Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 294: Mother Dragon’s love and tears, cradle upgrade, traveler’s anger (6k)

Luo Xi nodded solemnly.

Needless to say, he had already made up his mind.

Unless one day he wants to deliberately lure Gou Wen out and see her proud ice cream that she always uses as a bargaining chip, there is no way Luo Xi will give up this world.

[Note: We will not be fooled by such low-level people! (〃> dishes<)! And we have no confidence! 】

Yep, mind-reading texts are really troublesome.

Luo Xi put aside the distracting thoughts in her heart.

Although he was determined, Luo Xi still felt a little ashamed after knowing that the Black Dragon had such great expectations for him.

Or is this what the Black Dragon expects from all travelers from other worlds?

After all, Black Dragon refers to them as 'travelers from other worlds'.

In fact, Luo Xi is a little puzzled. Beings like them have already stood at the pinnacle of this world. No matter how many players face them, it's just a matter of one claw. If they can't fight against something, can the players do it? ?

What does the arrival of travelers from other worlds mean to this world?

The beautiful woman transformed by the Black Dragon sat down again. She gently stroked the black hair hanging on her arms. Those pure golden eyes stared at Luo Xi and said calmly:

The second thing I want to know is, is the person behind you the will of your world?

Luo Xi shook his head and said, I don't know. She didn't tell me, so she can only say it's possible.

After all, Gouwen has the authority to update Dawn.

The previous Tree of Void Darkness DLC event also showed to a certain extent that she has control over the real world.

[Note: We are really not, we are very free! ~]

Black Dragon nodded and said: My question is over. If you want to ask me anything, ask me, but I can only ask two questions. I don't have much time.

Luo Xi thought for a while and asked: Can I ask, what are the threats facing this world...

She is an alien god.

Black Dragon slowly shook his head and said: Don't talk about his appearance, describe his story, and don't call him by name, otherwise there will be a risk of her noticing you.

Well...I understand. Luo Xi nodded in anticipation.

[Note: What’s wrong with this? If I could tell you, Traveler, I would have told you earlier. When it comes to the realm of outer gods, no matter how careful you are, you might as well ask Sister Black Dragon if she can change it. Image, turn into a cute loli? ~]

What a bad idea! I don’t want to die yet!

Wei'er was confused when she heard this, not knowing what the two of them were talking about.

It always feels like something very high-end.

Floresia looked thoughtful at the side.

The destruction of the three eternal world trees [Sky], [Tide] and [Childish Water] that originally controlled the ocean seemed to have happened shortly after she transformed from a human into a dragon species.

After she spent thousands of years climbing slowly, she was promoted from a little dragon to a king, and after receiving the name of Black Abyss Flame Dragon, she has been guarding the sea on the southern coast of the Emerald Forest in accordance with the instructions of the adults. , counting carefully, she probably guarded it for more than five thousand years.

Over the past five thousand years, she had witnessed the ocean become more and more weird. At the same time, she was disgusted to death by those ghosts in the sea. No matter how hard she burned them, she could not burn them all, so she could only keep pushing them back.

Could those ghost things also be related to the alien gods you just mentioned?

There are also those strange fallen sacred trees that appeared a few days ago...that same aura.

Floresia suddenly became nervous.

In the past, she thought that her strength was not bad. No matter what, it shouldn't be a problem to protect the child. At worst, she would take it to her to protect her in the future.

But if the so-called alien god really comes to this world, what can she do if Bahamut and Alexlita can't solve it?

Black Dragon comforted him: You don't have to be too panicked. Her true form cannot come here yet, otherwise there would be no need to plan for so long. There is one thing that tells you that it should be fine. That is the word truth. Her referring title in this world is a tool she uses to bewitch humans, elves and other creatures, making people willing to become his minions.

Truth Church?!

Truth Church?

Luo Xi and Wei'er shouted at the same time.

The two are very sensitive to the Church of Truth.

Winter City was almost becoming the home base of the Church of Truth. If Hiss of the Church of Disaster had not been even more insidious, the Church of Truth would have been the organization that caused Luo Xi the most trouble.

Rat King North seems to be from the Church of Truth, although his relationship with Hill's adoptive father doesn't seem to be very good.

What foreign god is the Church of Truth related to?

Wei'er's heart was agitated when she heard the important part. She wanted to get off Luo Xi's lap, but her center of gravity shifted and she almost fell down.

She was tired enough.

Although the authority of the Belgry Sacred Tree can be transferred to others, she is not a real lord, and it is not that convenient to use. She is still holding on without falling asleep, and she relies on her willpower to hold on.

