Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 280: Aina wants to grow up there, the lolita bathing beach returns

Aina knows it!

The little wolf girl said aggrievedly: But we can't just be looked down upon by her like this, right?

Everyone was ‘bullying’ Brother Luo Xi’s face.

He also deliberately mocked her for being a little girl.

Except for the pair of dragon horns, Floresia's height is about the same as Sister Wei'er. She can guess where this 'little one' is talking about with her bald tail.

Aina cautiously glanced at her sister's flat area.

Sister Wei'er is only half the size of her mother...forget it, there is no such thing as ordinary in this world.

Although she is still quite young now, she just hasn't developed yet.

Aina feels that she will still be very promising in the future.

From now on, whatever the sister cannot give to the brother, she will have to do it herself...

Weier was keenly aware of the direction of Aina's gaze, and several '╬' appeared on her forehead.

You don’t want this slanderous sister who slanders her sister!


Floresia suddenly laughed when she saw the interaction between the two sisters, and the power that restrained Luo Xi's body slowly loosened.

She doesn't really understand.

It is obvious that he has long since lost all human concepts and emotions.

Why do you still smile uncontrollably when you see such a scene?

Still, it's interesting.

After all, it is too boring to guard the sea at the volcano community in normal times.

A long life brings not only repetition, but also loneliness.

At the beginning, she also tried to let some humans live nearby, but this idea was obviously not feasible.

It is even more impossible to enter the town normally.

The main function of the brilliance of the sacred tree is to repel the origin beasts, including dragons.

These few days of vacation allowed her to experience the emotions between humans again.

Unfortunately, after tomorrow, she will go back.


After Floresia let go, Luo Xi sat down on the ground, still a little dizzy.

【Ding! Your happiness value +33】

Facial cleansers and the like are certainly good.

It’s Mother Long who shoves people in without caring.

It's just too easy to suffocate someone to death, especially when one finger of the other person is stronger than his whole body.

Brother Luo Xi!

Aina decisively threw herself into Luo Xi's arms.

If it were slower, this dragon girl might monopolize her brother again.

Sniff, sniff—

Aina nuzzled Luo Xi's clothes with her little nose.

Wow, the smell of this dragon woman is all over it, it smells so unpleasant.

Originally, brother Luo Xi should smell like himself and his sister.

Wei'er came over and sat next to Luo Xi, and asked softly: Are you okay over there?

Well... almost.

Luo Xi knew that Wei'er was asking if there was another danger over there, but when she thought that she was still at Ai Xue's house and had just done that kind of thing last night, she suddenly felt guilty.

Wei'er suddenly lowered her voice and said, Pervert, do you really want to take her to your world?

Aina also raised her wolf ears.

Both of them cared about this.

Originally, the cradle and homing were exclusive to them, allowing them to go to that world to eat and play, but now they have to share it with one more person. Who would be willing to do such a thing.

Luo Xi was silent for a moment.

He looked up at the dragon-horned girl who was looking at him with tender eyes a few meters away, rubbed Aina's hair in his arms, and said:

I promised her, I'm sorry.

Even though they had only known each other for a few days, the dragon lady who called herself his mother had already left a deep impression on him.

He was given many precious things by the other party.

What the other party wants is just to let him go out and play with her.

That kind of unequal contribution and the reward she longed for really seemed like maternal love.

Why are you saying sorry?

Wei'er's light red eyes blinked slightly, and she said with a smile: Since you agreed, let's do it. Aina and I didn't say anything, and didn't she say that she will leave after tomorrow?

Aina looked at her sister who became more open-minded in surprise.

Sister, you have changed.

Wei'er didn't care and said: You have grown up too, Aina.

From the cowardly little girl hiding in the corner to the young girl she is now, this was all caused by the young man holding her.

Same for myself.

In the past, I was walking alone, but now I can't see him for a moment, and I feel a little uncomfortable.

She likes this kind of feeling. Although she hasn't said it out loud yet, she can't deceive herself by the feeling in her heart.

Fortunately, I and Aina are indistinguishable from each other.

Otherwise, if there really is a scene where sisters are jealous...

[Note: The sisters have sex at the sex shop, and we want to see it happen~]

Luo Xi: ???

Wei'er stood up slowly, and then hugged Luo Xi from behind. Although the part was not big, it was still soft and pressed against Luo Xi's body.

【Ding! Your happiness value +66】

Maomao put its delicate chin on Luo Xi's shoulder. The cat's tail slowly stretched forward, wrapped around Luo Xi's chest, and finally returned to the girl's hand.

Weier said softly: If she gets there, Aina and I will have no choice. You have to protect yourself.

Pervert, no matter what, please remember that we are the first people you encounter in this world.


Luo Xi gently touched the cat's tail wrapped around his waist.

The girl holding him behind her trembled slightly, but made no more movements.

Not to be outdone, Aina brought her tail closer.

She can't be compared to her sister.

Luo Xi felt something was wrong with the tail that Aina put in her hand. She glanced at it and then said in shock: Aina, what's wrong with your tail?

Aina's tail seemed to have experienced a devastation.

That pitiful look reminded Luo Xi of the mangy dog's tail he saw on the way to school when he was in elementary school...

