Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 144: No matter how soft or small a cat’s feet are, they can’t put them in its mouth~

Luo Xiyang pretended to be calm and said: Maomao, what are you doing with the knife? Everyone should speak kindly and calmly. Don't use the knife casually. It will affect the harmonious atmosphere, don't you think?


Luo Xi's hair was blown up by a gust of wind.

The fruit knife swiped past Luo Xi's face, only one centimeter away from his face at most.


He swallowed.

Luo Xi looked back stiffly and saw the bright knife stabbing the wall with a scary reflection.

[Note: It’s a pity that it was off-center. Why is Maomao’s accuracy so bad? For the perverted lolita traveler, you must be quick and accurate with your hatchet~】

Dog text, why don’t you come out and let the cat prick you!


Wei'er snorted coldly, pulled out the fruit knife, blew off the dirt on it casually, and put it back on the bedside table.

The girl glanced sideways at Luo Xi, who seemed to be stunned. The blush on her pretty face had gone away, and then she let go of the hand that was pressing Luo Xi under the quilt.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Wei'er said dissatisfied: How long will you continue to touch me? Do you believe I will really stab you?

oh oh......

Only then did Luo Xi let go of the hand holding the cat's tail.

After the warm and soft cat tail lost its restraint, it instantly retracted like a snake.

Then the cat's tail emerged from the quilt and wrapped around Weier's arm. The girl turned off the light with a snap, and the room suddenly fell into darkness again.

Wei'er warned softly: It's still early. Let's rest for a while and regain enough energy to continue acting during the day. You pervert, stay calm.

Aina's weak voice sounded: Sister, that's Aina's position. You should sleep here. Aina wants to be with her mother.

You want to be with this pervert!

Brother Luo Xi is not a pervert.

He's not, who else is, wait, it was Aina just now and you stuffed my tail into him, right?! What did you do!

Wei'er turned sideways, grabbed her sister's face and started squeezing it.

Aina whined: Oh, sister has taken Aina's position. If sister doesn't give it back to Aina, Aina will go to sleep in her brother's arms later.

Weier: ...

Rebellious, this sister rebelled!

It’s true that I have raised it for so many years in vain!

Luo Xi was quite moved when he heard that.

He really wanted to point at Maomao and say to her, look at your sister, how sensible she is.

What if you let me rua for a while?

It won't shed hair anyway.

[Note: Hair will still fall out, and baldness may occur if you rua too hard, so rua must be sustainable~]

Luo Xi: ...

It’s so weird what you complain about in dog text.

On the bed next to her, Weier suddenly giggled.

Luo Xi took a look and saw that the two lolita had shrunk into the quilt, curled together and not knowing what they were doing. The two seemed to be fighting, causing air leakage everywhere in the quilt. The originally light fragrance suddenly became stronger. many.

[Note: Traveler, don’t you want to experience the joy of sleeping with two beast-eared girls for yourself? Fragrant, soft, hugging from left to right~]

Stop talking in hentai dog text!

Ha, it's so itchy. Aina, please stop moving. OK, OK. Aina, go over here. Sister doesn't care about you anymore.

It's too late, Aina wants to have a showdown with her sister!

Listening to the fight between the two sisters in the quilt, Luo Xi glanced at the remaining synchronization time again [4 minutes and 15 seconds], and wanted to withdraw the hand holding the hat under the quilt.

If he doesn't avoid the daily 'fights' between sisters, he will probably be the one who suffers later.


Suddenly, a soft object kicked his hand with considerable force.

Luo Xi grabbed it subconsciously.


There was an exclamation from someone unknown in the quilt.

【Ding! Wei'er's anger towards you is +30]

The next second, a slender leg stretched out from the quilt and kicked Luo Xi on the head, knocking his eyes out.

[Note: Perverted traveler, I didn’t expect you to be kicked by a cat in the end. Aren’t you very happy~]

I'm not happy!

When the foot retracted and continued to kick him, Luo Xi used his other hand to catch the little foot that was trying to kick him.

Maomao kicked hard several times and gave up after finding that he couldn't break free. This guy's strength was simply ridiculous.

