Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 124 The so-called joy of rua cats

Chapter 125 The so-called joy of rua cats

Luo Xi's mind fell into a state of shutdown for a moment.

It was like some kind of pleasant floral fragrance that had been dried in the sun, as well as the fragrance from the girl's own body, mixed with the smell of various spices in the wardrobe, and entered his nasal cavity all at once.

Luo Xi took a deep breath involuntarily.

【Ding! Your happiness value +20]

Is this the true joy of sucking a cat?

[Note: Traveler, you are not called sucking cats, you are called sucking cat-eared lolita]

Well, that's almost it.

Luo Xi lowered his head and looked at the girl who was only about the height of his shoulders.

Those bright light red eyes were a little uneasy and shy.

Although the vision in this dream synchronized state is a bit blurry and mosaic, the sense of smell and touch have not been weakened.

So when Weier pressed against him, apart from the smell, Luo Xi could clearly feel the warmth and softness coming from the girl's body.

how to say?

Maomao, she does still have a little bit of it.

It is unrealistic to say that it is plump and attractive. In fact, it is still a young and tender peach, but maybe it will mature one day sooner or later?

Luo Xi didn't know what was going on with him. In a short period of time, a lot of strange things came to his mind.

To be honest, after all these years, he had never experienced such close contact with a girl before.

Sorry, why do I feel a little sad when I think about it?

[Note: Traveler, why are you sad? Isn't this your own problem? You damn lolicon! 】

Luo Xi(▼ヘ▼ # ).

Dog text, don’t always jump out and cause trouble at this time!

Will it depend on the atmosphere?


The outside door was opened.

Several soft female voices and sharp female voices sounded one after another.

This bath is really comfortable. It is indeed a large bathhouse in the city lord's palace. All kinds of health-care materials are placed freely. Ever since I came here once last year, I have been thinking about going there again.

Speaking of which, what about the other little city lord? The dance has been held for an hour. As the main lord, why doesn't he come out?

Whatever, this dance is organized by the Archon. The little city lord is still young and can't dance even if he goes on stage, so maybe he won't come out, right?

Yes, let's get dressed and join the dance. The finance minister's son seems to be here too today. If he can take a fancy to us, hehe.

There was the rustle of dressing outside.


The side of the wardrobe was pulled open, letting in the light from the dressing room.

Luo Xi's heart tightened, and he raised his hands, trying to move a little to the left. Then he felt his waist tighten a little.

Wei'er held Luo Xi's waist with both hands and shook her head slightly, signaling him not to make any noise.

Only then did Luo Xi realize that this part of the closet was empty, so people who had taken a shower would most likely not come here to look for clothes.

Sure enough, the people outside were rummaging through clothes on the right side, with no sign of coming.

After taking out the clothes, the wardrobe was closed, and the darkness and invisible light returned to the inside.

However, before Luo Xi could breathe a sigh of relief, the next moment, Luo Xi felt Maomao push him hard, causing him to fall down.

His body seemed to have crashed into liquid. He made no sound during the collision with the corner of the wardrobe, and then lay flat on the bottom of the wardrobe silently.

Weier pressed herself against him smoothly, placing her chin on his chest.


Just above Luo Xi, the upper part of the cabinet was suddenly opened.

If they were still standing, they would have been discovered.

Someone outside asked in confusion: Hey, there's none here either. Where is my underwear? Where did it go?

Your underwear? It's not hanging here with me.

Oh, bring it over for me, thank you.


The cabinet door was pulled back violently.

Thump thump thump—

Luo Xi felt that his heart beating speed might have exceeded 200.

He was so nervous not only because he was almost discovered just now, but also because he felt that the cat lady lying on top of him, who looked a little restless, was also a factor.

Somewhat embarrassing.

Luo Xi had no idea where to put her hands.

Wait, he can no longer move his right hand.

Because Maomao's movements just now were too fast, Luo Xi had no time to adjust his posture, and was directly pressed down.

Now Weier's body was pressing on his right hand, and the softness that made him sigh just now came into direct contact with his right hand.

Luo Xi pinched it subconsciously.

Warm and light.

Feeling more guilty than I imagined.

Plus the sweet fragrance coming from the girl.

The smell makes my head spin.

【Ding! Your happiness value +20]

【Ding! Your acerbity value +5]

Wei'er's expression froze.

【Ding! Wei'er's anger towards you is +20]

Maomao lowered his voice and warned like a mosquito: Pervert, where are your dirty hands touching me! Can you please stop moving!

[Note: Traveler, you are indeed a perverted lolicon! 】

Luo Xi couldn't care less about the text's complaints.

Is this his fault? Isn't this force majeure?

He didn't dare to move anymore, so he lay flat and took a deep breath.

Fortunately, the two women outside quickly got dressed and left.

After the sound of the door closing, the cat on top of him didn't wait for a second and rolled directly towards the cabinet wall, passing through to the outside in waves like water.