Aina retracted her tail instantly.

Wow, I forgot, my tail hair was burned a lot.

She can no longer bring happiness to her brother.

Brother Luo Xi, please touch Aina's head and ears first. If that doesn't work, you can also rub Aina's here. I heard that Aina can grow bigger if you touch her more. Sister Wei'er has already disabled it. In order to prevent us from doing so in the future Sisters are despised by others, Aina must grow up quickly. The little wolf girl said seriously.

Luo Xi: ...

[Note: Traveler, hurry up and help the little wolf girl develop~]

God helps development!

Before Luo Xi could say anything, Wei'er raised her hand and hit Aina on the head.

What are you talking about, idiot Aina!

Sister just can't accept the truth.

Who can't accept it! I, I still have a chance to grow up!


As the footsteps approached, the two sisters stopped arguing and looked at the approaching Long Niang with Luo Xi.

Floresia looked at the three people hugging each other.

For some reason, she suddenly felt a little envy in her heart.

He and Xiao Luo Xi were not so close.

One day, will she be able to cuddle up with Xiao Luo Xi?

Floresia knelt down, her long white skirt dragging on the ground. The elasticity and softness that was even whiter than the skirt made the three of them feel dizzy.

Wei'er wrapped her tail around Luo Xi's chest harder.

He was compared mercilessly.

The girl with Longjiao smiled and said, Are you talking about me going to Xiao Luo Xi's side to see the world?

Weier nodded: Yes.

Have you all been there?

Well, that one seems to be fine for tonight.

Can you come back at will?

It seems...not possible?

Wei'er remembered that after the cradle was triggered, during the twelve hours in Luo Xi's world, it seemed that she couldn't come back at will.

Of course, she didn't know what would happen if she committed suicide.

How about tomorrow?

Floresia shook her head and said, The people from Noah's Church might come here early tomorrow. If I can't come back in time, I'll be in trouble.

Luo Xi nodded in agreement.

Archbishop, this name sounds very impressive when you hear it, and his strength is probably not to be underestimated. If Floresia can't take action, then they can only consider running away.

The girl in Longjiao narrowed her eyes like a fox: So today, how about we stroll around the neighborhood? There seem to be many interesting places in this town. Mom really wants to walk around with little Luo Xi.

Luo Xi nodded silently.

He couldn't refuse Mother Long's request.

By the way, there are also those hollow flowers. There seem to be some fossils nearby. Mom wants to take you to see them.


The nearest ones are not all seven or eight hundred kilometers away...

That's right, for Floresia, a distance of several thousand kilometers can be covered in just a few minutes, so it is indeed close.

Luo Xi nodded again.

He originally had the task of unlocking the Hollow Flower.

Previously, due to the distance problem, I couldn't just run to a place to unlock it. Now with Floresia's help, I can save a lot of time.

Then, let's go shopping in this town with mom first.

Floresia couldn't help but pull Luo Xi up, and led him directly outside under the dissatisfied eyes of the two sisters.

Weier and Aina could only follow immediately.

Both of them felt like they had been robbed of something important.

But there is no way.

Who told that dragon girl to be so strong?

Fortunately, she will be leaving after tomorrow...

Bergere Prison.

This is an underground prison built near the manor, which houses some prisoners who have committed many evil deeds and have refused to reform despite repeated corrections.

Luo Xi's mouth twitched as she looked at the dirty environment around her.

I was just wandering around, why did I end up in a place like this?

Let me go quickly, my father is the lord of Yuye City! If you catch me, I won't get your good juice!

Irena, keep your voice down.

Two ragged silver-haired elves were locked in a small space, and their hands were cuffed together by handcuffs with the power of sealed source elements.


Luo Xi almost forgot about the two useless elves that Wei'er brought back.

Floresia glanced at her and said, I said it smelled like an elf. It turns out you brought these two female elves back. Their strength is only level three. Why did you bring them back?

Wei'er said at the side: I brought it back. I think Luo Xi might be able to use it... They are immortal species after all.

Floresia thought for a while and said: That's right. With the two of them guiding the way, it will be much easier for you to enter the elf city.

Guide the way? I can't give it to you humans—

The words of the two useless elves suddenly stopped.

Dragon Niang's dazzling red gold vertical boy stared at them coldly.

Irina moved back to the corner in fear. This person was the one who beat her father away...

Finally, the two elves signed a 'deed of sale' given by Luo Xi.

In short, even if they are asked to be lint balls, they must abide by it.

The power of the Belgri tree is not something they can violate.

The two elves stared blankly at the retreating figures of those people.

Aimee sobbed; Irena, we may never go back.

Irena started to cry too.

She didn't want to be pregnant with a human child!

Or alien humans.


Thirty minutes later.

A large bath filled with steam.

Luo Xi looked at Aina in confusion, who couldn't wait to soak in the water.

There are also cats changing clothes.

and Mother Dragon walking around with a curious look on her face.

What kind of welfare is this in the Qiba Bathhouse?

【Ding! Your body in the original world has lost 1% of its physical strength, and there is no danger warning yet]

【Ding! Your happiness value +88]

[Note: It is a combination of immediate! (Instant answer!)]

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