Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 162: Next time, I will definitely save you~

[Traveler, you have acquired a negative status: Advanced Corruption Poison (Based on your current physique and strength, Traveler, your health is currently reduced by 2% per second)]

【Ding! Your HP -2%]

【Ding! ···】

In deep distress, Luo Xi felt himself falling continuously, and the thick and greasy liquid poured into his mouth and nose, corroding his body.

Luo Xi tried to use his Yuan Yan characteristic, but his alienation ability was suppressed by a more powerful external force.

Is the high-level corrupting poison similar to the intermediate-level corrupting curse he obtained before?

However, that time, Rat King North might have wanted to torture him first rather than kill him directly, so he weakened the power of his skill.


There was a rusting sound from underneath, and something hit his back, as if trying to push him up.

Luo Xi reluctantly opened his eyes, but the corrosive poison that surged in destroyed his vision in an instant.

What's down there?

Is it the man named Zied, or...Starfire?

Suddenly, something grabbed his hand and pulled hard.

Luo Xi immediately realized that the thing wanted to snatch the staff from his hand.

Want to steal what I got?


【Would you like to include it in your dream luggage? 】


【Ding! This synchronization ends here]

[Traveler, welcome to come again next time~]


Luo Xi covered her neck, gasped for air, and sat up from the bed.

He sat there with blank eyes for more than ten seconds.

The feeling of being slowly dissolved by strong acid made his mind and body tremble uncontrollably.

【Traveler, you are dead】

[You can choose to resurrect at the last event point or a safe location]

[Talent: Flowing Moon·Zero Point has been triggered]

【Would you like to go back to today's zero point? 】

Luo Xi looked at the text and was silent for a moment, not choosing to reply.

Anyway, time can’t go back to yesterday.

Then, it doesn't matter if you use all the remaining resurrection times.

After all, resurrection and rejuvenation do not actually conflict, and rejuvenation can also refresh the number of resurrections.

【Resurrection? 】

[Yes, the previous event node]

[Traveler, you were resurrected at the previous event node]

The last event node should be where the original corpse of the Rat King is, right?

[Traveler, after you were resurrected, you shocked North, who was not far away. However, his face lit up with joy, and he quickly came over to kill you again]

【you are dead】

Luo Xi: ...

Damn, the resurrection distance was too close, and I was instantly killed as soon as I came out.

This time he did not resurrect directly, but took out the blue echo in his bag and took a look.

At the first sight of the staff, Luo Xi felt as if he had become a bird embracing the blue sky, wandering freely in the blue sky and the wind.

You can tell at a glance that this is no ordinary equipment.

Too bad he couldn't use it.

Luo Xi's heart moved.

I don’t know if the heart hat that my mother-in-law is projecting as a host can use this awesome-looking staff?

However, the heart of the furnace is still over there with Starfire.

Starfire was also swallowed and is probably destroyed at this point.

Items that were not on the person at the time of death, even if they were resurrected immediately after death, would not seem to be collected in the luggage.

Well, I still have to go back to Shuo first...

No, wait a while, he will be resurrected again, see what the rat king is going to do, and then come up with corresponding countermeasures.

Fifteen minutes later.

Luo Xi chose resurrection.

If North is still stationed in this resurrection, he can prepare to return directly to Shuo.

Although there is not much time after returning to Shuo to prepare to face North.

But it is still possible to create a better situation than the current situation to deal with.

【Traveler, you have been resurrected】

[Traveller, you find that the square has fallen into an extremely cold state, the temperature is dropping sharply, and you see a book of ice and snow floating outside the sacred tree]

[Weier’s silly cat seems to be in a very critical state]

Already started?

Luo Xi immediately pulled down 'immersive' in the talent column.

[Whether to use talent: immersive]


[Please select the talent mode you want to trigger]

[[Happiness]\\/[Killing Intent]\\/[Anger]\\/[Sadness]]

【Ding! The pre-triggering conditions for the talent have been met. You currently have a happiness value of 369, a murderous intent value of 176, an anger value of 135, and a sadness value of 179]

[Please select your trigger mode]

Luo Xi's eyes swept over the anger and murderous intent that had accumulated at some point, and finally landed on it.


[Talent that can be triggered: Immersive (sadness)]

[Immersive (sadness): In this state, all your attacks and damage have a 17.9% chance of having a mental attack effect, which can remind the enemy of sad things (after the skill is successfully triggered, this effect ignores the rank gap and is guaranteed to takes effect), the talent duration does not exceed ten minutes]

【Trigger? 】

Try it.


[Traveler, welcome to the journey of dreams~]


Ten minutes ago.

Where's Blue Echo?

Where is my lost source?!

The old-faced North ferociously kicked at the pile of things that fell after he lifted the corrupted snake cage.

One of them can barely breathe. This is his parasitic body, the nominal subordinate.

The other one had turned into a charred mass of unknown objects. He had held Blue Echo in his hand before, and North could see it clearly.

But where has it gone?

Such treasures cannot be destroyed by mere poison.


The girl's clear and melodious laughter echoed near the sacred tree.

North suddenly raised his head, looked at Weier who was put back into the cage of branches and leaves, and said ferociously: Why are you laughing?

