Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 282: The lolita traveler is recognized by her sister, and Starfire’s journey to recovery (5k

The initial seed of the Hollow Flower?

At the dining table, Luo Xi, who was picking up vegetables, was slightly startled.

【Do you want to take it out? 】


A white seed the size of a marble appeared in Luo Xi's hand.

[Are they separated? 】


[Warm reminder: The space rules of the two worlds are different. Currently, hollow flowers can only be planted in the dream world. If they are planted in the world where you are, the traveler, there will be no effect.]

Seeing Luo Xi stunned, Ai Xue's mother immediately gave him a piece of braised pork and said with a gentle smile: Xiao Luo, eat more at night. These are Auntie's specialty dishes. Xiaoxue has been eating them since she was a child. The taste is great. Absolutely top notch.”

Ai Xue opened her mouth and said coquettishly: Mom, if you don't pinch me, you are so partial.

Li Muxi couldn't help but laugh: Don't you have your own hands? And I see you are smiling very happily. By the way, don't you tell me how you met? Your father and I both want to know.

Hehe~ It's a long story. It's not too late to tell it again later.

Hey, you're still hiding it, you little naughty boy.



Luo Xi put the initial seed in his pocket and said with a smile: Auntie's craftsmanship is indeed very good. She is as good as a chef in a five-star hotel.

Li Muxi smiled from ear to ear: Xiao Luo, your mouth is so sweet. Is that how you coaxed Xiaoxue into your hand?

Luo Xi smiled awkwardly.

Ding Dong—

Ai Chen raised his head and said, Xiaoxue, go open the door. It should be Xinyue who is here.

Ah? Why are Sister Xinyue here? Isn't she studying abroad?

Ai Xue immediately got up and ran to the door to open it.

Outside the door was a tall woman, wearing a fashionable navel-baring top and short skirt, and her appearance was quite outstanding.

Ai Xue said in surprise: Sister Xinyue!

Ai Xinyue is Ai Xue's cousin. The two have had a very good relationship since childhood. However, when Ai Xue went to college, Ai Xinyue went to study abroad. Normally, it would be difficult for the two of them to meet each other, so they passed Messages and phone calls occasionally.

Xiaoxue, long time no see.

Ai Xinyue walked in with a basket of things. She looked at Ai Xue and raised her eyebrows: I arrived at Haicheng Airport at noon. I originally wanted to give you a surprise, but I looked at your mother's circle of friends and said You found a boyfriend, so my sister came over immediately, please show me your boyfriend.

Ai Xue pointed to the room and said with a smile: Look around, the senior is still eating inside.

Ai Xinyue put down her things and walked in. She immediately saw Luo Xi and Ai Xue's parents sitting in the restaurant.

Aunt, uncle, I'm coming!

Ai Chen nodded and said gently: Come over for dinner.

Hey, Xinyue, it's a coincidence that you came here.

Li Muxi smiled at Luo Xi and said, She is Xiaoxue's cousin, Ai Xinyue, and she has the best relationship with Xiaoxue.

Luo Xi nodded slightly to the woman and chuckled: Hello, cousin Xinyue, I am Luo Xi, Xiaoxue's boyfriend.

Luo Xi...

Ai Xinyue looked at Luo Xi and frowned.

Why did this person's face look familiar to her?

Where did she seem to have seen it?

Ai Xue pushed her from behind: Sister Xinyue, what are you doing standing here? Let's eat first.


Ai Xinyue sat on the stool and sat with Ai Xue.

She took out her phone and opened one of her line groups.

Foreign information control over Dawn and Dream World is not as strict as in Xia Kingdom.

After all, there are many players hidden in the crowd who have not been discovered, and they pass on knowledge about Dawn among ordinary people.

So some things still spread to ordinary people.

Ai Xinyue was dragged into such a group after an academic seminar.

The people there were discussing various equipment, ways of sublimation, extraordinary strength, and the current ranking of the strongest people in the world.

She always thought it was just a simple game group, so she would only visit it occasionally to see the people in it having their chuunibyou, to bring some fun to the boring life.

