Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 368: Sister Wei'er, do you have any sisters? A white-haired lolita floats from the

Mr. Luo, ahead is the sea area where changes have occurred.

A well-built female secretary in military uniform came from behind the deck holding documents. She glanced at the beast-eared girls surrounding Luo Xi and thought that this woman who was recognized as the strongest in Xia Kingdom had indeed got it. A way to bring people out of the dream world.

However, this also further confirms that the rumors about the ‘Black Death’ are not false.

Just by their appearance, one of these beast-eared girls is one of a kind, but in the real world, they look like they are still in junior high school.

I formed a group of animal-eared loli maids in the dream world... They are really good at playing.

By acting so obedient, have they all been trained by the Black Death?

I don’t know what kind of methods the Black Death used.

Thinking that such a young child might have suffered unimaginable mental and physical damage, the secretary looked at Luo Xi with anger.

Xia Guo had already concluded everything about Luo Xi, but she still felt pity for these girls.

Of course, even so, she still has to complete the tasks assigned to her by her superiors. As a soldier of the Xia Kingdom, she must regard the orders as her own life to execute.

Yeah, I saw it.

Luo Xi was naturally aware of the secretary's dissatisfaction with him.

But he didn't care.

In addition to those soldiers, there are many extraordinary people under his direct command this time. Most of the extraordinary people in Xia State under his control are not soldiers. Leaving aside some who sincerely admire him, there are few who truly recognize him. Not many people.

Since ancient times, there has been no first in literature and no second in martial arts. To this day, although those battle scenes are still there, many people still think that he is just a lucky man, relying on external forces and luck to reach his current height.

After all, his current physical strength is only at the third level.

On the Xia Kingdom side, there are also several people who already have fourth-level strength.

The secretary tried not to look at these beast-eared girls who seemed to be smiling, but actually looked miserable, and said in a calm tone:

Mr. Naluo, when do you want to dispatch? We are following your proposal this time. Each country will use its own capabilities to seize nearby sea areas where precious resources are generated. If it is too late, no one else will seize the good places.

There's no rush. ​​Luo Xi said.

After getting close to here, he couldn't even flap the dragon wings.

There seems to be a forbidden air feature here.

Detection is extremely difficult.

How can you not be in a hurry!

The secretary was quite anxious.

Except for some small countries that really have no ability to intervene, most countries have participated in this 'exploitation'.

This is the first time that marrow veins and materials have appeared in the real world, and it is of great significance.

If she didn't have the authority, she would have wanted to issue orders on Luo Xi's behalf.

But Minister Zhao Mucang ordered her to obey Luo Xi.

More haste less speed.

Luo Xi shook his head and sighed.

He looked up.

In the distance is the sea area that seems a bit dense.

Like a mirage, the big city is shrouded in water vapor and sunlight, as well as the faintly visible ground and the thousand-meter-high sacred tree.

The last incident at the Tree of Void Darkness was just an accident and conspiracy.

This is the true intersection of the two worlds.

I don’t know if there are any residents of the dream world among them.

However, judging from the known information, the entire Twilight City has overlapped into reality, and some player characters have also come here.

Wei'er followed Luo Xi's gaze and looked over.

She doesn't care about this and doesn't understand much.

But after she learned about the situation, she was still secretly happy in her heart.

If their world and Luo Xi's world were completely integrated, wouldn't that mean that he wouldn't have to go back and forth so much trouble?

At this time, a navy man rushed out and said: Mr. Luo, all electronic instruments and equipment are malfunctioning. We are entering that sea area! Please give an action order!

Luo Xi: Huh?

Why did you suddenly enter that area?

Isn't it measured? It should be at least two or three kilometers away?

The secretary exclaimed: Mr. Luo, please give the order to return immediately. Our purpose is to find areas outside that can be occupied, not to serve as a stepping stone for other countries to explore the way!

Mr. Luo Xi.

The fox-eared maid walked to Luo Xi's side, her emerald green eyes stared at the image of the sacred tree in the distance, and said seriously: I can feel that the power of that sacred tree is gradually affecting the world.

The fate of the two worlds is gradually being implicated, but I don't know whether it is good or bad. Our world is encountering a great crisis. If this continues, Mr. Luo Xi, your world may be destroyed.

Aina opened her cute little mouth.

