Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 308: It’s good to hang out with sisters, the little bird asks for help

Although their date with Wei'er was interrupted by Aina and the others, Luo Xi felt a little helpless. After all, there would be more opportunities like this in the future.

And mating with sisters is really nice...(crossed out)

Without touching it with your hands, two different plush feelings came from the intertwined tails, making Luo Xi's happiness level continue to increase.

【Ding! Your happiness value +22]

【Ding! Your happiness value +33】

【Ding! Your abnormality value +10]

It seems like something strange has been mixed in.

In a happy mood, Luo Xi lowered her head and looked at the pink-haired girl sitting diagonally across from her. The stupid hair on the girl's head jumped a few times from time to time.

This girl is really looking more and more wrong.

With the sensitivity of Aina's sense of smell, she was able to lose her, and the action that no one was aware of when she got out of bed last night, ignoring the power of Liuyue Shizuo, and the memory of Mihu...

Luo Xi suspected that this girl might be some kind of hidden boss.

Just keep it like this for now, maybe you can use it later?

[Note: Traveler, you guessed it right! As long as you capture her and push her down, you can go to jail~?]

You crawl.

No matter who this girl is, Luo Xi can't do anything with her childish appearance. Don't think that the girls next to him are all lolita-shaped, he is really a perverted lolita control!

[Note: Little Wolf Girl said that the traveler who made an agreement with her to get married must fulfill the agreement~ (otherwise, Hatchet warns)]

Luo Xi: ...

That's different!

It was a mistake that happened at first...

Luo Xi made excuses for herself for a while, and then stopped.

Forget it, I'm too lazy to look for it.

There is no need to make excuses. It was originally because of those mistakes that Luo Xi had such a harmonious relationship with the two sisters.

Wind Chime tilted its head cutely.

Her pair of blue starry eyes reflected all Luo Xi's performance in her mind.

【Ding! Traveler, an outsider broke into the area protected by the sacred tree of Belgri without any warning]

As the text prompt appeared, Luo Xi frowned.


Those who come in normally through the town gate are not counted as outsiders. Those who are counted as outsiders are probably directly transported into the city using things like hollow flowers.

Luo Xi closed his eyes. His consciousness spread along the Belgry Sacred Tree and spread throughout the city. Within seconds, he found the 'intruder'.

His expression suddenly became weird.

I thought it might be some people from Winter City.

Is that a bird with gray feathers?

It seems somewhat familiar.

The bird was lying on the roof next to the hollow flower, breathing hard. Its abdomen was rising and falling, and it was obvious that it was dying.

Luo Xi thought of the little fox from the Elf tribe who unexpectedly came to this city not long ago.

This gray bird seems to be her pet.

Could it be that she is here again?

But judging from the bird's dangerous condition, it might not be what Luo Xi thought.

When Luo Xi saw that the bird was taking in more air than coming out, he was about to die, so he moved and fished the gray bird on the roof.

Aina and Weier were stunned.

What kind of thing does Luo Xi have on his hand?

In the surprised eyes of the two sisters, Luo Xi hesitated for a moment, took a small plate, cut a small wound with her index finger and thumb, squeezed out a little blood and dripped it onto the plate, and then fed it to the bird. In the bird's mouth.

It's not that he doesn't want to use healing scrolls or something like that.

The original gift from Liya has been almost completely used.

The Belgry Sacred Tree does not have the ability to restore others, so the only thing Luo Xi can use to recover quickly is his own blood.

[Tip: As a dragon-type heterogeneous human with the talent of 'Legendary Dragon Species' who is undergoing alienation and transformation, all your body fluids contain very powerful vitality. Since you have not yet reached the third level of alienation, your body fluids are not infectious yet. Not only can it be taken as a good medicine, but it can also have the effect of increasing the opponent's physique~]

This is the text’s evaluation of Luo Xi.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, Luo Xi has indeed become a great tonic for the human form, and because the degree of alienation is not deep enough, his blood does not have the strong corrosive effect like Mother Dragon, such as Floresia's Once a person with normal blood uses it, even a sublimated person will run the risk of failing to transform and turn into a monster.

No wonder Ai Xue is so enthusiastic...

