Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 348: It doesn’t matter to the Loli Royal Sister, fate and time, the birthplace of Feiya

It can be seen that this young female dragon lady has two small dragon horns on her head, and the dragon tail behind her is also small. A small light green skirt is attached to her body, dotted with small white flowers.

The combination of her childish appearance and lazy temperament made Luo Xi feel like she was a young dragon loli who could only act cute.

After the last incident in Berggry Town, the mystery of the Black Dragon Bahamut's human form and the style of the Royal Sister made Luo Xi label these legendary Dragon Emperors as invincible.

Although appearance doesn't matter at all.

Be it a loli or a royal sister.

Anyway, their bodies are all dragons, and their human forms are just incarnations. Each dragon has survived in this world for an unknown amount of time longer than Floresia.

But what happened to this green dragon?

[Note: Actually, Traveler, you can simply think of her as a young female dragon lady. She is light, soft and easy to push down! ~]

Luo Xi: ...

God is so light and soft and can easily be pushed down.

It’s not like everyone is little Aina.

After all, Floresia can control him at will simply by relying on the strength of her body. This kind of Abyss Dragon Emperor, who is at the top of the sixth level, can probably pin him to the ground with one little finger.

But just looking at this petite body, it's hard to imagine the terrifying power contained in it.

When Yin Sera saw Luo Xi standing still, she frowned in displeasure and said in a milky voice: What? I have given you my blessing, and you can't even carry me on your back?

Luo Xi twitched the corners of his mouth, bent down slightly and said:

Come up.

Anyway, this is a super boss.

If you serve well, just give me a piece of scale or something, and it will be a legendary level material.

Luo Xi still has a piece of Bahamut's scale in his hand, but he can't use it for the time being.

And in the current situation, Feiya has completely sealed herself off, and he can't get close to him at all. This dragon lady may be able to do something.

very good.

Yin Sera nodded in approval, floated her bare feet in the air, and then lay on Luo Xi's back.

She held Luo Xi's arm with her two small hands, put her chin on his shoulder, closed her eyes and yawned again.

Ha~ I'm so sleepy...Human, don't worry about me. Whatever you want to do, just do it yourself. Just pretend that I don't exist.

Luo Xi had a strange look on his face, feeling the warmth coming from behind him and the pleasant fragrance like flowers and grass.

How can we pretend this doesn't exist?

Fortunately, she is not the type with two airbags. This dragon lady is exactly as it appears on the outside. She is a steel lolita with nothing, which will not make him get carried away.

Luo Xi asked cautiously: Why do you always look so sleepy?

The young girl Dragon Lady muttered: There is nothing I can do. A large part of my strength is maintaining the stability of Gray Dream. No matter it is black, white or red, they all think I am a lazy person, but if it weren't for I have always been very dedicated to my work, but Hui Meng has long since collapsed. My contribution is obviously so great, but they don’t even see it, and they call me a lazy dog, huh.”

Luo Xi suddenly felt that this dragon lady was quite easy to communicate with.

Speaking of which, there is indeed no feeling of inaccessibility like the last time I saw the black dragon sister.

Luo Xi still remembered that after seeing the human form of the Black Dragon, the desires in his heart were suppressed as if they were forcibly sedated.

[Note: Traveler, do you really have a lust for this young dragon girl? ! (??w??)! 】

Who would desire such a little girl?

Luo Xi gently supported Long Niang behind her, lifted her up, identified the direction Feiya left, and followed her in the mist.


The small Black Abyss Flame Dragon suddenly flew out of the mist and deliberately sprayed Luo Xi's face with fire.


Yin Sera opened her eyes and looked at the dragon in front of her. A pair of golden dragon boys showed doubts on their faces.

Is this an entity born from your blood? No wonder the factor response in your body is almost non-existent now. Is this the impact of the heart disaster?

Perhaps there is also the power of the outer god. Luo Xi said.

Outer God?

When Yin Sera heard this, she finally couldn't sleep peacefully.

There are still sixteen World Trees in the entire world that can function normally, and there cannot be any more. Otherwise, the world that is already in danger may completely collapse in the next moment.

Her mission this time is to protect the Eternal World Tree Jade.

Speaking of which, the Emerald Forest was originally the territory she took care of, but later because her body entered the gray dream, this place was handed over to Hei.

Seeing that the dragon lady was interested, Luo Xi immediately said: There is an outside god whose will left in the Black Moon Path has affected the residents of this city. This dragon that ran out of my body, and the one in front of me A big black fox was probably influenced by her, so you shouldn’t have any problem taking action against that guy, right?

Yin Sera had already seen the black fox in front of her.

But if Luo Xi hadn't said anything, she wouldn't have noticed the influence of any external god's power. The fox was more like a creation that was deeply eroded by the source of its own bloodline.

The young girl Dragon Lady frowned and said to herself: Why does it feel like that fox is a bit familiar...is it Xing Sui's fox? It's strange, didn't she disappear with Xing Sui a long time ago?

Then she added: I am just an incarnation thrown in here casually. I don't have much power. Then I will reveal some of the power of my body and destroy this shadow world directly.

