Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 223: The first kiss with the cat in the dream

Luo Xi held Weier's hand and walked around this Belgry Town that was completely different from what she had seen before.

This town no longer has the Grace Ring Street, but only the townspeople with happy smiles on their faces even though they are busy at work.

People with alienation syndrome do all kinds of hard work in the town, and pure-blood ordinary people help them without any discrimination.

Lord Andulu was surrounded by many people and condolences to the townspeople on the road, looking concerned about his people.

A dream world where alienated patients and pure-blood humans can coexist so peacefully.

Is it just this dream within a dream that eliminates all negative emotions?

Luo Xi looked at the girl with cat ears who was about his shoulder height and asked, Why do you want to live here?

Is Weier's ideal and wish to find a place to live for a long time?

However, in a cruel and cold world like the Dream World, such a place is destined to be impossible to exist.

Unless...created by themselves.

Wei'er's silky snowy hair fell down. She tilted her head slightly and said with a smile, Why? Don't you know?

Luo Xi was stunned.

I know a hammer.

What are the negative emotions associated with cats disappearing?

Is it tsundere?

Is this considered a negative emotion?

Wei'er squeezed his hand and said, Luo Xi, look down at me.

Luo Xi followed her instructions and squatted down a little.

In the blink of an eye, as if sleeping in a lake, there was a warm touch on the face, with warm moisture.

Just as he thought.

After all, there were already two girls...

Immediately afterwards, there was a moist feeling on her lips again. When Luo Xi realized it, the pretty face that was so close to Chi Chi had already left and was stained with crimson.

[Note: Traveler, you are such a playboy. If you think about other girls when you do this kind of thing, you should be beaten to death by the little wolf girl! (The hatchet is ready~)]

Dog text, you screen-peeping dog, if you have the ability, you can become a human for me!

[Note: I don’t want (〃> dishes<)! If we turned into a little lolita, we would definitely be caught by the Traveler, then licked and touched, and finally played with, violated, and then abandoned! 】

Damn! Don't add drama to yourself!

After Gou Wenwen complained for a few words, he disappeared again.

But Luo Xi also didn't expect that her real first kiss would be taken by Maomao in a false dream.

Well, that’s not bad.

Mr. Luo Xi and Miss Wei'er, hello!

Hearing the sound, Luo Xi looked back and saw Kailo, the horse-eared young man, walking towards him with a lot of sweat on his forehead and a happy smile on his face, carrying bags of items.

Are you going to decide to stay? This place is great!

Kailuo smiled and said: Here, through labor, I can get the agreed upon rewards. I can have enough to eat every day. I can also let my family and my little sister live a stable life. Where can I find such a small town?

Even without a special perspective, Luo Xi could see the 'sunshine' emotion emanating from him.

It is as energetic as a flower facing the sun.

Luo Xi patted his shoulder and smiled slightly: Yes, if this is true, that would be great.

Of course that's true. What you said, Mr. Luo Xi, is really strange. I'm going to continue delivering the goods.

Kailo shook his head and smiled, carrying the things behind him and walking forward.

Luo Xi looked at his back, her smile a little stiff.

Even such a humble ideal is difficult to realize in the real world.

Wei'er squatted down as if nothing had happened, picked up a wild flower by the roadside, put it in Luo Xi's hand, and said with a smile with her blush still on her face:

It's really nice here, so why not stay?

Luo Xi could feel the heat coming from the girl's hand.

He asked: Is that the reason?

Wei'er thought for a moment and said, It's just a small part, but it still depends on you.

What if I don't stay?

Well... let's go together then. I have to follow you closely anyway.

Maomao raised her cat ears and looked at him with a frown. The tail behind her stretched out and wrapped tightly around Luo Xi's arm, saying: What, do you want to abandon me and go alone? No way. , will I be angry, or do you mean you don’t like me anymore?”

Luo Xi: ......

So is tsundere really deleted as a negative emotion?

