Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 351: Dog text is also a pink-haired lolita? I just want rua fox-eared girl

The black fox should be very close.

Luo Xi still carried Yin Sera on his back. He and the others crowded on the back of the miniature Black Abyss Flame Dragon. Using the navigation of the leaves obtained from Aina, they locked Feiya's direction in the mist.


Long roared in displeasure, seeming to express his dissatisfaction with Luo Xi.

It's a dragon about four meters long. How come there are so many people standing on its back?

Luo Xi, will Shasha be okay?

Listy, who was close to him on her left hand and exuded a delicate scent, pinched the ponytail on her left shoulder and asked him anxiously.

This is the third time Listy has asked this question.

Will do.

Luo Xi actually didn't know.

This is the fifth time he has reviewed the situation and adopted a different strategy than before.

Although Feiya's mother was found, the time was later than before.

It was really difficult for him to judge the situation on Feiya's side.

But after this experience, he can go to Listi and the others earlier even if he has a review next time.

The little bird named Hui Hui flapped its wings from the dragon's horn and landed on top of Luo Xi's head, chirping urgently.

Tweet!—(The master is right in front!)

After being infected with Feiya's aura, the emerald gray spirit bird, whose race has even changed, can indeed detect Feiya's location.

Luo Xi looked up.

The shadow of the big black fox was indeed in the mist ahead.

Go down.

At Luo Xi's signal, the dragon gradually descended.

Yin Sera frowned her thin green eyebrows.

The fox in front seemed to have been tainted with the scent of those foreign guys.

Then, she still has to take action and completely tear this place apart. Anyway, this is just a shadow world.

However, the young girl Long Niang saw Luo Xi's indifferent expression and thought about the inexplicable changes in the timeline during this period, and she felt inexplicably confident in him.

If it was this human, then maybe she could watch him do it?

She has little confidence in her power control. If she takes action, irreparable 'scars' may be caused to the outside world, let alone this place.

This is a common problem among the Dragon Emperors right now. No matter they are Black, Little Red, or Bai, they cannot walk freely on the land. If they use any force at all, the rules of the world will try to expel them.

Human, let me see if you are worth my investment. The young dragon girl thought to herself.

Several people jumped off the dragon's back together.

Luo Xi observed the position in front and said: Sister Listy and I will go to the front to check the situation. Weier, Aina, Nunnally, you three should stay here for a while.

Luo Xi.

Wei'er suddenly grabbed him.

Luo Xi turned her head.

What does Maomao want to say?

The cat-eared girl, who already had an impressive figure, only looked worried at the moment, staring at him closely with a pair of red eyes.

Luo Xi, are you going to do something dangerous again?

Luo Xi shook his head and said: It's not dangerous.

For him, it was just a process of gradual trial and error.

As long as everything is corrected and a perfect ending is achieved before the number of flashbacks is used up, then all his hard work during this period will be valuable.

But, you said the same thing before, and then you were in a coma for half a month.

Wei'er grabbed Luo Xi's arm, lowered her head and said, I know you are very special, but I will also worry about you. Before, it was half a month, but in the future, what if it is one year, two years? Three years?

Aina whispered from the side: If it takes three years, just right, Aina can marry her brother who wakes up on the spot.

Idiot Aina, please stop talking.

Weier glared at her stupid sister.

How long has it been, and I’m still thinking about these things.

How confident are you in Luo Xi?

What if this guy just doesn't wake up?

Aina muttered: Aina didn't say not to be with my sister. It would be great for us sisters to be each other's bridesmaids.

Weier was thoughtful, and then realized that she was led astray by Aina again.

Listening on the sidelines, Listy just wanted to know what Luo Xi was attracted to by these two sisters.

Don't worry, it won't be that long.

Luo Xi subconsciously wanted to raise her hand to rub Maomao's head, but found that Maomao's height had reached about 1.7 meters, so she put her hand on Aina's head next to her.

Aina naturally came up to rub against Luo Xi as usual.

Weier: ...

Are there any downsides to growing up?

Then be careful. Weier said softly.


