Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 336: Weier: What kind of game is hair plucking? 7-color Dragon Emperor and the Abyss, Aina i

Chiyan Mountains volcanic community.

At this moment, dense water vapor filled the entire coastline, and a huge red dragon continuously breathed out hot flames, steaming the sea level in the nearby sea area much lower.

Even the weird creatures in the depths of the ocean were deterred by this crazy dragon above.

—How are the family members doing?

- I don't know, is the dragon up there crazy?

A terrifying giant object with eyes all over its body also lay motionless in the depths of the trench, with only its black and white eyeballs constantly rotating.

It does not want to fall into the same fate as the previous ruler of this sea area.

The blue flames spewed by the red dragon can kill them from the ground up and wipe out all the soul fragments. The best option at the moment is to stand still.

After a long time.

The water vapor has formed a large layer of pure white clouds on the sea.

After venting her anger, Floresia stopped breathing fire from her throat and looked back towards the direction of the Emerald City.

Even after a distance of three to four thousand kilometers, you can still see the dazzling ball of light shining like a scorching sun over the Emerald City.

It was not warm sunshine, nor was it the same as the holy light of Noah's tree. It was an extremely cold light, which she had felt from the old man last time.

Floresia knew that that was the real source of the disaster—the light disaster Sikallis.

Ever since Wei'er and Aina came back half a month ago and told her that little Luo Xi was missing, she had wanted to go to the Elf Emperor to ask for an explanation.

I believed in your credibility so much that I was willing to hand over my child to you, but you lost it to me?

The two sisters in turn comforted her and said that little Luo Xi would be fine. After all, death was a common occurrence for him.

But even so, Floresia still couldn't contain the anger in her heart. If she hadn't had to follow Lord Bahamut's order and stick to this place to prevent things from the sea from landing, she might have rushed into the Emerald City to demand people.

The two sisters left four days ago and never came back. It seemed that little Luo Xi was still not found. Now that the Emerald City has encountered another source of disaster, she is afraid of something unexpected happening.

It is impossible for a single source of disaster to break through the Emerald City, but Floresia felt another force of the same level from the light, which made her very uneasy.

Is that also a source of disaster?

What is the source of the disaster?

Intangible and qualityless on the outside, Floresia couldn't see any abnormalities. If she hadn't tried to get closer and was disturbed, she wouldn't even have been able to detect its existence.

The two major sources of disaster attacked the city together.

Can the Emerald City be able to stop it?

This has never happened before.

At least in Floresia's long life, she had never known a similar situation.

She was ready. Once there was a problem with the Eternal World Tree Jade, she would seek help from adults as soon as possible.

There is no way for adults to come back quickly.

But adults still have companions.

For example, the Green Dragon Emperor—Yin Sera.

No matter what, you shouldn't watch such a huge eternal tree being destroyed by the source of disaster, right?

In the deep space filled with space cracks and corpses of dead stars, a pitch-black dragon tore open a creature exuding an evil aura with one claw, and then transformed into a human form. Above a dense star.

Not long after, a girl with white hair and a white skirt landed next to her, and another lady with red hair and a hot figure also landed not far away.

The white-haired girl said: Hei, I searched everywhere and found that two of the sixteen shadows that still existed in the depths were missing. They probably sneaked into the real world.

Well, I already know, Shiro.

The black dragon dressed in light gauze looked at a space crack in front of him, and the golden vertical boy was full of fatigue.

Let's go back up first. There's no need to continue diving.

Black Dragon sighed softly and said: It seems that this time it will be in vain again.

Alexilita patted Black Dragon on the shoulder and said, It's okay. It's been a long time since we got here anyway, so we're not in a hurry.

Where's Zi?

Still wandering around in the remnants of Deep Six.

She has quite a personality.

The white-haired girl suddenly said: Speaking of which, I heard that one of the subordinates Hei snatched from Xiaohong adopted a human as his child. Is this really true?

Black Dragon said dissatisfied: What was stolen? She didn't want it, so I took it!

Red Dragon clasped his hands on his chest and said, Who can believe it? I think you have been staring at Xiaofu for a long time. Otherwise, how could you have arrived just in time? How did you know that she would fail to advance? Why don't you give her back to me?

Heh. Heilong put his head aside and did not talk about this matter.

The white-haired girl touched her chin and said thoughtfully: I feel that you are suspicious, Hei. What do you know?

Humph, I want to go... No, what are you doing?

The black dragon guarded his chest in a daze.

The white-haired girl looked at her palm, scratched it, and sighed: Compared with thousands of years ago, it is still the same softness. Compared with green's tingling feel, after a long time, it is still the same between you and red. Okay, it’s a pity that we can’t change our characters at will after they are finalized. Even if we reshape them, it would be false and meaningless, otherwise I would also like to be as big as you.”

