Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 284: Don’t touch mom’s tail, she’s very, very sensitive

The town of Berggry.

When the golden light that protected the town approached the fiery object in the night sky, the Belgrim Canon appeared and actively opened a hole to welcome the return of the owner and guests.

The red dragon streaked across the ground.


After Altai and Chu Tian were thrown to the ground, they grabbed their throats and retched.

Being caught by the hot dragon claws, the shaking feeling of being about to fall, and the acceleration caused by high-speed movement are very uncomfortable.

Weier also felt her stomach rumbling a little. She held her stomach and said to Aina: Fortunately, she let us sit on her back, otherwise we would probably have vomited to death.

Sister, don't be fooled by her kindness!

Aina said: She let us sit here just for the sake of brother Luo Xi.

Is there anything I can do?

Wei'er touched the bald tail behind Aina and said with a helpless smile: If you have the ability, Aina, can you talk to her in the same manner as you did to that little rabbit?

My sister is a bad guy.

Aina muttered, Aina doesn't want to be burned into an ugly hairless monster.

It's ugly enough now.

I don’t know how long it will take for it to return to the fluffy and soft state that my brother can suck on.

The little wolf girl looked around: Where are my brother and her?

Weier pointed forward: Over there.

In the splendid red flames, the dragon lady, dressed in a white dress and as holy as a saint, walked out with light steps.

Luo Xi was placed on the ground beside her.


Maomao snorted disdainfully.

I change my clothes every time I turn into human form, just to seduce children, right?

Luo Xi stood up holding on to the ground.

He was also a little curious about why Mother Long only wore black and white dresses?

Luo Xi has never seen clothes of other colors before, but it is a feast for the eyes.

Black is elegant and noble, white is holy and pure.

The former is like the eldest lady of a noble family, and the latter is like a saint of the church.

Both outfits can perfectly bring out the extremely proud figure of the Dragon Horn girl.

If it weren't for her petite body and childish face, she would be a proper dragon lady.

[Note: Isn’t that just to cater to your preferences as a traveler? You are becoming more and more like a filial son. Keep up the good work~]

【Ding! You triggered the free mission: Dragon Knight’s in-depth strategy]

[Mission brief description: As a qualified dragon knight, just riding a dragon is not enough. The current love value of the Black Abyss Flame Dragon Floresia for you is 155 (very cherished). Continue to sublimate this feeling. , become a real dragon knight! 】

[Reward: You have already ridden the dragon, what else do you want? 】

[Description: Don’t ask us how to ride a dragon. As a master of animal-eared lolita strategy, and as someone who has overthrown legal lolita, don’t you know this best? Warm reminder, if you make such a stringent request, Mother Long may not refuse you, but will accept it half-heartedly~]

This free task was compiled on the spot by you, Gouwen!

Who would do something like deceiving a little girl's feelings?

[Note: Is there an 8,000-year-old girl in the world? 】

Luo Xi: ...

That seems to make sense.

【Ding! Wei'er's anger towards you is +15]

Wei'er saw Luo Xi looking at Long Niang in a daze. She puffed up her face in anger and walked over to kick him.

Pervert, stop looking. It's so beautiful there? Do you want me to show it to you?

Luo Xi turned around blankly and glanced at Maomao's unremarkable place.

Sorry for A... No, he had touched the cat before, and it might be considered an A+. Unfortunately, she stopped growing too early. Otherwise, with the excellent genes of my mother-in-law, if she were given another In one year, a cat may grow several levels. After all, girls develop very quickly.

Wei'er noticed Luo Xi's gaze and subconsciously hugged her chest, (〃>﹏\u003c〃) said: Perverted Luo Xi, you must be thinking about something strange!

Aina walked up and said with a smile: Brother Luo Xi must be thinking that sister Wei'er is too young, but don't worry, sister, when Aina grows up, I can share half of it with you!

The little wolf girl leaned against her sister, picked up her hand, and deliberately patted her own rudimentary part.

Maomao trembled.

Aina's soft feeling is no worse than hers...

Since the food got better and the first blood, which symbolizes a girl's growth, has passed, Aina's growth rate can be seen with the naked eye almost every day. Weier is also happy that her sister has finally grown up, and then looks at her body that has not changed at all. Get angry.

There won't be a scene in the future where Aina stands and presses her head, right?

When Maomao thought about that possibility, she felt like she wanted to die.

As an older sister, she is younger than her younger sister...

Don’t do that kind of thing!

Maomao lowered his head in despair.

