Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 204: Starfire’s Miracle, the Frightened Sisters!

Chapter 205 Starfire’s miracle, the scared sisters!

[Traveler, welcome to the journey of dreams~]

Luo Xi slowly opened her eyes.

At this moment, he was still sitting in the cockpit of the airship.

After merging with Starfire, the interior of the airship has been completely renewed. Traces of runes can be seen everywhere. Luo Xi can even see the flowing runes beating occasionally on the transparent glass.

What an incredible item did Liya create?

No wonder Xinghuo's description said she was an unreplicable masterpiece.

In Luo Xi's opinion, Xinghuo can be regarded as an intelligent life with a soul in science fiction novels. She may be able to fuse with more than just airships. She can try other devices in the future.

Given time, maybe he can actually drive a Gundam?

Luo Xi said to the little guy on his shoulder: Xinghuo, please wait for me while the master goes to catch two people.

Xinghuo nodded and said: Xinghuo knows~ But Master, please note that after absorbing the full source essence, the heart of the airship can probably support the airship flying at full speed for an hour, and then it needs an hour of recovery time, mainly the original source essence. The power furnace has insufficient energy and needs to be replenished urgently.

One hour?

Luo Xi did some calculations.

Judging from the description in the text, it is not a problem for the airship to reach a speed of one or two hundred kilometers per hour.

Even if they only drive once a day, it's much faster than them walking all day.

It's just that it's too big and doesn't fit in his current luggage space, so it's a big problem to carry it around.

Upgrading the next level of luggage requires 3,000 kilograms of source marrow crystals, which is equivalent to 30,000 gold coins. In reality, it is more than 200 million.

Last time, in order to upgrade the dream bag, he had already consumed half of the purified source marrow on the dream staff! Why do you feel that all high-end equipment in this world is so expensive that it feels like a money grab?

I don’t know how other players are doing in this world. Judging from the information in the travel bureau, they probably aren’t doing well.

[Note: Do you know how poor you are, right? 】

Ah, yes, yes, Gou Wen, you are so capable, can you give me some money?

[Note: Of course - no way~φ(≧ω≦*)]

Then mugwort!

Luo Xi patted the cabin door, stood up and jumped out.

Where have my lovely cats and little wolf that made me healthy gone?

Benefactor, what is this?

The village chief of Weta Village and his grandchildren were standing outside the house. They witnessed with their own eyes the scene of Luo Xi entering the airship and flying at high speed from the ceiling.

【Ding! The village chief’s respect for you is +100]

【Ding! Kana’s favorability towards you +20]

【Ding! Jon’s respect for you is +50]

The village chief never thought that his son could play with the airship he had picked up, pieced together, and repaired so much, flying upside down, spinning around, and diving vertically. Is that really what a paddle-type airship can do?

No, it was definitely the benefactor. He did something!

When his son was still alive, he also saw his son flying this airship in person, but the speed was definitely not that fast, and the control was even more shaky, as if it would fall from the sky at any time.

Kana hugged the little white bear and looked at the stars in her eyes. The boy next to her was also somewhat respectful. He learned from his grandfather that these people saved him.

Luo Xi smiled and said: Mr. Village Chief, it's almost time for us to leave. Where are they?

Kana pointed to the house and said: They went inside. Big brother, will you come back in the future?

The little Loli held the doll and looked at Luo Xi with moist gray-blue eyes.

Since her father was also a heterogeneous person during his lifetime, Kana didn't have much aversion to people with alienation syndrome. However, a mysterious and handsome outsider like Luo Xi was like the hand that played with the girl's heartstrings, making people want to go deeper. learn.

Luo Xi walked over, touched the girl's head tenderly, and said with a smile: When mountains and rivers meet, there will always be opportunities.

Can Kana also travel with big brother?

[Note: Traveler, your achievement of kidnapping a little loli is +1]

As soon as these words came out, the village chief grandfather and the boy's brother were shocked. Before they could persuade the girl, Aina's voice sounded in the house.

No! You are two years younger than Aina. You should think about how to grow up first!

Aina pulled the reluctant Weier out of the house and said, Sister, let's face reality. Sooner or later, we will have to sit down. I can only hope that brother Luo Xi drives slower.

Luo Xi touched his chin and said thoughtfully: Mao Mao, are you afraid of heights?

its not right?

He remembered that cats could easily jump off the roof.

Who is afraid of heights?

Maomao pouted and said, But even if I'm not afraid of heights, I would still be scared if I fly so high and so fast in something like this! How on earth did you make the airship fly so scary!

Is it scary?

Luo Xi was stunned.

He glanced at the village chief and the Kana siblings.

The three of them nodded in unison.

Luo Xi: .

He suddenly regretted coming over to take the airship in person.

No matter what, you have to try it.

Since ancient times, humans have been longing for the sky. Now that we have a rare opportunity, we will definitely regret not trying it ourselves.

