Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 299: Floresia’s appearance, in the mode of spark, ice, frost and blazing fire, she is invinc

Above the sky above the sea city.

Floresia, who had imposed a 'cognitive barrier', had no intention of concealing her movements. She flapped her wings, which occasionally floated with red fire, and flew over the city at high speed.


A stream of scalding heat fell into the city following Floresia's flight. Although it was almost November, the temperature was still very high. After this stream of heat came down, the temperature on the ground, which was around 30 degrees, suddenly skyrocketed. It's over forty degrees.

So much so that some pedestrians got heatstroke while walking on the road and fell to the ground.

Luo Xi held one of the red dragon's horns. He stood on the dragon's head, looking down at the city below.

Although he had flown in dragon form before, flying on a dragon was a completely different feeling than flying by himself.

Due to the limitations of her body and source elements, Floresia's reduced strength cannot squander the source elements to flash at will, but she can still maintain a speed of about one kilometer per second.

Just left, then keep going forward.

Luo Xi directed Floresia's flight direction. His destination this time was a small village called Baixi Village in southern Zhejiang Province, 300 kilometers away from Haicheng in a straight line.

That is the hometown that carries Luo Xi's past more than ten years.

He heard that something almost happened in the village last night, which shocked him, so Luo Xi planned to go back and take a look before setting off.

Anyway, three hundred kilometers is considered a matter of five or six minutes.

【Ding! Through your hard work, your riding skill proficiency +5]

【Ding! You have mastered the skill: Riding]

[Current proficiency level: Apprentice (Level 0)]

[Riding Skill (Level 0): When fighting on a mount, all attributes of you and the mount +5%]

[Highest potential: Grandmaster (expected)]

[Description: Without the bonus of knight career sublimation path, traveler, you are considered a gifted riding genius~]

Luo Xi: ?

He could understand that riding skills were divided into classes just like swordsmanship.

But why is this highest potential so high?

His [Yunliu Hanajuan Sword Technique] is only at the proficiency level, which means that if he doesn't make a self-breakthrough, he will only have the highest potential of the third level.

In terms of skill level evaluation, apprenticeship, proficiency, control, and mastery are all mortal levels.

The fourth level is the level of master, the fifth level is the level of grandmaster, and the sixth level is the level of grand master.

No matter what the skill is, being able to reach the master level is already one in a million, and the grandmaster level is even rarer.

This can be seen from the scarcity of master-level craftsmen, as well as Liya's strength as a fourth-level rune magic master who can challenge fifth-level extraordinary beings. To practice a skill to the peak, it is very important for strength. The bonus has been greatly improved.

[Note: Traveler, let me tell you a little bit, the master-level skill of riding is a combination of man and mount~ very suitable for a hentia like you! 】

Luo Xi: ???

Is it serious for this person to become one with his mount?

But speaking of riding... If this world was a world where everything was decided by playing cards, it would definitely be quite cool if he rode Mother Dragon in a card duel.

If you can't beat the card game, let Mother Dragon spit fire... cough.


Luo Xi heard the sound and looked back.

Behind him, Ai Xue lay tremblingly on the scales in the center of the dragon's back. She didn't dare to look to the side at all.

Wei'er and Aina acted quite relaxed. They had already sat in the dream world once, so they didn't feel any fear.

After all, they had all ridden in the cheating airship piloted by Luo Xi.

Ai Xue shouted softly: Senior, can you go down? I'm afraid of heights!

Luo Xi looked at Ai Xue's scared look with dumbfounding eyes.

This bold girl is actually afraid of heights?

He said: There are barriers around it, and the wind resistance has been removed by Lecia's mother. It will be fine if you sit up.

I'm not going to sit down!

Ai Xue's voice trembled as she said, I feel like I'm going to...

Aina swung her tail, walked to Ai Xue, squatted down, and said proudly: So you are a coward, are you scared to come out? It's okay, even if you come out, Aina won't Making fun of you.