This fox always talks about fate and other things.

Don't speak human words.

Does that mean the scope of influence is getting bigger?

Luo Xi glanced at his text.

He had long asked Gouben to give an explanation for this 'activity'.

But the dog text has been pretending to be dead.

[Note: Traveler, we are not pretending to be dead! (??w??) This is just a necessary thing, it’s just a little faster, there’s nothing to explain! 】

Luo Xi: ...

Is it necessary?

Thinking of this, his heart moved slightly.

Was the creation of the game Dawn just for the fusion of two worlds?

So why do players exist?

Luo Xi thought for a while.

Accelerate the integration progress?

If the dream world and the real world are originally like oil and water, then is the presence of players some kind of catalyst that can bond water and oil?

[Note: bingo! Traveler, you guessed it right! A reward of just one ice cream (doesn’t exist)~]


You still blame honesty.

After getting Gou Wenwen's recognition, Luo Xi suddenly realized something.

It seems that Gou Wenwen has never told him what she wants him to do.

Not to mention letting yourself fight against the Lord of Truth who only knows his name?

It’s a joke, she and the Great Will, a real god, can’t fight against an external god. No matter how she tries to fight against it, it won’t be enough even if she has to stuff her teeth with food.

So what is the purpose of my actions under the guidance of Dog Text?

Is it...just to accelerate the integration of the world? Or do you say that you are a higher-level catalyst?

[Note: NoNoNo! We have very high expectations for you, Zayu Traveler! We even rewarded you with our own ice cream! Do you still have any dissatisfaction? (〃> dishes<)! 】

Luo Xi: ...

Speaking of which, Luo Xi had only a hazy memory of the ice cream that Gou Wenwen mentioned as a reward to her. Sometimes she could actually dream about it. It seemed that there was a pink-haired lolita who was shouting about trash fish and so on. Press it forcefully towards his mouth.

After waking up in the middle of the night, he wondered if he had read too many comics from the Female Imp series recently.

【Ding! Traveler, you have discovered a new overlapping area]

[This overlapping area is marked: 002—City of Far Wind]

[You triggered the special mission: City of Far Wind]

[Task description: Please explore the overlapping areas that appear]

[Reward: Unknown]

[Description: A city that overlaps from the dream world to reality, seems to be a seaport city]

【Ding! Traveler, you have discovered a new overlapping area]

[The overlapping area is marked: 003—City without Summer]

A large number of text prompts appeared in front of the eyes of all players who were close to this sea area.

The City of Far Wind? Isn't that a city on the south coast of the Yusu Kingdom? Many of those large iron ships that can sail in strange seas were taken away by the City of Far Wind!

Also, isn't Wuxia City the first acropolis of the Great Yan Empire?

Not only that, but in the next short minute, several text prompts popped up.

A new city has appeared in the nearby sea.


【005—Nolan City】

Not many people in Medeiros know about it, but Luo Xi knows that it is one of the six great cities of the elves in the Emerald Forest.

The City of Nolan is an 800-meter-level city in the Kingdom of Light, not yet at the level of the City of David.

Including the original Twilight City, a total of five cities have appeared on this sea area!

And they are all at least 800 meters above the level.

The Kingdom of Yaoguang, the Emerald Forest, the Empire of Great Flame, the Empire of Dawn, and the Kingdom of Rain.

There are a total of five countries in the Pancontinent, and each country happens to have a city here. It is difficult for people to regard this as a coincidence.

Luo Xi squinted his eyes and saw the shadows of the sacred trees of the other four major cities appearing in front of him.

No wonder the scope of influence has suddenly grown so much.

This change caused the small country, which originally just wanted to enjoy the autumn breeze and eat some soup, to be involved in the scope and had to start sailing.

Eh? Is that Medeiros?

Feiya recognized the sacred tree belonging to the elves at a glance.

The arrangement of the five great cities and the sacred trees on the sea formed a structure similar to a five-pointed star.

At the same time, outside this sea area, the big and small countries that had been observing were all shocked by this change. They immediately started analysis, but except for the naked eye, the satellite could not see anything.


American Ticonderoga-class cruiser.

There was a 'crushing' level battle here.

Liya put down her hands, tied up several fainting officers with ropes, and threw them on the deck.