Wei'er also recognized the reality and took the initiative to walk towards the airship. She just looked at the giant creature that was two or three times as tall as her. Thinking of what she had seen before, the girl's eyes couldn't help but jump.

Aina grabbed her sister's hand.

The little wolf girl also looked scared: Sister Wei'er, if we all fall to death together, brother Luo Xi will still be resurrected, right?

Weier said in confusion: It should be possible, right? This pervert really doesn't seem to die in our world? Why do you ask?

What are you talking about?

Luo Xi stood behind the two of them, holding their clothes with both hands, and put them into the back seat of the airship. The hatch closed automatically, and the black seat belt stretched out, holding the two sisters tightly. Tied to the seat.

Weier and Aina exclaimed at the same time.

After arriving in the airship, the two sisters' heartbeats began to beat rapidly, and their blood pressure began to rise.

Luo Xi also climbed into the driving seat in front of the airship.

Then let's go.

Luo Xi smiled at the village chief and his family and said, Goodbye, everyone.

Goodbye big brother!

Kana also waved to Luo Xi.

Goodbye, benefactor, please be careful.

The village chief held his granddaughter in his arms and took off his hat to salute. At the same time, he was cursing in his heart that if he allowed this benefactor to stay in Weita Village for a while longer, his granddaughter might really be abducted.

The front and rear hatches slowly closed.

A safety belt also appeared on Luo Xi's body, fixing his body in place.

Golden light spots gathered, and Xinghuo sat on Luo Xi's shoulder, glanced at the two people in the back seat, and said with a pout:

Someone else has entered Starfire's house again. Obviously only the master can do it.

Weier was stunned for a moment in the back seat and said, You are the little guy who says weird things!

When Weier faced a life-and-death crisis under the sacred tree, she saw Xinghuo in the armor with her own eyes, and Xinghuo wanted Luo Xi to drive her out.

Xinghuo snorted: Humph, just praise the master's greatness! Otherwise, be careful Xinghuo throws you down halfway!

Weier: .

Has the little guy been trained by Luo Xi, a pervert? Always master master.

Luo Xi said: Xinghuo, prepare to take off.

Luo Xi just glanced at the bunch of dials in front, but couldn't understand them anyway.

Xinghuo swayed her white silk calves on Luo Xi's shoulders and said happily:

Starfire received! Starting the power furnace!

Countless rune structures began to flow in the airship.

【Ding! The Yuansu furnace core has been started, the Yuansu power furnace has been started, and the parallel connection is successful. The current Yuansu reserves can fly at the fastest speed for one hour]


Aina stared closely at the spark on Luo Xi's shoulder. This was her first time seeing this little guy. Has her brother always stayed with such a young girl?

Fortunately, this little guy is too small.

After confirmation, the crisis is resolved.

Not as threatening as the big or small woman in my brother's world.

Next time it will be left to Sister Wei'er to deal with her.

Aina breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when the airship shook violently and quickly lifted off the ground, giving her a feeling of overweight she had never experienced before, the little wolf girl's face suddenly turned pale.

Brother Luo Xi, Aina is not ready yet. Aina wants to go to the bathroom!

Wei'er's hair was all gone. She grabbed her seat belt and shouted, Stop the pervert! I want to go to the bathroom too!

Huh? What did you say?

Luo Xi turned his head in confusion. The noise when the power furnace started was so loud that he couldn't hear it clearly for a while.

boom! —

The airship suddenly raised its head, and the propeller blades began to rotate crazily, spraying out a large amount of thrust, climbing almost vertically in a flying manner comparable to the fifth-generation jet aircraft Luo Xi had seen in reality.



Brother Luo Xi—brother—sister—

The three voices mixed together in the cabin.

Soon, the gray clouds were broken through, and dazzling golden sunlight shone on the airship.

After a minute or so.

The speed of the airship gradually stabilized and it began to fly horizontally. UU reading www.uukanshu.net Luo Xi could already see the sea of ​​clouds below.

Starfire flew to the dashboard and asked, Master, where are we going?

Let me take a look first.

Luo Xi took out the map and compass, looked at the blue sky and the dazzling sun above his head, and felt inexplicably as if he had returned to reality.

This place is estimated to be at least several kilometers above the ground.

Luo Xi turned around and said, Maomao, Aina? Are you okay?

Weier's head was lowered and her tail hung weakly under the seat, as if she had fainted.

Aina (〃>﹏<〃) said: Brother Luo Xi, you are so bad. Aina almost couldn't help it. It's so scary.

The little wolf girl looked a little closer to the cabin window, then immediately retracted her head, her tail was tucked behind her, and her big wolf ears drooped.

The cute wolf is afraid (ó﹏ò).

[Note: Traveler, your intentions are very bad! Do you really want to see two sisters die from incontinence? ! 】

I didn't do anything!

And this isn’t the case yet!

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