Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 209: The lovely wives are still too young, let’s wait a few more years

【Welcome to the dream journey~】

When Luo Xi's vision recovered, the first thing that greeted Luo Xi's senses was the strange fragrance.

It is the scent of a fragrant herb that can be heard everywhere on this street. If you search carefully, you will find that it is the smell released by those dried snake slough-like objects hanging in front of various shops.

Appropriate notes are given in the text.

【Snowworm's skin slough】

[Quality: white (normal +)]

[Category: Spices]

[Attributes: It can release a refreshing fragrance, making people unconsciously want to immerse themselves in the current environment]

[Description: It has a certain degree of addiction. After smoking for a long time, you will feel a little uncomfortable once you leave.]

Wei'er looked at the young man beside her who had become more energetic, pouted and said: Pervert, are you finally willing to come over? What do you do in your world when you usually talk and walk with us?

Sword practice.

Luo Xi said without thinking.


【Ding! Wei'er's suspicion of you is +20]

Does this pervert really work that hard?

Maomao doesn't quite believe it.

We'd better go first.

During the pause, people from many shops came up to them and asked if they needed service.

Various services such as food, clothing, wine shops, massage and bathing, beautiful women shouting and actively soliciting customers...

Luo Xi was probably sure.

There is a 99% chance that this town was influenced by real-life players, and the remaining 1% possibility is that a person who can be called a pioneer from another world was born here.

At this time, Luo Xi noticed something was wrong with Aina's face.

What's wrong? he asked.

The little wolf girl pursed her lips and said, Brother Luo Xi, most of the smells of these shop owners are so fake. On the surface, they seem to be entertaining guests with enthusiasm, but in fact, they should be very disdainful in their hearts.

Wei'er frowned: Is everyone like this?

Aina nodded and said: At least those people Aina has smelled are like this.

Don't stand in the way!

Give way!

There was a hustle and bustle from behind.

Luo Xi turned around and saw a group of excited-looking people rushing into the ring street. At a glance, there were at least hundreds of people. They poured into various shops and started their shopping today. .

At a quick glance, more than half of the people were of different species.

There is a cat with cat ears and a tail that is similar to Wei Er and is a cat with alienation disorder.

There are also tauren and sheep-headed people, and of course, there are also many pure-blooded ordinary people.

Almost everyone's face was full of joy and excitement, as happy as a primary school student entering a black Internet cafe to play games after school.

Luo Xi looked towards the location of the sacred tree in Berger Town.

Are these people from the town?

This prosperous and harmonious scene seems unreal...

If this was the real Xia Kingdom, then he would think it was normal, but not here.

Historical experience proves that when someone enjoys a beautiful and luxurious life, there must be someone who is shouldering the burden of these people's luxurious life.

People with alienation disorder who are at the bottom of this world can enjoy life here so much.

So, who will be the person carrying the burden forward in this place?

Brother Luo Xi, sister, Aina, they all feel so strange...

Aina's tea-gold twins stared at these people and said: It's as if they are controlled by something, but the smell is still quite stable, but they are still in a feverish state.

Maomao was confused when he heard this.

Aina, what are you talking about?

Luo Xi: .

He did remember something.

Suddenly, there was a sharp cry.

No, don't kick me out!

There was a guard in front carrying a girl with pig ears and a pig nose. The girl looked very much like the heroine in a series of anime Luo Xi had watched when she was a child. She cried heartbreakingly in the guard's hands.

Luo Xi: !

【Ding! Your shock value +50]

[Note: Traveler, do you also want this type of animal-eared girl? 】

What a hammer! I'm not a free control who doesn't refuse anyone who comes!

The guard just said indifferently: Your stay is not long enough. Either leave the town, exchange gold coins for your stay, or raise snow worms. You choose one yourself.

I, I'm going to raise snow worms, but can I only raise them for a month?

Okay, come with me to sign the contract.


After the guard put down the pig-nosed girl, she immediately burst into laughter and jumped up and down behind the guard, followed by many curious people.