The last time I watched this group was three days ago.

As soon as Ai Xinyue entered, she saw a message pinned to the top.

[Black Death, Luo Xi’s latest information]

[Luo Xi: Xia Guoren\\/24 years old\\/male]

[Known information has been revealed that he lives in Xia Kingdom's Haicheng. He is a dragon-type alienation extraordinary person with an unknown rank. He has epic-level super-advanced equipment and gold-level legendary talents]

[Known information 2: I once fought against two entities on the black danger level list, namely [Magic Demon Master] and [Purple Flame Camel Lion], and defeated them with a crushing force. It was extremely terrifying. Strength】

[It is known that in the world of Three Dreams, there is a red dragon source beast that is suspected to be a king's level as a mount. The red dragon can also transform into a human form, and it looks like a cute little red-haired lolita with big breasts (envy!)]

[Known information four has a very deep relationship with Ai Xue, a school girl from college. It is suspected that the school girl’s body will become smaller in a certain period of time due to the influence of her talent or ability]

[Danger level: Black 01 (now the most powerful dream traveler in the world. It is not recommended for any hunter to hunt. The probability of being killed is as high as 99.9%. Or you can try to lure him with a lolita killer color\\/lure method) Taking the bait?)]

Ai Xinyue: ???

She clicked on the profile picture of the message.

Then he looked at Luo Xi beside him.

Exactly the same!

This is Luo Xi wearing a hat. In the photo, Luo Xi also has a pair of strange dragon horns on his head.

What's underneath this hat?

【Ding! Ai Xinyue’s shock value to you is +66]

Luo Xi: ?

What's going on with Ai Xue's cousin?

Are you shocked?

Ai Xue shouted in confusion: Sister Xinyue?

Ai Xinyue forced a smile and said, Xiaoxue, your boyfriend is so handsome.

Ai Xue narrowed her eyes happily: That's right, seniors can make a living just by looking good.

If the senior hadn't been a vicious lolicon, he probably would have lost his virginity in high school before he met her at a volunteer activity during her freshman year.


Thinking about it this way, it’s really great that the senior is a lolicon!

After the meal, Ai Xinyue chatted with a few people at the dining table for a while, looking at her mobile phone from time to time. Finally, she ran into Ai Xue's room on the pretext of finding a socket to charge her mobile phone.

Luo Xi asked softly: What's going on with your cousin?

Ai Xue shook her head and said: I don't know, Sister Xinyue wasn't like this before. I feel like something is wrong with her today...

Luo Xi was thoughtful.

In a pink bedroom.

Ai Xinyue looked carefully at the documents in the group.

Dawn, Extraordinary, Two Closed Betas, The Tree of Darkness...

There are also photos of Ai Xue after she became smaller in the group.

That young look looked like her ten years ago, when the two were still sisters who talked about everything. Ai Xinyue could tell at a glance that it was Ai Xue.

What's going on with this world?

Ai Xinyue was a little confused.

She felt like her worldview was crumbling.


The door was pushed open.

Luo Xi and Ai Xue walked in and closed the door.

Ai Xinyue glanced at Ai Xue, bit her lip and said, Xiaoxue, get away from this person quickly, he is very dangerous.

Ai Xue shook her head and said quietly: Sister Xinyue, I can't go back.

Ai Xinyue: !

Luo Xi asked curiously: Do you already know everything?

Ai Xinyue immediately asked nervously: Know? What do you know? What are you talking about?

Luo Xi said calmly: I think you are also a player of Dawn, right?

Nothing could explain the strange emotion she felt when she saw herself.

I don't know about Dawn.

Ai Xinyue's heart was beating loudly. She hugged a doll on Ai Xue's bed and said with panic in her eyes: Xiaoxue, my sister said the wrong thing just now. My sister is going back first. My dad told me to go home quickly.

Do you think you can leave that easily?

Luo Xi raised the corner of her mouth and said with a joking smile: You know my identity, and you still want to leave without paying anything?

Ai Xinyue's eyes suddenly shrank.

She thought of Ai Xue who had become so young in the screenshot.