Come on, Chi, let me be healthy too. The white-haired girl continued to grab the Red Dragon.

Get out of here! Hei, let's beat her together. This guy seems to be itchy!

After any of these three dragon ladies, who were legends in the dream world, had a righteous two-on-one fight, the death star under their feet shattered into countless pieces with a bang.

The three dragon ladies were entangled together, pulling each other's things.

Black, white, red, something bad is going to happen! Another eternal tree may be in trouble!

At this time, a purple dragon instantly moved in front of the three of them. Before she could finish shouting, she saw her three friends rolling in the debris of the stars.

What are you doing...


The black dragon coughed, shook off the white-haired girl in his hand, and said, What's wrong? Which sacred tree is it?

Jade, aren't there two Shadows of Source Disaster gone? They all went to find Jade. It's strange, how could Source Disaster attack the same place together? There must be a conspiracy, and maybe it's the truth!

Purple Dragon said anxiously: Let's go back up quickly. If we lose another eternal sacred tree, maybe this world will be gone in a few days.

There's no point in being anxious.

Alexlita said: It will take us at least ten days to float from here to the shallow layer.

The Purple Dragon showed a disappointed look: What should we do? Huang and Lan can't go back in a short time.

Then only green is still in the shallow range.

Black Dragon frowned and said: Which of you controls the channel of communication with Lu? Last time, that bastard said that I disturbed her sleep and blocked me. You go wake Lu up and let her keep an eye on the mother trees of the elves.

Yes, and green!

Zi Zhilong said in surprise: Hei, if you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten her!

Black Dragon: ...

Although she sleeps in the world of gray dreams every day, she has been a good friend for hundreds of thousands of years. If you forgot about her, she would definitely be very sad if she knew about it, right?




Luo Xi slowly restrained the dragon scales on his body, and fell from the sea of ​​fire while vibrating his dragon wings.

【Ding! You killed a transcendent of the fourth-level sublimation system of the fire attribute (Eternal World Tree—Emerald Path)]

['Dark Devour' has been activated and is devouring the opponent's fire source... the devouring transformation was successful! 】

[Factor concentration: 15.01%→15.65%]

[Your flame - Brilliant Flame has acquired some of the characteristics of the power of life and power of reproduction held by the Emerald Tree]

[Description: This characteristic can speed up the healing of your own injuries and improve your reproductive ability]

Luo Xi: ???

That's it for the front, it seems to be pretty good and can recover from the injury.

What the hell is that back there?

Luo Xi remembered that when he first came to the Emerald Forest, taking a breath of air would feel like taking drugs. Is this the characteristic of the Emerald Tree itself?

As the dragon scales on her body gradually faded away, Luo Xi landed on the ground and walked towards the girls.

Wei'er was very happy at first, but when she saw that Luo Xi didn't seem to be wearing any clothes, her face suddenly turned red.

Feiya also lowered her head in embarrassment.

This was the first time she saw a man naked like this.

Even Nunnally's face was slightly red. She reluctantly stood up and took out a relatively complete set of clothes from her broken domain space and threw it to Luo Xi.

Luo Xi was stunned, glanced at his clothes, and wanted to take a step forward.

Maomao said: You pervert, don't come over here! Put your clothes on first! If you come over again, believe it or not, I'll kick you!

Only then did Luo Xi realize what Wei'er was talking about.

His clothes were burned during the battle. It was fine that he had scales covering him before, but now that they are gone, he is really running naked.

Even though Luo Xi is a shameless person, he still feels hot on his face.

He put the clothes on his body three times.

Only then could Feiya look directly at Luo Xi.

Her eyes stared at Luo Xi's lower abdomen.

Are all men like that?

It's somewhat magical.

Her mother never taught her the difference between men and women, and during her ten years of wandering, she rarely communicated with men. Although she knew some things, such as how to give birth to a child, she had never seen it with her own eyes.

This time it was considered a long-sighted experience.

Wei'er noticed the fox-eared girl's eyes and looked over. When she discovered what Feiya was looking at, she felt a little dissatisfied.

This pervert belongs to my family.

What are you looking at?

Maomao was still thinking about what to say to this fox-eared lady. Unexpectedly, Feiya ran towards Luo Xi holding the little bird in her arms, raised her head and said:

Mr. Luo Xi, thank you for saving Nunnally and me.

Luo Xi smiled and touched Feiya's head skillfully.

Girls with animal ears of this height are great. They are light and soft and can easily be pushed down. They can easily hit their heads even when standing together.

