Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 170 The meeting of Liya’s mother and daughter and the rewards of the mission (four thousand

real world.

October 3rd.

It's three o'clock in the afternoon.

Encountering a cat cafe at the corner, Ai Xue brewed a cup of coffee and handed it to a newly arrived customer.

She looked at WeChat on her phone with a melancholy look.

Luo Xi didn't come to work again today, and he didn't ask for leave this time.

Did you encounter something difficult?

The store was actually very busy these days. It was a holiday after all, and Luo Xi had to hire people for several days in a row, which put a lot of pressure on the store. Fortunately, she hired several temporary workers, which relieved the pressure a little.

Chen Mumu, who was entertaining guests at the cat cafe, came over and comforted softly: Xiaoxue, you are still waiting for him. I guess you were defrauded of money by him, but this is pretty good. You can see one clearly for seven thousand yuan. Man, at least you haven’t been deceived.”

Mumu, don't talk nonsense.

Ai Xue shook her head and said: I don't believe that the senior is that kind of person. The senior must have something important to do.

Important matter?

Chen Mumu shrugged and said: You are busy with something important and can't even send a single message on WeChat? And hasn't he blocked you for a long time before? Your understanding of him has always been superficial. You don't know what his real private life is. In this way, with his looks, I don't think it would be surprising if he secretly has more than a dozen girlfriends.

I still think Senior is not this kind of Sea King... Although Ai Xue was defending, her tone had already dropped.

Well...it's really unreasonable to say that he has more than a dozen girlfriends.

Chen Mumu held her chin and said thoughtfully: Yes, if he is a scumbag from Neptune who keeps fish everywhere, there is no way he would not accept a stupid and beautiful girl like you who was given for free. If you replace him with me, you She was no longer a pure girl two years ago, she must have been completely developed by me.

Is he really a gay or a lolicon? It feels bad either way.

Ai Xue blushed immediately and reached out to knock Chen Mumu on the head: Mumu, what are you talking about! There are so many guests here!

The two were fooling around behind the front desk, attracting curious looks from many guests.

Ding! —

Ai Xue's cell phone placed on the table made a beep.

She immediately put aside her best friend, stood up and took a look at her phone.

Ai Xue thought Luo Xi had replied to her message.

What's this?

However, this is just a push for a game I have never heard of.

[Dear player, you have obtained the qualification to enter the daily word game Dawn (this is an adjusted closed test before the second large-scale closed test, with a total of 10 places). Do you want to download it? 】

Ai Xue crossed out the game push box without even thinking about it.

She doesn't play games very much, and even if she does play, it's the kind of games that can be linked together with her friends.

[The game download is successful, ‘Dawn’ is being installed... The installation is successful, I wish you a happy game]

Ai Xue: ?

What kind of unscrupulous game manufacturer is this?



Liya walked on this piece of ice transformed by runes that had had the traces of ice flowers and Hiss emblems removed, and her emotions had not yet calmed down.

That young man, he really did it.

A first-order alien had accomplished something that she had been unable to do despite all her efforts in three years.

What on earth did he do?


Liya turned back silently and looked in the direction she came from.

Is he already dead?

Using her own life to save people who have nothing to do with her, even if it were her, would she make such a choice if her two daughters were not in Winter City?

Liya asked herself.

Finally, an answer was reached.

she does not know.

However, if she was not involved here, then she would most likely not do this.

That young man did it.

And he seemed to have no hesitation or fear at all. His calmness in the face of death was as hot as the fire burning in his body.

Liya recalled the last words the young man said to her with a smile.

Can you say hello to Weier and Aina for him?

Liya couldn't help but smile bitterly.

If those two children knew that their friend died, how sad would they be?


The ice valley trembled.

The ice cliffs and the earth are cracking.

This runic space constructed by her is gradually disintegrating on its own, and it is disintegrating from the inside out. It is different from the destruction caused by Heath's original attempt to penetrate this space.

This is a change caused by the replacement of the controllers of the sacred tree, which has caused fundamental changes in the power within the sacred tree. Now the sacred tree is going to expel them.

It seemed that Heath was really dead.

The runes flickered, and Liya took a step forward, returned to the ice castle, picked up the fat man crying for his father and two other companions, and condensed a large number of runes to wrap them up.

The four people swayed for a while and moved in space. When they reappeared, the gray-white sky entered their field of vision through the snow-white branches of the sacred tree.

The fat man knelt on the ground, stunned for a long time, and opened his eyes wide: Coming out...Are we coming out?


As the cold wind blew, many human-shaped ice sculptures appeared around the winter sacred tree.

Liya looked at the ice sculptures in silence for a long time, then nodded slightly.