Do you want to be...

No, she couldn't be sorry for her new boyfriend!

【Ding! Ai Xinyue’s fear value for you is +66]

Ai Xue finally couldn't hold back the expression on her face. She punched Luo Xi lightly and said helplessly: Senior, stop teasing Sister Xinyue, you are going to scare her. I will use the real child to see Passed by, she is not a gamer, she probably got some information somewhere.


Luo Xi took two steps, took off the hat on his head, and said gently: Sorry, I may have scared you just now. Let me introduce myself differently. I am a player of Dawn, Dream Traveler, Luo Xi, Haicheng Consultant at Dreamland Travel Agency.”

Ai Xinyue's gaze passed over Luo Xi's head.

What about the pair of dragon horns?

Is this what you're looking for?

Luo Xi smiled slightly.

A pair of black and red dragon horns appeared like magic.

Although the fixed alienation characteristics cannot be easily eliminated, the dragon horns can be hidden using magic. Among the scrolls Liya gave, there is a special scroll with this effect.

Ai Xinyue swallowed: You... you are all...


Ai Xue took out the black gun from the dream bag.

After seeing the strangeness between the two of them, Ai Xinyue's worldview finally collapsed completely.

What is this!

A protected forest area dozens of kilometers away from Shuijing Garden.

A group of outsiders lived in an unused wooden house.

They looked at the projected picture and smiled happily.

Cross, the mark you made on Ai Xinyue on the plane was really useful. He is actually close to the Black God of Death.

After all, she and that Ai Xue are cousins. I just thought they might meet, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.

We are not the opponent of the Black Death, but there are many ordinary people around him. If his dormitory classmates and those in his girlfriend's family are controlled, I don't believe that he is a hard-hearted person who doesn't care about anything.

One person said in a deep voice: Cross, have you ever thought that if we accept this commission, the probability of death is very high?

High probability of death?

A brown-haired man with a scar at the corner of his eye said indifferently: What's wrong? We won't do anything to him. We will just kidnap the people related to him and hand them over to the client. After the completion of this commission, we can get two billion meters of gold. It’s enough for us brothers to share.”

Why do they want to attack the Black Death?

What other reason is there? Isn't it because you feel that if someone is uncontrollable, you must nip it in the cradle in advance?

The brown-haired man sneered: After all, in the future world, extraordinary power may be able to overcome everything. The black death is so strong that it makes them feel a sense of crisis.

But even if the people related to him are kidnapped, there is no guarantee that he will submit?

The brown-haired man shook his head and said, No, he will.


The client relied on a certain high-level talent to predict his future. They saw that the Black Death acted according to their requirements.

Is the prediction of that talent accurate?

It doesn't matter if it's not accurate. It's none of our business anyway. What we have to do is take away the few ordinary people he considers the most important and use them as hostages.

When he leaves the Xia Kingdom, he will face unprecedented hunting, and even...

When to act?

We are just one group. The other groups have probably already started. In order to prevent the Xia Kingdom officials from noticing, we will take action at the same time, probably tomorrow? Now we just need to keep an eye on the target. If the Black Death never leaves there, Then we can declare the mission a failure and only receive a participation fee of 10 million.

By the way, where are Black Death's parents?

Some people also went, not from our group. In addition, there was also his grandma in the country.

Hey, you go to all this trouble just to kill one person?

That is the most powerful dream traveler in the world right now.

The brown-haired man sighed: Who said he is from Xia country?


eight pm.

A riverside park near Shuijing Garden.

Ai Xinyue was worthy of being a doctor who had returned from overseas. She quickly reconstructed the collapsed worldview with the explanations of the two men.

Ai Xinyue said in shock: So, are you really the strongest in the world now?

Luo Xi shook his head and said: Probably not, I'm just the most famous one.

For example, Ender's frontal strength is definitely stronger than him.

Ai Xinyue glanced at her cousin, who had begun to shrink and was a bit shorter than her, and whispered tentatively: The most famous... Lolicon?

Luo Xi twitched the corner of his mouth and said, Can you not mention this?

