Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 148 Aina is still young (>﹏<) She can’t do those strange things! (four thousand)

Luo Xi ignored Gou Wenwen's second temptation.

The most important thing now is for Weier and Aina to wake up.

As for secretly eating ice cream or something like that, it sounds like a perverted behavior at first glance, so Gou Wenwen can just talk about it as if nothing happened.

He is not such a pervert!

[Note: Traveler, could it be that you want to eat it openly? But if you do this, you will be beaten by the arrogant cat. However, the scene of the cat-eared girl stuffing ice cream into your mouth with a disgusted face is so exciting just thinking about it! Not to mention the Cute Wolf Loli brand ice cream that won’t resist you and can be eaten at any time, Traveler, it’s you as expected! 】

Luo Xi(*Pan′*)?.

What kind of chaos happened? !

What the hell is Cute Wolf Loli brand ice cream?

Dog text, don’t make up nouns to describe this indescribable scene!

Luo Xi took a deep breath and held back all the complaints she wanted to make about Gou Wenwen.

If this thing is used to write strange things in reality, it must be a good material.

Luo Xi felt Weier's body temperature with her hands, and then touched Aina's forehead.

Mao Mao, wake up quickly? Or I'm going to rub your tail?

Aina? Can you hear my brother?

Luo Xi slightly adjusted the stiff postures of Maomao and Little Wolf Girl.

The two still didn't wake up.

Even though the temperature in the room was already very high, the bodies of the two sisters were still very cold, as hard as stones, and their hair was so cold that it no longer felt as soft as before.

[Note: Traveler, it seems that it is impossible to take advantage of the heat, so the only option is ice cream! 】

Eat ice cream, you will know how to eat ice cream if you read Dog Text!

As perverted as you are, it's a good thing that others can't see my text description, otherwise I would be considered perverted!

Luo Xi went to the next room to check again, and also collected some heating items for the people there.

Among these five people, the bodies of the shopkeeper Rena and the gray-haired intelligence agent were somewhat warmed up. Their vital signs were still there, and the frost condensed on their bodies had receded, but they had no signs of regaining consciousness. Occasionally, One or two words of unknown meaning will come out of his mouth.

Luo Xi was thoughtful.

Rena and Luvia should not be weak in strength, at least at the level of the second-level sublimator, but at this moment they are still frozen and unconscious.

Is the speed of recovery after being affected by a snowstorm related to personal strength and ability characteristics?

Although the alienation factor in his body could not resist the suppression of the snow disaster, it could still allow him to recover quickly after it passed.

By the way, is it only humans that are affected by the snow disaster?

Luo Xi suddenly thought of something, pressed the hat on his head, and whispered: Ms. Liya, are you still there?

Ms. Lia?

Dear mother-in-law? Are you still there? If you are, can you give me a shout?

Mother-in-law, if you don't come out, I'm going to molest your daughter?

Mother-in-law, I like you!

【Note:! Traveler, are you going to change your job to a Cao thief after all? ! Or, Traveler, do you want to take advantage of both the mother-daughter flower and the sister flower? ((ΩДΩ)surprise!)】

Luo Xi: ...

God takes all, so I just yelled, Dog text, do you think I didn’t die quickly enough? (In every sense of the word.)

However, he has reached this point, and Liya has not come out to beat him yet, which can only mean that Liya really has no way to come out now.

After all, it had been frozen by the snowstorm for nearly two days. The hearth was still held by Aina during these two days and was not in his hand. Maybe it needed to be recharged and run for a period of time?

Luo Xi glanced at the remaining time of this synchronization.

Fifteen minutes have passed since this operation was completed, but except for him, everyone in the hotel is still unable to move.

Dog Text said before that the entire Winter City was frozen, so Rat King North and the other old silver coins may be recovering at this moment.

Maybe, this is a good opportunity!

Luo Xi walked to the window of the room and opened a gap. The temperature outside was no longer so cold, but the snow was so thick that the first floor was covered. The silver barrier of brilliance was still there, and the golden outside The brilliance seemed to have disappeared.


The first barrier of Winter City has disappeared?

