Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 198: Senior, do you like me who is so cute?

Chapter 199 Senior, do you like me who is so cute?

Hollow Flower's Recovery Mission

If this sudden personal mission didn't have the word only in it, Luo Xi would definitely think it was quite normal. In many games, you also need to light up the portal before you can use it.

But the only meaning of this is that only he can do this task?

So the dog text is you again, right? !

[Note: We don’t know~ヾ(=ω=)o]

If you don’t know, come out with wormwood! (fuck dishfuck)

There's no point in trying to be cute!

【Ding! x1 of the remaining pages of the source code of ‘empty’ has been included in the dream bag]

[Source code·empty (broken page)]

[Quality: Colorful (Myth-)]

[Category: Symbol of authority]

[Attribute: The current broken page can only be used to revive the Hollow Flower]

[Description: This is the eternal world tree Kong that controls the power of space. After the tree body was completely destroyed, the remaining pages of the source code are now advanced to travelers in advance as a reward for completing tasks in the future]

[Warm reminder: Don’t take it out casually except for the Resurrection Hollow Flower. This is a big treasure that can drive countless people crazy~]

Luo Xi fell into silence.

A mythical item was inserted inexplicably.

Logically speaking, you should be happy.

However, this made him feel more like he was being pushed by a big invisible hand (dog text). This feeling made him a little uncomfortable. Who knew what was waiting for him ahead?

[Note: So Traveler, do you want to give up the power you have gained, as well as the little beast-eared lolita that you have abducted from this world, and their beautiful mother? 】

Giving up on that is impossible!

But did you get something weird mixed into Dog Text?

Luo Xi narrowed her eyes and stared at the words in the dog text.

What exactly do you want me to do?

When can I see you in person?

Let me take a good look at you to see if you are a bitch wearing white stockings.

Big brother wants to educate you well! (gas)

Wei'er saw Luo Xi staring at the air and gritting her teeth, curiously saying:

Pervert, what are you thinking about?


Luo Xi shook his head and smiled, then tore open the roasted dry food and meat slices in his hands and gave them to Aina and Weier respectively.

He got up and walked towards the exit of the cave.

Kicking away the snow at the entrance of the cave, Luo Xi walked out and looked at the winter sacred tree shining with stars in the distance, as well as the hazy light and shadow of Noah, the tree of the eternal world, far away in the night.

Although this world is a little uncomfortable for him, if he can never come here again, he will definitely leave a lot of regrets.

Then just go with the flow for the time being and live life as it comes.

I have decided that from now on I will just lie down, do nothing, and travel with my cat and little wolf every day~

[Note: Hum, it can be destroyed for the time being, but Traveler, if you don’t improve yourself properly, don’t regret it when an irresistible disaster strikes~]

Luo Xi: .

[This synchronization ends here, welcome to come again next time~]

Luo Xi opened her eyes suddenly from the sofa.

The rich aroma of food and the fragrance of girls floated into his nose.

Master Nine Swords was sitting across the sofa looking at him, while Ai Xue was sitting next to him.

Senior, you're awake! Ai Xue said with some confusion: We were so anxious just now. Is there something going on in the dream world?

Luo Xi subconsciously said: Look at the two sisters fighting.


Let's not talk about the dream world for now. Master Nine Swords pointed at the food on the table and said with a smile: These meals have just been delivered. Let's eat first, and then talk about whether you want to learn swordsmanship, little friend. How's the matter going? By the way, do you want to drink, little friend?

A can of beer. Luo Xi said.

Okay, I'd better drink white wine.

Jiujian took out a few cans of beer from the box on the ground and placed them on the glass table, then took a bottle of liquor for himself.

Ai Xue took a bottle of Coke, and the three of them opened the lunch box that was delivered and started eating.

I have to say the food at this place tastes pretty good.

Speaking of my swordsmanship.

Jiujian poured liquor into his throat and said with a smile: Before I became a dream traveler, the elders in my family were playing swordsmanship. My father trained me to death from childhood, so I am in the dream world. Even though I have become an ascendant in the knight profession, I still don’t use guns, I still use swords.”

My sword skills have been rated as level 3 proficiency-level high-level sword skills by the text, which means that even if I don't rely on other extraordinary powers as a sublimated person, I can still fight against an ordinary person simply by relying on sword skills and source elements. A third-level transcendent, Mad! If it weren’t for that guy’s weapon yesterday, which was so insidious and despicable, it would have made me laugh.”

Jiujian realized that he was too emotional and stroked his beard twice to hide his embarrassment.

Ai Xue asked from the side: Old sir, can the game Dawn directly provide sword skills?

Jiujian shook his head: Skills such as swordsmanship, even if you complete the task, the text will not directly give you proficiency. You can only learn it slowly. Skills are different from climbing to the extraordinary level. They really require hard work.

