Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 207: Can you attack such a young girl? Hentai!

[At this time, the reserve element in Xinghuo Furnace's heart has been almost exhausted, and you stopped in the wild about three kilometers away from Berggry Town]

[The airship cannot be stored in the dream bag at any time, so you need to hide it in a secret location to avoid being discovered]

【You are looking for...】

[After searching in the snow forest, traveler, you found a cave, summoned Spark, hid the airship inside, and did some basic hiding at the entrance of the cave]

[The thick black liquid flows out of the airship and regroups into an iron ball. You pick up the hat on the iron ball and press it on your head, put away the spark, and then walk to the top of the hill]

[Weier and Aina follow you. The three of you look at the big town in the distance, take out the map and start looking for the Hollow Flower]

[According to the map logo, the hollow flower is located to the west of Berggry Town, but the scale of the map is too large and it is difficult to determine the specific distance, so it takes time to find it]

[Traveller, ask Maomao and Aina if they have any thoughts about entering Berggli Town? 】

[Weier will tell you that the town of Bergere seems to have a pretty good reputation to the outside world. She has also heard about it in Winter City. The lord here is a 'good man' who is willing to accept patients with alienation syndrome. Most people sneered at this statement, and not many people were willing to believe it]

[Many people think this is a lie by the lord here to trick people into mining]

【Traveler, you think so】

【Good guy? 】

[After witnessing the depth of discrimination against people with alienation syndrome in this world, you don’t quite believe how many real ‘good people’ there are among those in power in these cities. Even the mayor of Weita Village, if you hadn’t been right to He is kind, and he will drive you away without hesitation at that time]

[Traveller, you said: Then let's go to the Hollow Flower first. It doesn't matter if we don't enter the town. Anyway, we have enough supplies for the time being.\

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