and a large number of dragon scales appeared on his body. The slender dragon tail behind him flicked violently, bringing out blazing flames.

As the degree of alienation deepens, Luo Xi can now complete the basic dragon transformation in an instant without having much impact on the factor concentration.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't take off by flapping his dragon wings, Luo Xi would be flying now.

He jumped directly into the crowd of people on the sea, grabbed a man who was trying to destroy the boat with one hand, and threw him away.

The man turned into a cannonball and disappeared in an instant.


It's Luo Xi from Xia Kingdom!

Little black lolita?

It's the Black Death!

Why is he on this boat?!

Too bad luck, leave quickly, you're going to die!

In an instant, the people surrounding them fled in all directions like hozens falling from a tree. They were no different from those who had stolen the country before, even though they had gathered hundreds of people.

No one dares to bet on whether Luo Xi will suddenly summon some king dragon mount in the next second.

In terms of the threat level assessment of various countries, Luo Xi is still the undisputed number one. Just based on his last performance, no one can dare to confront him head-on.

On the boat, Ciya looked at the alien young man below and felt something was wrong.

Is this person a patient with dragon alienation syndrome?

Although he has clearly used this seemingly high-level ability to transform into a dragon, why is the situation in his body so stable?

It's like he is a dragon origin beast.

Where did the instability and destructiveness of the dragon xenogeneic factor go?

who is he?

Siya asked Weier who was following her.

He is a change...a guy who behaves a little strangely, but is still very kind-hearted.

Wei'er originally wanted to say that Luo Xi was a pervert, but she remembered that this place was outside, and she had just met this girl related to her mother, so she still saved some face for Luo Xi.

Aina blinked and teased: Sister Wei'er, to be honest, brother Luo Xi is our future husband. What's there to be embarrassed about? This child may have to drink our sisters' wedding wine in the future.

Idiot Aina, you don't have to say anything if you don't want to, shut up!

Weier scolded Aina lightly, but did not refute.

Cia: !

She looked at Aina in disbelief.

This child looks about fourteen years old?

What is her relationship with Liya’s daughter?

Since she had been in seclusion some time ago, Cia only knew that Liya was back, but did not know that she had adopted another daughter in addition to her own daughter.

In fact, Weier doesn't look that big, not much different from Aina.

Normally, when a girl of this age says something like this, Cia would just treat it as a sign of innocence, but these two girls seem to be serious!

Ya'er, do you know that your daughter was abducted by a man? !

Ai Xue heard what the two said and shouted dissatisfied: You two, don't talk nonsense in front of others. If you want to drink the wedding wine, you must drink mine first!

Brother Luo Xi said he would marry Aina first!

That's just a lie to a kid.

Aina (〃>﹏<〃) said: No! You sneaky cat! Don't think that you can sit back and relax after eating your brother secretly!

Well, I want to ask, can I do it too... Feiya whispered.

Ciya(⊙_⊙)? Looking at these cute or beautiful girls.

In addition to Ai Xue, several others...

has a problem!

There is something wrong with this man named Luo Xi!

When Luo Xi got back on the deck, he noticed a strange sight as a group of extraordinary people came up to cheer him.

Looking over, it was the white-haired girl.

So he smiled.

Cia hugged her body and took a step back.

This human being wouldn't be interested in his current barren body!


Liya lay on the rocks and vomited for a long time before feeling that her body had regained some strength.

It's almost dusk and stars are visible in the sky.

Is it the starry sky of this world?


This woman in her thirties once again felt powerless deep inside.

The last time was in Winter City, where they were trapped in the Winter Sacred Tree for three years. If Luo Xi hadn't appeared, both she and Wei'er might have died long ago.

Will she have such good luck this time?


In the dream world.

When strange phenomena appeared in the Pacific Ocean in the real world, strange changes also occurred in the five countries on the Pancontinent.

The Pope of Noah’s Church in the Kingdom of Light, the Emperor of the Great Yan Empire and the Dawn Empire, the Union President of the Yusu Union of the Kingdom of Tiangong, and the elf Emperor Kulea of ​​the Emerald Forest. As representatives of the Eternal World Tree, they For a moment, I felt the will coming from the eternal sacred tree.

Noah, Xiyan, Chenxi, and Yusu, these four eternal world trees passed down the will of their agents - [Just ignore it].

Of course, these high-ranking emperors or popes cannot allow this kind of thing to spread under their noses. Even if the will of the sacred tree allows them to ignore it, the raging undercurrent is still operating within these big countries.

Jade left Kureya with one sentence - [Go and see if you can help him].

This made Kurea look confused.

help him?

who is he?

Then Luo Xi's face appeared in Kurea's mind.

Why is it Luo Xi again?

Didn't he go to the Chiyan Mountains?

No, who is Luo Xi to you, Lord Mother Tree?

Such favor and attention is simply unprecedented.

If Luo Xi's race is not human but elf, will the mother tree directly hand over the position of elf emperor to him?

Kurea thought for a moment.

It’s actually possible!

In the days after Luo Xi entered the Emerald City, the mother tree almost treated Luo Xi like her own son, and she felt a little jealous.


Kureia frowned slightly.

There seems to be something wrong with that city.

Mederos is one of the David cities in the Emerald Forest. It is directly commanded by Duke Mederos, who holds the position of hereditary controller of the sacred tree. Among the 11 Dukes of the Royal Court, Mederos's lineage is relatively law-abiding.

However, a noble once secretly reported to her that Duke Medeiros was involved with the cult.

