Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 195: I want both sisters, the scumbag who despises travelers speaks~

The town of Berggry.

This is a large town two hundred kilometers away from Winter City in a straight line, with a population of nearly 30,000. Most of the town's economic source comes from breeding a zero-order source beast called 'Snow Worm'.

The mayor here, who is also the lord of this place, has a reputation as a 'good guy mayor with a broad mind', because no matter whether they are aliens or ordinary people, as long as they pay a certain price, they can stay in the town for a long time and receive The protection of the sacred tree.

This 100-meter-level sacred tree in Berggry Town is enough to defend against the attack of two lord-level source beasts.

This certain price is that you have to raise 'snowworms'. Of course, compared to ordinary people, the number of alien species that need to be raised every year is much larger.

Every year, the lord distributes snowworm eggs to the townspeople. When the snowworms mature after one year, the lord collects the adult snowworms, pays part of the reward, and then gives the snowworm eggs to the citizens for the next year.

In this way, a complete snow insect industry was born in this big town.

After the sun sets at dusk, the giant tree that is nearly 100 meters high shines with golden light and protects the people living below.

A white-haired old man with age spots on his face, under the curious gaze of the townspeople, walked towards the center of the place, the lord's manor next to the sacred tree.

The old man suddenly turned his head and glanced at the skinny local residents, with a strange smile on his lips, which frightened some people into quickly closing the door and hiding in the house.

After walking for a long time, the old man looked up and saw a middle-aged man waiting outside the gate of the manor. The old housekeeper next to him held an umbrella for him.

The middle-aged man took two steps and smiled at the old man: Mr. Kers, the most sumptuous dinner has been prepared for you. Thank you very much for being a high-level alchemist like you who is willing to be my child in the alchemy method. The enlightenment teacher.

You're welcome, Mr. Lord, this is also my honor.

The old man nodded calmly.

Before entering the manor, he looked back at the way he came and looked at the direction of the distant city.

That dead rat thought you were so powerful, but he failed in the end.

Sure enough, the only one I can trust is myself.


[Traveller, after sunset, you, Maomao and Aina found a cave to stay. Regardless of whether Liya will come back or not, you are not going to leave tonight]

[You lit a bonfire in the cave and boiled some hot water to make tea. Traveler, you felt bored and took out the big map to look at it]

[Brother Luo Xi's body is still so warm~\

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