Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 339: The sisters are jealous of the vixen and send a message to the governor! Set foot on th

Luo Xi: Uh...

It would be a shame for you to break your knee without a cane.

The surrounding elven soldiers looked over in disbelief.

Vice Commander Laixi? Did you lose?

They are all very familiar with the Black Cavalry Duel. It tests not only personal strength, but the most important thing is personal will. Under the pressure of the black stone tablet, many new members of the Black Cavalry Army cannot even lift their heads after taking a few steps. .

The adjutant said very solemnly: Yes, I lost. The black cavalry armor recognized the identity of Governor Luo Xi. Do you see how the black cavalry armor on the governor is different at this moment?

Nunnally and the three beast-eared girls behind them looked at the armor and stomach worn by Luo Xi.

There are several golden strips on the back of the black cavalry armor with strange symbols. Although the front cannot be seen, one can imagine that it is a black and gold armor.

Nunnally was a little stunned.

She has followed His Majesty for so many years, and she also knows about the Black Cavalry Army, but she has never heard that there is such pure black and gold in the Black Cavalry Armor.

The elven soldiers also widened their eyes.

Black and gold? How is that possible?

The color of the black cavalry armor is not static.

From the lowest level of black, to the higher level of purple and black, to the higher level of purple and black, and in their knowledge, the highest level of purple, black, and gold.

The purple-black one worn by Fabrico symbolizes the commander-level military rank, which can command up to two hundred people. The purple-black one he wears is between ordinary soldiers and commanders, and he is the deputy commander.

Leaders at this level can be directly appointed by the commander-in-chief, except for being recognized by Jiawei and being promoted and changed on their own.

If Fabrico hadn't had a good father at home, it would have been impossible for him to seize the position of commander, which was why he was unconvinced.

As for the purple, black and golden black cavalry armor, there are only two pieces in the entire 20,000-strong black cavalry army, and they are held by two commanders who have reached the fifth level of strength.

The black cavalry armor Luo Xi was wearing at the moment was so pure in black and gold, noble, elegant, and overbearing.

Obviously, this is the black cavalry armor on top of purple, black and gold.

Governor's order?

Adjutant Laixi suddenly understood why His Majesty Kureya would suddenly give an order to give such a great authority to a mutant human being.

Your Majesty is far-sighted!

Sure enough, they, little people, just have to follow His Majesty's orders.

My Lord Governor, I am willing to be loyal to you!

Laixi said enthusiastically again, kneeling down on one knee towards Luo Xi.

Hua Hua Hua—

In an instant, almost all the elf soldiers knelt on the ground, leaving only the elf soldier who had taken off his black cavalry armor, standing with a blank look on his face.

He pointed at himself and said confusedly: Am I without armor?

Afterwards, Laixi took out a spare armor stomach from the tent and gave it to the elf.

The black cavalry armor is not invulnerable to damage, but will be gradually repaired after damage. In order to prevent it from being replaced, each commander's establishment will keep three to five spare armor stomachs.

Wei'er pulled Luo Xi's hand and said in surprise: Pervert, you can take care of them now?

She had already seen how repulsive these elves were to patients with alienation disorder, so it was really incredible that Luo Xi could gain the approval of these soldiers so easily.

After all, brother Luo Xi is Aina's brother.

The wolf-eared loli held Luo Xi's other hand and wagged her tail happily.

The two sisters stood on either side of Luo Xi, with a clear understanding of each other, not giving Feiya a chance to get close.

This one is a real vixen.

Wei'er also heard from Ai Xue that vixens like to eat secretly.

Although Weier thinks Ai Xue is the vixen.

Feiya asked in a low voice: Well, Miss Weier, I have something to ask you.

Wei'er raised her cat ears and asked with a hint of confusion in her red eyes: What's the matter?

The fox-eared girl asked seriously: Why did you call Mr. Luo Xi a pervert? Wouldn't it be hard to hear if others heard it?

Weier: ...

She immediately wanted to say why do I ask this guy to care about your business.

