Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 128 Fortunately, I didn’t really hand over Aina to him.

Chapter 129 Fortunately, I didn’t really hand over Aina to him.

Wei'er's heart was beating very fast at this moment.

Why is this box so narrow? It's good to have a little extra space.

She felt that her body was extremely hot. She didn't know whether it was because of Luo Xi's high body temperature or the heat generated by her own body.

After her warning, the young man below seemed to be a lot more honest and didn't move his hands, but she still felt that Luo Xi, a pervert, might try to trick her at any time.

There was nothing she could do about it. After spending the past few days together, the girl already felt that she had almost completely seen this guy.

They were nice people, but their hobbies were also very strange. She couldn't understand just her love for their alien features.

And the title of 'lolicon' introduced by Chu Tian really fits this guy's image.

Otherwise, would a normal man be so enthusiastic about her sister?

Aina has been deceived by this guy and said that she will marry him when he comes back.

Wei'er suddenly felt a little lucky that Winter City had always been closed, so she couldn't send Aina and Luo Xi out in advance.

Otherwise, if Luo Xi really takes Aina away, can this guy really wait until Aina grows up?

Thinking of this, the girl put the fingers of her right hand on Luo Xi's arm and scratched it hard.

He is indeed a hopeless pervert.

Luo Xi groaned in pain.

Why did the cat scratch him before he even made a move?

Luo Xi didn't know what the cat-eared girl was thinking. If he knew, he would definitely shout that this was completely slander and injustice.

Who knew that Aina was so good at strategy, and after just a few nonsense words that she didn't even know what she was talking about, the little wolf girl's favorability level would be full.

That's why he planned to pay attention to maintaining his image after going back in time this time.

Aina's favorability towards him was quite high to begin with, so she just had to maintain the original level, but now it was too much.

After all, the little wolf girl is only 13 years old. Even if converted in real time, she is just over 14 years old. He feels like he is a newborn.

As for cats

After he knew that Maomao was about to become an adult, he felt less guilty about rubbing it. Even if he accidentally touched it before, he didn't feel any guilt and even wanted to rub it again.

For example, Luo Xi now placed his hands on both sides of the box. Although he deliberately did not touch the girl's body, he felt that he could no longer hold back.

In other words, as the saying goes, who can bear this?

In fact, Wei'er's threatening words had no deterrent effect in Luo Xi's ears.

He is simply controlling his desires now.

[Note: Traveler, don’t be patient anymore, imagine a cute cat-eared girl lying on your body. Due to external reasons, you can’t move around at this moment. You can do all kinds of strange things to her. She is shy. Desperate, but unable to make a sound]

The dog text Qite Miao is somewhat of a side job, right? !

Luo Xi chose to ignore the temptation of the text.

The current situation is also very critical, and it is not the time to do those things.

He looked at the remaining synchronization time next to the text out of the corner of his eye.

[Remaining time for this synchronization: 51 seconds]

Unfortunately, there is not enough time. After this temporary synchronization is over, if he wants to come back later, he can only use the talent that only lasts ten minutes.

But that talent must be used at the most critical moment.

Somewhat reluctant to give up.

Cats' bodies are so warm. I heard that cats' body temperature is higher than that of humans. He used to have a similar feeling when he touched his little white cat. In winter, his favorite thing was to put his hands on Little White's body to keep warm. .

It's a pity that Xiaobai is already old. Even if he becomes a cat-eared girl, he will still be old, right?

[Note: Traveler, you have exposed your true evil thoughts again! Even the cat is not spared, hurry up and get the peanuts to eat! 】

Eat a hammer.

When the remaining time was approaching 30 seconds, Luo Xi heard dull footsteps outside.

He held his breath.

Weier also remained motionless, freezing all current actions.

Soon, a vague conversation was heard through the box.

Hill, why don't you go and meet your brothers and sisters? After all, this is a dance held for you, so you have to show up at some point, right?

Sir, I don't think this is necessary. The purpose of the dance is to socialize and deepen the relationship between us. But I am only ten years old. Even if they respect me on the face, they must still think that I am a child secretly, so I It’s not necessary.”

Sorry for that, kid.

I would like to thank you, Lord Foster. Without your help in taking care of Winter City these years, this city must have been in ruins.

This is what a foster father should do.

After hearing this, Luo Xi felt his consciousness gradually dissipate.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already back on the bridge, and then he suddenly noticed a person squatting next to him.

The man's hair was messy. He was sitting next to him playing with his mobile phone. There was a white cloth in front of him. There was an iron bowl on the white cloth and a QR code sign.

A sour smell hit Luo Xi's nose.

This is a bum.

Seeing that Luo Xi had woken up, the homeless man immediately said: Brother, if you wake up, leave quickly. This is my place. You can find another place.

Luo Xi: .

He was not interested in competing with the homeless man for his 'work space', so he stood up and prepared to leave.

Then he touched his behind.

Hey, where is my backpack?

Seeing Luo Xi frozen in place, the homeless man pointed at a person on the other side of the bridge and said, Brother, you are looking for your bag, right? The guy opposite just took your bag away. I told him not to move, but he just didn't listen. .”

Thank you.

Luo Xi thanked him softly, took out a ten-yuan note from his pocket and threw it on the white cloth.

Then while staring at the text, he walked to the other side of the bridge and saw a homeless man searching his bag and rummaging through it.

He didn't bother to talk to the homeless man, so he snatched the bag back, wiped off the dust on it, closed the zipper, and wanted to leave directly.

But the homeless man still wanted to chase me: Put it down! This is my bag! It's a robbery!

Luo Xi was a little irritable.

So, he stretched out his hand like lightning, grabbed the homeless man's collar, and in his stunned eyes, he yanked him up, carried him for a few steps, and threw him in like trash. In the river on the side.

Just hear a pop -

The sound of falling water is particularly clear.

There was a fisherman under the bridge who was frightened to death.

Someone fell into the water!


In addition, the homeless man who identified the person for him just now was also frightened.

There are actually people who can lift people up and throw them off a bridge with one hand?


Luo Xi had already walked off the bridge at this time.

He knew that he had been a little impulsive just now.

The homeless man was just an ordinary person, different from the player hunters who attacked him before, but he didn't know why he felt angry in his heart, and then he couldn't restrain himself from taking action.

Luo Xi thought of something.

Armed with a sharp weapon, do you want to kill yourself?

Even a person like him who has always had a peaceful personality can't control his emotions. So what will happen to other players with bad personalities after they have power?

Player hunters are probably this type of people, right?

Luo Xi stared at the text in silence and walked casually towards a place.

The conversation above has gone on for a long time.

He dragged on, skipping the meaningless conversation between the child and his adoptive father, and skipped to the end.

[Hill, my adoptive father hopes to borrow your power for the Sacred Tree Festival the day after tomorrow.\

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