Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 338 Legendary Equipment: Black Cavalry Armor! Governor, I will serve you!

The three beast-eared girls looked at Luo Xi, who was holding a wooden sign and showing off to a group of elves in black armor, with different expressions.

Weier pressed her forehead.

Did this guy start to let himself go after his consciousness left this world?

You are so arrogant, even if the sign in your hand is real, are you not afraid of being surrounded by a group of people and beating you?

Aina looked at Luo Xi's back with a look of infatuation.

Brother Luo Xi is so handsome!

Feiya suddenly said: They will not listen to Mr. Luo Xi.

Nunnally shook her head and said: That is the token given by His Majesty. As long as the Black Cavalry sees the token, no matter who the holder is, they will obey the holder's orders.

Feiya said softly: But Mr. Luo Xi...is a patient with alienation disorder.

Since Wei'er and others did not hide the alienated characteristics, Luo Xi also had no idea of ​​hiding the alienated characteristics. The red and black dragon horns and the black and red scales of the dragon tail were telling the elves that this was an extremely dangerous situation. Dragon is a heterogeneous species.

Will this group of elf soldiers who think highly of themselves listen to Mr. Luo Xi?

Even Nunnally wasn't very confident.

Someone was already pointing in their direction.

Even though the entire Emerald City is now in chaos, the elves' rejection of patients with alienation syndrome emanates from their bones.

An elf came up and asked, Are you really the governor appointed by His Majesty?

Luo Xi raised the wooden sign and poured the source element into it.

Soon, the projection of the elf Dikulea that had appeared in the Black Moon Arena appeared above him.

All the elven soldiers wanted to kneel down.

A high-pitched voice came from behind the elves.

How could His Majesty be so wise, appoint a foreign species as our superior? You have been deceived by him, I guess he stole His Majesty's token!

Under this man's loud voice, a group of elven soldiers also raised their heads. Although some wanted to say something, they were stopped by their companions next to them.

The crowd parted.

An elf wearing a purple-black armor walked out of it and said with indignation: The aliens who dare to steal your majesty's things must not be let go. Follow my orders and capture them! When this rebellion is over, I will hand them over with my own hands. To your majesty!


All the elves stood up together, drew their weapons, and took a step towards Luo Xi.

Seeing this, Nunnally came over from behind and stood next to Luo Xi. She said with deep eyes: Master Commander, Your Majesty has indeed chosen Mr. Luo Xi as the Governor of the Black Cavalry. The projection of His Majesty in the Governor's Order has already said Obviously, if you don’t agree, can I assume that you also have the idea of ​​​​rebellion?”


Fabrico snorted coldly: Who are you? The dignified elves are mixed with alien humans. Aren't you afraid of the Mother Tree's punishment? Or are you also a craftsman who sneaked into the Emerald City?

I am Your Majesty—

Before Nunnally could finish speaking, the other party drew his sword directly and shouted: Catch these craftsmen, don't hurt their lives, I will personally hand them over to Your Majesty!

In an instant, nearly a hundred elf soldiers stood up together, with a strong fighting spirit emerging from their bodies. Each of them was a warrior who had experienced hundreds of battles and was never afraid of any battle.

Fabrico's lips curved into a proud smile.

He knew that these people might really have good backgrounds. His Majesty somehow managed to get a mutant human to be their boss. But for this reason, he could pretend to give these people to him without knowing it. Imprisoned.

After His Majesty has dealt with the rebellion, he only needs to sacrifice these people and be punished symbolically by His Majesty.

After all, who would be willing to die under the orders of such an unknown guy?

He did not want.

He believed that these soldiers did not want to either.


However, under Fabrico's stunned gaze, the group of soldiers turned around and pointed their weapons at him.

His adjutant said: I'm sorry, Lord Commander, you have crossed the line.

Yes, although it is a bit ridiculous for a foreign species to be our governor, but the Grand Duke has rebelled, I can accept any nonsense. An elf agreed.

The adjutant smiled and said: Your Majesty, please go sit in the dark cell for a while.

You guys, you actually dare to fight against my commander!

Fabrico took two steps back in fear, and said inwardly: My father is the Marquis of Keith, how dare you do this to me?!


The adjutant said scornfully: If your father hadn't been a Marquis, do you think you could have sat in this position? At the early stage of the fourth level, you relied on countless auxiliary materials to cram in, and you are also the weakest among many commanders. You don't think that His Majesty will take us. This team is staying here for your sake, right?

Your Majesty has long known that you are a waste. If you command us to do things, the consequences can be imagined. We have had enough of your incompetent command. You will go wherever you come from. There is also your father, the Marquis of Keith. , I still don’t know if he has participated in this rebellion, so please be careful?”

The adjutant's sarcastic laughter instantly overwhelmed all Fabrico's sanity.