Aina tilted her head, quietly pulled Luo Xi's hand, and her dark brown eyes blinked.

—'Brother Luo Xi, my sister is very sad. Come and comfort her. ’

Luo Xi: ...

Before he said anything, the little wolf girl stabbed Maomao in the heart.

Luo Xi reached out and rubbed Maomao's ears.

Wei'er raised her hand to shake off Luo Xi's dirty hands.

I don’t want to be touched by such a playboy like you!

Go and touch Aina and cheap busty mom who won’t resist you!


Then, she heard the young man say gently: It's okay, it's so small, it's actually very cute.

[Note: Reject juvenile aesthetics and start as a traveler! 】

【Ding! Your morals-3]

【Ding! Wei'er's shame towards you is +33]

Aina, let's go, don't talk to the pervert, you will become a pervert too.

Weier snorted lightly, pulled Aina up and wanted to leave.

But Luo Xi could already see Maomao's red snowy neck.

The arrogant cat-eared girl is still acting normally today.

Aina moved her wolf ears towards Luo Xi, and the tea-gold-eyed boy blinked slightly.

—‘Sister Wei’er is so interesting. ’

Indeed. Luo Xi nodded.

But Aina, as a younger sister, is it really okay for you to persecute your older sister like this?

She is an example of a 'good sister'.

Chu Tian finally finished vomiting. He looked at the 'harmonious' scene here, walked over and asked softly: Brother Luo, let me ask you, how come your harem is so harmonious? Counting the one in our world, you There are four lolita, right?

The corners of Luo Xi's mouth twitched.

There's nothing to say, he said.


Where did you see it?

Just one wolf-eared girl with yandere tendencies is enough to give Luo Xi a headache.

If it weren't for Floresia's absolute strength and Ai Xue being from the real world, Aina's kitchen knife would have been more or less chopped off on their heads and her own.

Of course, even if he was hit by a hatchet, Luo Xi would not let go.

Not talking about Mother Long, Ai Xue has done everything. He can't wipe out others and run away, right?

The same goes for Weier and Aina. Luo Xi can't leave them now. He can't imagine what it would be like one day if they fell into the arms of another man.

Luo Xi is now ready to go all the way to the dark side anyway.

Since you can’t let go, then you want them all.

A hatchet is a hatchet.

Die and die!

[Note: Is this the lolicon harem declaration of the Miscellaneous Fish Chip Traveler? 】

If Dog Wen is capable, come in too!

[Note: Yada! We will not join your loli harem! And we’re not a lolita either, you won’t like it (〃> Dis<)! 】

Luo Xi raised his eyebrows.

This guy doesn't have three hundred taels of silver here, right?

Where are the alchemy and craftsman workshops here? I want to start trying now. Please find me a quiet place. I promise to do my best to help you restore the Spark!

After Altai lay there and finished vomiting, he came over with a cane, his pale face full of excitement.

Rune powered armor is a perfect combination of blacksmithing, alchemy, and rune magic.

Craftsmen who are good at forging are basically also good at alchemy. The two skills have a lot in common, and rune power armor, an equipment that breaks the conventional thinking, has opened up a new way of thinking for Altai.

As a patient with alienation syndrome, he cannot draw runes at will like a magician, but it does not necessarily require magician runes. Simple inscriptions may also have similar effects.

Altai had a hunch that if he studied it thoroughly, no, as long as he could understand part of it, he might be able to improve his forging skills to the master level despite the loss of soul perception.

Any master-level craftsman, even one with alienation syndrome, will be treated with the utmost courtesy.

Because the Grandmaster level symbolizes epics, in the various epic chapters spread across the Pan-Continent, the equipment left by past Grandmasters occupies a large space.

The higher-up Grand Masters are no longer the realm of mortals, they are the realm of legends.

Luo Xi was infected by the old man's enthusiasm. He smiled and said:

I'll take you there... eh? Are there guests?

Belgrimadori told him that two people had arrived outside the town.

The strength of the two people reported by the sacred tree was not very strong, one was at level three and the other was at level two.

At such a late hour, there are still extraordinary beings groping their way to this remote town at night, and they don’t know what they are worried about.

At this moment, the two people were communicating with the guards outside the town gate, asking if they could enter.

The two armored guards looked carefully.

The town of Bergere did not exclude patients with alienation syndrome, but after learning that the old man in front of them was a third-level alien, they felt that they should report it and tell Lord Ulysses.

