Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 319: The possibility of mother and daughter meeting each other, Aina lost her daughter...

Listy's heart was full of doubts.

Like her deceased father, her half-sister maintains a rather repulsive attitude towards people with alienation disorder.

It would be good if she didn't hurt Shasha.

Why would she bring Sasha back to the Emerald City?

Is it to force him to submit and help her?

Impossible, she should know her own character. Instead of bringing Shasha back to force her and force her to death, it would be better to let Shasha go.

So what's the reason?

Listy couldn't figure it out.

But she knew now was not the time to think about such things.

She can ask Kureya about Sasha's side of things later.

The colorful stream of light surged from the transparent book in Listy's hand, full of divinity, and the long golden hair moved without wind, making Listy's whole body like a holy goddess, full of maturity and vitality. Intellectual charm.

Although Kureia was a little surprised, she still seized the opportunity and said: Listy has regained the care of the mother tree. Do you still have something to say? Lohe? Homan? Viliam? Christie?

Luohe and the other grand dukes remained silent with serious faces.

They had nothing to say.

Damn it, never heard of that.

The source code clone of Jade will appear in Listy's hand, and it can also show such power, which means that the mother tree recognizes her again.

For these royal families, the care of the mother tree is the most important symbol of the royal family's elven bloodline.

Not to mention the eleven bloodlines of dukes who are part of the Elf Royal Court like Silamael, and the lower-ranking Houbes and Viscounts. These bloodlines, as high-ranking nobles in the Elf clan, will more or less be favored by the mother tree.

In addition to high-ranking nobles, some lucky elves may have bloodline reversion to their ancestors, but of course the chance is very small.

No matter what Listy had done in the past, if she had not lost the care of the mother tree, she would probably still be the elf emperor now. Unfortunately, she could no longer hear the voice of the mother tree since forty years ago.

That was the real reason why the previous generation of Elf Emperors gave up on her.

Now that Listy has regained the care of the mother tree, if they want to stop Kureia's decision, they can only start from the fact that Listy married an outsider and gave birth to a strange elf.

But Kurea didn't seem to care.

They also swore not to spread this matter, otherwise the mother tree would abandon them.

So it is basically impossible to make a fuss about this matter.

So...is this a dead end?

Luohe frowned deeply.

The position of consul was very important, and he knew that no matter what, it would not fall into their hands.

But he didn't want Kurea to be so happy.

At this time, he remembered what happened last night.

The governor of the Black Cavalry who appears in the Black Moon Arena.

And, Mel suddenly had an unknown daughter.

Mel's daughter...


Lohe's emerald green eyes lit up.

Forty-two years ago, Listy Ellen Silamaier, who disappeared for a year for unknown reasons, appeared in the royal court with a baby alien elf with a fox tail and fox ears.

That baby has a blood connection with Listy, that is an undeniable fact.

At first, the former Elf Emperor wanted to forcibly block the news, but due to strange agitation in the source code of the mother tree at that time, a series of things happened. In short, all the nobles like them knew about it.

Listy also lost her connection with the mother tree at that time.

Everyone thought this was the mother tree's punishment for Listy for tarnishing the royal bloodline.

The former elf emperor wanted to execute the child, but Listy threatened to kill him. Finally, Listy and the child were put away by the former elf emperor somewhere unknown.

Now that Listy is out of prison, where is the alien she gave birth to that has tainted the bloodline of the royal court?

Mel has only two daughters.

Is this extra new daughter the bastard that Listy gave birth to?

A smile appeared on Lohe's face and he said: Now that Your Highness Listy has regained the care of the mother tree, this is a great thing, but I have one more thing to ask, where did your original child go?

Kurea had anticipated this problem, so he said in a deep voice: Yin Lisafiya was exiled from the Emerald City ten years ago. I can swear to the mother tree. Mother tree, please judge whether my oath is correct or not.

Listy's hands trembled slightly.

All the dukes and marquises opened their eyes wide and looked at the translucent source book in Listy's hand.