[Note: That is the future that the girl finally grasped! 】

Luo Xi's heart was full of flaws.

Dog text, tell me, did you watch something you shouldn’t have? !

Of course, he knew that this guy would never admit it.

As a god, if the incident of watching Seese anime is discovered, the god's life must be over, right?

[Note: We, we didn’t watch that kind of thing! (〃> dishes<)! 】

Luo Xi looked away from the dog text with satisfaction.

The dying bird in his hand suddenly improved a lot after Luo Xi put a drop of blood into its beak.

Wei'er then asked: Why did you suddenly catch a bird?

Only Aina frowned tightly.

The smell this bird carries...

Luo Xi thought for a while and said, Do you still remember the fox-eared elf who came here last time-

It's that big fox!

Aina answered first: The little bird was on the big fox at that time!

Luo Xi: ...

As expected of Aina.

Luo Xi thoughtfully observed the bird he placed on the table.

It suddenly broke into the town. Its life condition was very bad just now, but there didn't seem to be any injuries on its body... Could it be that it was like this because of exhaustion?

Guest, please don't play with pets here.

The boss's voice came from the side: We can't bring small animals here, and these are the birds.

Even if a creature like a bird is well trained, it cannot change its habit of pooping indiscriminately.

Luo Xi said: I'm sorry, is the food ready? Let's pack it up and take it away.

Although he is the lord of this town, he is not the kind of person who uses his power to bully the weak, and Luo Xi does not want to reveal his identity for the time being.

A few minutes later, Luo Xi carried the packed barbecue and returned to the manor with several girls.

The bird had woken up in his hand.


After Hui Hui saw Luo Xi, her smart little eyes showed a very human joy. It took her a day to fly over a long distance before she came to the place where they had an adventure.

In order to be able to fly back here, it was roared indiscriminately by a certain Lord Origin Beast on the way, which shocked its internal organs, and then the forced flight of nearly a hundred kilometers made it more injured.

This is the reason why it was half dead when Luo Xi found it.

what are you saying?

Luo Xi had a headache.

He doesn't know how to talk like a bird.

Cat, do you understand?

Wei'er rolled her eyes at Luo Xi and said, I'm a cat, I can't understand the birdsong... No, I'm not a cat either!

Aina was a little unsure and said: Aina seems to understand...

Luo Xi: ???

When did Aina expand her language range?

Luo Xi can understand that wolves can understand dog language, but this bird and dog will never be able to talk to each other...

Maybe...it's the leaf.

Aina took out a jade leaf from her clothes.

Ever since she saw this bird, the leaf given to her by Xiaolin has been heating up.


Luo Xi took the leaf from Aina's hand.

He didn't pay much attention to the leaf given to Aina by Luo Lilin.

Now take a look...

【Lucky Leaf】

[Quality: Purple (Epic-)]

[Category: special props]

[Attribute: A prop that contains the power of luck, which can increase the holder's luck and avoid danger (hidden attribute: luck +10)]

[Additional skills: turning danger into good fortune]

[Turn disaster into good fortune: When encountering danger, this leaf will protect you (only once, the prop disappears after using this skill)]

[Description: Luck and misfortune are sometimes just one step away]

Jiu, master's leaves, how could you have them? Master didn't give them to that little girl...

What's strange is that there is no translation function in the text, but after Luo Xi picked it up, he naturally understood what the bird was saying.

That girl gave it to us. Luo Xi said.

Jiu-that's it. Please save my master. I'm willing to give you everything I can...

Luo Xi frowned and said, What happened to your master?

Judging from some information learned from Lujiao and his daughter, the origin of the little elf fox should not be simple.

Tweet-(The black water is so terrifying... it swallowed up the entire city and its owner)

Originally, Hui Hui didn't want to come here to seek help from this strange human being.

But that's all it can think of.

During the more than five years of traveling with its owner, it had only stayed in some small villages and did not know any powerful people at all.

Nearly a day has passed since the owner was swallowed up by the black tide, but it doesn't want to give up a single possibility!