[Note: Rua's head is second, being light and flexible and easy to push down is the key point you want to say, Traveler, right? 】

Fox said!

Under Luo Xi's caress, Feiya's fox ears stood up high, but she soon felt the coldness from the sight behind her, so she subconsciously used a little more force to pinch the gray in her arms. cried out.

【Ding! Wei'er's anger towards you is +50]

Luo Xi also immediately put down his hand, feeling a little panicked.

It's a conditioned reflex to touch it.

The cat is here.

It's normal for Maomao to be angry if he touches other girls like this. If Aina were here, she might just get +100 yandere and come up with a hatchet.

Are you happy touching me? Pervert?

Wei'er walked up with small steps and stared at Luo Xi fiercely with her hands on her hips. Her eyes were red, and her eyes were already light red, as if onions had been put into her eyes.

Luo Xi felt even more panicked.

He immediately wanted to get close to Weier and say sorry.

Unexpectedly, Maomao jumped directly into his arms before he got close. Maomao's petite body was like soft cotton, buried deeply in his arms.

Luo Xi could feel the moist and warm feeling seeping into his clothes.

【Ding! Wei'er's joy for you is +100]

Pervert, how could you stay away for so long without saying goodbye?

Wei'er buried her head in Luo Xi's arms, beat Luo Xi's chest with her little hands, and choked with sobs: Aina and I are worried about you. You keep saying that nothing will happen to you, and you can't find anyone here. Where, if you keep sleeping like this, what should we do?

Sorry...I didn't know this would happen.

Luo Xi held Wei'er in her arms, smelling the fragrance of flowers in the snowy hair, and could only say sorry softly.

Feiya stood behind the two of them, looking enviously at the cat-eared girl who was expressing her feelings in Luo Xi's arms.

She wanted to be treated similarly.

But even if she could, she couldn't do it.

Mr. Luo Xi is a very good person.

So she shouldn't be near him.

Nunnally pressed the holes in her clothes, walked to Fiya, and whispered: Miss Fiya, do you know this cat-eared girl?

Feiya smiled and said: We once had a chance encounter. She also has a younger sister, and she has a very good relationship with Mr. Luo Xi.

Nunnally was a little confused and asked, Then how did they get in?

I guess I was brought in by my aunt.


On Luo Xi's side, Wei'er had vented all her emotions over the past few days and felt much better.

He rubbed Maomao's hair distressedly and said, Let's go first and find a safe place. You can scold me as much as you want.

Only then did Weier react and said anxiously: Aina is still where you lived before. We have to go back and bring Aina out first!

Luo Xi: ?

Aina really came together?

The Elf Emperor said there would be no problems with her here. Weier pursed her lips and said, So I brought Aina here with me. Unexpectedly, the Elf Emperor ignored us after yesterday. She seems to be in a lot of trouble herself.”

Someone wants to take advantage of this opportunity to rebel...

While talking, Luo Xi and others had already moved away from the battlefield.

Someone will surely come to check here soon.

You have to find a safe place to repair it.

Anyway, Luo Xi has really exhausted all his cards now.

Feiya suddenly said: By the way, I seem to have the space spell mark of Duke Homan on my body. If I keep following you, I will be discovered soon. Why don't you let me go by myself? Anyway, I am right I am still very confident in my own luck.”

what are you saying?

Luo Xi frowned slightly and said, Just clean it up with the mark. What a big deal.

That's the mark of Archduke Homan...

Fifth level?


Well... let me see if I can find it.

Luo Xi turned around, and a pair of black boys were replaced by red and gold vertical boys. He stared at Feiya's whole body and looked at it carefully.

Wei'er looked on with some distaste.

Judging from the current relationship between the two of them, the relationship between Luo Xi and this fox-eared girl has indeed not progressed very far.

Feiya was even deliberately retreating.

But Weier still felt a little sour.

Luo Xi asked: You are talking about the space spell mark, right?

Feiya nodded.

Nunnally also said: Archduke Homan is very powerful in space spells. I heard that he is about to reach the level of a grand master. With our strength, we cannot eliminate it. I think we should find a way to fight with His Majesty. Just meet up.

【Ding! Are you going to use 'Yuandian Kong' to remove any relevant space traces on Feiya's body? (There is a probability that it will affect Feiya herself)】


After Luo Xi thought for a moment, he said, Fiya, can you still lend me a few hairs?

Wei'er: ???

Feiya was a little confused.

However, after thinking about what Luo Xi had done with her tail hair, and how she had turned defeat into victory in the Spirit God Fortress, Feiya inexplicably gained a lot of confidence in Luo Xi.

The fox-eared girl directly took a fox tail from behind and placed it in Luo Xi's hand, showing a bright smile:

Mr. Luo Xi, if you want as much as you want, just pull it out yourself.

