Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 277: Capturing the future Ai Xue (this is a paid chapter)

Chapter 279 Capturing the future Ai Xue (this is a paid chapter)


Ai Xue's two small hands unconsciously grabbed the thin sheets and pulled them tightly.

A pair of beautiful eyes opened slightly, their eyes intersected with Luo Xi's, and their eyes became blurred.

It seems that it still hasn't been successful.

Although I saw him last time when I gave him a bath, he is really awesome.

At one or two o'clock in the night, I simply couldn't bear it.

If you have to do that, it will really break, right?

However, looking at the young man's handsome face, there was a hint of determination in the girl's eyes.

Senior, try harder, don't show mercy to me!

No matter what, we have to take down the senior today anyway!

When Weier and Aina come again, I will have the confidence to stand in front of them.

I am the first one to win the senior title!

You seniors in harems in other worlds should go and line up behind her.

Don't be brave. I already told you that it can't be done. Just wait a little longer.

Luo Xi didn't do anything else. He lay down, held the girl in his arms, smelled the fragrance of her hair, and said helplessly: If this continues, I feel like I'm going to be taken away. It's really like Just like a pervert who does strange things to little lolita.


Ai Xue raised her hand, put her fingers on Luo Xi's head, and said with a sly smile: It's okay, I'm 22 years old, and if the senior can vent all his desires on me, it won't be right for other really cute little kids. It would be best if Loli takes action.

Luo Xi couldn't laugh or cry and said, Don't worry, I won't do anything illegal.

Where's that wolf-eared girl? You already said you were going to marry her.

Yeah, so I also said that I should wait until Aina grows up before getting married.


Suddenly there was a sharp pain in my waist.

Luo Xi gasped for air conditioning air.

Ai Xue said unhappily: You are already doing this kind of thing. You are not allowed to mention other girls, marriage or anything like that. Shouldn't you be with me first?

Luo Xi: .

He wanted to say, didn't you mention it first?

But it's really better to say nothing at this time.

have a rest.

Luo Xi closed her eyes and prepared to rest.

Although he hasn't gone out yet, it's enough, and he doesn't want to hurt this girl who has been willing to chase his back for three years.

No, it's only one o'clock now, we can wait for another hour or two! It's getting closer to dawn, and I will slowly grow bigger.

Emmmm, what do we do in these two hours?

Ai Xue turned over and lay on Luo Xi's chest. She blushed and said, Even if I can't do that now, I can still make the seniors feel comfortable. I have two roommates who say strange things every day. I'll listen. I have learned a lot!


Luo Xi was confused.

Then he saw Ai Xue slowly move back, she took a deep breath, and her delicate hair fell on his legs, making him feel a little itchy.

Soon, he knew what Ai Xue was going to do.

The girl lowered her head.

Without hesitation.

Moist and warm.

The indescribable feeling made Luo Xi's mind go blank.

【Ding! Your acerbity value +99]

[Note: Everything is over. The Traveler is really eaten. This is a big defeat for the beast-eared girls~]

Dream world.

In an intact bedroom that had been cleaned up after yesterday's daytime earthquake, Wei'er looked at Luo Xi who was placed on a separate bed.

Floresia was sitting casually on the stool beside the bed, taking a nap with her eyes squinted. The cold aura released from her body made no one dare to approach her easily.

Both Wei'er and Aina knew that Luo Xi here was just an empty shell.

How dare you run away.

What is he doing now?

I don't know if Ai Xue is optimistic about Luo Xi over there.

With this thought in mind, Weier hugged Aina and fell asleep.

Eight o'clock in the morning.

Luo Xi's left arm was pressed by Ai Xue as a pillow, and her right hand was held in her arms like a pillow. The warm and soft feeling was completely different from the experience at night.

There was still a slight frown caused by pain on the girl's beautiful eyebrows, and there was also a slight blush.

What should be done and what should not be done has been done.

From one o'clock to three o'clock last night, Luo Xi watched Ai Xue grow up slowly, and the feeling was particularly wonderful.

Is this a girlfriend, n kinds of experiences?

As for why Luo Xi didn't run away, other girls have already made all preparations.

Ai Xue had become very insecure because of Cat Aina and Mother Long in the dream world, and she just wanted to get that sense of security from herself.

If he still escapes, will he still be a man?

Luo Xi looked at the ceiling in a daze, now wanting to pull out a cigarette and take a puff.

But he doesn't smoke, so forget it.

Anyway, what was supposed to happen has already happened.

Unless he goes back in time and does last night all over again.

Luo Xi's heart moved.

It seems that it is not impossible?

[Note: Traveler, you have become a big hentai in both thoughts and actions! 】

Luo Xi raised his eyebrows.

Dog text, you weren’t peeping the whole time last night, were you?

By the way, are you a boy, a girl, or have no gender?

[Note: Don’t pay attention to us! We won't do those things for you! (〃> dishes<)! 】


Luo Xi stopped reading Gou Wenwen’s complaints.


The girl next to her has woken up.

Luo Xi looked down at her and asked softly: Do you feel okay?

Ai Xueye's physique and strength were frighteningly high, even higher than those of him who had been strengthened many times. Now that he has returned to normal, he doesn't know what will happen.

