Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 272 The little ghost Wen Wen appears. Do you want to eat our ice cream?

Ten thousand meters high in the sky, the Black Dragon and the Red Dragon were still chatting.

The red red dragon suddenly said: Have you been paying attention to her?

of course not.

Then why do you value her so much?

Have it?

No? I don't think a red dragon who failed to be promoted will attract your attention. To a certain extent, it was you who brought her to where she is now.

You're right when you say that~


Bahamut roared twice and said, I like it, I'm happy to do it, what's wrong?

Alex Rita: ...

Regarding this shameless black dragon, after having worked together for countless years, she immediately understood that he was deliberately hiding something but not saying anything.

Alexlita hummed and said, It's up to you. I'm going down. If I don't deal with it, it will really grow and have a chain reaction with things in the sea. The entire continent may fall.

Bahamut pondered: Actually, it's okay not to deal with the feeling. Its anchor points don't seem to be on our side, or the anchor points of the fallen trees that suddenly appeared today are not on our side.

The Red Dragon suddenly raised his head: Oh? Is it the world where these travelers from other worlds live?

That's right.

Bahamut said thoughtfully: In order to save herself, the Great Will seemed to have reached some kind of deal with that world, and I don't know what she traded away.

Alexlita said: Anyway, the poor girl has nothing to trade with. The will of that world is really big-hearted. Have you never thought about the possibility that the foreign god will devour her together?

Bahamut said: It's a good thing for us, at least we don't have to fight alone.

Yeah, too.

After Alexilita left these words, the huge figure swooped down, and the body of several kilometers gradually shrunk, and finally turned into a body of about 500 meters.

Just when she tried to break into that domain directly and burn the fallen tree with a wave of root flames, something unexpected happened to her.



Luo Xi looked at the display on the text and twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

What is the value of love!

A mother's love for her child?

What about the addition and subtraction of favorability? Jumped directly?

Don't tell me that this dragon lady's favorability towards me was at full value from the beginning?

[Note: That’s right, when Mother Dragon sees you, Traveler, her love for her child has already pushed her favorability level to the highest level! 】

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the source-changing app used by chasing bugs, huanyuanapp.]

So once the favorability level is full, wait for the quality to change, right?

Luo Xi shook his head helplessly.

This dragon lady is completely blank when it comes to emotions. After all, she was a human being eight thousand years ago.

So what does she want to have a child for?

Or does she want a partner who can accompany her for years to come?

In the former, Luo Xi can act with her, in the latter... Luo Xi can barely...


Even though she can take human form, her essence is no longer human.

Dragon knights and stuff are just Gou Wenwen’s complaints, he won’t really ride a dragon!

There are cats and cute wolves at home, plus the real-life Ai Xue...

Luo Xi already felt that he was a scumbag enough. If he had a few more words, he might not be able to survive the day when the hatchet came.

Seeing that Luo Xi was safe and sound, Floresia relaxed and said, It's okay, little Luo Xi, hold on tight, mom. Mom won't let this kind of spell hurt you in the future.

Luo Xi noticed that the surrounding red barrier had become thicker.

However, Long Niang's hand that penetrated into the deep black hole became unsteady.

While fighting against the Tree of Void Darkness, she also had to take care of Luo Xi on her back, which made the situation even more difficult for her who was already suppressed.

Luo Xi felt a little anxious.

Then why hasn't the grown-up come yet?

Are all the strong people in this world such procrastinators?

Is there any way?

Dog text?

Did the method of feeding myself to the other person last time work?

[Note: I’ve been thinking too much, this time there was the intervention of that existence. Who would swallow such a suspicious thing like you and fall into trap~]

Luo Xi fell into silence.

[Note: However, if it is just this sixth-level spell - the abyss black hole, maybe you can try to break it, Traveler? Want to try it? 】

other methods?

What is it?

[Note: Want to try it? But I have to give you this complete thing in person. Please~ don’t be surprised, Traveler. 】

Suddenly, Luo Xi found that the surrounding world had come to a standstill, including the dragon lady under his feet, the tentacles floating around him, and the players in the distance.

Everything seems to have turned gray and stopped moving.

In addition to the gray world, he seemed to see the light of stars projecting from the distant sky.

Da da da.

There were brisk footsteps.

Luo Xi looked up and saw a petite figure walking forward bathed in starlight.

Luo Xi couldn't see her real face. At a glance, she could only see a bright and dazzling light.

She walked in the air and walked to Luo Xi's side.