After a moment, the colorful stream of light on the source code bloomed, and a symbol appeared in everyone's mind.


Lowe had doubts about what he had just thought.

So who was the extra ‘daughter’ Duke Mel had last night?

Then it's decided.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Kureia continued: You can bring up any issues you have.

Viliam spoke up: Your Majesty, what is your explanation for what happened at the Black Moon Arena last night? Why did the Governor of the Black Cavalry Army you appointed go to the Black Moon Arena to cause trouble? And, I heard that he is still a human? Human being? You are not allowed to hold important positions. This is a rule set by the previous Elf Emperor. Are you violating the law of your ancestors?


Kureya said with a cold expression: If everything must be done according to the rules of the ancestors, then how about we reset the current laws to zero and push them back to 50,000 years ago?

Viliam suddenly stopped talking.

Go back 50,000 years?

Although there was a big break in the history of the Emerald Elf clan 10,000 years ago. Due to that accident of unknown origin, they lost many classics that recorded epics and legends from the mythical era, but a small number of classics were still passed down.

For example, the laws followed by the elves 50,000 years ago.

That was the time when the power of the Elf Emperors was at its peak.

If the Grand Duke makes a mistake, the Elf Emperor has the power to exile him, and all power is concentrated in one person.

At that time, the Elf Emperor was the supreme being.

Kureia added: As for the new governor of the Black Cavalry, you have no control over it. Do you still want to interfere with my private army?

But the Black Moon Arena is the joint property of Viliam and I.

Duke Lohe smiled and said: Even your Majesty, you can't just ask people to damage our property, right? This violates Article 34 of the Emerald Law -

Kureia said sternly: Lohe, don't think that I don't know about the dirty things you did, and the Black Moon Merchant Guild. According to Article 12 of the Emerald Law, all elves born in the Emerald City, unless they are sublimated, Before traveling outside, otherwise you had to take the path of sublimation given by the Mother Tree. How many of you took the 'Black Moon Path'? In the past, I always turned a blind eye, don't really think of me as a fool!

Lohe's face darkened.

He also wanted to refute Curea.

The Black Moon Path is not a secret in the eyes of high-ranking people like them, and this sublimation path will not cause any harm. Anyway, the original Eternal World Tree Black Moon has been destroyed.

Moreover, this law is also very backward. Although the path given by the Emerald Mother Tree has unlimited potential, it requires too many materials and resources. Many small and medium-sized nobles use the sublimation path of foreign sacred trees.

Although they will still have the opportunity to change the path of sublimation in the future, the essential root attributes of the sacred trees in the Emerald Forest are 'life and reproduction', and they can be converted as long as the price paid is enough.

But it’s actually very difficult.

So are these small and medium-sized nobles also breaking the law?

Lohe, forget it.

Homan, who was next to Lowe, shook his head and signaled to him with his eyes.

His Majesty today seems to be particularly confident because of the help of his sister.

But it is true that the Mother Tree Gu Gu that Listy obtained has been ranked among the best in thousands of years. With Listy's assistance, Kurea, the elf emperor, can worry a lot less and can deal with them specifically.

However, this young elf empress wanted to overturn the arrangements they had made in the Emerald City over the years. She still thought too simply.

In the end, the intrigues in the royal court were just disputes of words.

Let us elders teach you a lesson.

When your father was still alive, he couldn't play with our... elders.

Just you?

Two hours later, Kureia, who had finished arguing with the group of marquis behind the archdukes and ended the royal court meeting, put his finger on his forehead with a headache.

Among these grand dukes, the eldest Homan is over 2,000 years old, and the youngest Viliam is over 1,000 years old. After his father took office, he experienced their father’s generation and his current situation. resemblance.

The new elf emperor has no qualifications and no achievements. These grand dukes and marquises call you Your Majesty, but in fact they will not take you seriously at all.

I don’t know how my father survived it in the first place.

I really want to kill them all and replace them with my own people, that would be great.

Kureia came up with this idea thirty years ago.

Normally, the Elf Emperor cannot use the power of the mother tree beyond a certain limit internally.