So, seeing Wei'er about to fall to the ground, Luo Xi hugged her and put her back in her arms.


Wei'er wailed shyly.

Luo Xi's body was quite hot. She sat on Luo Xi's lap as if she were sitting on a warm stone that had just been heated. Within two minutes, she felt her body getting hot.

And this time, the girl's small buttocks touched the young man's thigh even closer. This wonderful feeling made the innocent and arrogant cat-eared girl's mind instantly become confused.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I doing?

【Ding! Wei'er's shyness towards you is +55]

Then, Weier felt her tail being pinched by a generous hand. She wanted to pull her tail back immediately, but Luo Xi's gentle voice slowly sounded.

Are you tired? How about I take you back to bed first?

I'm not tired, put me down...

Wei'er wanted Luo Xi to just put her aside, but after seeing the dragon lady watching eagerly, Maomao realized that if she left this position, Luo Xi might be pressed down in the next second. Her unreasonable white inside.

In that case, he could only stare from the sidelines.

The girl bit her lip, her rosy complexion spread to her ears, and she said in a weak voice: It's okay, I'm not tired, you can continue talking.


Luo Xi picked up the tail behind Weier, put the tail on her face and rubbed it. The soft and fluffy hair was like the hair on the hood of a down jacket, which was very comfortable.

【Ding! Your happiness value +66】

Sure enough, the beast-eared girl is the source of happiness!

Floresia glanced at it, feeling a little unhappy.

Mingming had known for a long time that both sisters had thoughts about her child, and as a mother, she should not get emotional because of this. This was an important memory for Luo Xi in the future, but she was still a little unhappy.

But is this kind of thinking a normal mother should have?

Huh, she is just a mother, helping her children to check things.

Weren’t all humans like this in the past?

Floresia quickly convinced herself.

But the way she looked at Maomao was still cold.

Weier shuddered slightly.

It's strange, Luo Xi's body is so hot, how can she be cold?

As for Luo Xi, he put his tail in front of his eyes, looked at the black dragon sister in front of him through Weier's snow-white tail hair, and asked his second question.

Is it possible for those of us with alienation syndrome to take the path of sublimation?

Luo Xi has long wanted to find the answer to this question.

He once asked Gou Wenwen, but Gou Wenwen didn't tell him and said that no matter what he became, he would be fine.

Dare you ask someone if they want to?

After Luo Xi asked the question, Mother Long and Maomao were shocked at the same time.

Weier was a little moved.

She knew that Luo Xi was not only asking for himself.

Also for her...and Aina.

Floresia's red gold eyes widened.

After a moment, Mother Long rushed forward, hugged Luo Xi's waist, and cried like a young girl without concealing her emotions: Little Luo Xi, are you going to abandon your mother? Did your mother do something wrong? Mom can't Without you!

Luo Xi: ...

Just change the word 'mother' and he becomes a scumbag who always gives up.

He once again realized how much Floresia valued having an 'heir' with the same bloodline as hers.

Sister Black Dragon frowned displeased.

She snorted coldly.

Hmph, how handsome are you? Get up!

For a moment, Floresia trembled, and then sat up peacefully, with tears still lingering in the corners of her eyes.

Luo Xi stared blankly at her clothes, which were soaked by Mother Long's tears.

[Clothes moistened by the tears of the Black Abyss Flame Dragon (can be extracted)]

[Quality: Purple (Epic-)]

[Category: special materials]

[Attributes: After eating a certain amount, the strength attribute and recovery ability can be increased by 10% in a short period of time, and injuries can be treated. However, if used by ordinary people, there is a possibility that they will become patients with alienation syndrome]

[Description: Loli Dragon Mother is full of treasures, blood, saliva, tears, and... crumbs. Traveler, are you sure you don't want to get more? 】

Almost done!

Although Floresia was indeed very kind to him, Luo Xi didn't want to take advantage of this kindness and turn the other person into a tool dragon.

What's the difference between that and a scumbag?

Lord Bahamut...

The Dragon Horn girl opened her eyes in aggrieved manner and looked at the black dragon sister in front of her.

Black Dragon said helplessly: Everyone has his own ambitions. You can't ask him to follow your path. You should also know that Luo Xi is not from our world, and his future will never stop with your blood factor. In the end, he will definitely go further, and by that time, those blood factors that belong to you will continue to weaken.

Xiao Fu, your definition of heir is too narrow. Think about it again. Why did you find him?