Yeah, it's okay.

Ai Xue subconsciously avoided Luo Xi's gaze, and shrank her body into the air-conditioned quilt in a panic, only revealing a pair of big moist eyes. Only then did she realize that she was not wearing anything, and Luo Xi's right hand was still covered by her In my arms.

After all, they were very tired after last night, and the two of them fell asleep quickly.

Ai Xue covered her face and whimpered softly: Oh, I was eaten up and wiped clean by my senior. I won't be able to get married in the future.

Luo Xi's right hand moved slightly.


The girl let out a pleasant sound, and her face became even redder.

I heard that men have that kind of need in the morning.

Could it be that the senior has to come again early in the morning?

However, I am no longer in the loli state, is that okay?

Snapped! —

Luo Xi took out her right hand, flicked Ai Xue's forehead, and said with a smile: What are you thinking about? Get up, wash your face and eat. Such a big thing happened yesterday. I guess there are still a lot of things to do today.

Ai Xue held her head, looked at Luo Xi with watery eyes, and whispered: Senior, do you want a good morning bite?


that is.

Ai Xue still wanted to explain, but found Luo Xi looking at her with a wicked smile.

The girl's face suddenly turned red, she angrily threw the quilt over her head and groped downwards.



【Ding! Due to the ingestion of external pure sources, your strength/physique +1]

Over there in the bathroom, Luo Xi was washing up. Ai Xue, who was still getting dressed on the bed, felt the astringent taste in her mouth and looked at her text with some confusion.

Why did my strength and physique suddenly increase?

Where did she get the pure essence from?

Xia Country's Tourism Bureau was overwhelmed with the series of follow-up problems caused by yesterday's Void Dark Tree.

After all, so many people died.

The Dreamland Travel Bureau has dismissed all the gathered players in the park and does not dare to gather players again, so it can only use the original free-range mode.

As for player hunters

Players whose identities have been exposed will receive an emergency call number. If they encounter a player hunter, they can call for help immediately and wait for the tourism bureau to send someone to rescue them.

Jiao Gan looked at the documents piled up on the table and rubbed his temples with a headache.

I died three times yesterday, lost 60% of my attributes today, and have to do such high-intensity work, which is really tiring than an ox or a horse.

Is Luo Xi still in the park?

The secretary said: Here, he and his little girlfriend Ai Xue are here.

Jiao Gan nodded and said, That's good. With Luo Xi here, we won't be afraid of those ghosts and monsters outside coming to act as monsters.

After all, that is the first 'Dragon Knight' in our world.

This dragon knight you are talking about. Is he serious?

Director, you are forty years old, please respect yourself.

The secretary rolled his eyes at Jiao Gan and left the office holding the document.

Jiao Gan smiled bitterly.

He only saw it from those viral jokes.

Unexpectedly, he was despised by his secretary.

However, the secretary only left for a few minutes and ran back in a hurry, saying:

Director, Black Death, Luo Xi has filed an application to leave the park.

Huh? Is he leaving the park permanently? Someone poached him?

Jiao Gan secretly thought something was wrong.

The 'Tree of Void Darkness' incident happened yesterday, and Haicheng lost more than two thousand potential travelers. He must not let a master like Luo Xi go.

Even if Kyoto wanted someone, he was not prepared to give it to him.

But if Luo Xi wants to leave.

I wonder if I can make him stay by pulling me and Jiujian over and kneeling down to beg him?

The secretary shook his head: No, it seems that they are going out today to go to the cat cafe where they used to work. I would like to ask if I should send someone to protect them.

Jiao Gan: .

Then go!

Does that person still need protection?

It doesn’t matter who protects whom.

Luo Xi drove the car and Ai Xue sat in the passenger seat with a look of joy on her face.

This is the first time she and her senior have gone on a 'date' together since they came to the campus.

Everything I did last night was indeed valuable.

The intimacy between the senior and her should be very high now, right?

Hum, next time whether Aina or Weier comes here, I will have enough confidence to talk to them.

Ai Xue was already looking forward to their arrival.

Speaking of which, she hadn't been to Mao Cafe for a long time, leaving everything to Mu Mu to take care of. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Although she gave money to maintain the store's capital flow, she felt a little embarrassed.

So today I went to the cat cafe to have a look.

By the way, let me introduce the senior to my parents. Hehe~——

Some readers said that Ai Xue’s progress was too fast.

There is no way, after all, she is a heroine in the real world, and the first to get the moon is to get closer to the water.

It's all been done for free, if the male lead doesn't come in, he will definitely be called a eunuch or something.

Ai Xue's plot has not yet officially begun, and it involves the story of other continents, Mang Continent. (Fox is going to take back the fact that there will be no other female protagonists in the future. I feel that there may be one or two more to be added, otherwise the plot may not develop)

Of course, the current female protagonists in Dream World will not be so easy to promote.

Maomao, Aina, Feiya, the little fox, and Mother Dragon all have their own major plots.

Their story is finished and the book is almost over.

By the way, should I include my mother-in-law? (Hehe~)

And Feiya actually has a mother~

Hmm, it seems there is also a dog text?

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