Haha, it feels so interesting.

Ai Xinyue said with some envy: Why didn't I get the inside qualification for Dawn?

It will happen sooner or later, Luo Xi said.

Hey... forget it, my mind is a little confused. I'm going home first. If I have anything I want to ask tomorrow, can I ask you again?


By the way, I have another question.

Ai Xinyue smiled and said: Can you do it at night? Do x—

Ai Xue coughed immediately.

Luo Xi looked away guiltily.

What did you do last night?

Ai Xinyue said with a strange expression: Xiaoxue became so small at night, you still have to do it...real punishment.

No wonder the information in that group said that the original title of this black god of death was the 'black lolita control god of death', but due to various operations by Xia Guo, the word lolita control was removed.

Ai Xue took Ai Xinyue's arm and said coquettishly: Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Sister Xinyue, do you need us to send you off?

No...I'll take a taxi back.

After Ai Xinyue left, Luo Xi and Ai Xue looked at each other and laughed together.

Your cousin won't spread this matter, will she?

No, Sister Xinyue is very tight-lipped. Unlike my mother, who immediately posted your story to the circle of friends.

You really don't want to go back tonight?

Well, before I'm so small that I'll be caught as a senior, I need to find a hotel quickly. Otherwise, if I wait until 11 or 12 o'clock to check out a room, the front desk will definitely call the police.



eight thirty.

【Welcome to the dream journey~】

Luo Xi opened her eyes on the warm dragon's back.

From the afternoon until now, Floresia took them wandering around and revived a total of thirty-five hollow flowers in the southern area of ​​the Kingdom of Light.

However, the areas that the Hollow Flower leads to are not yet known.

After these hollow flowers are revived, someone will always discover them and just let them try them out.

Originally, at the speed of the red dragon, it didn't take long to run through the Kingdom of Light, but Floresia deliberately slowed down and took the three of them down when they saw the beautiful scenery.

Although the Kingdom of Radiance is full of snowy scenery.

Those cities won't let them in either.

The cat, who was eating a big cake, glanced at Luo Xi: Here?

She is now used to Luo Xi's feeling of coming in and out.


Luo Xi glanced at the sky that had turned completely dark, tapped the scales of the red dragon, and said:

Can I go back?

The red dragon below said dissatisfiedly: Xiao Luoxi, you forgot to call mom again.

Mother Lecia...


Wei'er snorted disdainfully.

How can I pretend to be a loving mother and a filial son in front of them?

A mother who has thoughts about her child and a perverted lolita control who seems unwilling but is actually very happy.

Luo Xi said: By the way, let's go to Winter City first. I have something to ask Hill.

Is it the city you went to last time after disappearing?

Yes. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net


The red dragon with its wings burning with blazing flames drew a graceful arc in the night.

Luo Xi took out Xinghuo from his bag.

Since the last time she was hit by the Elf's Destruction Cannon, Starfire's recovery has been particularly slow.

The spark that used to be the size of a stone pier is now only half the size of a basketball, and from time to time you can see the glow of runes flowing.

Starfire's response to him was also Mimihuhu's.

For example - Star...Starfire wants...Master...'s...xxx

Luo Xi had already tried to give Xinghuo precious materials and mithril, but she still had no reaction to absorbing them. After being equipped with the elemental furnace core formed by the hat, it only made her surface a little brighter.

Spark is Liya's work, and Liya doesn't know where it is now, so if she wants to repair Spark, Luo Xi can only rely on herself.

He wanted to ask Hill and the craftsmen of Winter City if there was any way to quickly change Starfire back to its original state.


The shining city is more than 4,000 kilometers away from the town of Bergere.

A jet-powered airship that was more advanced than the last one rose into the air and headed rapidly towards the town of Bergere.

The archbishop, Hughes, stared deeply into the dark night outside the window.

How long does it take to arrive?

About three hours, don't worry, those who disobey the light are waiting for your judgment!


There will be one update in the evening, 4,000 words, which may take until one or two in the morning.

I also recommend this book, which is a book written by a cross-dressing lady.

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