Ai Xue: ?

What is this wolf-eared loli so proud of!

What else is coming out?

Although Ai Xue did feel a little uncomfortable in her lower abdomen...

Weier smiled slightly from the side.

Well done Aina!

Even though she and Ai Xue got along quite well, and the gap between the two had been eliminated a lot in the previous conversation, she still behaved in a way that did not bother Ai Xue.

Even though they had agreed to take good care of Luo Xi, this act of guarding and stealing really made the cat and cat people stupid.

Just hearing Aina say this reminded her of the miserable look they had when they were working on Luo Xi's airship... Maomao's pretty face turned red unconsciously. stand up.

Who is a coward?

Ai Xue gritted her teeth, her face turned pale, and she reluctantly stood up slowly, holding her scales with one hand.

She didn't want to be laughed at by a little girl!

And this girl is still her biggest love rival to a certain extent!

After Ai Xue stood firm, she took a deep breath before daring to look outside.

At this glance, she was stunned.

The flowing white clouds, the pure blue sky, as well as the distant cities and mountains, unfolded and passed by quickly like a scroll.

It seems...not so scary.

At this time, Floresia suddenly dived downwards, and the fierce acceleration made Ai Xue scream again. She hugged Aina next to her. During the little wolf girl's confused struggle, neither of them stood still. Steady, let's roll back together.

Wei'er wanted to raise her hand to grab it, but it was too late.

Then, the red dragon's tail was seen lifting up, wrapping the two people together and sending them back.

Ten seconds later, Floresia landed smoothly, and Luo Xi also jumped off the faucet.

As the dragon's body turned into light spots and disintegrated, the people on top fell into the soft field together. Weier, like a real cat, stepped on the field ridges lightly on tiptoes without touching any soil.

Aina and Ai Xue rolled into the triangular pile of rice and oranges together.

Luo Xi walked over wordlessly and fished the two out.

Both of them looked dirty with their faces covered in dust and dirt.

Okay, I have to go back and change their clothes later.

Aina held Luo Xi's arm and wiped her tears, sobbing and complaining: Brother Luo Xi, this woman is so bad. Aina thinks she did it on purpose.

Ai Xue explained: I didn't mean it, it was a subconscious reaction.

You did it on purpose!


Xiao Luoxi, where are you?

Floresia's voice sounded softly from the side.

At this time, Weier and the others noticed that Luo Xi was looking at the mountain village in the distance. His expression looked a little...gentle?

Where is this place? Weier asked softly.

This is my hometown, Baixi Village.

Luo Xi pointed at a two-story building on the mountainside opposite the field ridge, and said, That building is my grandma's house. She should still be taking a nap now.

Your grandma?

Wei'er blinked and stared at the direction Luo Xi pointed just now, remembering that location in her heart.

This guy's grandma must be sixty or seventy years old, right?

I don’t know what kind of gifts elderly people of this age like.

Ai Xue's eyes also lit up.

She knew that Luo Xi's relationship with his parents was not good. It could be said that he had been brought up by his grandmother since he was a child. Therefore, if he wanted to deal with the senior's family, he only needed to deal with his grandmother.

She doesn't have to worry about not being able to handle the relationship between her parents-in-law or anything like that.

Aina's tea-gold eyes shone slightly and said: Brother Luo Xi's grandmother is also the grandmother of Aina and my sister. As my brother's future wife, Aina must go and see...

As the little wolf girl spoke, she spread her legs and wanted to run down the mountain, but Luo Xi grabbed her by the tail and carried her back.

Forget it this time.

Luo Xi shook his head and said: We were in Haicheng before. It's best not to be exposed now, otherwise the latest information about us may spread overseas before long.

That's it...

Aina obediently nodded in Luo Xi's hand and said, Can you come see grandma in the evening? Otherwise, you will have to wait two days next time.