Someone shouted next to Luo Xi: This place is great for alienated patients like us! When I spend all the money I brought, I will sign a contract with the lord to raise snow worms. I want Stay here forever!”

Yeah yeah!

Why do you have to spend all your money before going? Just go!

Long live Lord Andulu!

Long live!

In an instant, the alienated patients present who had just arrived seemed to have been given a shot of chicken blood, shouting loudly, Long live the lord.

Luo Xi looked at these people who were completely infected by the atmosphere of the scene and just wanted to say that there wouldn't be any dogs in there, right?

Wei'er and Aina both looked confused. They had seen too much human kindness on the graystone streets of Winter City, and they didn't want to believe that this town would really treat patients with alienation syndrome so well.

There are only three words to describe it here.

Something's wrong!

Wei'er punched Luo Xi on the waist and said softly: Pervert, have you noticed that this ring street area is all in the outermost circle of the town? The road leading to the inner part of the town is blocked. The hundred people probably came from the town, we can go find someone and ask.

Well, you can ask.

Luo Xi walked towards a shop selling some kind of soup delicacy. There were many people with alienation syndrome drinking soup in the shop.

His eyes passed over the sign.

Snowworm soup...

It requires 5 silver coins per bowl, or 2 hours of time.

It's damn expensive.

Although five silver coins are nothing to them now, you must know that one silver coin is ten days and a half month's food expenses for many of the lower classes in this world.

When she first met Maomao, Aina could be happy for a long time just because of a silver coin.

Luo Xi walked to the counter and said, Boss, please have a bowl of snow worm soup.

The boss smiled and said: Do guests have to pay with their time? Or...

Luo Xi threw a gold coin onto the counter.

The boss's face turned cold all of a sudden, and he found five silver coins and threw them back.

Guest, please wait a moment. This is your number plate.

The tone was equally cold.

Luo Xi narrowed her eyes.

Not happy to make money?

Luo Xi held a small wooden sign and two lolita, found a table where one person was sitting, and sat down.

This man is an alienated patient with fine snake scales on his face.

He glanced at Luo Xi and others and continued to drink the soup from his bowl.

There was nothing in the soup, only a piece of snow-white gel-like object, but he drank it happily. Every time he took a sip, he showed a very happy expression.

Luo Xi tapped her fingers on the table twice and asked, Sir, can I ask you a question?

The snake man shook his head: No, unless you give me time.

Is one hour enough?


The snake man looked happy, put down his spoon, and took out his sign.

Luo Xi also took out his own sign. After some operations, his 48 hours were reduced by one hour and transferred to the snake man's side.

The snake man said with satisfaction: What do you want to ask? Hurry up.

Luo Xi pointed to the east: Brother, are you a resident here?

I just arrived.

The snake man said proudly: But sooner or later I will be a permanent resident. My snowworm raising skills are already very good. When I get better snowworm eggs and bring more benefits to the kind lord, then Sooner or later I will become a permanent resident of this town!

[In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to the permanently operating source-changing App, huanyuanapp. 】

Luo Xi: ...

Why does this guy look like he was successfully brainwashed by the leader PUA?

Brother, are you just here too?

The snake man glanced at Luo Xi and the two lolita next to him, and immediately said: Do you need me to take you? I promise to teach you all the experience of raising snow insects. You only need to give me 2 every day... ..1 hour is enough!”

We were just passing by.

Weier asked: Is the environment in the town also very good?

Of course it's good.

The snake man smiled regretfully and said: I have just arrived here not long ago. People passing by can only stay in this hotel on Grace Ring Street. But as long as you sign a contract to raise snow worms, you can live there. The price is very good. It’s cheap. I just came here last week. After signing the contract, I was assigned a cheap house. The lord is really a great person!”

No. 108, come and get the soup.


Luo Xi signaled Maomao with her eyes, then got up and went to the front desk.

The three of them found an empty seat and sat down again.

