Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 346: Not your biological daughter? Elisafia, your existence has no meaning! (six k)

【Ding! You triggered the special mission: Fox of Destiny]

[Mission brief description: The gears of fate are still turning forward, but the story of the fox-eared girl is about to end. Traveler, are you able to continue it? 】

【award:? ? ? 】

[Description: The so-called fate is the most unpredictable. The more you want to play with fate, the more you will be played by fate]


The blazing fireball spewed from the red dragon's mouth sprayed all over Luo Xi's face.

Luo Xi looked away from the text and looked forward.

Does this thing eat fried cakes?

Didn't you see that its attack had no effect on you?

Come here.

Luo Xi tried to grab the dragon's wings, but was easily dodged by the dragon.

Then Long called him contemptuously twice, with a very mean expression.

Luo Xi: ...

What a good guy, he was actually despised by his own alienation ability.

Trouble, if he doesn't have the ability, whether he can get down from the top of this fortress is a problem now.

My physical fitness is now just a little better than that of ordinary people.

There are no flying props in the dream bag. After all, since he has the dragon transformation skill, flying for him is just a matter of spreading the dragon wings.

Luo Xi looked back at the cab, which had turned dark.

The fragments of the Holy Spirit Sword were still emitting a dull golden light.

Luo Xi walked over quickly, packed the pieces into a cloth bag, and then walked to the edge again.


Long continued to provoke Luo Xi.

Then the next moment, it saw Luo Xi jumping straight down without hesitation and falling into the mist below.

There was a look of surprise in the golden vertical body of this miniature version of the Black Abyss Flame Dragon.

Then it also leaned down and rushed down.

Although I don’t know why, in this world, it should obviously take the initiative after gaining ‘life’, but facing its former ‘master’, any of its attacks have no effect.

But no matter what, it would not let Luo Xi leave alone.

He dies or it dies.

That was the order that awakened its existence and issued it in its ignorant consciousness.



Feiya looked around in confusion.

She was now near the feet of the spiritual giant.

The strange thing is that she did not die after falling from above.

And Mia and the nine-tailed fox didn’t know where they were.

On the ground, there was thick fog all around. No road could be seen beyond one meter, and the whole world seemed to be swallowed up by the fog.

Feiya did not see that two of the three tails behind her were quietly dyed black.

Mr. Luo Xi, you must survive.

The fox-eared girl prayed softly.

[Hehe, confused little fox, I know a lot of things this time. Do you want to know your own life experience? As long as you are willing to complete the contract with me again, I can take you to find out.]

The voice that once bewitched Feiya rang directly in her ears in the mist.

I told you, stop trying to trick me!

How could Feiya, who had already suffered losses, be fooled again?

She immediately rejected the voice's proposal and covered her ears. However, as a fox alien patient, she had four channels and could only cover the elf's long ears.

The voice said angrily.

[Why have you changed so much before and after? Is it because of that human being? Little fox, wake up! He and the being behind him are not good either. Why do you think he is being nice to you? It is also for the power of destiny in you. With the blood of the Fox of Destiny, you are the best material for him. Don’t forget what he did with your tail hair. Instead of giving your body to them, it is better to give it to them. I! 】

[The last contract can still take effect. As long as you give your body to me, then I will correct the twisted fate of this world according to the contract. Don’t you want the aliens to restore their former glory? ! 】

It's no use talking more.

Feiya lowered her eyes and said: I would rather give my body to Mr. Luo Xi than give it to something of unknown origin like you. If you want my body, then get it yourself.

Of course, she won't be controlled so easily this time.

Feiya held a small dagger to her throat.

If she senses a mental problem, she will kill herself as soon as possible.

[Boring, I thought you would be an elf with general knowledge, but I didn’t expect you to be so stubborn. So just spend the last part of your life in pain and regret! This is the path you choose! 】

The sound stopped suddenly.

Feiya heard footsteps approaching from behind.

The surrounding fog faintly changed.



As the sweet chirping of the birds sounded, the fog completely dissipated, and the bright sunshine once again shone on the ground.

Feiya opened her eyes in surprise.

Behind, where the Spirit God Fortress should have been, now became the entrance to a city.

In the center of the city is a sacred tree with a height of about 300 meters. The gray city wall and the golden sky are in harmony with each other. On the city gate, the name of the city is written clearly.