Luo Xi: !

As expected of the Green Dragon Emperor.

Even though she looks like a lolita, her strength is still online.

The young girl Dragon Lady said again: Even after destroying this shadow world formed by the mental disaster, the things that escaped from your body will also disappear. You will most likely die directly. Can you accept it?


Luo Xi was stunned, shook his head quickly and said, Then I don't need to trouble you anymore.

He himself could be resurrected directly, but not to mention Feiya, Weier and Aina didn't know whether they were affected. Yin Sera might be able to clear the level directly, but the consequences were unacceptable to Luo Xi.

Then it's up to you.

Yin Sera yawned and said: When the entity of the outer god you mentioned comes out, I can catch her alone. Now she doesn't know where she is hiding, so I can't pull her out directly.

That black fox... be careful. It is a fox that has the power to change destiny. Although we don't know how it has died and left a legacy of blood here, the power of destiny is that we must also The power of authority that I value, if the situation goes wrong, I will kill her directly and recover this part of the authority and power. Yin Sera said indifferently.

Luo Xi: ...

Such murderous words came from the mouth of such a young girl, which really made Luo Xi feel quite weird.

But Luo Xi couldn't sit back and watch this happen.

In the thick mist, the young man carried the young Dragon Lady on his back and followed the big black fox that kept moving forward.

He wanted to see where the fox was going.

However, after Luo Xi followed for a few minutes, the fox suddenly stopped, and a pair of golden boys with a faint green color on its black body looked at his position.

Deep in Luo Xi's invisible black fox, in the dark world, the fox-eared girl with golden light on her fingers was writing a line of text in the void.

[The man who follows me will die from the backlash of his own blood. If he does not die from the backlash, he will be killed by us with our own hands]

When writing this line, the fox-eared girl frowned slightly and her fingers trembled, as if she wanted to stop herself. However, after a stalemate for a while, the girl still wrote this line of golden text with a cold expression.

The text disappears.

As a result, the invisible thread of fate was successfully stirred here.

After a while, the fox-eared girl paused, her expression showed pain, and she wrote another line.

[He will not die...(crossed out)]

A black crescent moon faintly appeared on the forehead of the fox-eared girl.

That bewitching voice whispered softly in the girl's ear.

[Stop struggling, little fox, you can no longer disobey me. You will eventually watch him die with your own eyes. This power of manipulating the thread of fate is beyond your control... Why do you feel that the timeline has changed? Did that bastard play with time again? 】

Black Moon seems to have broken some defenses.

The disturbance of fate told her that the human being should be dead, and she also succeeded in completely eroding the stubborn fox-eared girl and controlling the power of fate.

But the timeline has been reversed.

Causes everything to return to zero.

So it’s time to start over again.

Although for ordinary people, destiny cannot be changed, and the ongoing story will definitely move towards the ending of the written story, but for the existence that controls the power of time, this sentence is not absolute.

If you want to change the established destiny, except the destiny itself, then only the power of time can do it.

Even if fate still ends at the end, the process can change, and the thread of fate will continue to fluctuate until the direction of the story deviates.

A jet-black figure appeared next to the fox-eared girl, looking at the young man walking in the mist over there, and said harshly.

I don't believe how many times you, a little human being, can use that kind of world-class authority!

Except for true gods, or beings who transcend this world, once time flows backwards, everything that happens during the period will become a possibility of a future that has never existed, and ordinary beings cannot save any memory at all.

An ordinary human being, even as a representative of gods, cannot escape the influence of time and cannot retain memories.

Moreover, when the will to create this world has fallen asleep and foreign gods are unable to put their bodies into this world, every time correction will push this world closer to destruction.

This is suicidal!

At this time, she saw the scene of the human being being swallowed by the dragon transformed by his own power.

Before she could be happy.

An unimaginably huge green dragon stretched out its body in the mist, and slapped her with a claw. When they were smashed into pieces, the shadow of the world built by Heart Calamity and her was also torn apart.


Where did a dragon of this level come from?

Time has changed again.



Luo Xi gasped lightly, with some deep shock in her eyes.

Just before, the small Black Abyss Flame Dragon, which originally posed no threat to him, suddenly became outrageous and bit off his head.

The young female dragon girl Yin Sera was even more outrageous. She just watched and did nothing.

Afterwards, Luo Xi chose to be resurrected, and then saw Yin Sera take action directly, tearing the foggy world apart, and everything in it was completely destroyed.

Luo Xi could only turn back time to the anchor point set before.

Yin Sera must not be allowed to take action!

Otherwise everything will be lost.

[Traveler, your spirit has become intensely chaotic, and all attributes of your character in the dream world have dropped by 30% (this negative state cannot be reversed by resurrection, and the negative state lasts for 24 hours)]

A strong feeling of physical weakness came.

Luo Xi's expression darkened.

Counting this time, this is his third review.

Each time, all attributes will be reduced by 10%, and the negative continuous status will be added for 8 hours. Now it takes a day to recover.

