Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 354: Pink Hair Text's ice cream reward, Aina comes to catch the rapist (4k)

Death, I don't know since when, he has gradually become accustomed to it.

When Luo Xi opened his eyes again, he was standing on a towering green grass cliff. In the distance was an empty wilderness. The night was dark and the stars were spreading wantonly on the wilderness.

A girl with long cherry-pink hair stood on the edge of the cliff, with her back to him. The surrounding starlight seemed to be attracted by her, converging towards her body.

On the girl's body, a long pink satin dress with white flowers fluttered in the wind. Her long hair was gradually dyed from the ends, from pale pink to pure pink, and spread to her waist and abdomen.

Memories that could only be restored in this environment appeared in his mind.

It’s not just once or twice.

Who would have thought that the very crooked god behind the text is really a cute little loli?

He even managed to eat her ice cream to some extent.

The girl didn't look back. She sat down gently and said in a soft voice: Traveler, you did a good job this time. Bring that guy over.


Luo Xi responded softly and threw the sacred spiritual sword beside the girl. You could see that the wriggling black twisted object was still hanging on the tip of the sword.

After being pierced by the Holy Spirit Sword, the Black Moon God still wanted to escape.

Then Luo Xi walked over, came to the side of the pink-haired Lolita, and sat on the cliff like her, with her feet hanging outside, feeling the cool night breeze.

Hey, it's finally in our hands. I tried to provoke me to come out before, but I'm not like you, a waste who needs to do everything by myself.

The pink-haired loli held the Holy Spirit Sword in her hand, flicked the black object on it with her fingers, and her pale pink eyes showed a satisfied smile.

Where is this? Luo Xi asked.

Let's not talk about it for now. The pink-haired loli turned around and said, Why don't you guess where this is?

Luo Xi looked at the pink-haired lolita's face that was exactly the same as the wind chime, except for the childish look, and couldn't help but feel a little distracted and a little lost.

Unexpectedly, the child Feng Chime would turn out to be the embodiment of the great will of this world.

Although she said there would be a time to meet again, she didn't know how long it would be before that time came.

Luo Xi guessed softly: Is this a world created by you, Gou Wen?

The pink-haired loli said displeasedly: No, don't call us Dog Wenwen, call us Lord Shangshen.

Did you watch some anime about my childhood, Gou Wen?

We didn't watch it.

I believe it...don't you have a normal name?

Yes, there is. Although it is just a name, not our honorary name, it is still used by Dahanhan.


Hmph, that's right.


Luo Xi pondered for a moment and said, Then I think you can be called Feng. You and Xiao Feng Ling look like twins. Feng and Ling, well, that's pretty good.

The pink-haired loli opened her eyes wide.

She seemed to be fooling Dahanhan like this before.

Now it was Traveler's turn to lie to her.

Don't think we don't know what you're talking about! We know everything about your world!

Oh... I think this name is really good.

Luo Xi was a little disappointed and gave up the idea of ​​naming the dog Wenwen.

He remembered Gou Wenwen's question just now.

This is not your world, then is this somewhere in the dream world?


A simple dream or hallucination?

It's not even that, forget it, I won't lie to you, this is a real place.

The pink-haired lolita raised her hand and pointed to the sky, saying: Don't be too surprised. This is the universe of your world. It is an uninhabitable planet without intelligent life, but it is enough to accommodate 30 billion people. The quality is yours. 1.4 times that of the Earth, do you see it? That bright star, if you magnify it, is the Milky Way where your planet is located, a full billion light-years away from this habitable planet.

Luo Xi was stunned on the spot.

Is this the universe of his world?

An uninhabitable planet?

If the senior officials of those big countries knew that there was such a place suitable for human survival...a billion light-years away, then it would be fine.

With current science and technology, hundreds of thousands of light years are out of reach, let alone a billion light years.

Are you surprised? The pink-haired loli chuckled.

Not surprised either.

Luo Xi said: Our universe is so big, it would be abnormal if no other life existed.

Then you are mistaken.

The pink-haired loli shook her head and said: As expected, no matter how many planets are suitable for survival in the universe where your world is located, there is only one planet with intelligent life, and you are unique.