【Snowworm Soup】

[Quality: White (Normal++)]

[Category: Food]

[Attribute: I still want to drink after drinking it. If I don’t drink it for a day, I will feel terribly uncomfortable]

[Description: Miracles work with great force! 】

Luo Xi just wanted to say, isn't this something similar to poppy shells and cough syrup?

The lord here is using this thing to attract people, it is really bad...

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, he directly put the entire bowl of soup into his dream bag and left the store with Maomao and Aina.

Luo Xi said: Look for the Hollow Flower again. If we still can't find it, then we are ready to leave.

Weier nodded in agreement.

The atmosphere here also made her a little uncomfortable.

Luo Xi stopped when passing by a shop where the sound of tinkling could be heard.

Luo Xi saw a person inside the door with blond hair and shriveled horse ears.

The man seemed to feel something. When he turned around and saw Luo Xi and the others, he immediately waved and smiled and said, You are here too.

Is this the Kailo described in the text?

Luo Xi nodded and said, Well, Kailuo, what do you think of this place?

That's great! There is such a place.

Kailo said excitedly: I asked the old master here, and he said he was willing to accept me as his apprentice, as long as I raise snow worms here.

Snowworm again? What the hell is this?

Snowworm is a common zero-order source beast.

A dark-faced old master came out of the shop and said with a smile, Do you want to come too?

The old master looked at these alien species and couldn't restrain his excitement.

That’s four people!

His blacksmith shop can attract far fewer people than those catering service shops.

If this order can be completed and the commission of these four heads is obtained, then his son can be released.

The old master persuaded and said: The work here is very easy, raising snow insects is also very easy, and life is extremely comfortable. Many people never want to leave after coming.

Luo Xi didn't listen to the old master's words and pulled Kailuo outside.

Where are you going? The old master suddenly became anxious.

Who can bear it when the duck that has reached its mouth flies away?

But when Luo Xi caught up with him, he pushed him back into the blacksmith shop with his backhand, and then took Kailo farther away.

Weier and Aina followed closely behind him.

Kailo was puzzled: Brother, what are you doing?

Luo Xi looked at the energetic Maltese boy and said softly: Kailo, I advise you to leave this town.

Why are you leaving?

Kailo waved his arm and said with a smile: I will continue to hone my blacksmithing skills here. Sooner or later, I will be able to transform from an ordinary blacksmith to a craftsman who can create mithril. Become a master craftsman!”

So I won't leave!

Master Craftsman... Luo Xi was silent for a while and said, Is this your ideal?

Ideal? Maybe so.

Kailo said indifferently: I just want to have a better life here and bring my family over. Nothing else matters.

However, this place may not be able to help you realize your ideals. There is something wrong with those snow bugs. Luo Xi said.

Kailo pointed at the people in the nearby shops in confusion: Are their smiles all fake? They all said that raising snow worms is very simple, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Lord Lord is very kind, these people Are they all lying?

Luo Xi stopped talking.

Originally, we just met by chance, and the other party was already so determined, so it seemed pointless for him to continue to persuade him.

He said: Then let's go first.

Kailuo said with a bright smile: Well, goodbye, next time we meet, if I open a store, come to my place and I can give you a discount.

Also, brother Luo Xi, your lovely wives are still too young. It's best to wait a few more years.

Luo Xi's mouth twitched and she looked at his returning figure.

Like flowers in the sun, full of hope for the future.

However, for some reason, Luo Xi felt a little sad.

【Ding! You triggered the free mission: Ring Street of Grace (1)]

[Task description: There seems to be something wrong with this seemingly prosperous town? Traveler, it’s up to you whether you want to explore the strange places here. After you have certain contact with the people in the town, the mission will be updated accordingly]

[Reward: None yet]

[Description: Traveler, what do you want to do now? 】

[Note: Traveler, you have come to Winter City. Is there anything in this small place that makes you hesitate? 】

Luo Xi suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

I want to see the truth here.

After all, I am a traveler from another world.



I really want to write an IF story about what would happen if the protagonist got the talent of lolita from the beginning and became a red dragon lolita. Does anyone want to watch it?

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