But those were ordinary times.

Although the power of the mother tree will be given to all her followers, only she as the Elf Emperor has the highest authority. If she really turns her back at all costs and forcibly releases the restrictions, all the high-ranking nobles will not belong to her. opponent.

Those grand dukes may have thought that they could fight her together, but in fact she just had too many concerns, including her father.

Because the cost of doing that was something she couldn't bear.

The reason why the Elf Emperor exists is because her existence needs to guide the Elf clan to become more prosperous, instead of fighting among themselves. After that, she will definitely lose the recognition of the mother tree.

Listy looked at Kurea on the throne with a complicated expression, her lips slightly opened and closed, wanting to ask, but not sure whether she should ask.

What's wrong?

Kurea noticed Listy's gaze, looked up at her, and asked: By the way, when did you regain the care of the mother tree? I thought I would have to compromise a little bit today to allow you to become the consul. .”

Just last night.

Listy paused and decided to ask her question.

Otherwise, she might not be able to sleep well in the future.

Listy asked softly in as calm a voice as possible: Kureya, did you bring Sasha... back?

Kureia suddenly raised his head, raised his red lips in a beautiful arc, frowned and said, Did you borrow the power of the mother tree just now to sense it?

If I had known earlier, I should have specially added a shield there, or temporarily disabled the ability of the mother tree Yuandian to sense.


Hearing Kurea's admission, Listy took two steps forward and said anxiously: Why bring Sasha back? Didn't you say you wouldn't let her come back?

It was an emergency.

Kureya said casually: I used the power of the divine strike to deal with the precursor of the flood. Otherwise, once the Yunhua flood completely comes, it will endanger the entire Emerald Forest, so I brought Yin Lisa back.

Listy was puzzled: Then after you deal with the flood, you can send Shasha out again. Why do you let her stay here?

Kurea's face twitched slightly.

You ask me who I ask?

Anyway, she couldn't understand what the mother tree was thinking.

What is the use of a alien human being and an alien elf staying here?

It's causing trouble for her, right?

I managed to cause a little trouble last night, but fortunately it wasn't a big problem.

However, it was naturally impossible for Kureya to say that. She thought for a while and said: Sasha has lived here for thirty years, but has never seen the scenery of the Emerald City. As Sasha's aunt, since I accidentally gave her to After bringing it back, it’s not impossible to give her some time to see the city.”


Listy looked at her sister suspiciously.

Could Kurea be so kind?

The sun came out in the west.

Didn't she say before that there was a risk of Shasha's existence being exposed, which would make Silamaire an object of ridicule, so she kicked Shasha out?

Wouldn’t it be a greater risk to bring it back now?

Kureya frowned and said, Can I still lie to you? Shasha is your daughter and also my niece.


Listy paused for a moment, with a look of hope in her emerald green eyes: Can I go see her?


Kulea immediately refused, but seeing Listy's face suddenly darkening, he changed his words and said, At least not now. My agreement with Sasha is that when I send her off, I will let you see her. One side, and the other side has not stabilized, and what happened last night, if you go over to see Shasha, a thoughtful person will probably think of what happened back then, and Luohe almost guessed it just now.

Listy said: You can send me directly there! This way you won't attract anyone's attention!

Then after we are reunited, will you still be willing to let her go?


You should know that once you two meet, it will be difficult for you to maintain your current mentality, but I can't keep her here forever, unless one day the mother tree will become a legal citizen of the Emerald City. This ordinance is written into the law.”

As Kureia spoke, the physical Jade Source Code suddenly appeared next to her.


In her heart, an extremely bad premonition emerged.

[can be written—]

You can write it down!

Kurea felt like he was going crazy.

Why don't you, Master Mother Tree, come out and manage the city as the elf emperor yourself?

[Why...reject alien species? 】

The idea of ​​a mold lake formed this question in Kureya's mind.

Why exclude?

This is not your original law...


In the original law, there seems to be no rule that aliens cannot enter the city. The aliens at that time seemed to be called blooded people. In the original law, only after the transformation of blooded people failed, An ordinance that needs to be cleaned up.