I'll try my best.

Luo Xi smiled and rubbed Aina's wolf ears.


Floresia pondered: I am little Luo Xi's mother, so should I call...

Don't. Luo Xi immediately said: Mother Lecia, you'd better... forget it, just do whatever you want.

Grandma is not a player, and she does not know the language of the dream world, so even if he brings everyone there, except Ai Xue, there is no one with whom Grandma can communicate.

Luo Xi looked around.

He saw several black tourism bureau vehicles parked near the village's cultural hall, and several people walking around there.

Those are probably the people from the Dream Travel Bureau who are stationed in the village.


Luo Xi's cell phone rang.


Consultant Luo Xi, where have you been? Our people said you are no longer in the hotel.

Luo Xi checked the time on her phone.

Two o'clock.

There's no rush, he still wants to breathe more air in his hometown.

I will be back before three o'clock, and I will go directly to the airport then. Luo Xi said.

Okay, let me convey this to you.


After hanging up the phone, Luo Xi heard the crow of a chicken.

He looked down and saw that it was a free-range hen from an unknown family. It came to peck at such a high field. Aren't you afraid of being eaten by things in the mountains?


Floresia walked over curiously. When the hen saw someone coming, she wanted to run away, but was frightened by the ray of dragon power released by the dragon lady at will. She immediately fell to the ground, and the feathers all over her body twitched.

Luo Xi: ......

Leave a few hundred dollars here later.

Weier asked: Is this the chicken of this world?

Luo Xi nodded. Well, they specialize in laying eggs.

There are similar bird creatures in the Dream World, otherwise who will provide the egg food?

Floresia poked the twitching hen, thought for a while, and injected a little bit of source element into the hen's body.


The hen was like a charged toy. It immediately started to flutter, spread its legs and ran down the mountain. After running for more than ten meters, it looked back and glanced at the people on the mountain.

Then, he ran away without looking back.

Luo Xi: ...

Is this still possible?

Aina wondered: Why can't this chicken fly? Brother Luo Xi.

Most of the birds that can be seen in the Kingdom of Radiance can fly. If they can't fly, what's the use of having feathers? They might as well grow into thick fur, which can also resist freezing.

Luo Xi pondered for a moment and said, Because the chicken doesn't need to be able to fly, it just needs to be able to play basketball, right?

Aina: Huh?

On the other side, after the call fell, the logistics staff of the travel bureau immediately spread Luo Xi's words. Soon, the top brass of all branches knew that the black god of death suddenly disappeared in downtown Haicheng.

This news was also spread outside through private channels by some hidden Erwuzi.

On the volcanic islands of the Pacific Ocean.

Hirano looked at the newly received news, opened his eyes and said: Nani, Chief Miyahara, the black god of death has disappeared. Is he going to be a coward and prepare to run away?


Miyahara touched his blindfolded eyes and said: A player with the ultimate purple prophet talent predicted that the Black Death will come alone this time according to the requirements on the note.

real or fake?

Of course it is true. That person's name is [Light of Prophecy]. Since he became the first batch of extraordinary beings 6 months ago, he has given the United States a lot of useful prophecies and has never missed one.

Then this time, did he predict the demise of the Black Death?

The prophecy predicted that it would end after seeing the arrival of the Black Death.


Hirano suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.

Just relying on this vague and uncertain prophecy, and not knowing what changes will happen next, he dared to attack a dream traveler who is currently ranked number one in such a despicable way. If something unexpected happened, he would be in trouble.

Don't worry, nothing will go wrong.

Miyahara said calmly: You don't know how much manpower and material resources were used to kill the Black Death this time. Even if he is a fourth-level transcendent, he will die ten times.

According to the evaluation of real players, the fourth-level transcendent has not yet reached the ability to fight against the entire country on his own.

As long as there is no terrifying resurrection ability like the Tree of Void Darkness, no matter how powerful a person is, if he can eat one orphaned tactical mushroom egg, can he eat two?