【Ding! Wei'er's anger towards you is +50]

The angry voice of the cat came from the bed:

Pervert, let go!

Aina poked her head out from the other side and saw what was happening on Luo Xi's side, her tea-gold eyes sparkling, and then she went back and wrapped Wei'er tightly around her.

[To be honest, I have been using the Huanyuan app recently to read and catch up on updates. It allows me to switch sources and read aloud with many different sounds. .huanyuanapp is available for Android and Apple. 】

Brother, don't let go! You did it beautifully! Aina, hold your sister down for you! Teach your sister a lesson!

Oh, Aina, let me go! I'm going to kill that pervert!

Aina won't let go! If my brother dies, Aina will have no husband in the future. By the way, brother, you can scratch the soles of my sister's feet!

You idiot sister who is eating everything inside and outside! You are still thinking about your husband at such a young age! What kind of ecstasy soup did that pervert fill you with?

【Ding! Your happiness value +100]

This morning, I was able to see such a scene of sisters killing each other, and the cost was to call Gou Wenwen big brother, which was really a huge profit.

[Note; Hum~Compared to this, Traveler, how are you going to scratch the soles of the cat’s feet? 】

Luo Xi: ...

He now controls the cat's legs with both hands.

There was no third hand to scratch her.

Luo Xi lowered his head and looked at Maomao's ankle, which was held by his right hand.

The cat's legs are in very good shape. Although they are a little slender, they still look a little astringent because they are bare. The little feet are small and delicate, and the five little toes are crystal clear and round, like a piece of fine art.

[Note: Although the cat’s feet are soft, tender, slippery, and white, do not put them in your mouth (*′﹃`)~ (tip)]

Who would put it in his mouth? That’s the real perversion!

Dog text your seduction is impossible to succeed!

Suddenly, Luo Xi let go of both hands.

After all, this cat is very arrogant. She might be angry if someone teases her, but she won't really be disgusted by it. However, if she goes too far, she will only lose her impression in Wei'er's heart.

Wei'er in bed was stunned for a moment, as if she couldn't believe that the pervert would actually let go?


Weier shouted in a long voice.

With her feet freed, Maomao finally acted like a sister and suppressed Aina who was pestering her.

Weier took out the dizzy Aina and placed it next to her, then looked at Luo Xi with a pair of murderous eyes.

Luo Xi lowered his head and pretended not to see Wei'er looking at him.

Finally, the girl let out a long sigh.

Weier was very helpless, lying on the bed like a salted fish, holding Aina's body in her arms like a pillow, with a look of despair on her face.

What can she do?

There's no point in kicking this pervert out now.

It's almost dawn.

Weier threatened: Be honest, if you sleep for another hour, if you still dare to move, the consequences... you know.

Luo Xi: ...

What will be the consequences?

He was almost leaving anyway.

[This synchronization time has ended]

[Traveler, welcome to come again next time~]

Luo Xi's consciousness fell into darkness in a fit of dizziness.

When I opened my eyes again, there was still the familiar sweet, sun-dried fragrance of flowers.

After all, these are the beds where the two sisters have slept. Luo Xi has become very familiar with this smell recently. They probably use the same toiletries for many years to make their bodies smell so similar.

Luo Xi looked at the dilapidated ceiling in a daze.

It's now six o'clock.

In reality, I don’t want to sleep anymore.

In the dream world, Maomao gave him an 'ultimatum', and he couldn't do anything else. Aina, who was willing to give him rua, was also put to sleep by Maomao.

Then use this time to go shopping.

[Traveller, after what happened just now, you no longer feel sleepy. You put your hat back on your head, stand up gently and want to leave the room]


[Traveller, when you come to the door, you slowly unlock the lock and push the door open]

[Weier’s voice suddenly sounded behind you: “What are you going to do?”]

[Traveller, you look back and see Wei'er sitting up from the bed, her bright red eyes staring at you]

【Can't sleep anymore, just take a walk.】

[Traveller, you explained and then closed the door]

[The moment you go out, traveler, you find Chu Tian squatting on both sides of the door, and a woman with gray hair, who is the owner of the information shop. I don’t know when she came back]

【Ding! Your doubt value +30]

[Traveler, you ask: What are you doing?\

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