Luo Xi and Listy looked at each other, and the two entered the mist ahead.

After about a minute, the manic black nine-tailed fox came into the sight of the two of them.

Listy couldn't help shouting: Sasha!


From the moment she can remember, this gentle voice has been accompanying her in that small courtyard, telling her interesting stories about the outside world.

To this day, she still misses that small courtyard very much.

That was when she truly felt the existence of such a thing as 'family affection'.

-Mom, why do I have a fox tail and ears, but you don't?

Feiya still remembered that when she asked her mother this question, her mother hesitated for a long time before finally telling her about the situation of 'alienation patients' in this world.

After that, Feiya understood.

It turns out that I am a patient with alienation disorder.

Also called heterogeneous.

That's why she was imprisoned in the yard.

But it's okay.

As long as my mother is here.

Act like a baby, listen to stories, act like a baby, listen to stories...

The cycle begins again and again, spring passes and autumn comes, thirty years pass by in a hurry.

The first half of her life, compared to the bleak time after that, was full of warmth.

However, now she knows that her birth was just a false lie.

So are those warm memories also false?

Mom, what do you think of me?

The fox-eared girl's hollow twinklings showed some light.

She wanted to know the answer.

The twisted figure on the side noticed that the girl who was almost heartbroken had rekindled the flames.

Is the cooked duck that reaches your mouth going to fly again?

She wouldn't allow this to happen.

A line of text began to be written in her hand.

[No matter who they are, they will die when they get close to us. They will either be swallowed by the entity transformed by their own blood, or they will be stabbed to the heart and head and die...]

Give me a stop!

The hoarse voice of the fox-eared girl suddenly sounded from beside the twisted figure.

Then, she discovered that the font she had written started to disappear from the end.

At the same time, Feiya's tail, hair, and fox ears were all dyed jet black.


Black Moon was slightly startled.

Then she said with a joking smile: You stupid little fox, are you using up all your remaining power just to prevent me from writing their ending? It's a useless move.

Immediately, he twisted his body into a big mouth and was about to swallow the blackened Feiya.


At this time, a figure that Fiya could not believe stood in front of her.

That's Mia's back.

Isn't Mia on its side?

Why is she here?

Get away!

Black Moon never imagined that this creature created by her and Heart Calamity, which could act as a psychological shadow for the little fox girl, would come out to disobey her.

The elf girl remained unmoved and allowed the black moon to pass through her body and smash her into pieces.

A second later, she reunited.

She was originally born because of Feiya. Even if Feiya could not face her existence, as long as Feiya was still here, she would not die.

A black nine-tailed fox jumped out and landed on Mia's shoulder. A pair of golden eyes turned around and looked at the fox-eared girl who was sinking in the darkness.

If the God of Black Moon has an expression now, he must be twitching.

It’s truly a heart-wrenching disaster.

It was completely beyond her controllable limits.

The elf girl asked softly: Sasha, you haven't told me yet, why do you still have such a sad expression on your face until now? Why do you only say sorry?

Didn't I say that? If you miss me, you can look at the stars in the sky. I will always be with you.

Why do you have to feel so sorry for yourself all the time?


Feiya raised her head in confusion.

The fox-eared girl suddenly realized that what Mia said to her before was not really denying her, but trying to wake her up in another way.

However, being too immersed in the sorrow of the past, she not only failed to understand Mia's painstaking efforts, but also admitted what she said, forcing herself into a desperate situation.

Sasha! Can you hear me?

Mother's gentle voice sounded outside again.


This is Mr. Luo Xi’s voice.

I am never alone.

Isn’t this something you have already figured out?

Feiya reluctantly stood up, looked at the twisted figure in front of her, and said: If I don't recognize the contract, you can never get my body and everything!

Heiyue was stunned. He was about to laugh at the fox girl for overestimating her abilities, but she found that the contract between them was showing signs of falling apart.

Is this...the power of fate?

Most of the power of fate that had fallen into her hands somehow returned to Feiya's hands.

How did the girl who already wanted to die regain her desire for life?

Black Moon didn't know.

