Living room on the first floor.

After the village chief confirmed that his grandson had been lifted from the root curse and was still in a deep sleep, he led Luo Xi and the others downstairs.

The old man rubbed his granddaughter's head and said kindly: Kana, talk to the benefactors while grandpa goes to make tea.


Kana sat obediently on the sofa with her white bear doll in her arms. Her blue-grey eyes carefully looked at the three people opposite her. After her eyes stayed on the tail behind Weier and Aina for a long time, she looked at Luo Xi. .

【Ding! Kana’s favorability towards you +5]

[The current favorability of Kana towards you is: 75 (the good-looking strange big brother who saved my brother)]

[Description: Because you saved her biological brother, and because of your outstanding appearance, which is rare in this village full of crooked men, she developed some affection for you]

[Note: You don’t need to rely on dispensable talents and titles. Even if you don’t have animal ears, it’s okay. Traveler, you are also a humanoid device that attracts little lolita~]

Luo Xi: ...

Is there anything wrong with being handsome? ! I don’t just attract little lolita! (*`Van′*)?

He raised his hand and took off his hat, revealing his alien features.

In order to prevent the dog text from continuing to criticize him as a suspicious person who abducted a little loli, he had to take the initiative to lower the little girl's favorability.

Luo Xi felt that the reason why Kana was so easy to like may be because he did not show his alienated characteristics, and maybe the other party thought that he was a normal human being.

[Currently used, it is the most complete and best-used app for listening to books. It integrates 4 major speech synthesis engines and over 100 sounds. It is also a source-changing artifact that supports offline reading, huanyuanapp. Source-changing App]

After seeing the black and red dragon horns on Luo Xi's head, Kana's eyes obviously widened.

【Ding! Kana’s favorability towards you +5]

Luo Xi: Huh?!

Something's wrong!

Why is it a plus sign and not a minus sign?

After Aina smelled the changed smell of the girl opposite, she muttered in her heart, Why is brother Luo Xi so popular with little girls?

The girl smiled sweetly and said, Big brother, you have horns like my father. I miss you so much.

Luo Xi was stunned: Your father...

Father and mother were killed by the source beast when they went out seven years ago.

Kana said a little lonely: My brother and I were raised by my grandfather, so I am very grateful to you for saving my brother. Without my brother, I don't know how I will survive in the future.

Aina also knows the feeling of not being able to live without someone.

Aina glanced at her sister, then turned around and hummed: However, brother Luo Xi will not give it to you, and you don't have a tail. Brother Luo Xi doesn't like you like this. We just met by chance, and we will soon become friends. It’s time to leave, I advise you not to think about the things you have and don’t have.”

The girl opposite blinked.

What is this alien girl who is one or two years older than me talking about?

Weier: ...

How much does my idiot sister like this pervert? She is so wary of a little girl she just met. It was the same at sister Reina's hotel earlier. The little rabbit was almost scared to tears by Aina. .

If she were not her sister, Aina would definitely not give her a good look when she had contact with Luo Xi, right?

Aina saw that the child opposite did not respond. In order to declare her sovereignty, the little wolf girl took the initiative to put Luo Xi's hand on her tail.

Luo Xi's hand suddenly shrank.

But Aina took his hand and patted it on his tail again. She looked at Luo Xi with her dark-gold eyes and said faintly:

Brother Luo Xi, don't you like Aina's tail the most? Are you lying to Aina?

Luo Xi: .

He never imagined that one day he would be forced to rua...

No rua, no rua!

His fingers separated the long outer hair of the tail and entered the soft inner layer.

【Ding! Your happiness value +30]

I have to say, in such a cold place, it’s really nice to be able to put your hands into the big tail of a beast-eared girl to keep warm~

[Note: It’s not cold at all here at Traveler! Don't use coldness as an excuse for rua animal-eared lolita! Take away! 】

No road race! Aina took the initiative to give me rua! Who else can censor me!


Under Luo Xi's caress, Aina's face turned red and she hummed happily.

Wei'er squinted at Luo Xi's behavior, and several '╬' appeared on her forehead. After her mother left, this pervert became more and more unrestrained. Aina asked you to touch her and you really touched her?

No matter what happens, you can come to me, okay?

Maomao wrapped her tail around her hand and resisted the urge to beat Luo Xi.

The current good situation was created by Luo Xi.


You have to stay rational every day like your mother!

Kana looked at the guest across the sofa in confusion.

The girl didn't quite understand why this big brother could happily touch the alien features of the girl next to him.

Don’t all the aliens hate these?

It was the same when my father was still alive. He wanted to chop off the horns on his head many times.

Are the aliens now able to play so abstractly?

Sorry, my benefactors have been waiting for a long time.

The village chief came out of the kitchen with a pot of tea and said: My benefactors, drink some tea first. I have arranged for someone to cook. I will bring it over as soon as the meal is ready... Uh.

He immediately saw Luo Xi, who was stroking the little wolf girl's tail.

Speaking of which, the two girls who were with Luo Xi didn't look very old.

Is this young man usually so close to these two girls?

That's... really a bit perverted, no, he has to keep a close eye on Kana.

Luo Xi took his hand out of the big tail as if nothing had happened.