Then when can we hand over tasks to the next batch of people?



Miyahara took out his communicator and took a look, his expression suddenly changed.

It's the message from Rishima.

—[The third group of representatives from various countries will arrive in twenty minutes and become the main force in the encirclement and suppression of the Black Death. You are the representatives of our Japanese island. You need to stay there and wait for the arrival of the Black Death. Remember not to lower the image of our Japanese island. ! 】


Why don't you little bitches do it yourself?

Hirano saw his elder's expression as if he had eaten up his answer, and asked in confusion: Sir, what's wrong?

Miyahara Reizo said gloomily: We...were treated as abandoned children.


Two fifty.

Floresia flew back to Haicheng with a few people, and landed directly at the agreed airport location.

But this time, only Luo Xi got off Mother Long's back. Maomao and the others were still on Floresia's back. Under the influence of the cognitive barrier, they were not noticed by anyone.

Luo Xi's sudden appearance startled the staff present, but after all, the people here are elites. A staff member came over immediately and took Luo Xi to the storage place of the items.

In a corner of the airport, there are many translucent source marrow crystals.

The staff looked curiously at this young man who could make the entire Dream Travel Bureau run, and nodded respectfully:

Hello, Consultant Luo Xi, here are the source marrow crystals you need. There are a total of 33,200 kilograms, and two pieces of purified source marrow. They are all here. Do you want them to be put into the dream luggage? go?

Luo Xi glanced at the sky.

A gust of warm wind blew quietly. Under everyone's shocked gaze, this pile gathered all the source marrow crystals that the entire Xia Kingdom could collect in a short period of time. Since they are marketable and priceless, the actual value is at least tens of billions. It turned into countless stars and scattered towards the sky.

Only Luo Xi saw that it was Mother Long who opened her big mouth and swallowed all the source marrow crystals in one gulp.

Floresia's gentle voice sounded in Luo Xi's ears.

Xiao Luoxi, mom is full now and should be able to use the full strength of this body.

That's good.

The corners of Luo Xi's mouth raised slightly.

This smile, in the eyes of all the surrounding tourism bureau staff, is a very mysterious and extremely confident feeling.

The airport's surveillance also synchronized the footage to the tourism bureau's headquarters logistics in real time.

Blanching, swallowing so many source marrow crystals alive? Is this still a human being?

He didn't swallow it, did he?

He's the only one over there. His girlfriend Ai Xue has gone. Who else is there if it's not the Black Death?

Didn't he ask us to send a few sets of women's clothes before?

Those sets of small-sized clothes? Hmm... Could it be that the Black Death hired foreign aid that we don't even know about?

I think those clothes are for the lolita he likes.

Haha, don't tell me that he can still bring those beast-eared girls into reality. Isn't that just a dream?

Haicheng, Jiujian and Jiao Gan took off the headphones used to communicate with all parties, looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

The preparations are finally done.

They were really exhausted today.

Next, we can only look at Luo Xi himself. It is clearly required that Luo Xi can only go to the island alone. Of course, they have also arranged a lot of people not far away, ready to go to support at any time, but those who try The people who killed Luo Xi could not have placed the 'urn' on that island.

Transfer is inevitable.

I just don’t know where it will be transferred.

Is he really sure? Jiao Gan asked.

Jiujian stretched out three fingers and said: Three sets of clothes, and they are all about one and a half meters tall. He also specifically requested that one of them must be looser on the chest. Assuming that these clothes are corresponding to what we now know, Yes, among the three girls Luo Xi has appeared to in the dream world, apart from the first two cat girls and wolf girls, you should be able to guess who the third one is, right?

Jiao Gan touched his chin and said with a smile: It's the red dragon that can transform into a human.

After the event of the Tree of Void Darkness ended, the topic about the giant red dragon little loli was discussed by many players on the forum.