【Ding! You triggered the free mission: The commission of the Emerald Gray Spirit Bird]

[Mission brief description: A little bird has spent all its energy to come here to ask you for help, asking you to save her master. Do you want to accept this commission? 】

[Reward: Favorability of the Emerald Gray Spirit Bird +50]

[Description: Some kind of disaster seems to have happened in the Emerald Forest. Traveler, now is the time for you to test your connections and strength! 】

Luo Xi: ...

He has a Hammer connection.

Oh, Emerald Forest, that’s okay.

With Mother Dragon's terrifying speed, as long as the distance is not very far, she can easily go back and forth in a short time.

Luo Xi asked: Is your master still alive?

Chew - sure! Master, she said that since leaving the royal city, she has experienced many dangers, even the most dangerous one, that night there was an 'origin beast riot' in the Emerald Forest, and the whole town was destroyed Destroyed, allowing her to escape.”

I know. Luo Xi said.

Chirp—(Thank you—)

Huihui leaned his head on the table.

But, I refuse.

Hui Hui: “???”

It also thought that this human meant to help it...

As soon as the anger surged into his heart, Bird's mood dropped again.

Yes, what qualifications does it have to let others bear such risks?

They don't even know what the black tide is.

It itself knows something.

That kind of extremely terrifying power and manifestation that engulfed the sacred tree must be the so-called ‘original disaster’.

Master, maybe he really has...

Aina pursed her lips and said softly: Brother Luo Xi, Aina promised Xiaolin that she would help her find that sister...

Aina stopped mid-sentence.

Let brother Luo Xi risk his life for another woman... Even if brother Luo Xi doesn't really die in this world, she doesn't want to see that.

But, but in that case, is it really good?

“Tweet—(I’m sorry, I took it for granted)”

Huihui fluttered its wings and flew out of the window. Although its injury was healed by the lord using some method, it had never felt that its body was so heavy.

Come with hope and leave with despair.

No matter what, it's time to go back and see.

Maybe the elves in the Emerald Forest will deal with the problem there?

Of course, this is just an illusion.

If that is really a sign of disaster...

Did I let you go?

The young man's voice suddenly sounded in the gray ears. Before it flew far, it crashed into a golden circle and then returned to the room of the manor.

Chirp?! (What do you want to do?)

Bird turned to look at Luo Xi in shock.

Luo Xi spread his hands and said: You were almost dead just now. The treatment fee and handling fee total 10 gold coins. How to pay? Instalment or payment?

Huihui: ...

It's just a bird!

Where do you get the gold coins for this human being?

Luo Xi...

Wei'er also felt that Luo Xi had gone too far. She didn't care whether Luo Xi went or not, but it was unethical to bully such a little bird...

Luo Xi pinched Maomao's tail.

It's not like he had nothing to do so he did something like asking a bird for money.

【Emerald Gray Spirit Bird】

[Race: Bird Origin Beast (Second Level)]

[Favorability: 20 (I am very grateful to you for saving it, but the owner is very disappointed that you are unwilling to save it)]

[Description: This little bird was originally just an ordinary first-order bird-type source beast. After accompanying a certain lucky girl for many years, its body gradually became infected with the aura of luck, and was thus possessed by luck. Look around, and those who accompany it can get great good luck (hidden attribute: luck +30)]

You can add 30 hidden lucky attributes!

Hidden attribute texts such as temperament and luck cannot be displayed, but these two attributes are obviously not as high as other basic attributes. Luo Xi has only obtained hidden attributes that increase temperament so far.

This leaf of Aina also has 10 points of luck attribute.

It’s hard to imagine that there are props and birds with such high luck attached to them if they are tainted with some aura. How high is the lucky value of that little elf fox?

But this is obviously not what Luo Xi should consider now.

He raised his hand, signaling for the bird to jump up.

Hui Hui hesitated for a moment, but still chose to fly into Luo Xi's hand.

Let's go to the place you mentioned and have a look. Luo Xi said.

Really? Bird's eyes lit up.


Luo Xi smiled and said: Didn't you say that you can do whatever you want? No matter what happens after this time passes, you have to be my bird... Bah, you have to stay with me for a while, at least a year. .”

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the source-changing app used by chasing bugs, huanyuanapp.]

Follow you...Okay!

Huihui hesitated for a second and then agreed.

If its owner dies, it will have nowhere to go. It doesn't matter where it goes without a home.