She brought them in, but she didn't bring them out alive.

Liya looked at her partner who had been with her for three years and said softly: Uli, Charles...Riker, let's meet again in the future if we have a chance.

After that, Liya walked towards the square which was full of mess and seemed to have experienced a tragic battle.

She felt the snow falling on her body.

This snow is actually warm.

Just like what she saw, the hot blood flowing in the body of the young man she had just met, and the sincere and noble soul.

-【Ding! Liya’s favorability towards you is +60]


The headquarters of the Winter Legion.

A soldier was reporting to the person at the desk: Acting Commander Zide, after we bulldozed the justice's mansion, we still haven't seen him. He seems to be hiding... Judging from various signs, it is possible that he has left Winter City.

He got all this away?

Zied punched the wall behind him hard, making a deep hole in the wall.

He actually ran away with that dead old man? !

So in the past three years, how can those innocent people who have been executed by Delkos arbitrarily sentence him to death seek justice from him?

Seeing that the acting army commander was so angry, his subordinates immediately said, Let's continue looking for him.

Forget it. Zide sighed: Let's deal with the matters in the city first. By the way, go and send more heating stones and heating food supplies to the aliens at the gathering place.


The inn owned by Lena.

It's time to eat noodles.

Reina put on her apron and took out several bowls of noodles and placed them on the table.

Aina goes out to eat.

Aina took the noodles away and sat at the door of the hotel, letting the snowflakes fall on her body while eating the hot noodles happily.

Today's temperature has returned to about minus seven or eight degrees below zero.

Although it was still very cold, Aina's physique could completely bear it, so Weier did not stop her sister's weird behavior.

Weier just felt a little strange.

Aina, the child, had been depressed from last night to before after knowing that Luo Xi had disappeared. Why did she suddenly become happy?

Weier also sat next to her sister with an upright face and asked: Aina, aren't you afraid that that guy will never come back?

Aina smiled like a flower and said: Don't worry, because brother said that he will marry Aina in the future. Aina is waiting for brother Luo Xi to come back~ And isn't brother Luo Xi right here? His smell is everywhere. .”

The little wolf-eared loli raised her hand to catch a piece of snowflake, put it into her mouth, and said with a smile:

Sister, this snow is warm and tastes good. Do you want to try a piece too?

Weier: ...

No, this sister feels like she's going to be broken.

What on earth did that pervert Luo Xi do to Aina?

Wei'er still couldn't figure out how Luo Xi managed to completely deceive Aina, a child who was extremely wary of strangers, in just a few days.

You must know that Aina has shown her wariness towards the Rat King North very early on.

At this time, someone walked over not far away.

When Weier saw this, she immediately picked up her sister and closed the hotel door.

Even if the problem of Rat King North has been solved, as long as they are still alien species, they still cannot live an upright life in this city.

The two returned to the restaurant together.

After Chu Tian finished a bowl of noodles, he burped and said, Brother Luo hasn't come back yet?

Not yet. Weier shook her head.

Chu Tian said at the side: It's a bit slow. He didn't respond when I called him. Really, he tricked me and locked me up and didn't let me participate in this mission. That guy must have given all the mission rewards They’ve all been swallowed up.”

Wei'er didn't understand what Chu Tian said.

She never understood the messy conversations between Luo Xi and Chu Tian.

Dongdong! —

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of the hotel.

Reina, the shopkeeper, walked out and opened the door and said: Sorry, our place is full and there is no one available for the time being... Teacher Liya?! You, you are back?! Weier, Aina!

Weier and Aina immediately stood up, put down the noodles in their hands, and ran towards the hotel lobby.

Weier and Aina froze in place, looking at the figure, somewhat afraid to move forward.

The figure engraved deep in their souls finally appeared in front of them.

Why did their mother appear in front of them without doing anything?

Is this... a dream?

Seeing her two daughters standing there blankly, Liya walked over, put her hands on their heads, rubbed them, and then hugged them into her arms.

Mom misses you so much. I'm sorry that I have made you suffer these past three years.

Weier felt the familiar warmth in her mother's arms and listened to the familiar words that she seemed to have heard once before. She could no longer hold back her tears and cried loudly.

Aina also burst into tears.

Reina wiped her tears on the side.

Teacher Liya is really still alive.

Very good.

In the restaurant.


As soon as Chu Tian heard the name, his wife's radar suddenly sensed it, and he wanted to follow him to have a look, but he glanced at Daisy sitting next to him.

—[Traveller, do you want to go out with me? 】


Chu Tian still chose to stand still.

This rabbit-eared eldest sister already has a very good impression of him. As time goes by, it may change qualitatively. Now if there are other problems, the favorable impression may be lowered.