—Aoba Castle.

This city...

Feiya was so stunned that she couldn't move her eyes away.

Memories begin to drift to the distant past.

Back then, when she was teleported away from the Emerald City by her mother, this city was her first stop.

Her mother told her not to trust others casually outside, even if they are patients with the same alienation syndrome as you. You can show your alienation characteristics to them, but again, you must not show your elf ears.

At that time, she had just come out of the 'cage', and she was naive at heart. After seeing the alien human neighborhood attached to this city, she thought she had found her kind, and she was filled with joy.

Everyone has alienation characteristics, so even if she exposes her alienation characteristics, there shouldn't be any big problem, right?

However, the situation was not what she thought.

As an alien elf, her status was even lower than that of an alien human. But when those people saw her elf ears and fox ears, they smiled and communicated with her, telling her interesting things that happened there, but in fact they ran away Report her to the city gate!

When a group of guards led people to come to her, Fiya realized that she had been deceived. She could not understand the reason why these people did this.

The guards chased her from behind, and the petite girl was knocked out of the store and ran around where the aliens gathered. When she was about to be caught, a black steel Marrow-powered vehicle drove over and stretched out a His hands lifted her into the car.

The guards didn't stop when they saw the car. They just bowed their heads respectfully and saluted, and then hurriedly left.

Feiya felt a very strong aura in the car, and she thought to herself, her trip had just begun, would it end like this?

At this time, a young voice sounded.

Next to the rear driver's seat, an elf girl of a similar age stared at her alien features with curiosity.

Eh? Long ears? Are you from our elf clan? But why do you have animal ears that only aliens have?

The elf girl started to move as she spoke, grabbing her tail with one hand and her fox ears with the other.

This was the first time that Feiya had her tail and ears touched by someone other than her mother, and it was quite uncomfortable.

Miss Mia, this is a strange elf. If she is caught hiding it privately, she will be sent to the Heretic Tribunal together. We'd better find a place to put her down. said the maid who was driving in front. .

Miadu opened her mouth and said, Isn't this tail and ears very cute? I want them too. How did you get them? Can you tell me?

Feiya said softly: I've had it since birth.

At that time, she couldn't figure out what this girl was thinking. She can only answer whatever the other party asks.

The elf girl regretted: I've had it since I was born. Unfortunately, when I was born, I only had a pair of fairly clear green eyes... Ah, your eyes are as beautiful as emeralds!

After hearing this, the maid also looked back and was slightly surprised when she saw Feiya's emerald green eyes.

Isn't it true that only the royal families of the Emerald City can possess such clear green eyes?

A strange elf has appeared, sealing off the surrounding area for three kilometers! The person who captures it will be rewarded with 100 kilograms of source marrow crystals!

After the soldiers found that there was no trace of Feiya, they expanded the search area and placed a reward.

They are looking for you, right? If they let you out now, you will be in danger.

The elf girl thought for a while and said: Well, how about you go back with me? I am very interested in your alien characteristics. If you can let me touch you a few times every day, then I will provide you with room and board. How's it going?

Miss Mia, the Lord of the City will not agree—

Sister, can you please don't tell dad? Look how cute she is.

Miss, I can only try my best to help you hide it.

It's okay, that's enough.

The elf girl said happily, and then she asked: By the way, what's your name?

Yin Lisa...my name is Feiya.

Then can I call you Xiaoya?


Can you stay here? If you want to leave when the storm is over, I can send you away at any time.

Feiya hesitated before agreeing.

She could feel the girl's closeness to her, which was completely different from those human and elf soldiers.

At that time, she thought, it turns out that not everyone in this world treats aliens badly, it's just that she just came out of the city and met fewer people.

However, it was not until a few years after leaving Aoba City that Feiya gradually started to laugh at her childish thoughts at that time.

How many people are there like Mia?

One in a thousand people is considered good.

After that, Fiya was arranged by Mia in a deserted forest hut. Mia would often go to the hut to play with Fiya and touch her tail and ears.

The two also played various interesting games every day, and even invited the maid to play cards together.

That was Feiya's happiest time.

However, the good times did not last long.

Six months later, the unexpected happened.