The deck was full of human soldiers who had been knocked unconscious by her direct use of rune spells.

She didn't think about killing these people directly. She might meet their companions later, and she wouldn't be able to explain it at that time.

The main reason is that her strength is declining and she has to be more cautious.

As she gets further and further away from the Twilight City, the amount of energy she can control in her body is constantly falling. She was originally at the peak of the fourth level, but now she has only the strength of the early fourth level.

Although the skills he has mastered will not disappear, his strength will decrease, and the intensity of the runes he can support will also decrease a lot.

As a rune spellcaster of the creation system, her abilities require a large amount of energy, and her reduced strength is not enough to allow her to use rune spells as she pleases.

The white-haired girl sitting on the railing of the deck, blocking the sun with her palms, shouted: Ya'er, come and see if grandma is dazzled? Why do there seem to be so many more cities?

Look in the direction Ciya pointed.

Liya was also stunned for a moment and rubbed her eyes.

One, two, three, four...five.

Why are there five?

But this is a good thing!

The Enstein family shouldn't still have the energy to hunt them down, right?

Grandma, where are we going now? Liya asked.

Grandma's presence eliminates the need for her to make any decisions.

In addition to the grandmother and mother, there are actually several elders who talk things over in the family, but they secretly went together to find promotion materials for the grandmother a month ago.

She said that after she came back, there were only some small shrimps at home.

At this moment, if those elders she didn't like very much could be here, they would be somewhat useful.


Ya'er, just make the decision.

Ciya said happily: When I successfully advance to the next level, I will take you back to kill them all and leave no trace of them alive!

Liya: ...

Has her appearance changed so that her grandmother's mind has become immature?

Why does it feel like my grandmother is really like a child now?

Buzz —

Those sacred trees seemed to be emitting some kind of resonance.

They are both branches of sacred trees belonging to different eternal world trees. They should have been unable to defeat each other for eight lifetimes, but now they are so close to each other, so they have a strange reaction.

Dazzling light, blazing sun, vibrant green, gentle sunset, and wind with a hint of rust.

not good!

Liya keenly sensed that something big was brewing.

These sacred trees are so close to each other. They are not friendly to each other. Instead, they want to fight at the first moment!


There was a strong loud noise and fluctuation, and huge energy spread in all directions from the position of the sacred trees.

Almost instantly, this sea area aroused a huge tsunami. The huge waves of hundreds of meters, carrying the impact of the sacred tree, directly swallowed everything visible to the naked eye, including some islands and reefs.

Even the cruiser seemed very powerless in front of such a tsunami.

A large number of runes appeared on Liya's hands, and she wanted to use spells for defense.

Countless runes are connected to each other to form her own self-created defensive spell.

However, the runes she had condensed could only resist for about ten seconds before a large number of runes collapsed. The terrifying sea water came one after another, which also contained the power of the sacred tree, and slapped her body, making her Her body became very weak.

boom! —

Another bigger wave.


The white-haired girl gritted her teeth. She wanted to help Liya, but found that she was worse than before she was promoted. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

Because her original state was unstable, after her strength dropped, she couldn't even control her original strength.

She couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

I had said some big words before.

Unexpectedly, he would need his granddaughter’s protection in the end.

Grandma, catch me!

At the moment when the cruiser, which Liya had just grabbed and hadn't warmed up for long, disintegrated, Liya gave up her defense and wanted to catch Ciya.

The waves flew them to different directions.

Since her ability to fly was prohibited by unknown circumstances, she couldn't fly even if she wanted to. She could only watch her grandmother being swept away by the waves to an unknown place.


When the wave came, Luo Xi was also ready.

But the wave still exceeded his expectations.

The small cruiser almost capsized. If Luo Xi hadn't decisively broken the 'Tira's Sanctuary Barrier', he would have capsized like the other ships behind him.

After several times, the wave gradually calmed down.

The secretary didn't dare to look at Luo Xi any other way.

This can be blocked. Although the Black Death is a scumbag, he is really powerful.

Huh? What smell.

Aina wrinkled the tip of her nose and lay on the guardrail, looking at the sea below.

She saw a white-haired little loli with tattered clothes and an appearance somewhat similar to her sister, lying on a drifting wooden board.

Aina looked back at Weier.

Sister, do you have any sisters?

Weier: ?

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