But after some investigation, she found nothing strange.

Could it be the Church of Disaster again?

Duke Mel, whom he trusted so much, became the Archbishop of the Church of Disaster, and Duke Medeiros might have been corrupted.

At this time, Listy entered the study with the documents and said: Cureya, most of the work in the city has been completed. Duke Homan and their forces have been disintegrated, all properties have been confiscated, and the elven laws have been revised. It’s been put on the agenda, I want to apply for a few days’ leave.”


Kureia said: There are still many things to do, and there is a shortage of people in the city. If you ask for leave, then who should I go to... Oh, okay, Lord Mother Tree.

Listy looked at Kurea, whose tone became stiff, with some confusion.


I agree to your vacation.

Kureya touched his slightly sparse hair on his forehead and sighed softly: Master Mother Tree asked me to see if I can help Luo Xi and your daughter. I don't have time anyway, so I will leave this task to you. You, your heart is no longer here anyway.

Listy looked surprised and said, Really?

It can still be fake.

Kureya shook his head and said: Now there is a situation in Medeiros. The whole city has been blocked by some kind of force. My perception of the direction of the sacred tree has also shifted. Luo Xi and your daughter are very likely to be involved. Among them, if you agree, I will use the power of the mother tree to tear open the gap in the blockade and send you in.

Listy was stunned: Aren't Shasha and the others together with His Excellency the Black Abyss Flame Dragon in the Scarlet Flame Mountains?

Who knows.

Kureia raised his eyes and looked to the south, saying: They are humans from other worlds. If nothing unexpected happens, I think this is a sign of the fusion of the two worlds.

Listy frowned and said, No matter, since the situation is urgent, send me there quickly. Nothing can happen to Sasha.

Don't panic, go to the Chiyan Mountains to take a look first.

Kurea tapped his foot lightly.

As the green circle moved, they came to the sky above the 'City of Dawn' belonging to Luo Xi.

Below, there are many new players who came across the sea from the other side of the Lost Mountains or were born nearby, and they are all working diligently.

These humans...are all travelers from another world?

Kurea glanced at them and then looked away.

Anyway, the most special traveler from another world has been identified.

Others don't matter.

To be honest, even if these players have the ability to resurrect, she is not too worried. The difference in strength is not on the same level.

Take the travelers from other worlds who were caught by her in the Emerald City and thrown into prison. Except for some people with strange talents, most of them were weak.

Floresia, who was taking a nap in the crater of the volcano, noticed the arrival of Kureia and Listi. She opened a pair of red gold crocodiles and looked towards the top of the sacred tree.

Why is this Elf Emperor here again?

Kureia moved over with Listy and said: Your Excellency Black Abyss Yanlong, we are here to inquire about the whereabouts of Luo Xi and Yin Lisafiya.

Floresia opened her mouth and her throat moved slightly.

A person wrapped in a large amount of hot transparent liquid was spit out.

Listy and Kureia were shocked to find that the person whose whole body was wet with the red dragon's saliva was Luo Xi.

Then the red dragon's body slowly turned into a shadow. A girl with dragon horns in a white maid dress walked out, looked at Luo Xi lying on the ground tenderly, and said: Little Luo Xi's body is here, he should be over there. There was an emergency, and his consciousness returned to his world.

As for Yin Lisafiya you are talking about, she must be the fox elf. She fell asleep in that cradle with Wei Er and Aina, and went to the world over there together.

It's a pity that I can't accompany little Luo Xi. As a mother, I can't take good care of my child and help him solve the problem in time. I'm really derelict in my duty as a mother.

Where is the cradle? Listy asked eagerly.

It is much better to go to the world over there through the cradle and confirm the situation first than to rush in without knowing anything.

I put the cradle over there.

Floresia pointed to the crater.


Listy quickly ran towards that direction.

On the edge of the crater, there were three beast-eared girls lying on the cradle. Their plush tails were intertwined and they were holding each other.

Without thinking much, she climbed onto the cradle.

However, Floresia's voice came from behind: Don't waste your efforts. The cradle has no use in going to that world now. Little Luo Xi may have put away another part of this source device.

how come?

Listy hesitated for a moment, then climbed up and lay next to her daughter, closed her eyes, and wanted to repeat the last operation.

After a few minutes, she did not have the same feeling of being separated from her soul as she did last time, but she just felt a little sleepy.

Did something happen to them again? Floresia asked worriedly.

That's it, His Excellency Black Abyss Yanlong, Lord Mother Tree has sent...

Kureia explained.

After listening to what Kureia said, Floresia's face became a little ugly.

Is there something wrong with the world over there?

No, I have to go myself...

Floresia looked back at the seemingly calm deep sea.

She still has responsibilities.

We must never live up to your master's entrustment.

At least, wait until the adults come back.

Then let's go first. Your Excellency Black Abyss Yanlong, please continue to look after Shasha and the others. I will go check on the situation.

Listy eagerly pulled Kurea's hand, and the two of them disappeared in front of Floresia.

Long Niang took a deep breath, adjusting her ups and downs of emotions, and the wisp of black energy in the red gold vertical boy that no one could see became more and more intense.

I want to see Xiao Luoxi.

It is her duty to watch over the ocean.

However, it is also a mother’s duty to protect her children.

What on earth should she do?

The violent emotions turned into a seed deep in Floresia's heart, which quickly sprouted and grew.

She had never been confused in eight thousand years. For the first time, she felt deeply confused and uneasy about what she should do.

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