Not to mention that this guy always makes moves on Aina. After all, if Aina wasn't for her age, Ai Xue in that world wouldn't be as proactive as Aina.

But this guy Luo Xi made her tail look like that last time, and he said such shameful things, and even said that it would work there...


If Luo Xi is not a pervert, who is?

This is Wei'er's understanding of Luo Xi.

However, despite her understanding, Wei'er had absolutely no objection to this 'pervert'.

The word pervert has also become her 'nickname' for Luo Xi.

Just like Luo Xi has always called her Cat Mao, she used to say not to call her that, but now if Luo Xi calls her by her name, Wei'er will feel that the relationship between the two is unfamiliar.

Wei'er snorted softly: A pervert is a pervert, there's nothing to say.

Brother Luo Xi is not what you said, sister.

The little wolf girl??? said: My brother won't do anything Aina wants me to do. Obviously in a few months, Aina may be as tall as my sister.

Wei'er twitched the corner of her mouth and said, This has nothing to do with height!

Aina held her small breasts and said, But it's bigger here than my sister's. I always feel a little pain recently. If my brother can touch my sister's breasts, then Aina can too.

Weier: ...

Maomao clenched his fist.

Suddenly I really want to beat this 'good sister'.

Stop, stop, stop!

Luo Xi quickly stopped the quarrel between the two sisters.

Aina's sinister temperament is becoming more and more obvious, and she can kill the inarticulate Weier with just a few words.

And didn't you see that Fia and Nunnally next to him were looking at him more and more like they were looking at a piece of scrap metal?

Although the elf soldiers were a little far away and it was not clear what he was talking about here, but being so close to a few animal-eared lolita, who knows what these newly acquired subordinates would think of him.

A hint of understanding flashed in Feiya's clear and bright emerald green eyes.

Is this how people you like communicate with each other?

She may never experience this kind of communication in her lifetime.

Feiya hugged Huihui tighter.


Huihui wanted to cheer up his master. After pecking Feiya's hand, he suddenly remembered something and then looked at the human next to him.

It remembered something.

Although the current owner seems to have a good relationship with these people, it has actually become the property of this human being.

How should I tell the master about this...


After coming to the west to count the number of soldiers, he came to report to Luo Xihui: Your Majesty Governor, we now have a total of 195 brothers, among which 192 are third-level ascendants, two are at the beginning of the fourth level, and I am in the middle of the fourth level. There are four sets of black cavalry spare armor stomachs in the warehouse, please give us the order to lead us to victory in this war!

Luo Xi: ...

Somewhat embarrassing.

He just came here following Nunnally's words and wanted to get some available manpower.

What I said before was also said to cater to the scene at that time.

How does he know how to win this war?

If those rebellious grand dukes were not restrained by the Elf Emperor, just one of them would make him miserable.

In fact, there is no need for the Duke to come, as long as a fifth-level person comes casually, it is enough.

Luo Xi pondered: His Majesty asked you to stay. Did he give you any orders?


Laixi shook his head and said, Your Majesty transferred all the Black Cavalry troops except us yesterday. She just asked us to wait here and didn't say anything else.


Luo Xi was silent for a moment.

So what to do?

The central battlefield was definitely out of reach, and he didn't want to be swept to death by an inexplicable AoE.

So...wait a minute!

Luo Xi suddenly thought, since these grand dukes do not have their own territories, does that mean that their territories are guarded by people?

The Black Moon Path, which was polluted by unknown outer gods, was within the territory of those archdukes.

The source code has a purifying effect. After getting the access, he doesn't have to worry about being contaminated. However, Luo Xi always feels that something is wrong about the source disaster attacking the city and the Grand Duke's rebellion.

Those dukes will never act rashly. They must have been preparing for this rebellion for a long time. Can the elf Emperor Kurea really suppress them?

Moreover, not to mention the two major source of disasters that were blocked, there is also the strange existence of the outer god 'Black Moon' in this city.