But if the master is fine, then... let's talk about it then.

Luo Xi smiled and took a piece of kraft paper from the void.

Then, sign a contract?


Wei'er and Aina watched in confusion as Luo Xi taught the bird how to write its name with its beak.

They had no idea what Luo Xi was doing.

Does this guy also want to keep pets in this world?

Chiyan Mountains volcanic community.

Luo Xi stepped out of the hollow flower with Xiaoniao, Wei'er and Aina.

He took out the airship that had not been used for a long time, then threw Starfire up and took over the airship.

I didn't want to bring the two sisters here, but they had to come, so Luo Xi could only try to find a safer means of transportation for them.

He arranged the wind chime in the manor bedroom.

However, Luo Xi waited for a while but still didn't see Floresia coming.


With Mother Long's perceptive ability, it shouldn't take long for her to notice that he is coming, and she will skillfully give him a snow-white, warm, soft and immersed operation.

Roar! —

The volcanoes at his feet suddenly began to shake violently, and a large amount of magma spurted out. Luo Xi squinted towards the sea, and suddenly saw at the end of his sight, there seemed to be a huge red figure walking through the sea, constantly hammering out some Strange unknown creatures.

Why did Mother Long go into the sea again?

Luo Xi was silent for a moment.

He decided to go there first to check out the situation.

Xiaoniao said that it might be a precursor to the source of disaster. Such tasks involving source of disaster usually come with high rewards. Even if Xiaoniao didn't agree to his request, Luo Xi would go there and have a look.

So Luo Xi is like picking up a bird for nothing~

Xinghuo's voice came from the airship: Master, Xinghuo has taken over the airship. Come on up!

Luo Xi looked at the bird standing on his arm and asked, Do you know where you are going?

If the bird doesn't know where it's going, then Luo Xi will go back and let it fly back from the beginning.

Huihui said: Master's leaves may be able to guide the direction.

This leaf is still usable. Does that mean your master may not be dead yet?

Yes, it's possible...

The little bird's eyes were filled with hope.

Luo Xi thought for a while and decided to test his current luck. He said in his heart that he wanted to go to the 'site of the incident' and then let the leaves fly and fall to the ground.

Just fly in the direction pointed by the veins of the leaves.

Maomao, Aina, get in the car.

Luo Xi wanted to take the two sisters on the airship, but this time they were not very willing.

The tragic situation last time is still vivid in my mind...

Luo Xi pointed to another hollow flower side by side: How about you go back?

Weier and Aina still shook their heads.

Finally, the two reluctantly boarded the airship.

Amidst several frightening screams, the airship, which was stretched to the extreme speed, rose wildly, and then rushed forward at a speed exceeding the speed of sound. It is difficult to imagine that this is something that an airship similar to a propeller aircraft in reality can achieve. speed. UuReading www.uukanshu.nett

Fortunately, Weier and Aina have already experienced Floresia's true speed.

The original land of white flowers.

When everything was eroded, only a piece of messy land was left, and this land has become a forbidden area that cannot be used permanently.

The Church of Disaster, Archbishop Diintous, and the Pope of the Church of Truth, Andre Adnis, followed for dozens of kilometers, looking at the area eroded by the black water from a distance.

Ender pushed up his monocle and said, Did you see it? We upgraded the original fourth-level small precursor of source disaster to a normal precursor. I don't know what you were planning to do at the beginning, but if there is no one this time We, your promoted reserve bishop, will be directly suppressed by the controller of this town.

You don't need to say more about this. We have our own methods, but I have indeed witnessed the power of your Truth Church.

Diintous was silent, looking back at the direction of the Eternal World Tree, and said: Those elves are so lazy, or should I say they are timid, don't they dare to send anyone here?

This is a source of disaster, who dares to step forward?

Ander smiled and said: Don't you people who believe in disasters know better than us? Small precursors, precursors, partial arrivals, complete bodies, the stronger the human stimulation, the source of disasters may become stronger. These are the things that accompany the world. If we can control the disasters created by the rules, then...

stop! —

Amid the strange sound, Ender actually saw an extremely bright light shining in the black water.

Under the intertwining of gold and green, the deep black water flow was penetrated by this light.

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