Because she was the girl who pretended not to care and wanted to lock herself in a small room, but in fact she stretched out her hands, eager to be saved.

You have to fight against me no matter what! You all die together!

The God of Black Moon was so angry that he let out a shrill scream.

These guys are hindering her good deeds one after another. Can't you give her this power?

at the same time.

outside world.

Listy could feel the terror of the black fox in front of her.

But she walked forward without any hesitation.


The nine tails that spread out were like phantom whips, whipping around and constantly passing by Listy's side, but they did not directly hurt her.

Luo Xi, who was following Listy, thought that it was indeed her mother. Even though Feiya might have lost her mind, she would not hurt her.

However, Luo Xi was slapped in the face the next moment.

The darkness on the nine-tailed black fox's body suddenly expanded like a wriggling liquid.

A tail changed direction while turning and stabbed toward Listy's head.

Beside Luo Xi, Yin Sera raised her hand slightly and pulled Luo Xi and Listy back together.

The two of them almost rolled on the ground and retreated dozens of meters.

During this period, Luo Xi didn't know if he touched something soft. Anyway, after he stood up dizzily, he always felt a faint fragrance lingering on his face.

The young girl Dragon Niang said: She is coming out, and then it will be my business. If you stay back, I will try my best to protect you people.

Yin Sera finally decided to take action.

This alien god who may have stolen the power of ‘destiny’ cannot be allowed to continue.

Wait a minute! It's not the end yet!

Luo Xi said seriously: This time, at least this time, please believe us!

This time?

Yin Sera realized that Luo Xi was talking about what might have happened if the time had not been corrected.

What had she done before?

The young girl Dragon Lady was silent for a moment, nodded, and then flapped her dragon wings and flew towards the sky.

After Yin Sera left, Luo Xi and Listy looked at each other again, and both found that the other's eyes were filled with determination.

This made Listy a little confused.

The reason why she is so desperate and desperate is because Feiya is her daughter.

So, what about Luo Xi?

Why is he working so hard?

I'll take the lead, Listy, you'll be behind.

Luo Xi felt that it was still necessary to bring Listy over, perhaps close to the black fox.

When the ability cannot be used, just using the three seconds brought by the time stop is a bit difficult, but it should be enough.

Listy asked softly: Luo Xi, what do you think of Sasha?

Luo Xi was stunned.

Has he asked Yin Sera this question before?

Now it was his turn to be asked.

Luo Xi thought for a moment and said, What a cute little fox. I want to rub her tail every day.

Listy: ...

What a strange statement.

Can you say something normal?

But when she thought that the two girls who had a good relationship with Luo Xi were both alien girls, Listy suddenly understood something in her heart.

You guys, stand down!

After Luo Xi and Listy advanced about fifty meters, the nine-tailed black fox once again violently rioted. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net A dark field-like thing suddenly unfolded, pushing away the fog, and surrounded Luo Xi and Listy were included.

A pitch-black twisted human form appeared, with a black moon symbol engraved on her body, and golden light exuding from her hands.

Lines of text appear.

If you look carefully, you will find that these words are all written with the word death!


Time comes to a standstill.

At this moment, something else affected the world after Luo Xi stopped.

Memories from the past come flooding back.

“Dog text?”

However, this time it was not the female imp text.

A person who deeply surprised Luo Xi, but felt that it was reasonable, appeared here again.

It was a young girl with dull hair and blue hair, who called her daddy the wind chime.

Feng Chime looked at him, with a smile on her delicate face, and raised her hand: I see your determination, this is my gift to you.

From the bag on Luo Xi's hip, the fragments of the spiritual sword suddenly flew out and hovered in Feng Chime's hand.

Countless bright rays of light spilled out from Feng Chime's body and rushed toward the broken holy sword.

Dahanhan, you're crazy!

Luo Xi then saw an incredible scene.

A pink-haired loli who looked exactly like Wind Chime rushed towards Wind Chime and tried to hold her down.

How can you use your own origin to repair this sword? We don't want you to be unable to hold on and explode in the next second!

Is this a dog text? !

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