The starlight condensed behind her, forming a seat, so she jumped up lightly, raised one leg, and swayed casually.

【Ding! Your shock value +200]

Luo Xi wanted to speak, but found that he seemed to have lost the ability to speak.

He could only blink to show his shock.

The perverted lolita-controlling traveler.

The petite figure touched his body, then handed over a book that shone with seven colors of light, and said with a smile: This is the image we deliberately changed based on your preferences. Although I can't see the specific appearance, it should fit well. Your aesthetic, right?”

Take it, this is [Kora]'s entire source book. If you can use it a little bit to dispel this spell, it will be easy, but we don't know if you can use it~

She placed the book on Luo Xi's chest, pushed it gently, and the book was stuffed in.

The remaining page of [Yuandian·Kong] that existed in Luo Xi's dream luggage disappeared instantly and merged with it.

At the same time, the text fluctuated, ending up with the following font.


[Quality: Colorful (Myth)]

[Category: Symbol of authority]

【Attributes:? ? ? 】

【describe:? ? ? 】

[Warm reminder: This is the complete [Source Code·Empty], which symbolizes the power of space and is something that ordinary people cannot use]

The things have been delivered. So, see you next time. Of course, in order to prevent you, Traveler, from having unwanted fantasies about us, you won't remember us before we meet next time~

Luo Xi's lips opened and closed slightly.

He wanted to try his best to see the details of this figure clearly.

The figure wrapped in the starlight shook her calf, put her hands on her face, and said with a joking smile: Do you really want to eat our ice cream?

Well, here you go, it's a reward for you, Miscellaneous Fish Chips Traveler, for not quitting no matter what happens during this time~

A calf, whose details could not be seen clearly, was stretched out in front of Luo Xi and raised deliberately.

Luo Xi: ...

OK, this is definitely a dog text.

I didn’t expect you to really be a bitch!

Damn little bitch, sooner or later I have to pull you out and teach you a lesson...

Luo Xi looked at the glowing leg, her heart skipped a beat, and she opened her mouth to bite it.

You really eat it! You are indeed a pervert!


Luo Xi looked around in confusion.

What happened?

He felt as if something terrible had happened, but he couldn't remember it no matter how hard he tried.


Is this called déjà vu?

[Note: Traveler, you are a hentai! (〃>Pan<), stained with saliva, so dirty! 】

Luo Xi: ?

What a mess.

No matter, dog text goes crazy every day anyway.

【Ding! You triggered the free mission: Save the Black Abyss Flame Dragon]

[Mission brief description: Traveler, your dragon mother is in a very dangerous situation. Without the big shots taking action, you are the only one who can save her now. The tools to save her have been placed in your hands. , are you able to use it? 】

[Reward: None]

[Description: How far can you go with your soul that remains unchanged as time goes by? 】


Luo Xi was stunned.

Why doesn't he know what props there are?

Luo Xi's eyes passed over the text.



Isn't this the broken page?

Wait...the suffix no longer describes the remaining pages, and the attributes have become question marks.

Is this the full version?

Could it be that you gave me the dog text?

[Note: Hum~ (angry)]

Well done.

Luo Xi gave Gou Wenwen a rare compliment.

But how to use this?

[Yuandian·Liuyue] passively takes effect in his soul with death. UU read www.uukanshu.net

What about [Yuandian·Kong]?

Luo Xi tried to take it out.

【Cannot be taken out】

Luo Xi frowned.

No matter what, there should be a way to use it.

He stared down at Floresia's hand that was in contact with the black hole.

Luo Xi's heart moved, and she stretched her hand forward and touched Long Niang's hand.

Floresia panicked and said, Xiao Luoxi, what are you doing?!

Try it.

Luo Xi chuckled, continued to reach forward, and finally inserted his hand into the deep black hole.

Pull it out quickly!


Luo Xi felt a burst of severe pain.

He did not have enough source element to resist the devouring power. The moment he put his hand in, his body disappeared and was broken down into part of the technique, and his body was pulled halfway in.

However, as Luo Xi's body was devoured, seven-colored rays of light were released from it, forming threads that penetrated the black hole of the abyss.

In an instant, the sixth-level technique used to devour the field disappeared without a trace, and the remaining half of Luo Xi's body fell downwards.

Floresia was finally freed from the stalemate. Her figure quickly enlarged, and a 100-meter-long red dragon appeared on the body of the Tree of Void Darkness.

With strong anger, she breathed out blue flames.



This really surprises us. Are you a human from that world?

Well, it's dirty. That guy really dares to bite...

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