His origin and bloodline were the basis for him to look down on these fellow elves. At this moment, these were all denied.

How does this make him sane?

Fabrico said angrily: You bastard, you are misleading the public with your lies, I will execute you!

The sharp sword stabbed the adjutant in the chest.

That's all.

The adjutant smiled disdainfully, raised his hand casually, and then held the sword tightly in his hand.

The long sword cannot advance an inch.

As the deputy commander of a two-hundred-man battalion, he is also at the fourth level of strength, and is far stronger than Fabrico. How could this guy climb over him if he didn't have a good father?

Then, the adjutant punched Fabrico hard on the head, knocking him to the ground.

Fabrico still wanted to resist, but he felt that his body was rapidly weakening, and even raising his head became a problem. Only then did he remember that the adjutant was not only a magician, but also a pharmacist.

The adjutant waved his hand and said: Come here, tie up the commander and send him to the dark cell! Let's treat him well!

Several elves came up silently, tied up the commander, and carried him towards the back of the camp.

After everything was over, the adjutant turned his head and looked at Luo Xi, who had been watching the show not far away.

Luo Xi raised her eyebrows.

The Duke rebelled against the Elven Emperor.

The deputy commander rebelled against the orthodox leader.

The people in the Emerald City are all young people.

Now that he has successfully rebelled, should he kill himself as the 'Governor'?

The adjutant's face gradually became serious.

He took a few steps towards Luo Xi and said, Mr. Governor, if I transfer the power of military command to you, where will you take us?

All the elven soldiers pricked up their ears.

Luo Xi thought for a moment and said, I will lead you to win this war.

You think this is war?

That's right.

Then what can you do to guide us?

The adjutant said solemnly: People will always die in war. We don't need a useless commander, nor a useless governor. The lives of our brothers are more precious than purifying the source marrow. Can you afford it? ?”

Luo Xi understood.

The other party wanted to test his strength.

If you think about it for a moment, a leader who parachuted in without knowing the details is still a human being of a different race from theirs, or even a foreign species. If his subordinates have any ability, they will probably sneer in their hearts.

Just like in ancient wars in the real world, an unreliable commander parachuted in by the imperial court would most likely ruin the entire army.

Luo Xi asked: How do you want me to prove my ability?

It's very simple, have a black knight duel with me.

The adjutant said calmly: I can see that you have not reached the fourth level, and it is difficult for an alienated extraordinary person to reach the fourth level normally, so a black knight duel is the best way. Otherwise, even if you are the governor personally appointed by His Majesty, I I will also disobey your orders, I don’t trust these brothers to be handed over to you.”

Duel between black knights?

Luo Xi was stunned.

It's not going to be a card-playing duel, right?

When it comes to this, he's quite good at it.

Nunnally said softly: Mr. Luo Xi, this seems to be a unique method of selecting non-commissioned officers of the Black Cavalry. Have you seen the black cavalry armor they wear? To some extent, these armors are all lost. Once the source device is worn, it will interact with other people wearing black cavalry armor and see a different world.

An elf took the initiative to take off his body armor and put it in front of Luo Xi.

[Black Cavalry Armor—Number]

[Quality: blue (rare)]

[Type: Shield type equipment (Lost Source Device)]

[Attributes: Can be worn by people with strength above 100. Current strength is +50, constitution is +50. It can withstand damage to the stomach of the armor that does not exceed its defense limit. It has the effect of connecting with other black cavalry armors and can overlap. and gather strength]

[Additional skills: Black Knight’s World]

[The World of Black Rider: It can be used when there are at least two or more black knight armor wearers present, the effect is unknown]

[Description: The lost source weapon seems to have been separated. However, even if it has become 20,000 scattered pieces, it still has extremely objective attributes. If it exceeds a hundred, it can be defeated by the fourth level, and if it exceeds a thousand, it can be defeated by the beginning of the fifth level. Three thousand enemies...]

【Ding! You triggered the special mission: Black Knight Duel]

[Mission brief description: The black cavalry armor seems to contain some kind of strange power. Traveler, you can try to explore this secret]

[Reward: Unknown]

[Description: duel! 】

Luo Xi: ...

Don't actually give him a card duel.

[Traveler, do you want to put on the black cavalry armor? 】


【Ding! You have come to the world of Black Rider]

【Ding! You triggered a temporary synchronization (1 hour), do you want to use it? 】



Luo Xi opened his eyes and took stock of the environment he was in at the moment.

There was a gentle breeze and the sun was shining brightly. He was standing on the top of a mountain.

The pleasant fragrance of flowers and the vague smell of grass lingered on the tip of his nose. He saw in front of him a valley covered with countless skeletons and flowers.

An extremely huge black stone monument stands in the center of the valley.

There is obviously no inscription, but the surface of the black stone tablet feels like ripples are rising all the time.

There seems to be an unknown object swimming inside the stele.