Although this kind of cat is also very good, it still feels like something is missing.

He smiled and said, But it's precisely because I like it that I can't stay in a place like this.


Weier asked in confusion: What does this mean?

Luo Xi touched the girl's cat ears and smiled: No matter how nice this place is, it's just a beautiful dream. You should have more important things to do, right?

For example, your sister? She's still waiting for you.

When Luo Xi said these words, the girl in front of him stood there in a daze as if she had been struck by lightning.

She murmured to herself: Sister, what sister? Do I have a sister?

As everyone knows, a wolf-eared lolita outside saw Wei'er secretly kissing Luo Xi. She was already gnashing her teeth. When she heard this, she burst into tears.

Sister Weier is good or bad, I will never pay attention to her again!

Not only was he and his brother making love to each other in this dream, but he also completely forgot about her.

Look how nice brother Luo Xi is, he can still think of her at this time!

—‘Isn’t it that thinking about you at this time makes you more aware of the scumbag you are as a perverted big brother? ’

Aina stopped sobbing and said: It's actually okay if the target is Sister Wei'er. Aina is still young anyway. If Aina really grows up, her brother might have been abducted by another woman long ago. Sister, she At least I can help Aina take care of my brother.

The little wolf girl stared at the young man's face in the picture with her lost eyes.

But why does Aina still feel like she wants to kill her brother with a knife?

Luo Xi suddenly shuddered.

It's not cold either, which is strange.

Weier still remained in a sluggish state.

She said to herself, with confused eyes: I seem to have a sister...but why would I forget it?

I shouldn't forget, yes, I can't forget.

Weier's figure is constantly disappearing.

[Note: Traveler, she is going to the gathering place of negative emotions. Why don’t you follow her? 】

Luo Xi grabbed her.

Then, the bright sky suddenly darkened.

Luo Xi found that he had changed positions.

Came to a room from Berggli Town.

Judging from the layout of the room, this is the bedroom of Weier and Aina's house on the graystone street in Winter City. There is no light outside the window and it is pitch dark.

On the bed was Weier, who didn't look much smaller than the ones he knew, and Aina, who was much smaller.

At this moment, Weier held the sobbing Aina and comforted her softly: Before mom comes back, sister will always be with you. Sister will never leave without telling you.

The scenes suddenly changed in front of Luo Xi's eyes.

Late at night, the girl was crying silently alone in the living room, wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes with her fingers.

On Graystone Street, Weier was rejected by the owner of the sundry shop when she went out to buy something. She looked very sad after going out.

One night, someone tried to invade their home and was burned to death with a scroll. Weier covered Aina's eyes, and she looked at the corpse in fear.

There is also the dangerous job of doing exploratory missions for the Snake Club to earn extra money...

Of the three years since I lost my mother, the first year was the hardest.

Luo Xi was silent.

Aina has Weier to comfort her.

What about herself?

Luo Xi took a step forward.

In the living room, Luo Xi quietly sat next to her.

The girl who was wiping away tears noticed the movement beside her and looked at him blankly.

Logically, she should be panicking, but strangely, after seeing this person, her heart gradually became calmer.

Who are you?

Luo Xi smiled and reached out to touch her head.

Although the cat is small at this time, its hair still has a good smell.

However, compared to three years later, Maomao's sense of existence is so weak at this time.

That's normal.

People are always like this. When they encounter something disturbing, they try to eliminate their own aura.

Snapped! —

Wei'er slapped Luo Xi's hand away and said, Who are you?

Luo Xi chuckled and said: Let's go, neither there nor here is the place you should stay. Indulging in false dreams or past pain is not like your style, right, my cat cat?

When the words fell, the young cat-eared girl was stunned.

Then, Weier's figure completely disappeared.

The scene is broken.

Nothingness appeared before him. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

Luo Xi looked at the countless gray spheres floating in the void.

Are these the negative emotions of the residents of Berggli?

[Go away! You rubbish will only make us infected too!\

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