He also really likes this kind of gentle woman, the girl with rabbit ears and animal ears, which is perfect for poking his chest.

Chutian himself has no feelings for women in real life. If he can find someone he really likes in this game, that would be pretty good.

As for Daisy having a husband and having children before, these things didn't matter to him, but they were plus points.

There is no need to worry about morality or anything else.

Even Brother Luo, didn't he abduct two little lolita with animal ears?

And judging from what I heard and saw a few times, maybe all those embarrassing things have been done.

Brother Luo is much worse than me. If you want to condemn him, you must first condemn him. (corners of mouth raised)


Ah q—

Luo Xi yawned, he felt very sleepy.

His eyelids kept drooping.

It's like having a nonsensical dream, my consciousness is scattered, and I can't remember what I want to do now.

He had an idea of ​​just staying awake like this.

[Note: Stupid travelers, please open your eyes, I am your big brother~]

What the hell?

Luo Xi opened his eyes suddenly.

Then he shuddered deeply.

One word to describe the feeling at this moment, cold!

He found that he seemed to be imprisoned in a space full of ice and snow crystals.

The book of ice and snow called the True Code was floating beside him at the moment. For some reason, unlike the time he saw it before, this book was close to him, and its attitude toward him seemed a little gentle.

Luo Xi looked at the text and saw that his remaining synchronization time was still [? ? ? 】.

After death, shouldn't consciousness return to reality immediately?

Why is he still in sync?

[Note: Before your consciousness leaves the dream world, traveler, we will resurrect you~(≧w≦), by the way, it is your resurrection chance that is consumed~]

Luo Xi: ...


This dog text is so awesome!

You can give him temporary synchronization of the high-definition version, and you can also help him make choices that require synchronization. Now you can also give him the option of resurrection.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the source-changing app used by chasing bugs, huanyuanapp.]

No, wouldn't it be better to just let me die like this and get out?

[Note: Traveler, are you sure you don’t want to charge you what you should have gotten after putting in a lot of effort? If you just leave like this, you will never be able to come back again~]

Luo Xi was stunned.

【Ding! Free mission: Snow Calamity has been completed]

【Ding! You have obtained the emblem of turning ‘Snow Lord’ into ‘Ice and Snow Catastrophe’, and you have a random talent draw chance x1】

【Ding! Legendary mission: The encounter with Snowstorm Muselite was completed ahead of schedule due to unknown reasons]

[You have obtained the number of talent effect upgrades x1 (up to the legendary talent can be upgraded), the chance of random talent extraction x1, and the number of talent deletions x1]

In an instant, the soul shadow of a dead person appeared among the surrounding ice crystals. A large number of ice crystals gathered towards the soul shadow and turned into a circular ice wall.

Then, a light flashed on the Book of Ice and Snow, and the ice wall was in Luo Xi's hands.

[Level 5 Ice and Snow Disaster (preceded by Level 4 ice and snow-related pathways)]

[Main Medicine: Eternal Ice left by Snow Disaster Muselet, Natural Disaster Stone]

[Auxiliary medicine: The heart of the fourth-order source beast of the cold type x3]

[Hui Zhao: **********]

Luo Xi: ?

What the hell is an asterisk?

[Note: Traveler, don’t look at this bad thing for now, I’m afraid you’ll go astray~]

So this is why you left me here?

Without even looking at it, does this thing have a hammer?

The Book of Ice and Snow flashed again.

In front of Luo Xi, there appeared a piece of ice that seemed to contain the meaning of extreme cold, and a pure black stone. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

【Eternal Ice】

[Quality: Purple (Epic++)]

[Category: special materials]

[Attribute: Can be used for forging, or promotion of certain sublimation paths]

[Description: From the eternal ice left by the Snow Disaster Muselet Flow, it can withstand the flames no matter how hot they are]

【Stone of Natural Disaster】

[Quality: Purple (Epic++)]

[Category: special materials]

[Attribute: Can be used for forging, or promotion of certain sublimation paths]

[Description: The stone left behind after some unknown natural disaster has the power to attract disaster]

Luo Xi: .

Is this what Gou Wenwen wants him to receive?

But does this also mean that the dog text cannot directly affect him? Can't control him to use the Dream Bag?

Luo Xi put these two things into his dream bag.

Then, it’s time to go out.

How to get out?

[Note: Traveler, the rules in the sacred tree are being rewritten now, and you have lost your only chance to leave~]

Luo Xi: ...

Is it possible to resurrect after committing suicide?

But it seems that the last event node is also here...

[Note: Stupid traveler, have you ever remembered the safe place you once set up? 】


Oh, it’s the basement of Maomao’s house.



(An update will be posted tonight~)

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