Luo Xi: ...

Wei'er secretly cursed in her mind that this elf must be a green tea fox!

Didn't this accurately grasp Luo Xi's preferences?

Three tails!

Luo Xi gently stroked the fox tail. There were many vacancies on it, revealing the red flesh deep in the hair, and there were still some residual blood stains, which made him feel a little distressed.

How could he bear it if he had to pull it out by himself...

As if sensing Luo Xi's hesitation, Feiya smiled, pulled her second tail, casually plucked a tuft of hair on it, and handed it to Luo Xi.

Mr. Luo Xi, are these enough? If not, just say so.

Wei'er: ?!

No, why are you really plucking your hair? !

Wei'er thought Luo Xi was just looking for an excuse to touch Feiya's tail.

Doesn't this hurt?

Weier clearly saw that there were red blood streaks at the base of the tail.

It was obviously torn off by force, which is completely different from the way Aina was burned before.

What does Luo Xi want with these?

Maomao subconsciously grabbed his cat's tail.

Is this pervert really going to become a pervert?

Luo Xi just silently took the tuft of hair from Feiya's hand.

【Ding! You received Feiya’s gift (hair on the tail)]

【Fiya's gift (the hair on the tail)】

[Quality: Purple (Epic)]

[Category: special props]

[Attribute: A lucky prop that contains the power to twist fate. Used anywhere, it can increase the probability of success in whatever you do]

[Description: This is a gift from this little fox in recognition of you]

The dropped items had an epic rating. Luo Xi had also seen it on Mother Long. She didn't expect that such a weak girl could do such incredible things.

Luo Xi almost thought that Feiya was a humanoid beast.

【Ding! Use this item? 】

[Yes (consumes three sticks)]

【Complete use】

【Ding! Traveler, your luck will be improved by 300% in the next minute]

[Do you want to use Yuan Dian Kong to remove any relevant space traces on Feiya? 】


【Clearing...please wait】

[Cleared successfully]

Below the Emerald Tree.

Homan, who had a kingfisher tattooed on his luxurious clothes, and Loe stared at the people across the river.

Counting her, there were a total of eight fifth-level transcendents on Kureia's side, three on Mel's side, and five on Kureia's side.

Compared with their side, this strength is naturally impossible to compare with, but Kureya can still use the remaining power of the mother tree and occasionally use the sixth level power, so there are a total of eighteen fifth level people on their side. Extraordinary people can only compete with it.

It's a pity that guy Christie hasn't given a clear answer yet.

Otherwise, the balance of victory will be more tilted in their favor.

Lohe said: Homan, those noble children seem to have come out of Enns Theater. We must get the girl who is probably Listy's daughter.

do not worry.

Homan said casually: I have secretly marked him and sent my generals to catch him. There will be no problem.

That's good. Lohe nodded.

not good!

Homan suddenly frowned.

Lowe: ?

Are you going against me?

My spell mark has been deleted! Homan growled.

Lowe: ...

Homan narrowed his eyes and said, It seems something happened to my men, Chat and Dar, but the other four have already caught up. The spell mark has just disappeared. They should still be able to find it.


On Feiya's fox ears, the words formed by an elf spell suddenly shattered.

Luo Xi took back his hand with satisfaction. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

Weier asked: Are you ready?

Okay, uh, Maomao, what's your expression like?

Luo Xi grabbed the tail of Weier who was pouting her little mouth.

Wei'er's expression changed, o((⊙﹏⊙))o said: Can you not pull it out? Can you use scissors? I'm afraid of pain.

Luo Xi: 0Дq.

Who's going to pull your hair out?

This is not surprising.

Hehe, the Duke asked us to come together to catch this person. Isn't it a bit overkill?

Don't be careless, Chat and Dar may have already fallen into trouble!

Several bursts of laughter came from the sky. Luo Xi put away his smile and stared ahead, seeing four elves floating in the sky with their thin wings flapping.

Has it still been discovered?

Although Nunnally was seriously injured, she still took the initiative to walk out and said decisively: Mr. Luo Xi, this is the time for me to do my last bit. Now that the mark has been cleared, the further you run, the better!

Luo Xi shook his head.

He secretly consumed ten of Feiya's hairs.

If luck could bring them back to life, what form would it take?


Suddenly, the wall of the alleyway ahead was smashed by an unknown object.

Under the confused gazes of Luo Xi and others, as well as several elves in the sky, the object was heading towards them.

A cute black-haired golden boy with wolf ears was sitting in front, waving to Luo Xi.

Brother Luo Xi, Aina is here!

【Ding! Your doubt value +100]


I still only have 6,000, so sleepy.

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