Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 168: Ms. Liya, if you go home, help me say hello to your daughters~

Luo Xi walked to the border of the white rune barrier and leaned down to pick an ice flower outside the border.

[Flower of Ice (the traces of events that occurred when the ‘Snow Lord’ was promoted to the ‘Ice and Snow Disaster’)]

[Description: It has an extremely cold feeling. It will condense people when touched. It will clear a sufficient number of ice flowers, which can effectively slow down the speed of advancement]

[Note: Traveler, are these flowers beautiful? Would you like to pick a few flowers and keep them? 】

The fat man's voice sounded from behind: Don't touch it! Those are the emblem marks left by Heath's promotion! You will die!

Luo Xi glanced at the text, and after hesitating for a moment, he still stretched out.

The dog text says that it can be picked off and collected, which means that even if he touches it, he will not die directly.

Fuck! Why is this young man disobedient?!

The fat man immediately wanted to go out and stop Luo Xi from committing suicide.

At this time, Liya raised her hand to stop the fat man, shook her head and said, Don't worry about him. The alienation factor in his body seems to have extremely hot properties. It may be a source beast factor above the king level. If so, even if he is just A first-level alienation-type transcendent, his ability to resist those traces of ice and snow is stronger than all of you.

The fat man was stunned on the spot: The factor of a king-level source beast? Is it real or fake?

The factor of the fifth-level source beast, regardless of its type, will cause harm to the human body calculated in days. After many people are infected, it will take no more than six months and a year at most for them to degenerate into nothingness as the alienation deepens. Sanity monster.

After all, alienation is also a kind of sublimation to a certain extent. It is the 'sublimation' towards the origin beast. How can it be so easy to change from an ordinary human to a king-level origin beast?

Liya's magnificent purple eyes looked at Luo Xi's back, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

From the perspective she saw, the hot temperature in this young man's body stayed in his body very docilely, without any irritability or disorder.

This was inconsistent with her understanding of the dragon element and the king-level source beast.

The stability of the dragon factor is extremely poor, and coupled with the factor that may be a fifth-order factor, the combination of these two is even more heart-wrenching to think about.

Over there, when Luo Xi's hand touched the ice flower, an extremely cold chill ran up his hand,

【Ding! Your cold value +30]

【Ding! Your cold value +100]

The white frost spread on his body visibly to the naked eye, and the rune coat that Liya was rubbing had no effect on the cold.

Suddenly, Luo Xi's heart began to beat rapidly, the blood in his body circulated at a high speed, and his body temperature rose spontaneously. A black-red flame burned on the surface of his skin for a moment, and soon the coldness was completely driven away.

The ice flower also cracked into fragments with a soft crisp sound.

Luo Xi tried to move his hands.

This feeling is somewhat similar to the impact of a snowstorm.

However, Luo Xi was able to recover from the freezing caused by the snowstorm Muselite in a short time. The impact of such an ice flower seemed to be only a small problem for him.

Luo Xi glanced at the ice flowers all over the mountains and plains. The number of flowers was still growing.

There are too many.

And Liya also said that these things can’t be cleaned up.

Is this why you think you have something?

Liya came to Luo Xi's side without knowing when, looked at him, and said: You and Heath's attributes are completely opposite extremes. If you are a fourth-level transcendent, maybe you really have You may break the situation here, but you are only a first-level alienation-type transcendent.

Of course, what Liya didn't say was that with Luo Xi being eroded by the fifth-level dragon element beast factor, it was actually a luxury to hope that he could normally become a third-level alienation-type transcendent.

I know.

Luo Xi pointed at the huge outline of the snowy figure in the sky in the distance, and said: Ms. Liya, can you send me there? Anyway, if I end up dead, I also want to do something I can do. .”

Liya: ......

For this young man whom she had only known for half an hour, Liya found that she seemed to be unable to see through him or what was going on in his mind.

Aren't you afraid of death?

I'm not afraid...Actually, I'm a little scared.

Luo Xi paused and said: That feeling of consciousness falling into deep trouble. After experiencing it once, you will not want to experience it a second time. However, people will always get used to it. When they are used to death many times, Finally, I will have the courage even if I commit suicide.

This is the reason why Luo Xi dared to take the Dream Staff and use the additional skills on the staff to commit suicide after finding that he was in a dead situation during his second recall.

【Ding! Liya’s doubt value for you is +20]

What a habit of death...

Liya was a little confused.

What do you mean by this, it makes you feel like you have died many times?

Is this young man crazy?

There was a hint of pity in Liya's eyes.

Among patients with alienation syndrome, there are also some who have become stupid after their brains were eroded by the alienation factor.

Luo Xi felt a little uncomfortable with Liya's eyes.

He coughed slightly and said: If you are going to die anyway, then I also want to do something. If that Hiss is promoted to the next level, the Snow Disaster Muselite will really come, right? The day before yesterday was just a snow disaster. Foreshadowing, the entire Winter City has been frozen for nearly two days. If the snow disaster really comes, Wei'er and Aina who are still outside will also be dead... They have been waiting for you, Ms. Liya. It’s been three years, don’t you want to go see them?”