I don’t know how many people have taken the Black Moon path. It seems that the outer god wants to invade Feiya’s body. If he really does this for her, it will be the worst case scenario.

[Note: Traveler, your intuition is very keen~]

Luo Xi frowned and said, Can you give me some hints about the dog text?

[Note: The only way is to clear out the sublimators who take the Black Moon Path in advance. She is also willing enough. Before the original body left, she left the will of this world with a trace of its origin to lodge in the Black Moon Path, which is equivalent to independence. An individual, so she will never give up on the fox-eared girl you just abducted. The power of fate, even if it is illusory, is the most basic rule in the world, which can allow her to completely gain a foothold in this world~]

An Ascendant who clears the Black Moon Path in advance?

Luo Xi turned to look at Feiya's face.

Is Feiya really lucky?

No wonder, what is mentioned in the text is ‘destiny’.

Mr. Luo Xi, is there something growing on my face?

Being stared at by Luo Xi, Fiya couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Due to what happened before, Fiya actually had a very good impression of Luo Xi, but it didn't reach the level of qualitative change.

Especially on the streets and alleys.

When those malicious elves continued to inflict vicious methods and insults on her, when she was in despair, Luo Xi's appearance was like warm sunshine shining into a dark corner.

Young seedlings have been planted.

Unfortunately, there is no room for it to sprout and grow.

Feiya buried the seeds of this expectation deeply in her heart, especially after seeing the two sisters Weier and Aina having such a good relationship with Luo Xi, she buried it even deeper.

She shouldn't, and couldn't, bother them.

Luo Xi asked softly: Is that voice still coming from your side?


Feiya was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that Luo Xi was talking about the voice that bewitched her.

It's happened before.

Feiya raised her head and smiled: But don't worry, Mr. Luo Xi, I will never be deceived by that guy again. You gave me my life. No matter how she wants to bewitch me, I will never make the same mistake again. ”

Luo Xi nodded.

At this time, he felt that both of his hands were being held tightly.

Weier and Aina looked at him with dissatisfied eyes.

Are we sisters not satisfied with being with you?

Are you still so happy talking to the vixen?

Luo Xi was a little helpless.

It was not easy for him to immediately explain what happened before.

Feiya's importance can be said to be quite important, and this little fox must not be allowed to have an accident.

But he was also quite happy.

Who wouldn't be happy if the sisters were jealous together, hugging each other and so on?

[Note: Traveler, do you really want to enjoy this pair of sisters together? 】

Fox said!

Luo Xi said to Laixi, who kept his head down and didn't dare to look around, Let's go to the Black Moon Chamber of Commerce now.

Laixi asked: Black Moon Chamber of Commerce? Is it the chamber of commerce of Lord Loe and Duke Viliam?

Luo Xi said: That's right.

It is your will, Lord Governor.

Laixi drew his sword, pointed it to the sky, and said loudly: The whole army listens to the order! Set off immediately!


The soldiers' voices shook the camp.


20 minutes later.

Under the leadership of Laixi, Luo Xi made a large circle around the royal court and came to the bottom of a ten-story building with two hundred black cavalry troops.

At this moment, the door of the high-rise building was locked, and I didn't know if anyone was inside.

The four characters of Black Moon Chamber of Commerce were inscribed, and the sides of the high-rise building were woven with green leaves and vines. There seemed to be no one on the busy streets near the high-rise building.

This is the headquarters of the Black Moon Chamber of Commerce.

Laixi sneered and said: In the past, the door was always open day and night, but is it useful to close it? It is originally the property jointly owned by Lord Loe and Viliam. Your Majesty will definitely clean it up after this matter is settled. it.

Can't we clean it up now? Luo Xi asked.

Your will is our will.

Laixi understood Luo Xi's thoughts and immediately gave the order.

Several elven soldiers stepped forward, knocked a few times, and smashed the door into pieces.

There are gangsters invading, protect the president!

In the hall, a person's shrill shout rang out.