Luo Xi really couldn't understand it now.


No reason.

The pink-haired lolita sighed softly: This world of yours is the weirdest world we have ever seen. It is so empty that it feels abnormal. Only a world like Dahanhan's is normal. I don't know what kind of existence it is. My balls hurt, and I have so much divine power that I have nowhere to use it, so I created your world.

Luo Xi heard another meaning in the words of the pink-haired loli.

So Gouwen, you are not the god of our world?

Of course not. When did we say we were? We just know each other. We were from the same college... cough.

Luo Xi's eyes widened immediately: Academy?

Do the gods also have academies?

You heard wrong.

The pink-haired loli's expression remained unchanged.

Oh... Luo Xi twitched the corner of his mouth and asked, So was the game Dawn planned by you?

have no idea.

How come you don't know that?!

I'm so annoyed, you miscellaneous fish traveler, why are you asking so many questions!

Suddenly, Luo Xi felt a heavy blow to her chest and fell back heavily.

Something stepped on his chest.

There are still many things I can't tell you. Although we are just an incarnation, speaking out about things related to us and that guy will not only have no effect, but may even harm you.

The pink-haired loli looked at him condescendingly, and her little feet were like stepping on cotton, twisting hard on his chest.

I asked you to come here this time not only to send this guy here, but also to give you your reward. Please say thank you, Lord God.

Luo Xi: ?


What a reward.

He struggled to look away from the tender feet on his chest.

Wait, isn’t this the reward the dog text mentioned?

Does this guy really think of himself as a pervert who has thoughts about her ice cream?

Aren't you a pervert?

The pink-haired lolita all muttered: No need to deny it, we also liked Dahanhan's little feet at the beginning. Well...this time it was agreed to be a reward for you. If you don't want it, we will force it on you too. I’ll give it to you, otherwise I’ll always feel uncomfortable.”

So do you want to do it yourself, or do we do it by force?

In fact, Luo Xi didn't do anything to her last time and just left with a feint, which already made her a little uncomfortable and made her feel a little sorry for Luo Xi.

This time she just wanted to calm down the discomfort she felt last time.

That's why this seemingly ridiculous mission reward is given.

Luo Xi: ...

If he hadn't been unable to wake up, he would have felt like he was dreaming.

It was outrageous to open the door for them. It was outrageous.

I will do it myself.

Luo Xi put the pink-haired loli's little feet on his chest and held them in her hands to play with.

It still feels the same as last time.

No odor.

All I can say is that he is worthy of being a god.

He pinched the girl's feet and tickled the soles of her feet with his little thumb.

After the unsightly starlight layer is gone, you can see that the curves of these soft feet are very beautiful, with the toes slightly pink and tilting up playfully.

Ha - what are you doing, Miscellaneous Fish Traveler?! The pink-haired loli had a weird expression, and she obviously wanted to laugh.

A little massage, and you just said it was ice cream, where are your white silk?



Of course the white stockings are great.

Of course, being barefoot is also very good.

After all, this is a gift from ‘God’.

Moreover, Luo Xi has long had deep resentment towards this female brat who has been complaining about him crazily in the back of the text.

If he was given the opportunity to push down this female brat's text now, he wouldn't hesitate at all, or it would be interesting to see her with red eyes and make her cry, right?

The pink-haired lolita immediately hugged her chest and said with a wary look: Traveler Zayu, this is the limit for giving you ice cream. Do you dare to think about other astringent things? You have so many animal-eared lolita in your family and you haven't even finished it yet. , how can we be what you can imagine? Are you not afraid of being really divided into five equal parts?


Luo Xi hesitated for a moment.

He felt like he was indeed in danger.

It was impossible for him to let go of that fox-eared girl now.

Not to mention the rarity of the fox-eared elves, the power of fate in Feiya alone made it impossible for Luo Xi to let Feiya leave, which was a great help.

Weier, Aina, Feiya, Aixue, and I don’t know if Floresia counts.

Five equal parts...

At this moment, Luo Xi's body showed signs of flickering.

The pink-haired loli frowned and said, There's not enough time. Your soul is going to return to your body. Hurry up.