Liya shook her head and said: Of course I do, but it's useless even if I send you there. It's just Heath's projection. I don't even know where his current body is in the sacred tree. In the past three years, Winter has been The sacred tree has completely become his egg sheath, and now only this small piece of rune space I built is left as the final pure land.

In other words, as long as this place you created is not destroyed, he will not succeed?

Yes. Liya looked at the shattered sky with a somewhat sad expression: But that's all I can do. There are only two days left, and the signs of the snow disaster are coming. Heath. It’s already half of the ‘Ice and Snow Disaster’, and I can no longer stop him.”

Forget the weird idea of ​​sending you there. You go back to the house first, and I'll think about what to do if this place completely collapses.

Liya said something and turned around to leave.

Waiting for this place to completely collapse? Watching that Hiss advance?

Luo Xi said softly: Aren't you still escaping and giving up? Ms. Liya, are you going to give up on your daughters?

Liya's steps stagnated. At that moment, Liya turned around and looked at Luo Xi with such cold eyes.

The fat man lay on the window sill and said in shock: Damn it! What did that young alien said to Liya? Liya seemed very angry. Could he have teased Liya with his rude words? I don't even dare to Do it!”

The red-haired woman glanced at the fat man: Don't think I've forgotten you. Three years ago, you were frozen by Liya for ten days because of teasing her!

Liya looked at Luo Xi quietly: You don't know anything. I never thought of giving up on them.

【Ding! Liya’s favorability towards you -5]

Regardless of the drop in favorability, Luo Xi had a sincere and kind smile on his face: Weier and Aina have been waiting for you for three years. You left before the night of Weier's birthday. Today happens to be her 16th birthday, don’t you really want to make up for the gifts you haven’t given her in the past few years?”

Then what? Liya asked coldly: Do you have any good suggestions?

In her opinion, this young man didn't know anything and dared to talk nonsense to her. Heath had become half a snow disaster. What could he, a low-strength alien, do?

Luo Xi pointed at the human silhouette in the distance and smiled: So, maybe you can solve the problem by sending me there?

Liya held her forehead: Are you really crazy?

Luo Xi said without hesitation: No, I think I'm normal.

...Okay, just stand there and don't move.

Liya walked over and raised her hand to grab Luo Xi's shoulder.

[Note: Celebrate! This is the first physical contact between the traveler and his mother-in-law! 】

Dog text, shut up!

Liya whispered: Move.

Countless runes emerged under Luo Xi's feet, forming a mysterious halo of runes. The halo surrounded the bodies of Luo Xi and Liya, and then the two of them gradually moved from bottom to top as the halo moved up. disappeared in place.

The three people on the other side of the igloo looked confused.

The middle-aged man frowned and said, Where have they gone?

The fat man beat his chest and shouted: Liya won't run away with that young man! Damn it, I've known for three years that even the coldest woman will be unable to bear it one day, but why did she Don’t look for me!”

The red-haired woman said speechlessly: You should pee first and look at your pig-headed face!


On towering ice cliffs.

As soon as Luo Xi came out, he was almost blown away by the strong wind of at least ten levels. Fortunately, he hugged a nearby icicle.

A chilling chill hit him as the wind and snow hit him. He reluctantly opened his eyes and saw beyond the ice cliff in front of him, there were countless falling snows arranged and gathered according to certain rules. Forming the human silhouette they saw in the distance.

【Ding! The effect duration of your clothes (rune-enhanced version) is decreasing at a rate of 1000%]

This is the projection point of Hiss in my rune space.

Liya bent down slightly and looked at the embarrassed Luo Xi. Her beautiful purple eyes stared at Luo Xi's face: Do you still think you can solve the problem here?

[The problem of slow update of new chapters is finally solved with an app that can change the source. Download huanyuanapp here. Change the source App and view the latest chapters of the book on multiple sites at the same time. 】

I don't know, I have to give it a try?

Luo Xi smiled back at Liya. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

Anyway, he has died so many times.

Luo Xi also had this kind of trial and error.

Yuan Yan.

In an instant, majestic black and red flames penetrated Luo Xi's clothes and burned on his body.

Luo Xi walked slowly towards the ice cliff against the ice and snow, and arrived at the cliff.

In the drifting snow ahead, there are many black cracks that are frightening to look at.

Dog text, can you jump in from here?

[Note: It’s probably possible? 】

Dog text, please give me an accurate word!

Liya's voice came from behind across the wind and snow, and she was a little surprised: Are you serious?

Luo Xi said without looking back: Of course I am serious.

Why do you have to do this?

Because... I finally rescued them, so I can't let myself fall into this last step, right?

Liya: ?

Who do they refer to?

Luo Xi looked back, standing on the cliff, looking at the woman behind her, bending slightly as if to salute.

He smiled and said: Ms. Liya, if you go home, help me say hello to Weier and Aina.

Then, the young man jumped down.

Liya raised her hand, white runes were beating in her hand, and she wanted to pull the young man back.

Suddenly, the falling snow projection and black cracks in front of her began to boil and vibrate violently, as if water had entered the oil pan, and her runes were directly destroyed.

What's this?!

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