Behind the old man, the young man with a resolute face took a step forward and said: Although my teacher is a patient with alienation syndrome, he is a famous master craftsman. He was once the chief craftsman of Beifeng City. We heard that the lord here is not the master. Those who reject alien species and come here to seek refuge.”

Master Craftsman?

Luo Xi was stunned.

The town of Bergere is currently in short supply of such high-end talents. Since someone has come to join him, he will naturally accept them.


Luo Xi snapped his fingers.

With the invincible Mother Dragon here, Luo Xi dared to let it in no matter what kind of monster it was.

Under the golden circle, the two people who were talking to the guards were moved in by Luo Xi and landed in front of Luo Xi.

One is a young man in his twenties with a weathered face, and the other is an old man in his sixties or seventies with fine snake scales on his hands.

Floresia glanced casually.

Two weaklings.

Both of them were still a little confused.

Why did you suddenly change positions?

However, the old man immediately realized that he had been moved to the town.

The lord of this town is among these people!

He immediately showed a respectful expression, glanced at the people here, and then lowered his head and said: I don't know who is the lord here. My apprentice and I thank you for your acceptance.

The image he saw emerged from his mind.

Three young girls suffering from alienation syndrome.

Two young men, one of whom is also a heterogeneous species.

There is also an old man who is about the same age as him.


The old man suddenly raised his head and looked at Altai, and said with a trembling voice:

Are you, Altay Romsim?

Altai frowned and said, Do you know me?

The old man opened his eyes wide and said dissatisfiedly: We haven't seen each other for more than forty years. Senior brother, have you lost touch with me? I am Fedriman!

Federiman? Are you Federiman?

Altai's face froze, and his memory flashed back to the follower who was always following him when he was learning craftsman blacksmithing skills at Bertrand's City of David fifty years ago.

Is that young and apathetic kid now as old as himself?

Federiman laughed and said: Yes! Who else can call your name at first sight except me?

Altai did not feel the joy of seeing his old friend.

He whispered: You are here, where is Teacher Jeff?


Federliman's smile disappeared, and he said bitterly: Three years ago, after I became a mutant, I was kicked out by Belland. However, the teacher was still good at that time. It was me who failed to live up to his expectations.

Altai looked at the scales on Fedriman's hands and murmured: Why are you also infected...

Federliman waved his hand and said: It's bad luck. When I was looking for materials, I was attacked by a lord-level snake-like source beast. Its factor eroded me, and the sublimation source element in my body was forcibly converted into It’s pretty good that the alienation source element can still remain stable and alive.”

The lifespan of an alienated extraordinary person will not increase as the alienation deepens, but will only gradually decrease. Unless he completely becomes a source beast, aging is inevitable.

Altai remained silent.

He took a few steps.

Afterwards, the two old men hugged each other tightly and cried like young children.

Luo Xi was also a little moved.

Although he wanted to say that this Pancontinent is so big, so he can meet acquaintances?


On the other side, Wen Huan glanced at Luo Xi without paying much attention.

During this period, all his energy was focused on his terminally ill girlfriend. Although he participated in the last Tree of Darkness DLC event, he did not survive to the end, and his three lives were consumed at the beginning.

He didn't go to those forums afterward, so he didn't know much about Luo Xi's situation. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

After all, no matter how strong the Black Death God is, what does it have to do with him?

Can she save her girlfriend from terminal illness?

However, there is another petite red-haired girl with dragon horns. Her appearance is very similar to the one she met on the dream trading platform last time.

In other words, they are carved from the same mold!

The breasts that looked a little sad in the dream trading platform have become very spectacular now.

Did you take any breast enhancement pills?

Um, are you the one I traded with last time...

Wen Huan took a few steps forward and came to Floresia. He wanted to thank again the benefactor who gave his girlfriend hope.


The dragon's tail behind Floresia swayed, and the red gold vertical boy shone slightly, and the red hair behind her burned up, causing the oppressive energy fluctuations in the air to disperse.

In an instant, Wen Huan was crushed to the ground.

When Luo Xi saw that something was going to happen, she immediately went up to hug the dragon lady and held the root of her tail tightly with one hand.

The warm and soft body of the Longjiao girl suddenly became hot after he held her in his arms.

Mother Lecia, don't do anything yet...

Luo Xi stopped mid-sentence. He looked at Mother Long's warm face in his arms with a confused look on his face.

Mother Long's delicate and pretty face gave him the feeling of a shy girl for the first time.

Little Luoxi, can you please stop putting your hands on mom's tail? It's very sensitive there...


There is another chapter of about 5,000 words, which will be published at one or two o'clock

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