Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 182: Mother-in-law comes to reality? (x) It’s Aina!

Luo Xi suddenly felt nervous all over.

In the synchronized state of the dream, he and Liya felt oppressive when talking to each other. If the other party really came to reality, Luo Xi could not imagine how he would face her.

[Note: Jie Jie Jie! Wouldn't that be the best chance to win over my mother-in-law? As long as you successfully capture it, she and her two daughters will be yours as a traveler. In the true sense~Mr. Lu Xun once said: To kidnap a beast-eared loli, you must start by becoming a Cao thief~]

Mr. Lu Xun never said such disgusting words!

[Note: However, Traveler, the use of this thing is not that simple. If the lost soul does not know where to go, it will only be lost in this vast world. Even if the effect is successfully activated, the egg cannot break the shell~ 】

Luo Xi frowned.

What's the meaning?

In the text, Liya has already started trying.

[Liya took out the cradle in the living room and lay down on it while her daughters and you watched]

[Liya looked at you, raised her hand, nodded lightly to her head, and then fell into sleep]


At this moment, in the dream world.

Sister Wei'er, mom is going to be the first! Aren't you in a hurry?

Aina pulled Weier aside and whispered: If mom sees the real brother Luo Xi and does anything while we are not around, then Aina and sister will call her brother Luo Xi from now on. If you become a father, you can’t marry brother Luo Xi!”]

Wei'er was stunned for a moment.

Then, the girl's delicate and pretty face quickly became crimson.

She turned her head and hummed: Who wants to marry that pervert!

Aina said without hesitation: Aina has said it many times, it's okay if the sister doesn't want the brother, Aina does! Aina will be an adult in three years, and then my sister can be the bridesmaid for Aina.

Weier: ...

That kind of thing, that kind of thing is not allowed! (〃>﹏<〃)!

Wei'er felt like she was suffocating just thinking about that scene.

She whispered: Mom will definitely despise that pervert, Aina, don't worry.

Wei'er didn't know what was going on in her sister's brain.

Aina is really aggressive towards the people she likes. Fortunately, she is still young now. If she were older, maybe... maybe she really wouldn't have a chance?

Wei'er glanced at Luo Xi, who was standing aside with a somewhat hollow look in his eyes. She knew that this was a sign that Luo Xi was manipulating the body from a distance.

In fact, she was not very worried that she had multiple fathers for no reason. She knew it with her tail. How could her mother like a pervert like Luo Xi?

......I guess so?

Then, Wei'er thought about her genetically similar face to her mother's, as well as the huge difference in figure.

If Luo Xi lingered in Winter City for so long because of himself, then it also means that this pervert must have liked her to some extent...right?

So, would Luo Xi also like her mother who looks similar to her?

And my mother's figure is much better than mine.

In her impression, her mother has never found another man in the past ten years. Maybe she suddenly has an idea...

A combination of factors.

Weier was immediately unsure.

If one day Luo Xi suddenly told her that you will call me ‘Dad’ from now on...

Wei'er was certain that she would collapse on the spot.

Wei'er subconsciously hugged Aina tighter in her arms and said:

Aina, let's go give that pervert a little warning.

Yeah! Aina nodded.

Wei'er walked to Luo Xi's side, took Luo Xi's hand, and said softly: Pervert! I know you can definitely hear it. No matter what, don't do anything to your mother, otherwise Ai and I will Na will hate you forever!

Aina also said in a low voice: Yes! Even if brother Luo Xi takes action against Aina, don't take action against mother!

You can't take action against Aina either! Weier quickly added.


Luo Xi looked at the text with confusion.

Did these two beast-eared ladies think he was a hentai wife like Chu Tian?

[Note: I don’t know that Chu Tian also thinks that you, Traveler, are a hentai~ Both mother and daughter take care of each other. Both daughters are still loli, so they are better than his hentai! ~]

This is all that bastard's imagination about him!

Luo Xi was too lazy to care about the dog text. He nervously looked at Hui Nest under the bed.

After Liya fell asleep, there was no change at all when she returned home.

Did it fail?


If Liya really came over, it would be him who would have a headache. Even if it was only twelve hours, it would be enough to make Luo Xi anxious.

He looked at the text.

[Aina looks at you nervously: Brother Luo Xi, can mom succeed?\

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