Creak - creak -

More than a dozen pieces of very advanced power armor, accompanied by the sound of steel driving, blocked the hall, and the water vapor spewed out, making the hall become confusing.

Compared to the Starfire before it became rune powered armor, these powered armors were more than one level higher in appearance.

Facing these steel objects, Laixi's expression remained unchanged and he said: All the troops obey the order! Take down the Black Moon Chamber of Commerce, and kill those who resist! If you capture the elders alive, the Governor will reward you!

In an instant, the elf soldiers wearing black cavalry armor rushed into the hall as if they had been given blood.

Even though those were stronger powered armors, they still didn't have any fear.

There are over a hundred black cavalry armors, even if there are no fourth-level extraordinary beings in them, they are still capable of defeating fourth-level ones.

The more people there are, the more power will be superimposed. Even if each person's power is only a small part, when the power of two hundred people is gathered together, the defense and impact will be greatly improved.


The weapon held by the armor slashed the neck of a member of the Black Cavalry, but it only knocked him to the ground. The next moment he got up again, making the operator in the power armor look suspicious of his life.

Is this reasonable?

The obstruction of this power armor team only lasted for a few dozen seconds, and more than a dozen pieces of power armor were scattered and scattered by the black cavalry.

Finally someone recognized this terrifying army.

They are the Black Cavalry!

Retreat, retreat quickly, call the president!

Why did you attract these monsters?

After recognizing the name of the Black Cavalry, everyone's fighting spirit seemed to disappear completely. They only wanted to escape. Even the operator in the power armor who could still fight immediately opened the cockpit door and ran away. .

All elves know how powerful the Black Cavalry is.

Its fame can be traced back to 10,000 years ago, when 20,000 soldiers went on an expedition on the west coast. They faced off against an abyssal-level source beast that tried to invade the land for ten days and ten nights, and drove it away.

Five thousand years ago, 10,000 black cavalry troops took action together and killed a fallen controller of a 700-800-meter-level sacred tree.

Thousands of years ago, a fifth-level peak marquis suddenly went crazy on the training ground and attempted to assassinate the former Elf Emperor. In the end, he was killed by an attack by nine thousand black cavalry troops without His Majesty even making a move.

Although there is a problem with the officer class of the Black Cavalry, they basically die young. Even the commanders who reach the fifth level of strength can only live for about 1,000 years at most. However, for the elves, the life span of the fifth level is at least More than 2000, up to 3000.

It's good to join the Black Cavalry Army, but it's too life-consuming.

Soon, everyone in the Chamber of Commerce was captured by this black cavalry army.

A pot-bellied elf was led by two people to Luo Xi and was pinned to the ground.

Laixi said: This is the current president of the Black Moon Chamber of Commerce, Tukesi Tuerdel, Lord Governor, what are you going to do with him?

Did Tukes raise his head, stared at Luo Xi in front of him, and shouted: How dare you? We are the Grand Duke's money bag and the most loyal servants. When the Grand Duke takes power, they will definitely value us more. , you damn short-lived ghosts...

Luo Xi narrowed his eyes and asked, Where is the sublimation scroll of Black Moon Path hidden?

Tukes expression changed instantly.

Are these people here for the Black Moon Path?

I won't sue you! he said coldly.

Did not say?

Luo Xi said casually: Laixi, you should know how to pry open his mouth, right?

of course I know!

Laixi stepped on Tukesi's abdomen and kicked him hard.

Luo Xi walked inside.

He only needs the results. As for the process, he doesn't really want to see it.

At this time, from the corner of the hall, a group of elf soldiers came over carrying something. Luo Xi took a look and realized that they were all young children.

An elf soldier looked angrily and said: Sir Governor, many little girls and boys were found in the warehouse of our Chamber of Commerce's underground auction house. The average age of humans is 12 years old, and there are many alien species among them... The average age of elves is under 28 years old! They are all products prepared for auction by the Chamber of Commerce! This kind of thing is so abominable! Everyone in this Chamber of Commerce deserves to die!