The son of a viscount in the city broke into the small forest where Feiya lived, saw Feiya with fox ears, and reported it to his father.

The Viscount told the city lord about this again, so Feiya, who had caught the city lord's attention, was found after the city lord casually searched with the power of the sacred tree and was escorted to a prison.

According to Mia's personal maid, Mia was crying and making noises, trying to get her father to release her, and even threatened to go on a hunger strike at one point.

But unlike Mia, her father also had a very bad attitude towards alien species, and directly set a date for her to be executed in public.

Until the night before his execution.

Feiya sat quietly in the corner of the small, moldy cell.

Or is this the end?


Suddenly, the earth shook!

I don't know what happened outside, but the cell is constantly collapsing.

In less than a minute, the entire prison was turned into ruins. When Feiya walked out of the ruins in a daze, she saw a big golden bird flying across the sky.

The green-leaf sacred tree in the center of the city also collapsed. It is estimated that the city owner is in bad luck, and there is little chance of survival.


Feiya ran towards the place where Mia lived anxiously.

Along the way, she saw countless elves and humans buried under the buildings.

They kept wailing and begging for someone to pull them out.

When she arrived at the manor and walked in from the ruins, she saw the body of Mia's personal maid.

Feiya was silent for a while and continued to search.

Finally, deep in the manor, an elf girl was found who was crushed under the rubble and barely still breathing.

Mia, I'm here to save you.

However, Feiya found that even with all her strength, she could not move away the entire boulder that was pressing on Mia.

Moreover, with the weight of this gravel, Mia's lower body is likely to be crushed into a lake of flesh and blood. If the boulder is loosened, the blood will spurt out like a fountain, and the girl will truly die.

What should I do? What should I do?

This was the first time that Feiya felt truly desperate.

Xiaoya, have you come out from there? That's great...

Mia looked at Feiya with a pale face, and said with a forced smile: I'm fine, Xiaoya, please go quickly. Dad will come to save me later. If you miss me in the future, just look at the star in the sky. I'll give it to you. Whatever you pointed out, I will always be watching you from heaven.”

Feiya panicked and said: No, no, don't die, there must be a way. Where is your father? I'll go find him...


A lump of non-humanoid object fell next to Feiya.

Feiya could see clearly that it was the body of Mia's father, the former city lord.

Feiya, who had never cried since leaving the small courtyard, burst into tears in despair.

Mia also saw her father's body, but she still encouraged the girl in front of her: Xiaoya, don't cry, why don't you smile? I heard that people can't breathe when they laugh, although I don't know I kind of want to know if it’s true.”

Feiya sobbed and wiped away her tears, revealing a smile that was even uglier than her tears.

Mia drooped her eyelids and chuckled: Hey, hey, Xiaoya, don't you have a beautiful smile? If only I could have fox ears and tail like you in the future... .

As the elf girl's voice became weaker and weaker, her breath of life gradually disappeared.

Feiya knelt down beside her.

I could only watch helplessly as she died like this.

But she could do nothing.

Later, she met some people who were very kind to her, but things happened to them because of her.

Please take it back and don't remind me of the past again.

The fox-eared girl sat limply on the ground.

Sometimes I always wonder, why does she want to live in this world?

Compared to the ten years she spent wandering alone, the thirty years she spent with her mother in that small courtyard did not have many painful and uncomfortable memories.

Mother said that she should not be a caged bird imprisoned in a small world.

But she, the bird that came out of the cage, would only bring bad luck to those who were kind to her, including Mia, Beibei, Peggy, and now, Mr. Luo Xi.

Step - step -

Footsteps sounded, and a familiar figure walked beside her.

It was the Mia I saw before.

The elf girl raised Feiya's chin and said angrily: Don't want to think about it? How could it be so beautiful? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have died so early. Everything is your fault! It was you who harmed the entire city. I still have my father!”


You only say sorry? And you show such a sad expression? Do you take my words seriously? If I had known you were such a person, I would not have saved you! You should have died with me. !”

Behind Feiya, the color of the third tail is gradually turning black.

A dark fox appeared on the shoulder of the fox-eared girl. It raised its head and glanced at Mia, then glanced at its own body, and smacked its lips in disgust.

How did you get it to be this color?

pretty ugly.

If this continues, that guy will succeed.