In fact, Luo Xi should choose to wait 16 hours in the real world before using Liuyue, so that the negative status can be refreshed, which is the best way to deal with it.

But this is what the dog text told him.

[Note: At this moment, destiny has reached a divergence point, why not give it a try? 】

Luo Xi has always believed in dog texts.

So he chose the time to look back.

Now, he felt like he was being cheated.


On top of the Spiritual God Fortress.

The pink-haired boy's loli held the hand of another pink-haired blue boy's loli, and chuckled: Dahanhan, do you want to know where his limit is? Don't worry, his soul attributes are very special. It's so unique that it can still maintain its original characteristics even after many passages of time. If we hadn't checked it several times, we would have thought it was the same existence as us.

it is necessary.

Feng Chime said softly: After a while, I won't be able to help you anymore. Even if he can still use Liuyue Yuandian at that time, all the pressure will be on him. I'm afraid that he... ..Can not bear.

The pink-haired loli's eyes became profound.

so serious?

Until now, the reason why Luo Xi can keep coming back is not only because of his own soul attributes, but Dahanhan's permission and help are indispensable.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to turn back the time of the entire world?

Moreover, the dream world and the other world have gradually merged in terms of underlying rules. This is why Luo Xi can also use Liuyue there. If Dahanhan can no longer provide help, then looking back at the creation of time in the two worlds All the pressure will be borne by him alone.

She had no choice but to watch.

The pink-haired loli was silent for a while and said: Are you really not considering giving up? We can retreat over there. As long as we don't have to bear the burden of the whole world, with your and our strength, it's not necessarily impossible to fight against that guy. arrive.


I don’t know what Feng Chime’s blue eyes are thinking about.

She said softly: It would be fine if we could bring them all over, but the current rules have not been completely integrated, and they will all die eventually. I cannot accept this result.

The pink-haired loli said helplessly: How much do you love these creatures you created?

I love them dearly, even if they are bad kids.




A giant black wolf was running quickly in the mist, with four people sitting on it, three large and one small.

Now Weier is considered the older one.

The wolf-eared loli nuzzled in her sister's soft arms.

Aina, don't move. We have business now.

I already knew I had great potential.

Maomao was already imagining what Luo Xi would say if he saw her now.

Even small things are cute. These words seemed to comfort her, but she didn't want to hear this kind of comfort at all.

She can also have such an excellent figure like her mother!

Aina stopped, looked back at the beautiful and mature elf sister behind her, and said:

Aunt Listy, are we almost there?

Listy scowled and said, Can you guys stop calling me aunt? Your Luo Xi also calls me sister.

Luo Xi also calls you sister?

Weier asked curiously: How old are you, sister?

Listy said: Less than two hundred.

The two sisters blinked.

Isn't this an old witch?

Although they were still far behind the red dragon lady who treated Luo Xi as her child, the two hundred years old really made them feel as if they were facing an old woman.

Aina tilted her head and said, Sister, you look so young. Do you have any tips for keeping healthy?

Listy: ...

She felt that this little wolf-eared loli was caring about her.

Weier asked softly: Well, Sister Listy, you and Luo Xi also know each other. What kind of person do you think he is?

Maomao was secretly testing the elf.

She can't cross her arms and become their opponent, right?

The fox-eared elf didn't know what to think.

No matter what you say, this elf woman is the mother of Feiya. Regardless of whether she is biological or not, after so many years, a dog can develop a child-like affection, let alone a human being.

It's impossible for mother and daughter to rob someone from their sisters, right?

Listy could tell what the two girls were thinking at a glance.

He's quite interesting.

That's it?

That's it. Listy said calmly.

We're almost there, stop. She held up her hand.

Little Wolf, stop.

The giant wolf stopped.

In front is the bottom edge of the Eternal World Tree Jade.

On the ground here, you can see through the weeds that there is a hidden stone platform with strange runes engraved on it.

Listy bit her finger, placed her finger on the lines, and followed the lines with blood.

After the drawing was completed, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net The stone platform made a roar and opened to one side, revealing the downward passage, which was completely dark.

Nunnally said in shock: Your Highness, is this?

Listy looked at her and said, This is a place that Master Mother Tree thought was guiding me here specially. Only I know about it. Even Kureia doesn't know about it.

Weier asked: What's down there?

Listy looked a little sad and regretful.

That is......

Da da da-

There were footsteps again behind.

Go down first.

Before they could say anything, they followed Listy and ran towards the downward passage.

After running up the stairs for more than two minutes, Weier finally felt down to earth and they arrived on the flat ground.

Ahead, a bright light shines.

Weier followed Listy forward and came to the vicinity of the light.

Finally, everything suddenly became clear, and bright light entered their field of vision. A huge green gem shone brightly in front of them.

Wei'er's red boy suddenly shrank.

Ahead, there were fruits densely arranged on the ground, and countless withered elves' bodies lying among them.

Their faces are exactly the same as that of Feiya!

Listy's voice sounded: This is... the place where Feiya was born. It is also the place where I received the oracle from the Mother Tree. However, I didn't do anything well in the end.


It's a little late, just a chapter as normal tonight, don't rush.

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