When talking about alien species, the soldier secretly glanced at Luo Xi's alienated features, fearing to offend him.

Luo Xi's eyes moved slightly.

Is this chamber of commerce still involved in human trafficking?

It was hard for Luo Xizhi to understand that such a shocking thing could be done under the eyes of the Elf Emperor.

You can't take them away!

Tukesi, who was being punished by Laixi, struggled and shouted: They are my products, they are mine! Damn it, if the Grand Duke hadn't taken away my guards, how could you be so shameless... ...

Luo Xi leaned over and checked the breathing of the child who was carried on the soldier's back.

Somewhat faint.

But they are all still alive.

He walked up to Tukesi and said in a cold voice: How did you capture these children?

Haha, you think I will tell you - ah! Don't step on me, I said it, I said it all!

After Tukes felt the shoes on his crotch being removed, he quickly said: The human and alien children were provided by Grand Duke Loe, and the elf children were sent by Grand Duke Viliam! Don't look at their young age. There are still quite a few sellers, some families can’t give birth to children, so they buy them instead of adopting them, and some people just like little ones like this... ah!”

A piercing scream echoed throughout the hall.

Luo Xi said coldly: Continue the torture.

He no longer holds back when he comes to the West.

A few minutes later, Luo Xi got what he wanted, but not quite.

He found the sublimation scroll of the Black Moon Path from level zero to level three. Tukes said that only the two archdukes had the scrolls from level four and up, and they would only be given out when they were sure to use them.

As for how many people have taken this route.

He doesn't know either.

The Black Moon Path entered the Emerald City two thousand years ago. The high-level path formulas have not been publicly disclosed, but many low-level ones have been circulated in the hands of humans and the middle and lower elves.

Could there be a lot?

Luo Xi had a headache.

Then it will be difficult to find and clean it in advance.

He also asked the soldiers to find supplies that the Chamber of Commerce could use.

It is strange that such a large chamber of commerce does not have any money. Luo Xi only found more than a thousand kilograms of source marrow crystals in the warehouse.

Under Laixi's torture, Tukesi cried miserably: All the money has been given to the princes, and I am just a watchdog. How could it be possible? You barbaric short-lived ghosts, how dare you do this to me, and even fight with aliens? Let’s die together! Let’s all die! When the arrangements for Grand Duke Loe are completed—

The sound stopped suddenly.

Tukes immediately shut his mouth.

Luo Xi looked over with squinted eyes.



The domain of the Duke of Loe.

Mom, sister, where are you?

Rean looked at the sky with a disappointed face.

After Mr. Luo Xi disappeared, Li En waited for nearly ten days, but still could not see Luo Xi's return. Finally, he was anxious and chose to leave alone and returned to the territory of Duke Lohe.

This is an area dedicated to the living of alien species, and it is also the poorest slum in the territory. At this moment, many disgusting and strange plants are growing around it.

There are also mycelium-like things spreading on the ground and buildings.

It is now his fifth day back here.

After returning, he searched everywhere for traces of his family like crazy.

But no matter how good his nose is, he can't smell the location of his family members.

After five days, Li En refused to give up and searched every corner of the slum, but found nothing.

Until something strange happened in the city yesterday.

These weird hyphae appeared at that time.

It surrounded the entire slum and seemed to be affected by the cold light from the sky, growing very fast.

Rean was trapped here because of this, unable to get out even if he wanted to.

Save me, brother...

Suddenly, he seemed to hear his sister calling him.

Little sister, little sister, don't leave, brother is here to save you.

Rean walked forward in despair.

After stepping on the disgusting mycelial ground, he saw the young cat-eared girl in a pothole, half of her body swallowed by the pothole, and she was sinking continuously.

Not his sister.

Next to the girl, the woman who should be her mother has only two legs left.

Take my hand.

Rean leaned down without hesitation to grab the girl's hand.

Even that might cause him to fall into it too.

Just like Mr. Luo Xi, he could be saved in such a dangerous situation.

What reason does he have for not being able to do these things?