No one wants to go to the dream world to find a source beast that can be used as both a mount and a wife.

Of course, most people just think about it. For the king-level high-level source beasts and ordinary extraordinary beings, just wanting to get close to their territory is a luxury.

Jiao Gan smiled: Then let's prepare to record it. This time, no matter what he does, we will stand behind him. Okay, let's go there first.


Three thirty.

Luo Xi got on the special plane heading to the island.

A distance of more than 7,000 kilometers, in the south of the Pacific Ocean.

He didn't know how those people managed to abduct his friends so far in one day.

The pilot turned back and said, Mr. Luo Xi, are you ready? I'm about to take off.

Luo Xi thought for a moment and said, How about I fly this plane?

Taking the plane Luo Xi was on, if he wanted to get there in two and a half hours, he had to cruise at supersonic speed at the highest speed. Although the plane was modified, it still only carried enough fuel to allow one trip. Way to go.

So after Luo Xi left, the pilot in the plane could only parachute and wait for rescue.

Ah? the pilot said in confusion, You know how to fly a plane?


Luo Xi opened the text and added the title of Flying Master to him as the first person to control an airship in the dream world.

[Flying Master (after equipping this title, you can control airship-like equipment with your eyes closed)]

An airplane should also be considered an airship, right?

I need to contact my superiors.

The pilot took out his communicator and called several times.

Soon, the ace pilot took off all the equipment on his body with a complex expression, jumped out of the plane, and gave up the driving seat.

Mr. Consultant, you can try it first. If it doesn't work, then I will take you there.


Luo Xi climbed into the driver's seat in front. He didn't wear a flight helmet or anti-G suit. He only wore earphones on his ears. These things had no protection for him now and would hinder him.

When Luo Xi put his hands on the dashboard, a strange feeling emerged that although he had never flown one before, he knew how to fly it.

The hatch is confirmed to be closed.

Start the engine.

Push, taxi, retract the landing gear, raise your head and take off.

Under the bewildered gaze of the original pilot of the plane, Mr. Luo Xi, who was said to have never flown an airplane before, drove away like a toy.

Li Liyuan's score!

In the cabin, Luo Xi felt the push on his back caused by the climbing and increasing speed, and was completely unmoved.

This speed is far inferior to Mother Long's speed.

After climbing to 10,000 meters, the speed of the plane continued to increase. As the speed exceeded the speed of sound, a sonic boom cloud exploded behind the plane.

Jiujian's voice sounded on the channel: Luo Xi, have you already set off?

Well, we just set off and are breaking through twice the speed of sound. The speed of this plane is too slow.

Oh...wait, are you flying the plane yourself?

It's just a title that happens to work.

...Okay, please pay attention when the time comes. Our experts from Xia Kingdom will be waiting a few kilometers away from the island. Remember, if you really can't save anyone, you should protect yourself as a principle.

Luo Xi felt warm in her heart.

I know.

Luo Xi looked outside the cabin of the plane.

To his left, followed a red dragon more than ten meters long, with three girls squatting on it. Aina even made a special face at him.

Luo Xi couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He actually wanted to leave Aina and Maomao over there in his hometown.

But they insist on coming... Then let's come together.


Volcanic Islands.

Hirano looked at the approaching large ship and gradually stood up straighter.

Miyahara Reizo also took off his eye patch, exposing his golden eyeball.

After the ship docked, one after another, a group of people dressed in different clothes came down from above.

The Balrog, the mysterious traveler, the dark knight, the frost shaman...

Miyahara Reizo's eyes became more and more sharp.

These people are all well-known players in the Hunter Forum and some countries. Their strength has reached the third level and they have had particularly outstanding achievements.

Unfortunately, there don't seem to be many at the top of the black list on the hunter forum.

Are those people also afraid of the Black Death?

A red-haired man walked towards Miyahara Reizo and said: I am Elster, the commander-in-chief of this operation. Now I am in charge of this place. Where are the hostages?