This is also normal.

Failed transformation refers to aliens that have neither maintained their original posture and advanced, nor transformed into a source beast. After degenerating into an irrational monster, they should have been eliminated as soon as possible.

So when did alien species start to be rejected?

When Kureya thought of this, he inexplicably felt a deep chill coming from his body.

There seemed to be some kind of conspiracy that she didn't know about.


The mother tree's voice echoed in Kureia's mind again.

Why is the mother tree so anxious?

Is it for that human being?

Or Yin Lisafiya?

Since the mother tree had repeatedly given her oracle, Kureia had no choice but to do it.

She looked at Listy and said, Listy, I understand what you are thinking, but I will wait a week before you and Shasha can meet in a real sense.

Huh? What are you going to do?

Listy looked confused.

What does this mean?

Your first task after taking office as consul is here.

Curreia said with a straight face: In a week's time, all nobles above the viscount level will be summoned to convene the Royal Court Meeting once every fifty years to amend the law so that aliens can become legal citizens.

Listy: ???

She hesitated for a moment and said, Well, you don't have to go to this level. I just need to meet Shasha a few times.

Listy knew that this idea was basically a fantasy and almost impossible to realize.

Moreover, those princes will definitely criticize and oppose such things that are fundamental to the Emerald City. Even all compatriots will oppose it. Even humans will think that this is a flawed idea.

Kureya sighed softly and said: It's not what I want to do...that's all. If you want to see Yin Lisa, then go find your own time, but it's best not to show your identity first and stare at the person over there. There are really many people.”


Forget it thanks, just get rid of these and treat them as thanks to me.

Kureia took out a stack of paper filled with writing from his own space and stuffed it into Listy's hand. He stood up and left, with a proud smile on his beautiful face.

Now she finally had someone she could trust to help her with her work.

But when Kureia thought about what he was going to do next, his head hurt like crazy.

Mother Tree, what are you thinking about?

The town of Berggry.

Weier and Aina were extremely anxious after searching every corner but still couldn't find the wind chime.

Aina asked softly: Sister, the wind chimes didn't go away from the hollow flower, right?

Weier nodded and said: It's possible...

Although the cooling time of the Hollow Flower is 6 hours, there are more Hollow Flowers in the town than just the ones in the manor. Counting the first one, there are now four in total.

So the two sisters went to Winter City.

But with Hill's help, no one could be found.

Weier and Aina stayed in their own home in a melancholy mood for six hours before returning to the town of Bergere through the Hollow Flower.

After that, they went to Floresia again.

When Long Niang saw them coming again, her attitude was much better than before, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net After all, they are quite familiar now.

After searching around, there was still no trace of the child. Aina also said that she could not smell the wind chimes.

Aina lost her daughter... ugh... Aina is a useless mother...

Wolf-eared Loli sobbed and wiped her tears as she walked around the blazing volcanic mountains.

Weier was also in a very uncomfortable mood.

The child also called her Mom.

Seeing how sad the two sisters were, Floresia felt the same way and said: If I lost little Luo Xi, I would definitely be sad too, but don't worry, the wind chime you mentioned is so mysterious, it should be fine, maybe She is now with Xiao Luoxi.

Aina wiped her tears and said, Brother Luo Xi must be that fox if he wants to be with another woman. The wind chime is so small, how could he go there?

Floresia thought about it too.

But she didn't have any good ideas.

Long Niang glanced at the place where she buried the hollow flower seeds.

She has injected the source element, but it has not been activated yet.

It seems that the two sisters will still have to ask Xiao Luo Xi tomorrow.



Whether you want to overthrow Weier or not, Weier should have some motivation under the 'pressure' of many female protagonists. Otherwise, the progress of the protagonist and the little fox has improved after writing this volume, and Maomao is still in the tsundere, then it will be really It's going to be a make or break dog.

However, the real bodies of people in the dream world are indeed replicas of the dream world, and the status is refreshed every time, infinitely... so weird.

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