Luo Xi said speechlessly: How can you get up so quickly?


As if she was a little annoyed by Luo Xi's delay, the pink-haired loli took her foot directly from Luo Xi's hand and sent it towards his face.

It's better that we come here in person, you miscellaneous fish traveler, don't move!

One minute later.

The pink-haired loli stood on one foot and raised the other foot. She wiped the wet transparent liquid on her tender foot with her sleeve and said with some disgust: Are you satisfied now? Don't do it again in the future. I keep staring at our ice cream. Next time if I have a chance, I will give you the big one, or you can go find your cat and wolf sisters yourself, and the little fox is also good. Her mother and She could also form a mother-daughter team.”

By the way, that red dragon lady is also fine. She probably won't refuse you. You can have a good time with her. If you can win the young green dragon that just came out, you can have a good time with her. Anyway, you can do it in the future. Stop trying to get any benefits from us!

Luo Xi wiped the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand.

Inexplicably, I feel that the dog text has become cute.

If he couldn't beat him, I really wanted to force this guy to the ground and teach him hard. The pleasure brought by conquering the female brat is very interesting...

No matter what, it was just right.

In fact, it feels just like that, small and soft, and I guess it's not much different from a cat's.

It's okay for cats if they don't exercise. If they do exercise, there may be a smell. But for dogs, it's different. Not only does it not have any smell, but it also has the slightest smell of grass.

Maybe it’s because I walked barefoot here?

Too bad I can't do anything else.

Otherwise, if these two slender legs of the gods were used for—

Seemingly reading Luo Xi's thoughts, the pink-haired lolita (〃>Van<) said: Don't be a good person just to get an advantage! Anyway, let me tell you, there will never be a next time! Don't even ask us to give it to you. If you do something even more extreme, be careful I’ll crush you! You’ll have no choice but to be a little red dragon lolita!”

Luo Xi: ...


Time seemed to have reached its limit, and his body was rapidly fading.

Can you keep the memory?

No, huh, you still want to go back and taste our taste, right?


You're quite honest.

Goodbye, Bell.

The pink-haired loli was slightly startled, then turned around and said, Traveler Zayu, why did you suddenly call us by our name?

When she turned her head again, Luo Xi's figure was gone.


A long sigh echoed throughout the wilderness.

Immediately afterwards, a sharp roar sounded, and in the hands of the pink-haired lolita, the black twisted figure continued to rush towards her face.

Let me go, you bastard!

Hey, isn't this the one who wants to challenge us? Why did he suddenly do this?

Haha, you win or lose, but don't you feel ashamed to please mortals in this way?

Who pleases that miscellaneous fish traveler! This is a reward! It's a kind of deal!


Are you laughing again? Don't think that you will feel better in our hands. I will make you a flannel ball later and give it to Traveler!

Flannel ball?

You haven't seen it before, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net is a weapon used to vent your desires.

You actually want to make me into a weapon?!


Luo Xi frowned and climbed up from the bed.

It's already three o'clock in the morning outside.

Ai Xue was lying next to him sleeping, with traces of tears still visible on her delicate and pretty face, and the bags under her eyes were red. She didn't know how long she had been crying.

The sound of Luo Xi getting up made Ai Xue wake up.

Ai Xue rubbed her eyelids and said, Senior...are you awake? Is it over over there?


Luo Xi gently touched the girl's face.

This period of time really worried Ai Xue.

Then we still have to go?

No need for the time being, at least not for today. I have exhausted the number of resurrections.

In this way... Ai Xue's eyes lit up and she said, Then can I have you all to myself today, senior?


I'll take it as such.

Ai Xue violently threw Luo Xi down and pulled up his clothes.

The two of them didn't notice that three eggs quietly appeared on the cradle and nest that had been placed next to them.

Half an hour later.


Outside the bedroom, Aina was holding a small white cat, with her big tea-gold eyes open, peeking inside through the crack in the door.

Damn Ai Xue, my brother was seduced by a vixen as soon as he came back.

The cat jumped up and covered her face with his paws.

Meow!—(Stupid sister, don't look)

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