Luo Xi thought of Liya's rune skills and said thoughtfully: But if these sword skills and other skills are mastered to a high level, the user's strength can be greatly improved.

That's right, skills such as runes and alchemy in the magician profession, and even the skills of a specific magic spell, as well as the sword skills, knife skills, riding skills, spear skills of knights and warriors, and the bow skills of archers. , even low-level extraordinary beings may master advanced skills and thus have the ability to leapfrog challenges.

Jiujian said helplessly: But now everyone has the opportunity to obtain extraordinary power in the dream world. After gaining extraordinary power, who will hone their skills in a short period of time? This does not happen overnight, so I heard My little friend is so excited to learn swordsmanship. I have long wanted to find a talented apprentice. If my little friend learns sword skills and uses your powerful power armor, he will definitely be invincible!

My little friend, do you still want to learn?

Luo Xi said without hesitation: Yes!

Jiujian slapped the table: Okay, tomorrow morning at six o'clock, we will meet on time at the lake where my friend and I met in the afternoon! I will teach you from the basics!

Luo Xi: .

What? You don't want to learn anymore?

Jiujian's face turned red due to the effect of alcohol, and he blew his beard in dissatisfaction.


Master Nine Swords praised: My little friend, you really have perseverance. Those foreign bastards spread rumors and say you are a lolicon. I think this is nonsense!

Luo Xi raised his beer and clinked glasses with Nine Swords.

What the master said is absolutely true!

【Ding! Your recognition of Master of Nine Swords +50]

After Master Nine Swords left, Ai Xue and Luo Xi were left behind.

Ai Xue's body has become smaller and smaller. It's only around seven o'clock now, and she feels like a high school student.

[Note: Traveler, how about being punished first? 】


Luo Xi looked at Ai Xue who was cleaning up the garbage and asked, Ai Xue, how is the situation over there?

Ai Xue was stunned and said: In the game?

Yeah. Luo Xi nodded.

I just died once today.

Ai Xue said with a bitter face: But I still couldn't find a place to live. I died outside at night. I didn't choose to be resurrected. If I want to live in that city, I must obtain the exclusive coins of the Silent City. If not, I can only sleep on the street and wait to be killed by unknown monsters.

Can't you just leave that city?

No. The dark light of that sacred tree blocks all ways to leave. Ai Xue shook her head.

Is the situation similar to what I was in Winter City?

Luo Xi thought for a while and took out the talent crystal in his bag.

Includes one purple crystal, one blue crystal, and three green crystals.

[Talent Crystal: Eyes of Truth (Purple/Epic)]

[Description: You can see clearly the truth you want to know]

[Talent Crystal: Nightcrawler (Blue/Rare)]

[Description: When acting at night, your agility attribute +25]

The other three green crystals were all that Luo Xi felt better about, and they were not given to the tourism bureau last night.

Luo Xi said: I've given these to you. Please open up your new village as soon as possible.


Ai Xue's eyes suddenly filled with tears.

She has already heard the price of talent crystals.

Nowadays, dream travelers are very rare and talent crystals are marketable and priceless around the world. A single purple crystal can sell for at least hundreds of millions.

She also knew how poor Luo Xi was before.

Ai Xue never thought that Luo Xi would give such a valuable thing to her directly.

Hello, senior!

Ai Xue rushed forward and gave Luo Xi a bear hug, and said touchedly: But no need, seniors can just use it to enhance their strength.

Luo Xi pushed Ai Xue away a little. Although the soft ball pressed against his face was very comfortable, he always felt out of breath, and there was also a feeling that Aina would chop him with a hatchet at any time.

[Note: Traveler, it seems that you have been successfully trained by the little wolf girl ~ you will turn into the shape of Aina ~ (Sad!)]


Absolutely impossible!

Luo Xi shook his head and said: My talent slot is full and cannot be replaced for the time being. It will take a long time. Then I should have a new one myself.

That's it. I'll accept it, thank you, senior.

Ai Xue nodded slightly and suddenly said: Senior, we are all living together today. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Senior, don't you want to agree to be my boyfriend? If senior likes younger ones, that's fine too at 12 o'clock. , just come to my room, I won’t tell anyone else.”

Luo Xi's mouth twitched.

At 12 o'clock, you are even younger than Aina.

Am I that kind of pervert? !

Early the next morning.

Beside the lake, Master Nine Swords asked seriously: To learn swordsmanship, you must lay the foundation for perseverance. This does not happen overnight. You must be prepared to work hard for a long time! Have you thought about it?

Think about it. Luo Xi nodded seriously.

First learn to hold a sword with me.

At noon.

The Master of Nine Swords looked at Luo Xi in confusion, whose swordsmanship was as good as when he was about fifteen years old.

tnnd, is this a peerless genius? !

Let’s cheat!

Thank you for the tips from maltose jay, Dark Night Waning Moon, and Floating Clouds South Tour.

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