Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 217: Sisters gradually obeying, rua~

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This person is probably the first group of dream travelers.

This ability to transform living things probably comes from his talent?

Dog text come out quickly, tell me who this guy is?

[Note: We don’t know ~ (really)]

Then come out Ai Fu...forget it this time.

By the way, aren't you the one who stuffed other people's talents?

[Note: Do we look so free? 】

Luo Xi expressed doubts.

If you are not idle, then why are you hanging on me all day?

He stretched out his finger and poked the snowworm corpse on the table.

Ice and cold.

Then Luo Xi made a call and asked someone from the tourism bureau to come and take the snow insect for testing, and he received 50,000 yuan.

The tourism bureau offers bounties for things in the Dream World. Those novel creatures, including corpses of Origin Beasts, or books from the Dream World, can be exchanged for a large amount of money.

The Source Marrow Crystal can be sold for 800,000 yuan per kilogram, far exceeding the price of 10 gold coins per kilogram in the Dream World.

But it's understandable.

After all, there is no flawless source element in reality, so source marrow crystals are one of the few items in reality that can supplement the power of extraordinary beings.

Whether it is a transcendent of the sublimation type or the alienation type, without the source of supplementation, all they can rely on when fighting is pure strength and physique.

Next, I will raise the snowworm for a few days and wait for the progress of the contract change to be completed.

Luo Xi can't wait to see the town of Berggry change its name.

That bullshit Lord Andulu, I really want to spit on his smug face.


Do you want to fulfill your promise and bring the cat here today?

Luo Xi rubbed his forehead.

Due to the negative state caused by two retracements, Luo Xi's character's attributes in the dream world dropped by 20%. In reality, his mental state is also somewhat bad. Now he has no energy to practice swordsmanship.

Ai Xue whispered from the side: Senior, I feel that your condition is a little bad. Do you want to take a rest? It's only about eight o'clock now.

Don't worry, there are still things over there.

Luo Xi looked at his text.

[Traveler, you cut your wrist, and a lot of blood flowed out of your wrist and was mixed into the ordinary feed]

[The bright red blood was mixed with the feed, and gurgling bubbles appeared. The snow worm’s feed seemed to have been corroded by acidic liquid, turning into a brown-red paste]

[It looks a bit like food enchanted by Asans, clean and hygienic]

【Ding! Your pain value +20]

[Weier immediately came up to bandage your hand and cursed at the same time: Pervert, are you sick? Why did you really bleed?\

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