Wei'er lay on the edge of the cage, holding her face, and continued to laugh: I don't know what I'm laughing at, but seeing your crazy look makes me want to laugh~

That pervert Luo Xi took the things away, right?

Well done!

However, judging from the pile of junk, he is probably dead this time, right?

Wei'er put away her smile.

Idiot, even if you can really be resurrected, don't come here again.

There is no one left who can check and balance the Rat King.

The next moment, a ray of light flashed, and Luo Xi's figure appeared below.

Weier: ...

North was immediately ecstatic.

How did this guy escape from the snake cage?

How dare you come back!

He immediately ran over, killed Luo Xi instantly, and then started groping.

But in the end, nothing fell except the tattered set of clothes.

Wei'er felt relieved and laughed sarcastically again.

Hearing Weier's laughter, North's eyes turned red, and he frantically wreaked havoc on the spot, trying to find the staff that might have been hidden.

During this period, a returning guard saw this scene and wanted to come up, but was killed directly by North.

Where did it go...wait!

North turned around and saw the undamaged hat among the pile of discarded broken steel.

His eye boy suddenly turned into a sharp snake boy.

Under the corrosion of the corrupted poisonous snake cage, the items that can be preserved intact must be rare or above.

Wei'er's expression was also stagnant.

Why did Luo Xi forget to take that thing away?

The Rat King was keenly aware of the change in the girl's expression.

He walked over, leaned over and picked up the hat: Is this thing closely related to your mother Liya?

Wei'er pursed her lips and said nothing.

It doesn't matter if you don't tell me, you will know after you try it.

North sneered, picked up the fainted Hill, and threw the child towards the sacred tree. He himself caught up with him at a faster speed, before Hill hit the branches of the sacred tree. , caught him.

Then, North stuffed Hill into the sacred tree.

Wei'er's expression suddenly changed.

The Winter Sacred Tree shook.

As an indescribable powerful force swept across, a huge book that seemed to be engraved with infinite mysteries suddenly appeared outside the sacred tree.

From Weier's perspective, it looked like a book made of ice and snow.

Hill reappeared outside the sacred tree, and North threw the immature child to the ground.

There was unconcealed joy in North's voice: It's finally here!

After working hard for so long, Huangtian has paid off!

The book of ice and snow slowly fell towards Hill.

North stretched out his hand to touch the book of ice and snow. However, a barrier formed by dense runes suddenly appeared, knocking North back a step, causing his mouth to be filled with blood.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the source-changing app used by chasing bugs, huanyuanapp.]

Weier: !

North looked at the cracked tiger's mouth, raised his head to look at Weier, and said with an angry tone: This is the seal that your mother set up originally. A rune seal that is comparable to the fifth level of strength, which makes the Winter Divine Tree completely destroyed. Most of the power cannot flow out, and the child Hill only has the strength equivalent to the fourth level, otherwise Mazale would not dare to control him no matter how brave he is.

Haha. Weier responded with two words.

North's smile became gentle: Then, now it's time for you, Xiao Wei'er, to play your role. My uncle has taken care of your sisters for three years, so you should have something in return, right?

Wei'er spat and went out.


The girl's body suddenly stiffened.

The branches and leaves on the cage unfolded, forming a huge inscription symbol at the bottom.

Her limbs were pierced by the green tube in the cage, and the blood on her body continued to flow along the tube to the book of ice and snow.

North placed the hat he had brought on top of the Book of Ice and Snow, releasing his own power. The hat seemed to vibrate slightly, but North directly suppressed it.

This is a universal seal breaking method.

Use the blood of the direct relative of the seal setter to perform reverse cracking. The higher the strength of the seal, the more blood is needed, and the closer and more mature the blood, the better.

Of course, if you want to increase the success rate, you also need an item that the seal setter is connected to.

Originally, the lost source weapon, Blue Echo, was the best medium to reverse engineer the seal.

Now that the staff is lost, it might be possible to recharge it with this strange hat.

Anyway, after he swallows the power of the true scripture, he can truly enhance his strength. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

When he reaches the level of a fifth-level king in his mortal body, where can he not go in this vast world?

The Church of Truth?

It's just his stone steps.


North's eyes suddenly changed, and he turned to look to the left. He saw a young man over there, climbing up the cage and trying to get in from the running cage.

Why is that guy still alive? He has more lives than me?!


‘Am I going to die? ’

Wei'er felt the loss of life force and curled up helplessly.

Will that pervert come back?

Great, he made the right choice this time.

However, the girl still felt a little lonely.

After living for so many years, I finally met an interesting person. I really don’t want to die.

I do want to go on a trip with him.

Weier closed her eyes.

I hope you can take good care of Aina.

Suddenly, the girl heard a hoarse voice ringing in her ears, and she opened her eyes in disbelief.

That was Luo Xi, who had died twice, trying to put his hand into the cage.

Wei'er burst into tears: Why do you want to come back? Are you really a fool...

The next moment, the young man's figure turned into countless pieces of powder in front of the girl's eyes.

However, his hand finally fell on the girl's head.

Weier heard what he said.

Next time, I will definitely save you.

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