Is this where the additional skills of the black cavalry armor brought him?


The next moment, the scene in front of him suddenly changed drastically.

The skeletons and black stone tablets disappeared, and the whole world was shaking. Black objects like the tide, deafening explosions, and skills of various colors were flying everywhere.

There was a mournful cry in the sky.

A hundred-meter-long giant dragon fell straight from the sky like a kite with its string broken.

Even far away from here, Luo Xi could see a huge hole opened in the belly of the dragon's body.

A figure whose whole body was burning with flames also fell from the sky and fell into the mountains.

What are they fighting against?

Luo Xi wanted to try to see clearly.

But I found that there was always a layer of fog in front of me.

The battle is still going on, the fields are filled with corpses, the ground is dyed blood red, and the hazy monsters are still advancing.

The world is weeping.

When the defense line is about to be breached.

A knight wearing a set of black armor came to the strongest side of the battle line. His strong body was like a shield reaching the sky, withstanding countless pressures.

In the end, he was mercilessly overwhelmed by monsters.

Countless light spots are floating around, and each light spot is a set of armored stomachs.

The scene ends abruptly.

The valley filled with bones came into Luo Xi's sight again.

At the same time, the adjutant's voice sounded: Mr. Governor, are you listening to me? The Black Cavalry Duel is heading towards the direction of the black stone monument. As long as you can go further than me, then I will recognize you... .....

I see.

Luo Xi whispered, walking along the direction of the stone tablet.

The adjutant said: Due to your strength, I can let you go for 10 minutes first.

10 minutes?

Luo Xi looked back at him, smiled and said, One minute is enough.

The adjutant wanted to laugh out loud.

Does the Governor have no idea about the repressive power of this stone tablet?

He will be unable to move even if he gets close to 30 meters.

So, there is really no difference between 10 minutes and an hour.

This stone tablet tests not only strength, but also a person's resilience and willpower. With such a strange thing, one can temper one's will anytime and anywhere. This is why His Majesty's Black Cavalry is so powerful.

However, the adjutant was confident at first, then became confused and uncertain, and finally became shocked.

It didn't take even a minute. Luo Xi reached the bottom of the stone tablet without any hindrance.

He originally wanted to stop the passage of time,

But even if it didn't work, he walked over without any pressure.

He placed his hand on the stone tablet.

[Commander of the Battle of Sirisgrad - Andris, died in the 0th year of the New Origin Calendar. He was the first to discover the invasion of alien gods and counterattack. He was recognized by the legendary armor stomach - the 'Black Knight'. With fifth-level strength, he led countless alliances The army blocked the minions of the Lord of Truth and finally died of exhaustion]

[Guard: Kang An, sacrificed in Xinyuan Li...]

Luo Xi remained silent.

Just like the Spirit God Fortress, this is also a group of tombstones.

Those are the memories engraved in the black cavalry armor, forming tombstones to commemorate those who have sacrificed their lives.

The stone tablet trembled slightly.

A soft and beautiful voice sounded in Gu Ming's ears.

There seemed to be countless creatures singing softly around.

Finally, they gathered into one voice, speaking extremely gently.

- It seems like it's back again. This is my last strength. Take it, kid.

The stone tablet released a dazzling light.

Luo Xi subconsciously covered her eyes.

When he came to his senses, he realized that he was outside the camp again. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net He was still wearing a black cavalry armor, and opposite him was an adjutant who looked at him with a pale face.

Who are you? the adjutant asked tremblingly.

Luo Xi closed her eyes and did not answer his question.

The armor and stomach on his body had new attribute changes.

【Ding! You have completed the mission: Black Knight Duel]

[You have received the reward: Black Cavalry Armor (Female)]

[Black Cavalry Armor (Female)]

[Quality: Golden (Legendary) - Damage degree 92% (the root of the source device has been damaged and cannot be repaired. Each use will cause the damage degree to increase, and it will be completely destroyed when it reaches 100%)]

[Type: Shield type equipment (Lost Source Device)]

[Attributes: Can be worn by people with strength above 600, current strength +100+20%, constitution +100+20%]

[Additional skills: Split, Black Cavalry Commander]

[Split: Maximum value reached]

[Black Cavalry Commander: You can borrow the power of other people wearing black cavalry armor (there is no limit to the number and distance you can borrow, and it can be extracted by force, but please pay attention to your body's tolerance)]

[Description: Each lost source artifact is a rare treasure on each continent, witnessing the epics and legends of the lost era, singing a poem that has been destroyed but is still immortal]

While Luo Xi was distracted, the adjutant walked towards him and said with a pale face:

Governor Luo Xi, I will be loyal to you!


Thanks for not knowing what to name it, so I had to give it a random name. The recent master gave me a reward.

Today I went around looking at cars again. I was so exhausted when I came back that I couldn’t write. I’m sorry.

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