Floresia didn't hear the second half of Black Dragon's words clearly, and still responded aggrievedly.

She just wants to live a beautiful and interesting world with Xiao Luoxi from now on.

What's wrong with her?

It's so boring to watch the sea alone.

It doesn't matter to her whether that time is ten years or a hundred years. Anyway, she has lived for eight thousand years and has no shortage of this time.

However, if Luo Xi turns to the path of sublimation and is unable to complete the transformation into a dragon species, or even removes her blood factors from her body, will he still be her child?

Floresia put her feet on the sofa, her bare calves and tender feet stepping on the edge of the sofa. She hugged her knees and said nothing, falling into silence.

Mother Long’s autism online (jpg).

Black Dragon was too lazy to enlighten his stupid subordinate.

She'll figure it out sooner or later anyway.

Luo Xi thought for a moment, put her hand on Long Niang's head, and touched it gently a few times.

In the past, it was him who was touched by Mother Long, but this time it was finally him who touched her the other way around.

I will not abandon you, mother Lecia. He said softly.

I have been helped so many times.

Floresia raised her head, wiped her pretty face, and said, Mom, I believe you!

Okay, just listen first, I don't have time.

The black dragon looked at Luo Xi and said with some emotion: The so-called alienation patients were called blood recipients in ancient times. Many people took the initiative to seek those powerful source beasts to infect them with blood factors. After all, they sublimated Although the path is stable, it requires too many materials and is restricted by the source World Tree, but the blood recipient is different. What is tested is only your compatibility with the blood factor.

I didn't expect that time has changed, and the blood recipients in the past have become alienated patients who are now despised by their own kind.

The people at that time were really strong-willed. Even if the fit was not high, they were still able to control the power of blood factors to a very high level with their human bodies. There were also very many who retained their humanity after transformation. Like now, people who are eroded by blood factors will most likely lose their will in the later stages.

It is logically impossible for you to take the path of sublimation. The path to sublimation is given by the Eternal World Tree from the source, and it conflicts with the blood factors of origin beasts like us. However, there are always people with extraordinary talents. In the existence of human beings, I have seen a bird species that simultaneously controls the blood power of the Blue Sky Blue Bird and the sublimation path of the Blue World Tree. When the attributes of sublimation and alienation are very similar, then it is possible to do so at the same time. Mastery, and the ability to switch.”

Luo Xi listened carefully and digested what Heilong said.

In other words, if he wants to take the path of sublimation, he must find a way with the attribute of 'Fire' mixed with the attribute of 'Dark'?

Do cats have to find a way to sublimate the power similar to that of the 'Ye Shadow Cat'?

It's so difficult... It's easy to find if you have a target, but if you don't have a target, you're looking like a headless fly. The dream world is so big, who can find it?

If you really want to take the path of sublimation.

Black Dragon hesitated for a moment and said: I can help find a lazy person to come over and ask her to bless you. Her ability may be able to guide you to where you need the items you need.

Luo Xi: !

He immediately nodded and said, Thank you very much.

He is worthy of being the Black Dragon Boss who competes with the Eternal World Tree.

When I asked Gou Wenwen what he couldn't figure out for a long time, Sister Heilong immediately gave him a solution.

[Note: We gave you such nice things, Traveler, and you ignored them? We are going to be angry! (〃> dishes<)! 】

In a space full of stars that looks like the universe.

The petite figure shrouded in pure white light angrily kicked the shadow that appeared in front of her.

This shadow is none other than Luo Xi.

I've given you two Source Codes, you shameless fish crumbs traveler, huh!

If we didn't know enough about the dream world, we wouldn't be so passive!

Ice cream, if you really want to eat ice cream, next time I will harden it and stuff it in your mouth!

After Black Dragon finished speaking, he closed his eyes.

Luo Xi took the opportunity to observe this beautiful Black Dragon Lady again.

【Ding! Your acerbity value -10]

【Ding! Your acerbity value -5]

Even though the snow-white translucent gauze looked astringent, Luo Xi seemed to have entered sage mode, and the more she looked at it, the more peaceful she became.

Suddenly, a dark crack appeared in the woman's hand, shattering the wine bottle in her hand. The crack spread instantly and cut off a strand of Luo Xi's hair.

【Ding! Your fear value +15]

Before Luo Xi could admit his mistake, Heilong suddenly opened his eyes and threw the broken wine bottle on the ground helplessly.

Can't wait to drive me away?

Although she has taken human form, her power still exceeds the upper limit of what this continent can bear, especially the power of destruction and devouring she possesses. If it spills over even slightly, it will cause irreparable damage to this area.