Miyahara pointed to the two cabins on the coast and said, Are you going to move them out of those two cabins?


Elster did not answer Miyahara's questions any more, and led a group of subordinates towards that direction, leaving an angry Hirano and a gloomy Miyahara behind.

Hirano lowered his voice and said, They are simply bullying people too much!

Miyahara Reizo sighed: It doesn't matter, we are all just abandoned children.

Hirano said in shock: Sir, what did you say? Why do you say we are all just...

Because those guys definitely don't think that these extraordinary beings can pose a fatal threat to the Black Death.

Miyahara Reizo looked at the deep ocean behind him and said solemnly: All of us, including the hostages, are just a means to hold him back.

The real trump card will not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.


Five fifty.

Luo Xi glanced at the dashboard and confirmed that she was almost there.

The plane's fuel is almost exhausted.

As the seat ejected, a figure jumped out of the plane, with a pair of black dragon wings growing out of his back, swooping straight down from 10,000 meters above.

Floresia followed Luo Xi and complained: It's just a short journey, can't you just let mom take you? It's a waste of time to fly for so long.

Her time is very precious!

Rather than wasting time on meaningless flights, Floresia was more interested in the endless ocean below. The ocean here didn't have those disgusting things, and she didn't know what was in it.

Luo Xi controlled the wings behind her and said with a smile: Mother Lecia, you are the trump card. How could you reveal your trump card from the beginning?

Mom is the trump card, hehe~

Luo Xi looked at the island below and narrowed his eyes.

He directly activated the dragon transformation skill to the maximum.

Dragon Transformation Level 3.

This is a skill that can be upgraded again after the alien talent is promoted to gold.

The clothes on his body were gradually burned away by the blazing black and red flames, and layers of fine scales covered Luo Xi's body. Except for his face, his body was completely covered with tough scales.

The limbs are red dragon scales, the torso is black dragon scales, and the tail is black and red.

Floresia said in a sour voice: It's true, sir, you made my little Luo Xi darker and darker.

How beautiful is it when you are all red?

Luo Xi didn't hear what Mother Long said. His speed became faster and faster, like a meteor, hitting the island directly.


The sudden sound startled all the people who were waiting. As soon as they turned their heads, they saw billowing black smoke coming out of the island next door.

The Black Death is coming.

Elster walked at the front of the crowd, looking at the smoking place, his eyelids twitched.

With the power of this blow, if it hit their island, it might be able to directly kill a few unlucky people.

Half a minute later, they saw a figure with black and red flames waving its wings, flying over there like a demon, and landed on the ground with two feet.

As he moved, the sand on the ground was melted by the flames and turned into liquid.

I'm here to keep my appointment.

Luo Xi asked in a deep voice: Where are they? Give them to me.

As if he didn't hear Luo Xi's question, Elster smiled and said: They are naturally fine. Black Death Luo Xi, on behalf of the members of the 'Hunting Death' action team, I welcome you.

Luo Xi was surprised: Operation Hunting Death? Do you think so highly of me?

Elster smiled and said: You are the one who is in the limelight recently. There is a saying in the Xia Kingdom that if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it. You shouldn't be so prominent. So, welcome you to us. field of.

Suddenly, the entire island shook slightly.

Luo Xi frowned.

He had to find the captured hostages before he could let go.


A gentle snap of the fingers accompanied the gray and black world.


After time stopped, Luo Xi extended the heat, then used blazing flash, and appeared between the two wooden houses visible on the island.

Two seconds pass.

His perception penetrated inside.

All empty.

Three seconds passed.

The world regained its color.

The few people over there who were still watching eagerly found that the enemy in front of them had disappeared in an instant.

Where are the people?

where it goes?

In the back!

Elster looked back in shock at Luo Xi, who was several hundred meters away in an instant.

Teleportation skills?