Luo Xi was shocked. He came to a room opposite, opened the window, and looked into the depths of the city.

The giant tree several hundred meters high seemed to be wearing a snow-white vest at the moment. Countless snowflakes were falling continuously, turning the area over there into a vast expanse of white.

The Divine Tree of Winter has been affected by the snow disaster? So the outermost golden barrier cannot be released temporarily?

The entire city may still be in a frozen state, so the timing seems to be very good.

So, can they leave Winter City directly now?

Luo Xi had indeed rejected Weier's request to entrust Aina to him before, but if he could take Weier and Aina away together, then Luo Xi actually wouldn't mind leaving the hell-level initial copy of Winter City directly. 'of.

To be honest, Luo Xi really had no confidence in whether the real Liya was still alive. Even the phantom left by Liya couldn't tell what happened at that time, and suggested that they leave as soon as possible.

How to do this?

Luo Xi fell into thinking.

He returned to Weier and Aina's room, sat on the edge of the bed, and looked at the two sisters who could not move.

This choice still has to be left to the cats themselves.

Luo Xi had no power to help them make the choice to abandon their mother.

So Wei'er, can you wake up quickly?

[Note: Traveler, do you want to use your body to warm these two lolita? The effect may be good~]

Luo Xi: ...

How to do?

[Note: First, take a bite of Maomao’s ice cream, and then use your fiery body to wrap their delicate and young bodies, letting them feel the warmth like fire~]

(▼ plate ▼ # )!

Dog text, you fucking go to hell!

However, Gou Wenwen's words reminded Luo Xi of something.

When the hat transformed from Yuansu Luxin was put on him, the temperature flowing outside his body was very high.

He himself is a humanoid heating device.

This is why Aina likes to be close to him so much outside.


Luo Xi opened the quilt and reached out to hold Wei'er's little feet wearing cotton socks.

Then he sat cross-legged on the bed, pulled Aina over, put the little wolf girl's feet in long white stockings against his thighs, and covered her with the quilt.

It’s not that he suddenly wants to listen to Gou Wenwen’s words about eating Maomao brand Menglang brand ice cream, but starting to warm the feet is the easiest way to warm up the whole person. This principle is true in the real winter in the north and south. All are universal.

【Ding! Your happiness value +30]

[Note: Don’t hide it, Traveler, happiness cannot be concealed, you just want to play with the slender feet of the beast-eared lolita! 】

Isn’t it okay for me to be happy casually?

An icy chill came from the legs of the two of them, making Luo Xi shiver immediately, but the next moment these chills were resolved by the high temperature flowing through the body.

Luo Xi didn't bother to look at the situation under the quilt. Soon, the temperature of the two cotton socks he held increased and became warm. The temperature of his thighs also increased.

[Note: Traveler, maybe the heated ice cream tastes good too? A different flavor? How about tasting it? 】

Dog text is almost done!

Is this game official?

I want to make the word 'ice cream' a banned word!

If this continues, he might really be unable to hold back and do something perverted... Well, of course this is impossible!

Luo Xi closed her eyes and calmed her mind.

However, judging from the feeling on her hands, Weier is really petite.

The soles of his feet, which are smaller than his palms, can be said to be a full grip. If he can step on his back for massage, it will definitely be very comfortable. Aina is probably even smaller. This child must have had enough food in the past few years. It's too bad. They haven't started to grow yet. To be honest, it's a question whether the two sisters weigh 150 pounds combined.

[Note: Traveler, do you also want to be the Dragon King? But your idea of ​​a massage is not much better than eating ice cream! hentai!】

Luo Xi almost got angry at the text.

This is not even close!

And the dog text who keeps thinking about eating ice cream, you have no right to call me hentai!

A few minutes later, Luo Xi suddenly heard Weier snort, and incomprehensible words came out of her lips.

Well - it's so annoying... don't come here anymore, it's so annoying...

Luo Xi felt happy.

Great! Finally woke up this cat!

But what nonsense are you talking about, Maomao? Why can’t I understand?

Could it be that after being frozen once, your speech became abnormal?

At this time, Aina's soft voice rang out: Brother Luo Xi, didn't you notice that sister Wei'er is already covered in sweat? If you continue to heat it like this, sister will be broken.