So, might as well let it come...

The black fox raised its paw and put it towards Feiya's neck.


The dragon roared suddenly.

The surrounding scene shook for a while, changing from 'Aoba Castle' back to a road filled with fog.

Luo Xi broke through the fog with a long sword and walked over.

Although Luo Xi just wanted to give it a try, he did not expect that the nearly 100-meter free fall did not kill him.

Mia looked back at Luo Xi displeased, her body melting into the mist.

The black fox's golden eyes flickered slightly, he retracted his claws, and also retreated and jumped into the mist.

Feiya emerged from a state filled with sadness and despair.

She said in confusion: Mr. Luo Xi, why are you down too?

If I don't come down, you, this easy-to-deceive fox, will be deceived and become lame.

Luo Xi punched the silly dragon next to him on the head, and then said: No matter what they said to you, think about it carefully. How many people's hopes and blessings have you carried on your body to get to this day? Can these blessings be erased just because these nightmares in your memory look like people you are familiar with?


Feiya's eyes lit up.

Luo Xi asked: Speaking of which, is that girl someone you know?

Feiya stood up and said with tears: Yes, she is my best friend, but she is dead.

She told me that day that people will turn into stars after death, but there were no stars that night, so I couldn't find her.

Luo Xi felt strong sadness from the girl's tone.

She was just regretting her own powerlessness.

Snapped! -Snapped! -Snapped!

Crisp applause sounded, interrupting the conversation between the two.

From the mist, a woman with a black moon mark on her forehead walked out.

It seems that you are unable to collapse on your own.

The woman sighed and said: Obviously you could have collapsed and died at this time, and you could have left this world in ignorance and happiness, but you didn't, so don't blame me.

Luo Xi stepped forward and blocked Feiya behind him.

What does this guy want to do?

Yin Lisafiya, why were you born as a strange elf?

Why did your mother never tell you about your father?

Why does your existence distort the fate of those around you?

There is only one answer. The woman showed a crazy smile and said: You are not your mother Listy's biological child! You are just her own blood and the power of the emerald mother tree, combined with the legacy of the Fox of Destiny. It’s just a creation created by factors that shouldn’t exist in this world!”

Feiya felt like she was struck by lightning, and her eyes instantly lost focus.

Is she not her mother’s biological child?

Is she a creature?

Luo Xi sensed something was wrong and immediately retorted: Nonsense! Why did Feiya's mother do this! Anyone can make up stories out of thin air! Feiya, don't be deceived by her!

The woman said disdainfully: When I join forces with Heart Disaster, this city no longer has secrets in front of me. Feiya, I can tell you clearly that everything you are doing now is false, and so is your beloved mother. Yes! Is this world still meaningful to you? And do you know? Your mother originally wanted to make a will descending body for the Emerald Divine Tree, and she got you by some combination of circumstances. You were just an accident. !”

shut up!

Luo Xi stabbed forward with his sword.

Although he couldn't use Yuan Su now, he still brought his sword skills to bear. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net This snarky woman was killed by him in an instant.

However, after listening to what the woman said, Feiya seemed to have fallen into a state of doubting life again.

Behind the fox-eared girl, the three tails were almost completely dyed black.


It's fake, it's all fake. Has my life until now turned out to be a joke?

Feiya murmured in despair, and from the three tails behind her, six more illusory tails squeezed out, and a frightening force suddenly burst out, pushing him away.

The mark of the black moon appeared on the girl's forehead.

Then, a pitch-black nine-tailed fox fell directly from the sky, threw Feiya to the ground, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed the mark of Black Moon in one mouthful.


There seemed to be some curse.

The long tail of black energy spreads and whips everywhere, destroying the ground at will in this world where abilities cannot be used.

Luo Xi stood up from the ground, looking with a headache at Feiya, who had entered a violent state and had lost her human form.

How to solve this?

An energy tail whipped towards him, but stopped in front of him and froze for a moment.

The next moment, the tail hit Luo Xi's chest hard and flew away into the distance.

[Note: Traveler, why don’t you set an anchor first? Now it’s a boss battle! 】

The little fox girl is not a boss!

[Do you want to set this time period as the anchor point? (After death, you can choose to use ‘Flowing Moon·Zero Point’ to go back to this point in time)]


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