The power Luo Xi possessed before was only a very small part, a drop in the bucket, otherwise the whole town would have been wiped out after the explosion.

Fortunately, she had already contacted the guy.

Although it is impossible for that lazy dog ​​to come over, it is still possible to ask her to deliver the things directly.

A huge emerald green circle appeared in the center of the tea room.

Luo Xi saw a forest full of boundless greenery in the circle, and a huge green dragon sleeping peacefully in a distant place.

Floresia raised her head, and the red-gold vertical boy looked a little shocked.

In the past, except for Lord Bahamut, she rarely met other Dragon Emperors. In just a few days, she met three legendary adults together.

The black dragon glanced indifferently, and then said: Yin Sera, don't sleep. You have been sleeping for thousands of years, right? Both Bai and Chi are a little displeased with you.

Bahamut, you are so annoying. Why are you disturbing me when you have nothing to do? Besides, I didn't sleep in vain. Without me, Gray Dream would have been gone long ago.

A soft and cute voice sounded in the tea room.

Luo Xi's expression suddenly became strange.

Listening to this cute voice, this green dragon will not be a lolita after becoming a human, right?

[Note: Hehe ~ Loli Dragon]

The black dragon said: Yin Sera, give them your blessing.

My blessing? Them? What? No, why are there still humans around you?

The huge green dragon suddenly opened its eyes and moved its head to look at Luo Xi and the others. The golden vertical boy with a hint of green was full of majesty.

Humans, what do you want to do with me?

This time the Green Dragon's voice sounded dull, like a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties.

Luo Xi: ...

Boss, stop pretending, you have exposed your secret before!

Black Dragon frowned and said: I don't have much time, hurry up, it's just a few blessings, it's not a big deal to you.

That soft and lovely voice sounded again: No, Hei, at least give me some face!

Do you still have such a thing? Among our legends, you are the most dishonest. You can be a thief and still be discovered by humans...

Stop, stop, stop! Who are they to you that you can ask me to come to them in person to bless them?

Maybe...the one who breaks the situation.

No wonder, okay, is it just you? I'm going to release the blessing.

Just a moment.

Luo Xi snapped her fingers and pulled Aina over who was sleeping in the bedroom.

He couldn't treat one person favorably or the other. He didn't want Aina to instantly turn into a coward after seeing that Weier had something she didn't have.


A green light suddenly shot out from the circle and enveloped the heads of everyone in the tea room.

【Ding! You have received the blessing of the Green Dragon - Yin Sera (Legendary)]

[Warm reminder: Unless the person who gives the blessing withdraws the blessing, the blessing will be effective forever]

[Yinsera's Blessing (Legendary)]

[Effect: When you have something you want to do, you will think about it every day and dream about it at night. There is a certain probability that you will find the direction you should go in your dream]

Luo Xi rubbed his eyebrows.

Seems like there's no difference?

Get it! Why are you down there? Are you trying to fish? Believe it or not, I'll report it...

Black Dragon directly turned off the green ring in the tea room.

Her eyes flashed across the faces of Luo Xi and Floresia, and she said calmly: I'm leaving too. If you want to call me again this time, there's nothing I can do. Just be careful.

And Xiao Fu, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Don't forget to go back after tomorrow. The aura left by Alexilita will be consumed in three days, and you will still be needed to guard her there.


Floresia nodded silently.

She knows her mission.

Although she was reluctant to part with Luo Xi during these few days of vacation, she would eventually go back.

I just hope that Xiao Luo Xi can come and see her more in the future.

Wait, can Luo Xi’s hollow flowers be planted on her side?

The black dragon walked slowly towards the window.

Luo Xi suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten to ask her for a new scale.

But this time he had gained a lot.

The leaves and branches of Noah, the eternal world tree, and the blessing of Yin Sera...

Does he seem too greedy if he asks for scales from the black dragon again?

Bahamut's figure turned into countless streams of black particles, rushing towards the window. Luo Xi handed Aina to Weier, ran towards the window, and then saw a black dragon rushing straight into the sky. .

Also, a piece of something fell lightly. Luo Xi stretched out his hand, held it, and took it in carefully.

[Bahamut’s Scales]

[Quality: Golden (Legendary)]

[Category: special materials]

[Attributes: The best forging materials, if handed over to master-level craftsmen or above, they will definitely be able to create epic+ or above equipment]

[Description: The Black Dragon Bahamut has slightly recognized you. This scale no longer contains the power of authority and is a pure forging material]

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