Luo Xi: ...

He looked at the little wolf girl who raised her head at some point and had a pair of dark-gold eyes. The wolf-eared loli then gave him a cute smile.

Even though this was not synchronized with the high-definition version provided by Gouwen, Luo Xi still saw the blush on Aina's face and the reflection of sweat on her forehead.

Aina gently stepped on Luo Xi's thigh under the quilt, reluctantly moved her feet, and then got out of the quilt. The quilt was now heated into a big steamer. She was already Unbearable.

The little wolf girl turned to her sister, whose face was red and she didn't know what she was chanting.

Brother Luo Xi is indeed so warm.

You just can’t lean in for too long, and you can’t get too close.

Otherwise, I would be like my sister now, and end up in such a miserable state.

Hehe~ But Sister Wei'er is so cute like this. I have never seen it before (≧w≦)\\/. I really want to record this scene.

Luo Xi also realized that she had covered the two of them for too long.

So he let go of his hand, got out of the quilt, moved forward some distance, lifted the quilt, and touched Maomao's clothes.

He found that Maomao's body was already dripping with sweat, and his cotton pajamas were soaked to a large extent. When he put his hand on it, a large amount of water stains immediately appeared.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the source-changing app used by chasing bugs, huanyuanapp.]

Luo Xi turned around and touched Maomao's cotton socks again.

The pure white cotton socks also became wet, but when he held them before, he didn't notice anything at all.

[Note: How could Traveler, who was immersed in playing with Maomao brand ice cream, notice such a detail? 】

Luo Xi: ...

Although, he didn't mean it!

He took off Weier's socks. No matter what, these wet socks were definitely unwearable.

Then Luo Xi took off the hat on his head to let the temperature on his body drop. He looked at the little wolf girl on the left and said worriedly:

Aina, are you okay?

On the bed, the scent of dried flowers emitted by the two animal-eared lolita had changed to a certain extent at this moment. However, it did not become smelly, but instead smelled better and better.

He almost steamed Weier and Aina.

Brother, you don't have to be sorry.

Aina shook her head and quietly stretched her hand behind her back and touched something. Her already blushing face suddenly turned as completely red as a red apple.

Her tail felt stained with sweat, and every stroke was covered with sweat.

I don't know if there is any smell.

Can brother Luo Xi smell it?

There is one more important thing.

Aina found that although she could move, she had no strength at all in her legs.

However, she is a little...

Aina pulled Luo Xi's hand, her wolf ears drooped, her red face lowered her eyes, and she said sheepishly: Brother Luo Xi, Aina feels like she can't stand up, but now Aina wants to Go to the bathroom...Brother, can you help Aina?

[Note: Of course you can! This friendly big brother likes to help others the most, especially cute little beast-eared lolita like Aina~]

Luo Xi: ...

Dog text, don’t think I don’t know that you’re loving me again!

Without waiting for Luo Xi to answer. UU read www.uukanshu.net

Hey, Aina, what did you say? And Luo Xi, why are you here?

Wei'er coughed twice, and she opened her eyes. Her light red eyes looked at the two people on the bed, with a blank look on her face.

What happened......

The cat slowly got up.

Then, she discovered something was wrong with herself.

All the clothes on her body were soaked with sweat, and her thighs, feet, and the quilt on her body were all soaked, as if she had just been fished out after falling into the river.

Weier blinked in confusion.

Then, she looked at Luo Xi sitting on the quilt.

And the pair of cotton socks in his hand that should belong to her.

【Ding! Wei'er's anger towards you is +20]

Luo Xi was stunned for a moment.

Weier touched Aina next to her again.

Um! ?

Aina's body was actually soaked! Even the tail was wet!

【Ding! Wei'er's anger towards you is +20]

Wei'er weakly raised her little fist and hit Luo Xi on the stomach: Pervert! Lolicon! What have you done to us?! At least let Aina go! I I told you that Aina is still young and can’t do those things!”

Luo Xi: ???

[Note: Traveler, what good things have you done to the two beast-eared girls? ! Might as well tell the truth! 】

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