This skill, if used to escape, is indeed an ability that is difficult to stop.

However, the higher-ups had already expected this.

Elster smiled and said: Black Death, they have been moved to other places by us. If you want them to live, then just wait and don't move.

So that's it.

Luo Xi glanced at the pale white beam of light rising around the island.

It has the power of space similar to the movement of the sacred tree.

Want to move to the battlefield they arranged?

Come on then.

No matter what, he had to confirm their safety.

Luo Xi opened her mouth towards Floresia who had not yet come down from the sky.

As a ray of light rose into the sky, everyone on the island, including the island's land, disappeared in an instant.

On the Xia Kingdom ship a few nautical miles away, Jiujian and his team were looking at the monitoring data.

[A high-energy molecule reaction occurs! ]

While everyone looked nervous and prepared to immediately sail over for rescue, Yuan Su's reaction slowed down.

A minute later, news came that the island had become a completely uninhabited island.

At the same time, a live broadcast room appeared on major international forums.

The title is - [The Fall of the Black Death].

Luo Xi frowned slightly.

A pinprick like light suddenly appeared on his back.


He directly punched with his right hand, with fierce wind and flames, and punched behind him. The person who tried to sneak attack Luo Xi was directly hit with dense sprays of blood, and turned into a puddle of soft flesh and flew backwards. .

Already moved to another location?

Luo Xi narrowed her eyes.

It is still the center surrounded by the ocean.

In the far direction, there are some ships, and the surrounding sky is covered by a layer of golden barriers.

Elster smiled at Luo Xi and said: I didn't expect you would really dare to come. With your courage, your name is well deserved. But don't think about escaping. This is a secret that our country has obtained. The epic prop is named [Tira’s Sanctuary Barrier].

In this barrier, special abilities such as movement, teleportation, and flight will be ineffective here. As long as there is a sufficient supply of source marrow crystals, extraordinary beings whose strength does not exceed the fourth level will be suppressed.

In fact, this epic item can affect up to five-level existences, but it only needs to be used to provide energy for the 'condensed source stone' above the purified source marrow.

It cannot be used because the conditions are too harsh.

But in their opinion, this epic prop is enough for now.

Level four will be suppressed by a lower level.

Those below level 4 will directly drop to a higher level.

Similar to the suppressive power of the sacred tree, but more convenient and portable, it can only be said to be an epic prop.

Where are they? Luo Xi asked again.

Let it out. Elster shouted to the back.

Four people, two men and two women, were escorted out by a pair of soldiers.

It was Luo Xi's two roommates and Ai Xue's cousin Ai Xinyue, UU Readingwww.uukanshu.net and his mother Wang Xiao.

Little mule...

Wang Yuanjie stared blankly at Luo Xi in front of him, whose body was covered in black scales. His lips opened and closed slightly, but he couldn't ask any questions.

He felt that his worldview was about to explode.

Chen Yao also said nothing, his eyes were also shocked and... worried.

Ai Xinyue only had a strong feeling of fear.

Only Wang Xiao cried and shouted after seeing Luo Xi.

Elster smiled and said: They are here. Are you satisfied?

Luo Xi nodded.

Snapped! —


As the world turned dark, Luo Xi came to the four of them, kicked away the soldiers who were holding them, then took out the fourth-level defense scroll given by Liya from his bag, tore one open, and the remaining They were all thrown into Wang Yuanjie's arms.

Two seconds pass.

Three seconds pass.

Time resumes its flow.

That group of soldiers was blasted dozens of meters away by an unknown force!

Everyone looked at the four people who were protected by a barrier of light with confused expressions.

What's happening here?

Behind Elster, the earthy golden eye of Miyahara Reizo's left eye suddenly shrank.

Even though he was staring at Luo Xi all the time, he still didn't see Luo Xi's movements!

Except for that finger snap.

Didn't it mean that skills such as movement are blocked?

How did it get over? !

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