Thank you brother...

The pale cat-eared girl scratched with trembling hands.

However, he didn't catch it.

Rean wanted to climb down some more.

At this time, a pale smile appeared on the girl's little face, and the strength in her hands became less and less.


The pit formed by hyphae and flesh squirmed as if eating, opening a large mouth and about to swallow her completely.

These things seemed to be connected to something, but Rean could not find the source of their existence. It was as if they had suddenly grown in this slum since yesterday.

Many people have died.


Li En used all his strength to pull her up at the last moment.

However, only then did he realize that only the upper body of the girl was left.

The lower body from the thighs has become white bones without a trace of flesh and blood.

He held the dying cat-eared girl in his arms blankly.

I didn't accomplish anything.

Behind the dog-eared young man, a mocking voice sounded.

You were not included in this sacrifice, so why did you throw yourself into a trap? Where was that governor who took you away? Did he throw you away?

Rean turned around.

That is the manager of Black Moon Arena.


Did you do this?!

The anger that he didn't know who to vent to flooded the young man's mind.

He rushed towards Lu Su, revealing his sharp claws.

Stop it!


Lu Su raised his foot and kicked Li En in the abdomen, sending him flying for more than ten meters.

The last time Rean was forcibly taken away from the arena, he also lost the Black Moon Scroll. He originally thought he would be punished by the Archduke, but he didn't expect that he would be rewarded. Not only did he successfully advance to the next level, he also received an order from the Archduke himself. This errand.

Lu Su walked up to Li En, stepped on his chest, and sneered:

Where is your governor? Let him come out? Huh?!

Aliens dare to poop on my head.

Where do you get the courage!

Rean heard the sound of his ribs gradually breaking under the load.

Is he still going to die?

I'm sorry, Mr. Luo Xi.

One leg, two legs, three legs.

Seeing that the aura of youth under his feet was getting weaker and weaker, Lu Su lost interest.

Sending you on your way.

Just when he was about to completely crush Li En's chest, the half-dead young man suddenly raised his hand and hugged his feet tightly.

My little sister, my mother, and them all, they were all living well.

We just want to live well!

You don't even have this little power!

Lu Su said disdainfully: Your value is to become the nourishment for the Grand Duke to ascend to the throne of God.

Source elements erupted from his legs, knocking Rean's hand away and pressing down hard.

Li Enbi glared at Lu Su angrily.

The reluctance and regret in my heart are like a blazing flame.

Let him not close his eyes and wait for death.


The deafening sound and circular impact swept across the surrounding hyphae in an instant.

Li En looked at the person in front of him in disbelief.

He raised his leg and collided with Lu Su's leg. His body did not move at all, but Lu Su on the other side blushed. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

Mr. Luo Xi...

Hey, it's you, Rean, what are you doing here?

Luo Xi looked back at Li En, and his expression darkened when he saw the dying cat-eared girl on the ground not far away.

【Ding! Your anger is 100]

Cat-eared girls are so cute, they love the house as much as the bird.

Even if it wasn't his own cat, he wouldn't see such a thing.

I'm sorry, Mr. Luo Xi, I'm sorry, I didn't do anything well...

Rean cried like a young child.

It's okay, leave it to me after that.

Lu Su said sharply: What a joke, who do you think you are! His Majesty's token has long been useless! Do you still think you are still the so-called governor?

Luo Xi used some force with her calves and swept away Lu Su on the opposite side.

Then let's see now, who is the joke?

A gust of wind blew with a chilling meaning.

Lu Su looked back, his eyes narrowed suddenly.

This is impossible!

The Grand Duke didn’t mean that when everything started, he just wanted to work here in peace.

No one will notice here.

What's going on now?

Lu Su panicked and said: Who gave you the power to invade the territory of a grand duke!

When he asked it, he realized that he had asked a stupid question.

The princes were already rebellious.

What is the use of power without power?

Luo Xi raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth: The governor ordered us to conquer this place today!

The Governor has an order to destroy this place today!

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