Wei'er pulled the cabinet door open and looked condescendingly at Luo Xi, who was still lying motionless. She said nothing and looked at him with resentful eyes.

Half a minute later, the girl said quietly: Still not getting up? Do you want me to pull you up?

Luo Xicai came to his senses belatedly, stood up from the cabinet and walked out.

He looked at his right hand and moved his fingers lightly.

【Ding! Wei'er's anger towards you is +10]

Maomao hugged her little chest, her little face was bulging with anger, her ears were red, and her swaying snow-white hair was transparent and beautiful.

How does it feel? You perverted bastard?!

“It feels good.”

Luo Xi saw that Maomao's resentment seemed to be radiating out like substance, and quickly changed her words: I didn't touch anything, I didn't feel anything at all!

【Ding! Wei'er's anger towards you is +10]

Maomao immediately turned his head and shook Luo Xi's snowy hair, looking even more angry.

Luo Xi: .

He realized that he seemed to have said something wrong again.

But if he changed his tune at this time, he would offend the cat-eared girl even more.

So women are really troublesome.

[Note: Traveler, you are really alone, you should hurry up and abduct Aina who has already been conquered. The arrogant cat-eared girl is an existence you cannot control]

Don’t use dog text to trick me into doing illegal or criminal things!

After about a minute and a half, Weier calmed down and said, Let's seize the time and continue taking action.

Luo Xi asked curiously: Maomao, aren't you angry?

Then, he saw a bunch of things being thrown over by the girl.

Luo Xi quickly caught them and found that they were the winter sweaters and cotton coats that Wei'er had changed into before.

In this City Lord's Mansion, where the indoor temperature reaches 20 degrees Celsius, wearing these thick clothes will only make people dizzy from the heat.

Use your storage ability to help me put it away.

Wei'er glanced at Luo Xi and said: It's useless to be angry with you for being such a pervert. I also know that you didn't mean it just now, so let's leave it like that.

Luo Xi gave a thumbs up and said, Maomao, you are so fat!

Why do I want to beat you so much?

Wei'er was speechless and said: You pervert, you're a bastard. Now that I've said that, I don't want to let you go. I'll wait until I get back this time to look good on you!

Luo Xi: .

Don't panic, we have the method of retrospection.

When today's time is almost over, just find someone to kill him.

There are so many guards here, this should be easy, right?


Luo Xi shook his head, eliminating the possibility of failure in backtracking from his mind.

Just find someone to kill him. This kind of thing is not simple. How could it fail?

Luo Xi also took off his thick clothes and stuffed them into the dream bag together with Wei'er's clothes.

He thought for a while and said, I think we can try changing our clothes and pretending to be partygoers here. That should make traveling easier. It's hard to explore by being sneaky all the time.

Wei'er threw over a snow-white dress: You said it well, then let's change clothes.

Luo Xi: .

Well, you cat, you actually want me to wear women's clothes to get back at me!

He casually searched in the locker room. He originally thought it was a purely women's locker room, but he didn't expect that there was indeed men's clothing.

After changing into three times five times two, Weier had also changed into a beautiful dress and wore a lady's hat on her head.

Luo Xi blinked.

can not see clearly.

But I feel like the cat should be pretty pretty now.

The two came to the door, opened it, and took a look at the situation outside.

It was still the same singing and dancing scene as before, with a group of nobles cheering constantly and twisting their bodies to the rhythm of the music.

On the way from the hall to the dressing room, there were many waiters and servants walking around, holding food and drinks in their hands.

Luo Xi said to himself: What a luxurious life, comparable to those Emperor nightclubs.

Weier asked doubtfully: Emperor Nightclub?

Luo Xi said: It's not from this place anyway. Get ready, let's go out!

He pressed down the gentleman's hat on his head, opened the door, and the two of them walked out openly.

Luo Xi walked in front, and Weier followed behind him. The girl was wearing a white lady's hat, her head was slightly lowered, and only the area below the eyes was exposed.

A passing waiter came over and handed over a glass of crystal clear wine with a smile.

Luo Xi took it with a smile, took a casual sip, and then put it back.


This is the best wine in our city lord's mansion. The waiter smiled and said: Sir, aren't you and your female companion going to the dance?

Luo Xi smiled and said, I'm a little tired, so I just took a walk. Should I be fine?

You can do whatever you want. The waiter said respectfully.

Luo Xi wears a gentleman's hat, is elegant, has perfect appearance and excellent temperament.

In the opinion of the waiter, this is a young master who is either rich or noble.

In fact, all the people who can participate in this dance are such people.

The waiter never thought about the possibility of outsiders sneaking in.

As for the woman next to the young master, the waiter considered her to be his female companion. Although she felt a little tender, her appearance was quite pretty.

After all, these gentlemen have all kinds of weird hobbies, and it’s not impossible that they like young ones.

Thanks to the enthusiastic citizen Lu Xiaoshu for the 1,500-point reward!

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