The old man also sat next to his granddaughter, put the tea in his hand on the table, poured five cups each, and said with a smile:

This is the flaming tea from the Great Yan Empire. After drinking it, you will feel the heat all over your body. It is most suitable for cold areas like our Kingdom of Light. My benefactors can try it.

Luo Xi picked up the cup and took a sip.

【Ding! Your warmth +1]

The tea is good.

Luo Xi asked: Can I ask how many people there are in your village?

About 250 people. The old man said.

not many.

The old man shook his head and smiled bitterly: After all, it is such a remote small village. The Vita Sacred Tree can only block the disaster-level source beasts. When encountering the lord-level source beasts passing by, we can only hope that it will think that we are ignoring us.

Do you need my help? Although Weta Village is small, as long as it is the request of my benefactors, I will do my best even if I have to sacrifice all my family wealth.

Luo Xi pointed outside the house: I want that big plane, is that okay?

The cat's tail in Wei'er's hand curled up.

Did it turn out that this pervert had been eyeing the plane outside from the beginning?

What big plane?

The old man was confused.

Weier covered her face and said, That one is called an airship.

Oh, do the benefactors want that airship?

The village chief scratched his chin.

Luo Xi raised an eyebrow: No?

This old man can't be so stingy, can he?

Of course, he also knew that this airship, which was comparable to the price of power armor, might be too expensive, and the village chief was reluctant to give it to him, but he had said before that he could agree to any request, and if he changed his mind now, it would really make people feel a little unhappy. .

The village chief immediately said: No, it's not impossible. Except for the sacred tree and Kana, you can take away everything in Weta Village that you like, but the main structure of the airship was picked up by my son from the wild. The fallen airship parts, plus a bunch of things that have been patched together to repair it, can indeed be used if used, but it is extremely dangerous, and can you drive it?

Fly an airship...

Luo Xi also thought about this problem.

Wait, did this old man say something strange?

Except for the sacred tree and Kana?

Shenshu can understand, why would he add his granddaughter to the list?

[Note: Traveler, your lolicon nature is really something that ordinary people can see at a glance~]


Luo Xi asked Maomao beside him: Maomao, can you fly an airship?

Wei'er rolled her eyes at Luo Xi with a speechless expression.

[Note: Traveler, don’t forget your lovely Spark~]


Could it be that Starfire can pilot an airship?

Luo Xi thought for a while and said, It's okay.

The village chief said helplessly: The airship is right outside the door. You can drive away at any time, but its source marrow power furnace does not contain much crystallized energy. There are not enough source marrow crystals or purified source marrow in Weita Village. , that thing is simply a money-sucking super rich...

Luo Xi said decisively: That's it.

The village chief also nodded and said yes.

There's also the matter of the magician.

The old man asked in a deep voice: My benefactor, do you know his origin?

Luo Xi introduced the 'great achievements' of Justice Delcos in Winter City to the old man, and the wrinkles on the old man's face were so shocked that he actually took in such an evil necromancer for one night?

Luo Xi asked: I want to know if there is anything special about your child that deserves his attention?

special place?

The village chief thought carefully for a long time.

My grandson has a very high mental strength. I am planning to wait until he grows up and send him to live in a big city like Winter City. The path to sublimation brought by the Winter Path over there is better than my Vita When the sacred tree reaches its peak, it will only reach the third level of strength, which is much better.

The old man thought: If he is a necromancer, then it makes sense. No matter what kind of necromancer he is, he has very high spiritual requirements. No wonder I found that my grandson left after he left. His spirit is constantly weakening, and the curse he left behind can swallow up my grandson's spiritual origin, and it can be transformed into his own original power even though he is thousands of miles away and separated by the barrier of the sacred tree.

This is a real evil! Benefactors, if you want to find that necromancer, you must be careful!


Luo Xi thought to himself that the world was so big, and he didn't believe he could meet that old guy again.


The third floor of the village chief's house.

The night is already dark.

Wei'er took out a book and pen from the small bag she always carried, and read a book www.uukanshu. nett opened the first page of the book.

[Pangaea calendar year 3970, December 8th, snow]

[Today, my mother threw us out early to protect us, and she didn’t come back to look for us after that. Aina, Luo Xi, and I stayed in a cave far away from Winter City for one night. Aina also talked to I had a fight, this idiot sister is really marrying that pervert every day...]

This is what she wrote yesterday.

She glanced at Aina who was sleeping beside her, turned the page, and started writing carefully with a pen.

[Pangaea calendar year 3970, December 9th, snow]

[I walked all day today. That bastard Luo Xi was alone in his world during the day and didn’t know what to do. He left a fool’s body walking here. I really want to know if he has any other girls over there. .....I don’t care about him! And he still wants to find the Hollow Flower. Aren’t those things already useless?

After sunset, we came to Weta Village. The village chief's son was saved by this pervert who took the scroll given by his mother. His target turned out to be the airship.

I just want to know if he can drive it?

Aina, the child, seems to have grown up a bit recently. I compared her height when I gave her a bath tonight. I feel that her height is only five or six centimeters shorter than mine. Alas...]

After Maomao finished writing, he closed the notebook, stuffed it back into his bag, and fell asleep.

Tomorrow will be a new day.

After a long time, Aina suddenly opened her eyes and looked at her sister's bag.

What did my sister write again? (Curiosity~ヽ(?w?′?))

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